15 Messages
Digest #3984
Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:59 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 6:05 PM, russelking@
> Can't figure work around formula for 4669.
On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 6:05 PM, russelking@
> Can't figure work around formula for 4669.
Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:41 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Here are some examples of the RCHGetElementNumber I am using.
The above return #VALUE!
These are on the same sheet and work
Here are some examples of the RCHGetElementNumber I am using.
The above return #VALUE!
These are on the same sheet and work
Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:12 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Elements #593/#641-#644 work fine for me using ticker MMM.
I'm concerned about the row reference -- row #2037? You're not building a
database, are you? The add-in is only designed for ad hoc usage. It starts
returning "Error" results for anything over 1000 web page accesses in a
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 5:41 AM, defelradar@
> Here are some examples of the RCHGetElementNumber I am using.
> =RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,641)+RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,642)+
> RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,643)+RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,644)
> =RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,593)+RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,642)+
> RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,643)+RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,644)
> The above return #VALUE!
> These are on the same sheet and work
> =IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5826)>0,IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5826)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5827),IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5827)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5828),IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5828)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5829),IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5829)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5830),IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5830)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5831),IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5831)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5832),IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5832)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5833),IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5833)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5834),IF(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,
> 5834)>RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,5835),8,0),7),6),5),4),3),2),1),0),0)
> =CONCATENATE(RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,15010),",",
> RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,15001),",",RCHGetElementNumber(A2037,15006),",",
> RCHGetElementNumber($A2037,15009))
I'm concerned about the row reference -- row #2037? You're not building a
database, are you? The add-in is only designed for ad hoc usage. It starts
returning "Error" results for anything over 1000 web page accesses in a
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 5:41 AM, defelradar@
> Here are some examples of the RCHGetElementNumber I am using.
> =RCHGetElementNumbe
> RCHGetElementNumber
> =RCHGetElementNumbe
> RCHGetElementNumber
> The above return #VALUE!
> These are on the same sheet and work
> =IF(RCHGetElementNu
> 5826)>RCHGetElem
> 5827)>RCHGetElem
> 5828)>RCHGetElem
> 5829)>RCHGetElem
> 5830)>RCHGetElem
> 5831)>RCHGetElem
> 5832)>RCHGetElem
> 5833)>RCHGetElem
> 5834)>RCHGetElem
> RCHGetElementNumber
> RCHGetElementNumber
Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:55 am (PDT) . Posted by:
what does in a session mean? does that mean between excel saves? between file open and close? is this what the download table is? no I am not building a database but what I do have is a sheet where I screen stocks daily based on earnings release dates and I have over 2k rows of screened stocks. I do not leave the formulas in all 2k rows I typically copy and paste values (eliminating the formulas and calculations) for any that are older than a day. This might leave me with 10-100 stocks per day with active formulas on that sheet. That does not include the other sheets in my workbook that also have SMF formulas in them.
For example today I have 60 stocks in my screen. For that particular screen I use the RCFGetElementNumber function 23 times in 5 cell calculations. So in that case 60 *23 = 1380. I've used this add in since 2006 and never had issues like this and I've had those calculations I referenced above in place for well over 3 years. Did something change to limit to web page accesses?
For example today I have 60 stocks in my screen. For that particular screen I use the RCFGetElementNumber function 23 times in 5 cell calculations. So in that case 60 *23 = 1380. I've used this add in since 2006 and never had issues like this and I've had those calculations I referenced above in place for well over 3 years. Did something change to limit to web page accesses?
Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:34 am (PDT) . Posted by:
In my big excel sheet the SMF add in function works perfectly fine except the GetYahooHistory function since this morning - did yahoo change sth?
Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:14 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
RCHGetYahooHistory() did break on 4/17, because of changes made to their
You'll need the latest update on the web site to fix it. Be sure to exit
EXCEL before updating files.
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 5:10 AM, paul.marco@
> In my big excel sheet the SMF add in function works perfectly fine except
> the GetYahooHistory function since this morning - did yahoo change sth?
You'll need the latest update on the web site to fix it. Be sure to exit
EXCEL before updating files.
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 5:10 AM, paul.marco@
> In my big excel sheet the SMF add in function works perfectly fine except
> the GetYahooHistory function since this morning - did yahoo change sth?
Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:35 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Thomas J Strouse" thomas.strouse@nielsen.com
The function to return "Company Name", RCHGetElementNumber(Ticker, 13863),
has stopped working. Any ideas?
The function to return "Company Name", RCHGetElementNumber
has stopped working. Any ideas?
Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:16 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
#13863 worked fine here for ticker MMM. What ticker are you using?
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 5:34 AM, Thomas J Strouse thomas.strouse@
> The function to return "Company Name", RCHGetElementNumber(Ticker,
> 13863), has stopped working. Any ideas?
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 5:34 AM, Thomas J Strouse thomas.strouse@
> The function to return "Company Name", RCHGetElementNumber
> 13863), has stopped working. Any ideas?
Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:37 am (PDT) . Posted by:
I imagine you have grown tired of this type of message. I use your add-in to track and make decisions on my retirement folio since near the beginning of your board. I fear the day you decide it is time to quit and the function will slowly deteriorate as source data changes. Nonetheless, if you ever take donations I am ready to show my appreciation. Out of curiosity, can you see how long bamzoomalice or dianejase has been a member? I imagine it could go back to your first 500 members?
I imagine you have grown tired of this type of message. I use your add-in to track and make decisions on my retirement folio since near the beginning of your board. I fear the day you decide it is time to quit and the function will slowly deteriorate as source data changes. Nonetheless, if you ever take donations I am ready to show my appreciation. Out of curiosity, can you see how long bamzoomalice or dianejase has been a member? I imagine it could go back to your first 500 members?
Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:22 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
I show bamzoomalice as having joined the group on 2013-03-12. Nothing found
The group was created on 2006-06-18, but the add-in was on the xlTraders
group before that. Piecemeal even further back.
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 5:57 AM, jason@
> I imagine you have grown tired of this type of message. I use your
> add-in to track and make decisions on my retirement folio since near the
> beginning of your board. I fear the day you decide it is time to quit and
> the function will slowly deteriorate as source data changes. *Nonetheless,
> if you ever take donations I am ready to show my appreciation*. Out of
> curiosity, can you see how long bamzoomalice or
> dianejase has been a member? I imagine it could go back to your first 500
> members?
The group was created on 2006-06-18, but the add-in was on the xlTraders
group before that. Piecemeal even further back.
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 5:57 AM, jason@
> I imagine you have grown tired of this type of message. I use your
> add-in to track and make decisions on my retirement folio since near the
> beginning of your board. I fear the day you decide it is time to quit and
> the function will slowly deteriorate as source data changes. *Nonetheless,
> if you ever take donations I am ready to show my appreciation*
> curiosity, can you see how long bamzoomalice or
> dianejase has been a member? I imagine it could go back to your first 500
> members?
Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:59 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Do you still have the problem? I missed your email several days ago. Both
of the error functions you mention work for me:
=smfGetOptionQuotes("OTEX 05/19 2017 $35 CALL","a")
=smfGetOptionQuotes("CHUY 05/19 2017 $27.50 PUT","a")
Possibly a Yahoo glitch Monday morning?
On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 10:32 AM, rst66@
> I am having problems retrieving some options quotes. I have the latest
> AddIn download installed.
> When I try to retrieve the Ask price for a particular strike (which shows
> a valid quote on the Yahoo Finance options page) I receive an error
> message. If I change the strike I will get a quote.
> Example: =smfGetOptionQuotes("OTEX 05/19 2017 $30 CALL","a") returns a
> quote.
> =smfGetOptionQuotes("OTEX 05/19 2017 $35 CALL","a") returns ERROR
> Example: =smfGetOptionQuotes("CHUY 05/19 2017 $30 PUT","a") returns a
> quote.
> =smfGetOptionQuotes("CHUY 05/19 2017 $2750 PUT","a") returns ERROR
> I have tried both $2750 and $27.50 for the strike. Neither seems to work.
> I have this problem with other ticker symbols as well.
> Thanks for any help.
of the error functions you mention work for me:
Possibly a Yahoo glitch Monday morning?
On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 10:32 AM, rst66@
> I am having problems retrieving some options quotes. I have the latest
> AddIn download installed.
> When I try to retrieve the Ask price for a particular strike (which shows
> a valid quote on the Yahoo Finance options page) I receive an error
> message. If I change the strike I will get a quote.
> Example: =smfGetOptionQuotes
> quote.
> =smfGetOptionQuotes
> Example: =smfGetOptionQuotes
> quote.
> =smfGetOptionQuotes
> I have tried both $2750 and $27.50 for the strike. Neither seems to work.
> I have this problem with other ticker symbols as well.
> Thanks for any help.
Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:54 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Hi Randy,
I am seeing some intermittent behavior with this function as well though i am thinking it might be a Yahoo issue.
I have a spreadsheet that pulls option quotes for several stocks for dates in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Two days it was working fine after installing your latest update. Today only the 2018 Option quotes are working. All of the 2017 and 2019 option functions are throwing an error.
I will keep testing it.
Thanks again for all you do for the community.
I am seeing some intermittent behavior with this function as well though i am thinking it might be a Yahoo issue.
I have a spreadsheet that pulls option quotes for several stocks for dates in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Two days it was working fine after installing your latest update. Today only the 2018 Option quotes are working. All of the 2017 and 2019 option functions are throwing an error.
I will keep testing it.
Thanks again for all you do for the community.
Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:52 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
I have the same issue starting yesterday (Tuesday 4/25/2017). All my smfGetOptionQuotes() bid/ask cells stop working and show Error.
=smfGetOptionQuotes("SBUX 5/19 2017 $60.00 Call","a")
returns Error
but the strike cell returns the proper value
=smfGetOptionQuotes("NFLX 5/26 2017 $150.00 Call","s")
returns 150
The funny thing is that everything was working properly until I did a "smfForceRecalcuation" macro.
Is there a way for me to debug?
returns Error
but the strike cell returns the proper value
returns 150
The funny thing is that everything was working properly until I did a "smfForceRecal
Is there a way for me to debug?
Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:21 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
Is anybody having a problem with element #960? Seems to return "Error" for every symbol I try. I did the force recalc, to no avail.
Is anybody having a problem with element #960? Seems to return "Error" for every symbol I try. I did the force recalc, to no avail.
Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:39 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
I tried this method with the smfGetCSVFile() function and array entering the output over a large grid of cells, but I still only see the headers with no data.
Is there no other way of getting price quotes for Japanese stocks?
Is there no other way of getting price quotes for Japanese stocks?
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF
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