Kamis, 21 Januari 2016

[smf_addin] Digest Number 3613

3 Messages

Digest #3613
Re: Fund summary by thomas777crown
Log in to data source. by "Greg" gfoster07k@sbcglobal.net
Re: Log in to data source. by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink


Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:12 am (PST) . Posted by:


Thanks Again Randy!


---In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, <rharmelink@...> wrote :


=smfStrExtr(smfStrExtr(RCHGetWebData("http://financials.morningstar.com/operation/etf/c-overviewinfo.html?&t=BIL http://financials.morningstar.com/operation/etf/c-overviewinfo.html?&t=BIL",">Investment Objective"),"<td","~"),">","<")

On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 10:28 PM, thomas777crown@... mailto:thomas777crown@... [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Questions, I am trying to pull

"Investment Objective and Strategy" for etfs from morningstar as yahoo has problems

http://financials.morningstar.com/etfund/operations.html?t=BIL®ion=usa&culture=en-US http://financials.morningstar.com/etfund/operations.html?t=BIL®ion=usa&culture=en-US

I searched and found previous ones ways but they have problems as well.

Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:03 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Greg" gfoster07k@sbcglobal.net

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and have not been able to update my spreadsheets since. I'm not sure Windows 10 has anything to do with it. I am using a laptop with the EXCEL in Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013. I have been using the spreadsheet extensively for about 3 years with no issues. I am now getting the error message that says EXCEL cannot log into the following site:

='https://d.docs.live.net/Program Files/SMF Add in/RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!RCHGetYahooQuotes(B55,Q$3:Y$3)

I have never logged into it before. Could it just be the heavy traffic because of the very down market?

Greg Foster
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:00 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

That site has nothing to do with the add-in itself.

First off, I assume you have activated the add-in via EXCEL's add-in

If so, this is probably just a hard-coded location of where the add-in was
located when the workbook was last saved. EXCEL does that, not the add-in.
Then, when the workbook is opened, it compares that hard-coded location to
the location used for the add-in within the add-in manager. If they don't
match, EXCEL tags it as an "unresolved link" and assumes the function is
NOT the one in the add-in, but from some other XLA file you have stashed at
that hard-coded location.

I think the solution is to simply run the smfFixLinks macro, but I'm not
sure. Then it should use the function in the add-in that is listed in the
add-in manager.

Once you save the workbook on your new machine, EXCEL should save the
hard-coded location of your current add-in and not have the unresolved
links in the future. But you'll need to do that for each workbook, since
each probably has the old hard-coded location.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Greg gfoster07k@...wrote:

> I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and have not been able to update my
> spreadsheets since. I'm not sure Windows 10 has anything to do with it. I
> am using a laptop with the EXCEL in Microsoft Office Home and Student
> 2013. I have been using the spreadsheet extensively for about 3 years with
> no issues. I am now getting the error message that says EXCEL cannot log
> into the following site:
> ='https://d.docs.live.net/Program Files/SMF Add
> in/RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'!RCHGetYahooQuotes(B55,Q$3:Y$3)
> I have never logged into it before. Could it just be the heavy traffic
> because of the very down market?
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF

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