Rabu, 13 Januari 2016

[smf_addin] Digest Number 3607

6 Messages

Digest #3607


Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:19 am (PST) . Posted by:



I have a spreadsheet that pulls the data TMC/GDP ("Total Market Cap/Gross Domestic Product") from the GuruFocus website. This is the page it gets the number from:

http://www.gurufocus.com/stock-market-valuations.php http://www.gurufocus.com/stock-market-valuations.php

The website has since changed and corrupted my formula.

This is what I used before:

=NUMBERVALUE((RIGHT(LEFT((RCHGetTableCell("http://www.gurufocus.com/stock-market-valuations.php",1,">Where are we today")),14),6)),".")

I used the table to extract the data as it was the easiest to figure out.

The Data I need currently reads 109.9%

It is located in 4 different parts of the web page.

Is there a formula to get at least one of the data points from the page?


Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:29 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

This would probably be the easiest way, using the latest version of the

are we today",,,,1)

With your method, you would have been better off using smfStrExtr() instead
of hard-coding the position for the extract, as in:

http://www.gurufocus.com/stock-market-valuations.php",1,">Where are we

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 11:19 AM, tmallen2@... wrote:

> I have a spreadsheet that pulls the data TMC/GDP ("Total Market Cap/Gross
> Domestic Product") from the GuruFocus website. This is the page it gets the
> number from:
> http://www.gurufocus.com/stock-market-valuations.php
> The website has since changed and corrupted my formula.
> This is what I used before:
> http://www.gurufocus.com/stock-market-valuations.php",1,">Where are we
> today")),14),6)),".")
> I used the table to extract the data as it was the easiest to figure out.
> The Data I need currently reads 109.9%
> It is located in 4 different parts of the web page.
> Is there a formula to get at least one of the data points from the page?

Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:02 am (PST) . Posted by:


I used the second formula as that seems to work best.

I like the smfStrExtr function. That is a nice clean way to isolate the data that I need.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:18 am (PST) . Posted by:


I tried a few different tickers but the results are the same: showing ERROR

for each individual one you provided, I got:

=RCHGetElementNumber("Version") - Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2014.01.30 (C:\Program Files\SMF Add-In; ; 1)

=RCHGetElementNumber("Definition",2742) -

=smfGetTagContent("https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM","title") -
Financial Statements for 3M Co - Google Finance https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM

=RCHGetElementNumber("MMM",2742) -

=RCHGetTableCell("https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM",1,"INCINTERIMDIV","(except for per share items)")
3 months ending 2015-09-30 https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM

=RCHGetWebData("https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM",1,30)

- <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><sc https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM

Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:49 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

You're using an older version of the add-in, so the "Definition" formula
didn't work. What do you get with:


I'm not sure why this worked:

for per share items)")

...and this did not:


They should be doing the same thing -- UNLESS the element definitions
haven't been updated. That's what the "Definition" was supposed to tell us.
The "P-URL" just gives one aspect of the definition.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 12:18 PM, sdglobe@... wrote:

> I tried a few different tickers but the results are the same: showing ERROR
> for each individual one you provided, I got:
> =RCHGetElementNumber("Version") - Stock Market Functions add-in, Version
> 2.1.2014.01.30 (C:\Program Files\SMF Add-In; ; 1)
> =RCHGetElementNumber("Definition",2742) -
> Error
> =smfGetTagContent("https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM","title")
> -
> Financial Statements for 3M Co - Google Finance
> <https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM>
> =RCHGetElementNumber("MMM",2742) -
> Error
> =RCHGetTableCell("https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM",1,"INCINTERIMDIV","(except
> for per share items)")
> -
> 3 months ending 2015-09-30
> <https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM>
> =RCHGetWebData("https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM",1,30)
> - <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><sc
> <https://www.google.com/finance?fstype=ii&q=MMM>
> __._

Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:23 pm (PST) . Posted by:


ah, i see.
STZ is Constellation Brands, a company. STZ is the ticker for their class A shares, while STZ.B is the ticker for their class B shares. Yahoo does categorize STZ incorrectly as an ETF, so the analyst estimate and key statistics templates don't work, as you pointed out.

maybe someday Yahoo will reclassify STZ as a stock.

For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF

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