Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] Using Literals in Formulas



Thank you once again.

First, in simplifying my post I used S1 as the name of my string, but in my code I actually used Msg, and as far as I can tell that was flagged as a #NAME error. (I went through so many iterations of quotation marks to eliminate syntax errors that I can't recall the statement I used that generated that #NAME error.)

I don't understand your code:

Range("B1").Formula = "= """ & MyString1 & """ & A1 & "" Cheap""" 

I see that the first ", before the =, matches the very last " after Cheap, but why is MyString1 surrounded by 3 ", when Cheap needs only 2? And why is MyString1 surrounded by &'s? In the literal version

Range("B1").Formula =  "=""Ripe "" & A1 & "" Cheap"""

Ripe gets only 2 ", and no &'s.

As for why I want to use a string variable. Suppose I have a very long string, like  "Perfect Fruit Picked at the Peak of Freshness ". I thought it would be neater to assign that string to a variable instead of coding it in the statement.

Thanks for you help.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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