Rabu, 12 September 2018

[smf_addin] Digest Number 4398

1 Message

Digest #4398


Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:45 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

You could grab the whole table with:


But unfortunately, they code it with every other row blank. You can pick up
an individual column, with no blank rows, with something like:


Both of the above would need to be array-entered over a range, of course.

On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 10:46 AM stan_12@ymail.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> In addition there is a quick way to get to Year-End (and other)
> OHLC-Prices using for example RCHGetTableCell in combination with this:
> http://performance.morningstar.com/perform/Performance/stock/price-history.action?&t=MMM&culture=en-US&cur=&ops=clear&pd=10y&sd=&ed=&freq=a&pg=0&pgsz=20
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