7 Messages
Digest #3461
Re: (1) How does one pay back this magnanimity ? (2) RCHGetHTMLTable by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Re: (1) How does one pay back this magnanimity ? (2) RCHGetHTMLTable by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:46 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Pete A" option2z
My favorites are:
"Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA" by John Walkenbach (all of his books
are solid)
'101 Ready-to-Use Excel Macros" by Michael Alexander.
The latter because I learned a whole bunch of different approaches while
reading through it. The former, because it is complete.
That said, I find googling problems to be the fastest way to uncover
solutions, albeit many aren't optimal.
Pete A
<http://www.ttp-s.com/> TtP-S Investing
"Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA" by John Walkenbach (all of his books
are solid)
'101 Ready-to-Use Excel Macros" by Michael Alexander.
The latter because I learned a whole bunch of different approaches while
reading through it. The former, because it is complete.
That said, I find googling problems to be the fastest way to uncover
solutions, albeit many aren't optimal.
Pete A
<http://www.ttp-s.com/> TtP-S Investing
Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:26 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Hastham S" hasthams
Thanks Kermit for this good link
Searching the net I found a similar book for XL
Wiley Excel VBA Programming for Dummies 3rd (2013).pdf
I haven't read that XL book, so please use it with caution
There MAY be copyright issues with such sharing, IF SO mods may please delete this post of mine
Also, if copyright issues are valid in your country / geography buy a printed book from an authorised bookseller
| |
| | | | | | | |
| Wiley Excel VBA Programming for Dummies 3rd (2013).pdf |
| |
| View on drive.google.com | Preview by Yahoo |
| |
| |
From: "'Kermit W. Prather' kermitp@tampabay.rr.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com>
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2015 7:33 PM
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] Best VB book
VB or VBA for Dummies is a simply to read and understand. It is written for the beginner. Search for vba for dummies, you will get lots of hits. This link will get you a PDF that is free. Bt I suggest if you are serious that you purchase one of several commercially available books. Your choice http://webpage.pace.edu/ig53120n/Access%20VBA%20Programming%20for%20Dummies.pdf Kermit From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 8:04 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [smf_addin] Best VB book
Im looking to teach myself VB. Whats the best VB book for beginners and is there a book out there that teaches how to use VB for financial spreadsheets?
#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326 -- #yiv3481733326ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mkp #yiv3481733326hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mkp #yiv3481733326ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mkp .yiv3481733326ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mkp .yiv3481733326ad p {margin:0;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mkp .yiv3481733326ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-sponsor #yiv3481733326ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-sponsor #yiv3481733326ygrp-lc #yiv3481733326hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-sponsor #yiv3481733326ygrp-lc .yiv3481733326ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv3481733326 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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv3481733326 div#yiv3481733326ygrp-mlmsg #yiv3481733326ygrp-msg p a span.yiv3481733326yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv3481733326 .yiv3481733326green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv3481733326 .yiv3481733326MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv3481733326 o {font-size:0;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv3481733326 .yiv3481733326replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mlmsg select, #yiv3481733326 input, #yiv3481733326 textarea {font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv3481733326 code {font:115% monospace;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-mlmsg #yiv3481733326logo {padding-bottom:10px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-msg p a {font-family:Verdana;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-msg p#yiv3481733326attach-count span {color:#1E66AE;font-weight:700;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-reco #yiv3481733326reco-head {color:#ff7900;font-weight:700;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-reco {margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-sponsor #yiv3481733326ov li a {font-size:130%;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326ygrp-sponsor #yiv3481733326ov li 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Searching the net I found a similar book for XL
Wiley Excel VBA Programming for Dummies 3rd (2013).pdf
I haven't read that XL book, so please use it with caution
There MAY be copyright issues with such sharing, IF SO mods may please delete this post of mine
Also, if copyright issues are valid in your country / geography buy a printed book from an authorised bookseller
| |
| | | | | | | |
| Wiley Excel VBA Programming for Dummies 3rd (2013).pdf |
| |
| View on drive.google.com | Preview by Yahoo |
| |
| |
From: "'Kermit W. Prather' kermitp@tampabay.rr.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com>
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2015 7:33 PM
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] Best VB book
VB or VBA for Dummies is a simply to read and understand. It is written for the beginner. Search for vba for dummies, you will get lots of hits. This link will get you a PDF that is free. Bt I suggest if you are serious that you purchase one of several commercially available books. Your choice http://webpage.pace.edu/ig53120n/Access%20VBA%20Programming%20for%20Dummies.pdf Kermit From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 8:04 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [smf_addin] Best VB book
Im looking to teach myself VB. Whats the best VB book for beginners and is there a book out there that teaches how to use VB for financial spreadsheets?
#yiv3481733326 #yiv3481733326 -- #yiv3481733326ygrp-
Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:29 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Hastham S" hasthams
Once again, thanks a ton for this terrific utility
3 cheers (no..30 or more cheers !!) for ppl like Randy and Pete
I was searching for this, planning to use google docs etc, but nothing like having it stored on your own machine
From: "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com>
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2015 4:13 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] spreadsheet that downloads historical data
Check out the smfPricesByDates(
Unless you mean something other than what they do?
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 5:09 PM, dsmaddox@... wrote:
Does anyone have a spreadsheet that downloads historical data for multiple companies, calculate Total Shareholder Return, and plot the results?
#yiv9157919023 #yiv9157919023 -- #yiv9157919023ygrp-
Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:13 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Hastham S" hasthams
Dear List members, Randy and Gurus
Good day
I returned to this group after a long gap and was reminded immediately of the wealth of data and sharing attitude.... Thanks to and God bless all those who make this happen
1. How can one contribute ?
- I'm NOT a VBA expert, but wish to help in some way to the sharing etc here. For example, could I contribute a small amount towards the bandwidth costs / costs of maintaining the ogres-c site ?
2. Has MSN changed the links ?
- I was checking out my favourite MSN Bal sheet, income stmt automation which can be found at http://bit.ly/1eapSUF
- After repeated attempts I wasn't getting any values on that sp sheet
- Just #Name? appears
- When I check, The sp sheet has links like 'C:\SMF Add-in\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!RCHGetHTMLTable("http://investing.money.msn.com/investments/stock-income-statement/?symbol="&Ticker,"Stmt Source",-1,"",1))
- I tried removing the directory path etc., still no hope
- So, I opened the MSN money site on by browser and navigated to the income statement page , say for ticker IBM
- I am directed to a page like this IBM income statement | International Business Machines Corp - MSN Money
| |
| | | | | | | |
| IBM income statement | International Business Machines...Get the annual and quarterly income statement for International Business Machines Corp (IBM). Dive deeper with other data, such as the company's balance sheet and ... |
| |
| View on www.msn.com | Preview by Yahoo |
| |
| |
- As you can see that is a different URL / link
- So, my question, has MSN changed the links / URL or is it something else that I'm missing
Probably I'm posting too many posts today, so I'll try to control !!
PS : I do NOT use this (backup) yahoo mail much so please reply to the group thanks
Good day
I returned to this group after a long gap and was reminded immediately of the wealth of data and sharing attitude.... Thanks to and God bless all those who make this happen
1. How can one contribute ?
- I'm NOT a VBA expert, but wish to help in some way to the sharing etc here. For example, could I contribute a small amount towards the bandwidth costs / costs of maintaining the ogres-c site ?
2. Has MSN changed the links ?
- I was checking out my favourite MSN Bal sheet, income stmt automation which can be found at http://bit.ly/1eapSUF
- After repeated attempts I wasn't getting any values on that sp sheet
- Just #Name? appears
- When I check, The sp sheet has links like 'C:\SMF Add-in\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!RCHGetHTMLTable("http://investing.money.msn.com/investments/stock-income-statement/?symbol="&Ticker,
- I tried removing the directory path etc., still no hope
- So, I opened the MSN money site on by browser and navigated to the income statement page , say for ticker IBM
- I am directed to a page like this IBM income statement | International Business Machines Corp - MSN Money
| |
| | | | | | | |
| IBM income statement | International Business Machines...Get the annual and quarterly income statement for International Business Machines Corp (IBM). Dive deeper with other data, such as the company's balance sheet and ... |
| |
| View on www.msn.com | Preview by Yahoo |
| |
| |
- As you can see that is a different URL / link
- So, my question, has MSN changed the links / URL or is it something else that I'm missing
Probably I'm posting too many posts today, so I'll try to control !!
PS : I do NOT use this (backup) yahoo mail much so please reply to the group thanks
Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:32 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
See comments below...
On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 10:42 PM, Hastham S hasthams@...wrote:
> Dear List members, Randy and Gurus
> Good day
> I returned to this group after a long gap and was reminded immediately of
> the wealth of data and sharing attitude.... Thanks to and God bless all
> those who make this happen
> *1. How can one contribute ? *
> - I'm NOT a VBA expert, but wish to help in some way to the sharing
> etc here. For example, could I contribute a small amount towards the
> bandwidth costs / costs of maintaining the ogres-c site ?
> Not necessary. I put it on a personal website I've had for over a decade.
Initially, I was concerned, because I had a limit to bandwidth and was
concerned if a lot of downloading was going to occur. However, I found out
I had been "grandfathered in" on my old plan when they came in with new
plans several years ago. The new plans were cheaper and had no limit on
bandwidth, in addition to having several other new features and
Thanks to Yahoo for not telling me I could have been saving money... :(
2. Has MSN changed the links ?
> - I was checking out my favourite MSN Bal sheet, income stmt
> automation which can be found at http://bit.ly/1eapSUF
> - After repeated attempts I wasn't getting any values on that sp sheet
> - Just #Name? appears
> - When I check, The sp sheet has links like 'C:\SMF
> Add-in\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!RCHGetHTMLTable("
> http://investing.money.msn.com/investments/stock-income-statement/?symbol="&Ticker,"Stmt
> Source",-1,"",1))
> - I tried removing the directory path etc., still no hope
> Those are location errors -- unresolved links. You need to run the
smfFixLinks macro, or remove the linkage errors yourself manually.
However, in this case, that wouldn't have solved a bigger problem -- read
> - So, I opened the MSN money site on by browser and navigated to the
> income statement page , say for ticker IBM
> - I am directed to a page like this IBM income statement |
> International Business Machines Corp - MSN Money
> <http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.IBM.NYS>
> [image: image]
> <http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.IBM.NYS>
> IBM income statement | International Business Machines...
> <http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.IBM.NYS>
> Get the annual and quarterly income statement for International Business
> Machines Corp (IBM). Dive deeper with other data, such as the company's
> balance sheet and ...
> View on www.msn.com
> <http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.IBM.NYS>
> Preview by Yahoo
> - As you can see that is a different URL / link
> - So, my question, has MSN changed the links / URL or is it something
> else that I'm missing
> MSN revamped their entire web site last year. So I had to obsolete all of
the MSN data. They got rid of about 99% of the data they used to carry.
Initially, they didn't even have the financial statements -- or at least I
never saw them. Oddly enough, someone asked a question about the old
template a few days ago and I created a new template based on the new URLs.
I just haven't posted it yet.
The new page doesn't use HTML tables, so neither the RCHGetHTMLTable() nor
the RCHGetTableCell() functions could be used to extract the data from the
web page. I had to use smfGetTagContent() functions instead.
Note the unusual URL for the data you posted. It required exchange in
addition to ticker symbol, plus it has some numbers in it that I have no
idea how to identify -- so creating the URL would be difficult. Plus,
that's not the real URL of the data -- the URL doesn't change if you change
statement types or period type. The data is actually on web pages like:
Not a pretty web page. But data can be extracted from it. :)
On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 10:42 PM, Hastham S hasthams@...wrote:
> Dear List members, Randy and Gurus
> Good day
> I returned to this group after a long gap and was reminded immediately of
> the wealth of data and sharing attitude.... Thanks to and God bless all
> those who make this happen
> *1. How can one contribute ? *
> - I'm NOT a VBA expert, but wish to help in some way to the sharing
> etc here. For example, could I contribute a small amount towards the
> bandwidth costs / costs of maintaining the ogres-c site ?
> Not necessary. I put it on a personal website I've had for over a decade.
Initially, I was concerned, because I had a limit to bandwidth and was
concerned if a lot of downloading was going to occur. However, I found out
I had been "grandfathered in" on my old plan when they came in with new
plans several years ago. The new plans were cheaper and had no limit on
bandwidth, in addition to having several other new features and
Thanks to Yahoo for not telling me I could have been saving money... :(
2. Has MSN changed the links ?
> - I was checking out my favourite MSN Bal sheet, income stmt
> automation which can be found at http://bit.ly/1eapSUF
> - After repeated attempts I wasn't getting any values on that sp sheet
> - Just #Name? appears
> - When I check, The sp sheet has links like 'C:\SMF
> Add-in\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!RCHGetHTMLTable("
> http://investing.money.msn.com/investments/stock-income-statement/?symbol="&Ticker,"Stmt
> Source",-1,"",1))
> - I tried removing the directory path etc., still no hope
> Those are location errors -- unresolved links. You need to run the
smfFixLinks macro, or remove the linkage errors yourself manually.
However, in this case, that wouldn't have solved a bigger problem -- read
> - So, I opened the MSN money site on by browser and navigated to the
> income statement page , say for ticker IBM
> - I am directed to a page like this IBM income statement |
> International Business Machines Corp - MSN Money
> <http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.IBM.NYS>
> [image: image]
> <http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.IBM.NYS>
> IBM income statement | International Business Machines...
> <http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.IBM.NYS>
> Get the annual and quarterly income statement for International Business
> Machines Corp (IBM). Dive deeper with other data, such as the company's
> balance sheet and ...
> View on www.msn.com
> <http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.IBM.NYS>
> Preview by Yahoo
> - As you can see that is a different URL / link
> - So, my question, has MSN changed the links / URL or is it something
> else that I'm missing
> MSN revamped their entire web site last year. So I had to obsolete all of
the MSN data. They got rid of about 99% of the data they used to carry.
Initially, they didn't even have the financial statements -- or at least I
never saw them. Oddly enough, someone asked a question about the old
template a few days ago and I created a new template based on the new URLs.
I just haven't posted it yet.
The new page doesn't use HTML tables, so neither the RCHGetHTMLTable() nor
the RCHGetTableCell() functions could be used to extract the data from the
web page. I had to use smfGetTagContent() functions instead.
Note the unusual URL for the data you posted. It required exchange in
addition to ticker symbol, plus it has some numbers in it that I have no
idea how to identify -- so creating the URL would be difficult. Plus,
that's not the real URL of the data -- the URL doesn't change if you change
statement types or period type. The data is actually on web pages like:
Not a pretty web page. But data can be extracted from it. :)
Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:18 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Wow ! thanks for the very quick reply (as always)
The new file works like a charm, except that I can't get the Quarterly income statement data. Here's the file I'm using (the directory links are removed in this)
https://app.box.com/s/3kyfmheexoybsxp15hzwhhih9x20fooh https://app.box.com/s/3kyfmheexoybsxp15hzwhhih9x20fooh
Can't figure out what's wrong with just the quarterly data for income statement (everything else works pretty much !)
The new file works like a charm, except that I can't get the Quarterly income statement data. Here's the file I'm using (the directory links are removed in this)
https://app.box.com/s/3kyfmheexoybsxp15hzwhhih9x20fooh https://app.box.com/s/3kyfmheexoybsxp15hzwhhih9x20fooh
Can't figure out what's wrong with just the quarterly data for income statement (everything else works pretty much !)
Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:03 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Not sure what to tell you. The quarterly income statement for IBM works
fine here.
Did you try smfForceRecalculation? Maybe you got a corrupted web page from
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 1:18 AM, mail_to_subu@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Wow ! thanks for the very quick reply (as always)
> The new file works like a charm, except that I can't get the Quarterly
> income statement data. Here's the file I'm using (the directory links are
> removed in this)
> https://app.box.com/s/3kyfmheexoybsxp15hzwhhih9x20fooh
> Can't figure out what's wrong with just the quarterly data for income
> statement (everything else works pretty much !)
fine here.
Did you try smfForceRecalculation? Maybe you got a corrupted web page from
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 1:18 AM, mail_to_subu@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Wow ! thanks for the very quick reply (as always)
> The new file works like a charm, except that I can't get the Quarterly
> income statement data. Here's the file I'm using (the directory links are
> removed in this)
> https://app.box.com/s/3kyfmheexoybsxp15hzwhhih9x20fooh
> Can't figure out what's wrong with just the quarterly data for income
> statement (everything else works pretty much !)
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF
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