5 Messages
Digest #4578
Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:09 am (PDT) . Posted by:
I have several xlsm-files with smf-functions. Every time I open a file all functions start and it takes time. Is it possible to prevent smf functions from starting in a particular file if I don't want to recalculate there? Excel functionality "automatic/manual (F9) calculations" is valid for all files. This setting is global.
I have several xlsm-files with smf-functions. Every time I open a file all functions start and it takes time. Is it possible to prevent smf functions from starting in a particular file if I don't want to recalculate there? Excel functionality "automatic/
Tue Jul 16, 2019 8:35 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
For some of my workbooks, I use the smfUpdateDownloadTable so that the
saved workbook has a table of values, instead of a table of formulas. Then
I can recalculate things as needed.
For some other workbooks, I use a calculation switch. Something like:
But then you have to remember to set cell A1 to 0 before saving the
workbook, and it won't have any values when you open it.
Otherwise, you'd need to toggle the manual recalculation setting of EXCEL.
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 7:57 AM a.bereziuk@.. wrote:
> I have several xlsm-files with smf-functions. Every time I open a file all
> functions start and it takes time. Is it possible to prevent smf functions
> from starting in a particular file if I don't want to recalculate there?
> Excel functionality "automatic/manual (F9) calculations" is valid for all
> files. This setting is global.
saved workbook has a table of values, instead of a table of formulas. Then
I can recalculate things as needed.
For some other workbooks, I use a calculation switch. Something like:
But then you have to remember to set cell A1 to 0 before saving the
workbook, and it won't have any values when you open it.
Otherwise, you'd need to toggle the manual recalculation setting of EXCEL.
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 7:57 AM a.bereziuk@.
> I have several xlsm-files with smf-functions. Every time I open a file all
> functions start and it takes time. Is it possible to prevent smf functions
> from starting in a particular file if I don't want to recalculate there?
> Excel functionality "automatic/
> files. This setting is global.
Tue Jul 16, 2019 3:35 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Yahoo!" lewglenn
It's working now. Thanks.
On Sunday, July 14, 2019, 04:49:33 PM PDT, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Did you exit EXCEL before updating the XLA file? Add-ins are only loaded when EXCEL starts up.
Otherwise, did you update the XLA in the correct folder?
On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 3:26 PM lewglenn@...wrote:
I just went to the website and downloaded the latest add-in (2.1.2018.01.24). After I installed it and ran my code to check on the version I got:
| Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2017.11.08 (C:\Program Files\SMF Add-in; Windows (32-bit) NT 6.02; 12.0; ; ; 1)
Any idea as to what I did wrong? |
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On Sunday, July 14, 2019, 04:49:33 PM PDT, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Did you exit EXCEL before updating the XLA file? Add-ins are only loaded when EXCEL starts up.
Otherwise, did you update the XLA in the correct folder?
On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 3:26 PM lewglenn@...
I just went to the website and downloaded the latest add-in (2.1.2018.01.
| Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2017.11.
Any idea as to what I did wrong? |
#yiv3700502137 #yiv3700502137 -- #yiv3700502137ygrp-
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF
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