7 Messages
Digest #3538
Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:27 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Roger Cutler" rtcutler
This is going to be a dumby question because I'm a pretty ignorant user of
smf_addin. That is, I have a spreadsheet that has worked in the past but I
don't really understand how - and now after upgrading to Windows 10 it
doesn't work properly. Here is the README file I have written to myself
documenting how to work around the problem:
The operation of this spreadsheet has become complex in Windows 10 and I
have been unable to track down the problem. Here is how to make it work:
1 - Open Stocks.xlsm
2 - Choose "Don't Update" in the dialog box that warns about external data
3 - Navigate to D:/Applications/SMF Addin
4 - Open the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions spreadsheet. This will cause the
quotes to update in Stocks.
If I choose "Update" every call to "='D:\Applications\SMF
Addin\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!RCHGetYahooQuotes(A2:A20,B1:B1)" gets
an "Invalid Name" error. I have made both D:Applications and the directory
I have Stocks.xlsm in trusted locations in the Trust Center, and I have
enabled everything I can find in the Trust center about external calls and
whatever, but nothing seems to change the behavior. Oh, I'm using Excel
2010. This spreadsheet worked fine in Win 7, and I don't recall doing
anything other than making directories trusted locations - although I have
to admit that I designed this spreadsheet something like five years ago and
I don't remember very clearly what I did at that time.
smf_addin. That is, I have a spreadsheet that has worked in the past but I
don't really understand how - and now after upgrading to Windows 10 it
doesn't work properly. Here is the README file I have written to myself
documenting how to work around the problem:
The operation of this spreadsheet has become complex in Windows 10 and I
have been unable to track down the problem. Here is how to make it work:
1 - Open Stocks.xlsm
2 - Choose "Don'
3 - Navigate to D:/Applications/
4 - Open the RCH_Stock_Market_
quotes to update in Stocks.
If I choose "Update" every call to "='
an "Invalid Name" error. I have made both D:Applications and the directory
I have Stocks.xlsm in trusted locations in the Trust Center, and I have
enabled everything I can find in the Trust center about external calls and
whatever, but nothing seems to change the behavior. Oh, I'm using Excel
2010. This spreadsheet worked fine in Win 7, and I don't recall doing
anything other than making directories trusted locations - although I have
to admit that I designed this spreadsheet something like five years ago and
I don't remember very clearly what I did at that time.
Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:35 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Have you used the add-in manager to activate the add-in within EXCEL?
If so, you may just have link errors. You should be able to run the
smfFixLinks macro to fix those. Once saved when it's using the add-in on
your machine, you shouldn't need to fix links for that workbook again
(unless you change the add-in location).
There really should be nothing you have to do for the Trust center for the
add-in. When you activate it within the add-in manager, you've already told
EXCEL you approve of the external application.
What you're doing may work, but it shouldn't be that difficult. However, I
have no personal experience with Win 10. I do have a new laptop on order
that will have Win 10, and plan to get a new version of EXCEL when it
arrives (NOT Office 365!).
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:59 AM, 'Roger Cutler' cutler@...wrote:
> This is going to be a dumby question because I'm a pretty ignorant user of
> smf_addin. That is, I have a spreadsheet that has worked in the past but I
> don't really understand how – and now after upgrading to Windows 10 it
> doesn't work properly. Here is the README file I have written to myself
> documenting how to work around the problem:
> The operation of this spreadsheet has become complex in Windows 10 and I
> have been unable to track down the problem. Here is how to make it work:
> 1 - Open Stocks.xlsm
> 2 - Choose "Don't Update" in the dialog box that warns about external data
> sources.
> 3 - Navigate to D:/Applications/SMF Addin
> 4 – Open the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions spreadsheet. This will cause the
> quotes to update in Stocks.
> If I choose "Update" every call to "='D:\Applications\SMF
> Addin\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!RCHGetYahooQuotes(A2:A20,B1:B1)" gets
> an "Invalid Name" error. I have made both D:Applications and the
> directory I have Stocks.xlsm in trusted locations in the Trust Center, and
> I have enabled everything I can find in the Trust center about external
> calls and whatever, but nothing seems to change the behavior. Oh, I'm
> using Excel 2010. This spreadsheet worked fine in Win 7, and I don't
> recall doing anything other than making directories trusted locations –
> although I have to admit that I designed this spreadsheet something like
> five years ago and I don't remember very clearly what I did at that time.
If so, you may just have link errors. You should be able to run the
smfFixLinks macro to fix those. Once saved when it's using the add-in on
your machine, you shouldn'
(unless you change the add-in location).
There really should be nothing you have to do for the Trust center for the
add-in. When you activate it within the add-in manager, you've already told
EXCEL you approve of the external application.
What you're doing may work, but it shouldn'
have no personal experience with Win 10. I do have a new laptop on order
that will have Win 10, and plan to get a new version of EXCEL when it
arrives (NOT Office 365!).
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:59 AM, 'Roger Cutler' cutler@...wrote:
> This is going to be a dumby question because I'm a pretty ignorant user of
> smf_addin. That is, I have a spreadsheet that has worked in the past but I
> don't really understand how – and now after upgrading to Windows 10 it
> doesn't work properly. Here is the README file I have written to myself
> documenting how to work around the problem:
> The operation of this spreadsheet has become complex in Windows 10 and I
> have been unable to track down the problem. Here is how to make it work:
> 1 - Open Stocks.xlsm
> 2 - Choose "Don'
> sources.
> 3 - Navigate to D:/Applications/
> 4 – Open the RCH_Stock_Market_
> quotes to update in Stocks.
> If I choose "Update" every call to "='D:\
> Addin\RCH_
> an "Invalid Name" error. I have made both D:Applications and the
> directory I have Stocks.xlsm in trusted locations in the Trust Center, and
> I have enabled everything I can find in the Trust center about external
> calls and whatever, but nothing seems to change the behavior. Oh, I'm
> using Excel 2010. This spreadsheet worked fine in Win 7, and I don't
> recall doing anything other than making directories trusted locations –
> although I have to admit that I designed this spreadsheet something like
> five years ago and I don't remember very clearly what I did at that time.
Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:20 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
I have continued to test scenarios for this problem. I limited myself to a single PC where the OneDrive was located on drive C:. I would open the spreadsheet and immediately have to change the path as I described previously. I would save it and reopen it. The path was incorrect again.
So I started searching the internet and found a number of people were complaining about a similar problem. Someone suggested that I go to OneDrive Settings and uncheck the box that says "Use Office to work on files with other people at the same time". When I did this the problem appeared to go away.
I have only just tried this so I will report back if the problem reappears
So I started searching the internet and found a number of people were complaining about a similar problem. Someone suggested that I go to OneDrive Settings and uncheck the box that says "Use Office to work on files with other people at the same time". When I did this the problem appeared to go away.
I have only just tried this so I will report back if the problem reappears
Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:23 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"james morlock" kagawonger
Windows 8, and probably Windows 10, applocations have defaults to save
all files to cloud storage which Microsoft calls One Drive. When I
first got Windows 8, I was surprised to find my files were being saved
to the cloud instead of to drive C.
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 04:20 PM, weldencd@comcast.net [smf_addin]
I have continued to test scenarios for this problem. I limited myself to
a single PC where the OneDrive was located on drive C:. I would open the
spreadsheet and immediately have to change the path as I described
previously. I would save it and reopen it. The path was incorrect again.
So I started searching the internet and found a number of people were
complaining about a similar problem. Someone suggested that I go to
OneDrive Settings and uncheck the box that says "Use Office to work on
files with other people at the same time". When I did this the problem
appeared to go away.
I have only just tried this so I will report back if the problem
Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:38 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Is the add-in located on OneDrive?
I know in the past there has been an issue with EXCEL not recognizing the
add-in location if it was located on a network drive instead of the local
hard drive.
This could be a similar issue...
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:20 PM, weldencd@comcast.net [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> I have continued to test scenarios for this problem. I limited myself to a
> single PC where the OneDrive was located on drive C:. I would open the
> spreadsheet and immediately have to change the path as I described
> previously. I would save it and reopen it. The path was incorrect again.
> So I started searching the internet and found a number of people were
> complaining about a similar problem. Someone suggested that I go to
> OneDrive Settings and uncheck the box that says "Use Office to work on
> files with other people at the same time". When I did this the problem
> appeared to go away.
> I have only just tried this so I will report back if the problem reappears
I know in the past there has been an issue with EXCEL not recognizing the
add-in location if it was located on a network drive instead of the local
hard drive.
This could be a similar issue...
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:20 PM, weldencd@comcast.net [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> I have continued to test scenarios for this problem. I limited myself to a
> single PC where the OneDrive was located on drive C:. I would open the
> spreadsheet and immediately have to change the path as I described
> previously. I would save it and reopen it. The path was incorrect again.
> So I started searching the internet and found a number of people were
> complaining about a similar problem. Someone suggested that I go to
> OneDrive Settings and uncheck the box that says "Use Office to work on
> files with other people at the same time". When I did this the problem
> appeared to go away.
> I have only just tried this so I will report back if the problem reappears
Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:26 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
Hi. I've been using the SMF Add-In successfully, but lately I'm getting ERROR returned on my links to Barron's and the CBOE.
The pages at Barron's and the CBOE do not appear to have changed, and yet the links that worked before do not work now.
Any idea how I should approach this?
Cell Entry: =RCHGetTableCell("http://online.barrons.com/public/page/9_0210-cboemktrt.html",3,">S&P 100")
Would previously link to this page: http://www.barrons.com/public/page/9_0210-cboemktrt.html
and return the figure for the most recent week's Put/Call ratio, 129/100, in column 3 for the S&P 100.
Now it returns "Error".
Another example from the CBOE:
Cell Entry: =RCHGetTableCell("http://www.cboe.com/DelayedQuote/SimpleQuote.aspx?ticker=Vix",1,"Last Sale")
Used to link to page: http://www.cboe.com/DelayedQuote/SimpleQuote.aspx?ticker=VIX
And would return the most recent quote for the VIX.
And now it returns Error.
Yet my SMF is working fine for pulling down data from YAHOO. So it's working, just not for Barron's or from the CBOE.
Again, it does not appear the pages themselves have changed, so I'm at a loss as to what to change on my entry.
System: Excel 2010 on Windows 7.
Any advice?
Thank you.
Greg Eisen
The pages at Barron's and the CBOE do not appear to have changed, and yet the links that worked before do not work now.
Any idea how I should approach this?
Cell Entry: =RCHGetTableCell("http://online.barrons.com/public/page/9_0210-cboemktrt.html",3,">S&P 100")
Would previously link to this page: http://www.barrons.com/public/page/9_0210-cboemktrt.html
and return the figure for the most recent week's Put/Call ratio, 129/100, in column 3 for the S&P 100.
Now it returns "Error".
Another example from the CBOE:
Cell Entry: =RCHGetTableCell("http://www.cboe.com/DelayedQuote/SimpleQuote.aspx?ticker=Vix",1,"Last Sale")
Used to link to page: http://www.cboe.com/DelayedQuote/SimpleQuote.aspx?ticker=VIX
And would return the most recent quote for the VIX.
And now it returns Error.
Yet my SMF is working fine for pulling down data from YAHOO. So it's working, just not for Barron's or from the CBOE.
Again, it does not appear the pages themselves have changed, so I'm at a loss as to what to change on my entry.
System: Excel 2010 on Windows 7.
Any advice?
Thank you.
Greg Eisen
Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:41 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
It looks like Barron's has done something to prevent the add-in from
grabbing the source code of the web page using the XMLHTTP protocol,
because RCHGetWebData() on the web page is returning a null string. So, of
course there is nothing to extract.
As a last resort, you could try:
The "2" tells the function to try and retrieve the HTMLObject of the web
page instead. That may or may not work, depending on which versions of
EXCEL and IE you have. And you may get an IE warning message of some type?
The CBOE extraction fails because there's no quote on the web page you're
At least none when I looked. It went to a symbol search web page.
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 7:25 PM, g.eisen@... wrote:
> Hi. I've been using the SMF Add-In successfully, but lately I'm getting
> ERROR returned on my links to Barron's and the CBOE.
> The pages at Barron's and the CBOE do not appear to have changed, and yet
> the links that worked before do not work now.
> Any idea how I should approach this?
> Example:
> Cell Entry: =RCHGetTableCell("
> http://online.barrons.com/public/page/9_0210-cboemktrt.html",3,">S&P 100")
> Would previously link to this page:
> http://www.barrons.com/public/page/9_0210-cboemktrt.html
> and return the figure for the most recent week's Put/Call ratio, 129/100,
> in column 3 for the S&P 100.
> Now it returns "Error".
> Another example from the CBOE:
> Cell Entry: =RCHGetTableCell("
> http://www.cboe.com/DelayedQuote/SimpleQuote.aspx?ticker=Vix",1,"Last
> Sale")
> Used to link to page:
> http://www.cboe.com/DelayedQuote/SimpleQuote.aspx?ticker=VIX
> And would return the most recent quote for the VIX.
> And now it returns Error.
> Yet my SMF is working fine for pulling down data from YAHOO. So it's
> working, just not for Barron's or from the CBOE.
> Again, it does not appear the pages themselves have changed, so I'm at a
> loss as to what to change on my entry.
> System: Excel 2010 on Windows 7.
> Any advice?
grabbing the source code of the web page using the XMLHTTP protocol,
because RCHGetWebData() on the web page is returning a null string. So, of
course there is nothing to extract.
As a last resort, you could try:
The "2" tells the function to try and retrieve the HTMLObject of the web
page instead. That may or may not work, depending on which versions of
EXCEL and IE you have. And you may get an IE warning message of some type?
The CBOE extraction fails because there's no quote on the web page you're
At least none when I looked. It went to a symbol search web page.
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 7:25 PM, g.eisen@... wrote:
> Hi. I've been using the SMF Add-In successfully, but lately I'm getting
> ERROR returned on my links to Barron's and the CBOE.
> The pages at Barron's and the CBOE do not appear to have changed, and yet
> the links that worked before do not work now.
> Any idea how I should approach this?
> Example:
> Cell Entry: =RCHGetTableCell("
> http://online.barrons.com/public/page/9_0210-cboemktrt.html",3,">S&P 100")
> Would previously link to this page:
> http://www.barrons.com/public/page/9_0210-cboemktrt.html
> and return the figure for the most recent week's Put/Call ratio, 129/100,
> in column 3 for the S&P 100.
> Now it returns "Error".
> Another example from the CBOE:
> Cell Entry: =RCHGetTableCell("
> http://www.cboe.com/DelayedQuote/SimpleQuote.aspx?ticker=Vix",1,"Last
> Sale")
> Used to link to page:
> http://www.cboe.com/DelayedQuote/SimpleQuote.aspx?ticker=VIX
> And would return the most recent quote for the VIX.
> And now it returns Error.
> Yet my SMF is working fine for pulling down data from YAHOO. So it's
> working, just not for Barron's or from the CBOE.
> Again, it does not appear the pages themselves have changed, so I'm at a
> loss as to what to change on my entry.
> System: Excel 2010 on Windows 7.
> Any advice?
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF
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