Rabu, 09 Desember 2020

[belajar-excel] Tanya Rumus untuk Pembayaran


Kepada para master dan anggota milis. Saya ingin mengisi kolom K (judul kolom: UNTUK PEMBAYARAN) secara otomatis berdasarkan nilai pada kolom J (judul: NOMOR BUKTI). Tabel data yang digunakan adalah tabel yang disebelahnya (URAIAN KEGIATAN). Tolong dibantu untuk rumus di kolom K tersebut.

Selengkapnya silakan lihat lampiran.

Terima kasih atas bantuannya.


Posted by: Cari Kebenaran <cahayailmu71@gmail.com>
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Selasa, 01 Desember 2020

[belajar-excel] File - Peraturan Milis belajar-excel


"PERATURAN MILIS belajar-excel"

Milis belajar-excel dibuat agar menjadi komunitas / tempat berkumpulnya
para pemakai software microsoft excel, untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan
(sharing), diskusi dan tanya-jawab hal-hal yg menyangkut MS Excel.

Setting untuk posting di milis ini masih dipertahankan = "UnModerated"
(member dapat mengirim posting, tanpa melalui moderasi dan langsung
masuk ke message-list di milis).
Posting pertama & kedua dari member yg baru bergabung harus menunggu
approval dari moderators. Jika dinilai wajar, posting selanjutnya tidak
perlu approval lagi.

Hal ini adalah demi menjadikan milis lebih dinamis, posting tidak
tertunda, diskusi lebih hidup.

Tetapi konsekwensinya, kita sebagai members harus punya niat untuk
menjaga milis ini tetap bersih, enak diikuti, yaitu dengan TIDAK
mengirim posting berisi hal yg mubazir, yg di luar topik, yg "nyampah";
apalagi yg memicu timbulnya pertengkaran yg tidak perlu.

Setiap saat para Moderators akan melihat-lihat lagi msg list, dan akan
membersihkan message list dari posting sampah yg tidak perlu.

Untuk itu kita perlu kesepakatan sebagai berikut:


Posting dari member berupa: share pengetahuan, pertanyaan, jawaban dan/
atau komentar dan tanggapan yg masih relevan dengan pertanyaan/posting;
semuanya harus sekitar atau ada hubungannya dengan Microsoft Excel.

Size Lampiran dlm rangka memperjelas kasus/penjelasan, agar diupayakan
tidak lebih dari 250KB, jika perlu dicompressed dulu.

Posting pertanyaan dialamatkan hanya kepada alamat milis, (jangan ke
alamat owner)

Semua mail dikemukakan secara santun, ceria, menyenangkan, boleh lucu,
saling menghormati, menjauhkan dari masalah SARA.


Mail yg isinya melecehkan, menghina fihak lain, berbahasa kasar, memicu
pertengkaran dsb.

Posting "too good to be true" misalnya "jualan" (MLM), spam, money game,
hoax, mail berantai dan iklan (tanpa lebihdulu mendapat ijin dari owner).

Cross-posting (mengirim 1 mail sekaligus kepada lebih dari satu milis /
address tujuan).

Mail yg ditulis dengan ukuran, bentuk/warna font dan cara yg di luar
kewajaran, sehingga menyulitkan pembacaan.

Mail tanpa judul/subject dan/atau tanpa isi, walaupun melampirkan penjelasan.

Menyertakan link yang merujuk kepada halaman yang berisi iklan produk /
informasi yang tidak berhubungan dengan Excel / pertanyaan.


Saran & Tips menulis mail / posting ke milis:

Berikan subject yg isinya mewakili kasus yg akan ditulis.
Hindari subject yg tidak jelas dan terlalu general (misal "tolong",
"help", "tanya" "mohon pencerahan", dsb)

Ikuti Subject yg telah ada, (dengan meReply), hanya jika masalah yg akan
ditulis masih berkaitan.
Mengubah Subject (misal dgn menambah kata "Balasan" / "Solusi" /
"Tanggapan" dsb, hanya akan merusak 'Thread' (korelasi/kesinambungan)
suatu topik, oleh karena itu jangan dilakukan.

Jika anda akan mengajukan topik/kasus baru yg tidak berkaitan dengan
topik yg telah ada, buatlah Subject baru, dengan Compose / New Mail.
JANGAN dengan cara mereply subject yg ada lalu mengganti subjecnya.

Terutama pada posting pertanyaan/request, tuliskan masalah dengan jelas
di badan email. Penjelasan lebih rinci dapat ditulis pada lampiran.
Lampiran sedapat mungkin berupa workbook (file *.xls), dengan nama-file
yang spesifik.

Posting tanggapan/jawaban hendaknya ditulis secara 'top-posting' (di
ATAS "quoted mail" yg ditanggapi, demi mempermudah pembacaan.

'Quoted mail' tidak harus disertakan semua, cukup 1 atau maximal 2 mail

Footer yg tidak perlu hendaknya dihapus dulu sebelum mail Anda kirimkan.

Mengenai OOT dan VOOT
Di luar 3 jenis posting di atas, yi: DISKUSI yg berisi sharing,
pertanyaan, tanggapan) akan dianggap Out of Topic (OOT) atau bahkan
VOOT (very out of topic).

Kategory OOT akan dipertimbangkan kasus-demi-kasus dengan kriteria
"manfaat positif bagi komunitas kita".

Kategory OOT atas pertimbangan khusus, misalnya demi kepentingan yg
mendesak dan penting, atau demi "kemanusiaan", tidak didelete.
Jika tidak memenuhi kriteria akan didelete dengan atau tanpa pemberi-
tahuan kpd member.

Kategory VOOT, posting akan langsung didelete, pengirim akan diberi

VOOT kedua dari pengirim yg sama akan menyebabkan member ybs didisabled
sementara kemampuan postingnya.

Kelanjutan dari suatu diskusi tanya-jawab, masih layak diposted ke milis,
misal hanya ucapan terima kasih atau pun sejenis konfirmasi bahwa suatu
solusi sudah diterima dan dapat dipakai dsb, ini dapat golongkan sbg OOT
yg masih layak tayang.

Kelanjutan pembicaraan yg sudah tidak relevan lagi bagi member lain,
dapat anda teruskan melalui 'japri' (jalur pribadi).

Kritik dan saran kepada milis 'belajar-excel'
Kritik dan saran diluar masalah excel demi perbaikan milis ini dapat
disampaikan ke owner / moderators

Hak dan wewenang Moderators
Moderators berhak setelah mempertimbangkan hal-hal diatas untuk
memberikan kartu kuning atau langsung kartu merah dan/atau
mem-banned members yang melakukan pelanggaran rules milis ini.

Himbauan dari milis 'belajar excel' kpd members

Diharapkan para members terus meningkatkan pengetahuannya mengenai
kelaziman cara bermilis & ber-net-ria secara umum.

Perlu selalu disadari bahwa di dunia internet, sama dengan dunia kita
sehari hari.
Jika di dunia nyata kita mengenal "etika / ettiquettes", maka di net
ada semacam etika umum yg lazim disebut "nettiquette".

Kalau anda sering tidak mengindahkan "nettiquettes", tidak akan polisi
yg menangkap anda; tetapi lama-lama anda akan dijauhi banyak rekan,
karena mereka tentu merasa tidak nyaman ber-korespondensi dengan anda.

Sebagai Members of "milis belajar-excel" dan sebagai 'netter sejati',
anda tentu tidak suka kalau harus dicap sebagai "tidak nettis" yang
artinya setara dgn "tidak etis".

--------------------------------------------[rev: 13mar2010 / ctv]-----

revisi 2: tgl 02Des2013 / dwint
# penambahan point B.6.

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[ExcelVBA] Pi, digital currency of the masses and the bringer of bitcoin’s promise


Good Day everyone,

Have you heard or had a coin that will solve the problem, that bitcoin was previously and still, currently facing?

Bitcoin and other crypto as it is supposed to be.
One of the primary purposes of bitcoin and other digital currency is for them to be used for payment. Instead of being used for payment, in the case of bitcoin, it slowly became something people needed for store of value. It becomes a certain type of investment.
If you look at the percentage of crypto transactions, bitcoin was not even able to rise at the top. Ethereum rose to top, pushing bitcoin in top 2 position. What's more disappointing is that, according to statista, the major contributors of this transaction were from exchanges like binance. It means the transaction was more on digital currency conversion to fiat and was not because of payment transaction in exchange for goods.

For me, One of the failures of bitcoin, for it to be adopted as a means of payment, roots from the beginning. It failed to become accessible to the general public. For a person to be able to engage in mining, he/she has to buy a mining ring, have the technical knowledge on it and be capable of competing with other pool of miners. Its also not possible to spend bitcoin for payment because there were little to no stores that accept it.
Pi, as the digital currency of everyday people.
Pi Network is in beta version yet it is able to reach the general public by allowing a person to earn Pi in mining, through its phone. Unlike bitcoin, the mining process doesn't cost so much money and energy. As written in my previous post, Pi uses SCP or the stellar consensus protocol.

It is also important to mention that, there are several community driven economies that use and accept Pi as a means of payment . This is a very healthy environment for a cryptocurrency that aims to be used for payment. As a person earns crypto, there are stores that will be accepting it, which means the currency will circulate. If you dive deeper on its white paper, pi network's core team were also creating an economy conducive to a user so that they can benefit in holding pi.
Through the app, a user can create its own store, for selling their own product and services, which will prevent the dumping of pi.
This is just my theory, since they also plan on putting ads in the app. What if they allow every user to put their own ad in the store and the store owner, let's say, would get 50% cut for the ad revenue and the other 50% is what will be shared to the whole pi holder?

 If every user all over the world can put specific advertisements, depending on their country, business type and purpose. It will create an intrinsic value that will surely help shoot up its price on exchanges! What if aside from normal people, E-commerce businesses will be allowed to have their own store in the app, but first need to buy a "store place" in the platform by having a Pi coin for rental payment, just like store's rent in the mall? This would create a healthy pi demand and later on would help increase its value making it unstoppable!
Nevertheless, Pi network's current environment is very conducive for it to be used as a currency for payment. The developer is also creating a conducive platform for the circulation of its crypto not to mention the other possible app and plans that would create demand and intrinsic value in the future.
Whatever happens, If the time comes that pi gets lunch to mainnet, the early user (pioneer) of the app will surely benefit because they are already getting free Pi and as the lunching begins the free pi will end.
On the side of the developer, unlike other start up crypto, they didn't proceed to ICO before launching its project to mainnet, which reflects their dedication and seriousness on accomplishing the project by providing value first to its user.

The Pi Network is in the last stage of phase 2 in its 3 phase, deployment plan. The interested new user can still mine free pi by simply downloading the Pi network in google store, log in thru facebook and write danoa in the invitation section, because a new user will need an invitation code to get access.

Conclusion: The pi network was able to reach the general public and it has a community driven economy which creates a conducive environment for pi circulation. The developer is also serious in accomplishing the project, they have a plan that would create demand and intrinsic value for Pi and every early user of pi network (pioneer) will surely benefit from using the app and for mining pi today.

In your opinion, given the current structure and future plans, Do you think Pi will succeed on becoming the digital currency for payment? will it surpass bitcoin in the future in terms of transactions or price?

More Information?  Please visit us at

Bitcoin just boomed over $18K last week.
Some people achieved the crypto dream while others realized how ignoring the trend was a terrible mistake.
PI could be the next opportunity, It is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs in 2019, with over 9million members worldwide today. It seems to follow the same pattern as Bitcoin in 2009.
At this stage, the PI network plan seems to just be "grow the numbers, test the system, and we will take it from there."

You just need to take one minute a day, give yourself a chance to get rich. PI is Zero risk, no investment, no credit card required
If you miss the bitcoin at an early stage, don't let this opportunity pass by again.
There's no reason not to join the  PI network and earn some tokens. Join now, or regret it later.
PI is a long term project, If you want to make money fast and take some risks, please visit the below subsite, This subsite will be updated weekly. It is going to provide you some idea on how to earn with ZERO or little investment to make money, Please visit us frequently.

On December 15, 2020 all yahoo group members will no longer be able to send or receive emails from Yahoo Groups.
If  you want to still receive those messages on how to invest in the crypto FREE and SAFE, Please join our new google group Great_Opptunity_Invest_Blockchain
You just need to send a blank email to l0731goibc+subscribe@googlegroups.com. Then you will get a reply from this group.
Please DO NOT click the button "Join This Group". But just reply it with another blank email again. You will be added to the group.
You will get the confirmed email message "You are now a member of the l0731goibc group".


Good Luck.




Posted by: "dearapat1501@yahoo.com" <dearapat1501@yahoo.com>
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