Jumat, 30 Juni 2017

[ExcelVBA] File - GroupInfo.txt


This automatic email is posted to this group each month for the benefit of new members and as a reminder to current members.

NOTICE VERSION: January, 2012

* This group is monitored by several moderators. In an effort to help weed out spammers, most posts are manually verified before they are released

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* Although we do try to keep posts on topic, we also like to be a friendly, community group here, so the occasional chatter between members is not

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* PLAY NICE! Verbal bashing of any kind will NOT be tolerated! If you have a problem with someone in this group...take it outside. If a complaint

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* This group has a web site. To locate the URL to the group's web page, see the bottom of any post where additional information is listed. Within

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* Sadly, due to spammers, only moderators can post files and links within our group's site. However, if you have something you'd like to

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* Additionally, you cannot attach files to posts...again due to spammers. But if you have a file that you'd like others to see in an attempt to

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* To get the best help, fast, use a good subject line! Don't just post a subject saying HELP! Give a little detail about the type of help you need.

Also be sure to include some details, such as the content of any error messages, as well as the software version you are using. For more specific

info on how to get the most from your posts, see this link: http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/Pub0009/LPMArticle.asp?ID=507#info

* With the help of several wonderful moderators and terrific group participants who regularly share their knowledge, I run a handful of free

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* And finally, know that you can find many free tutorials linked from my TechPage here: http://www.mousetrax.com/techpage.html and also directly

through TechTrax, my very popular, free ezine (online magazine) here: http://www.techtrax.us

Dian D. Chapman (Group Owner)
Technical Consultant, Microsoft MVP
MOS Certified Instructor, Editor/TechTrax Ezine
Tech Editor for Word & Office 2007 Bibles

Dian's Soldier/K9 Site

Free Computer Tutorials: http://www.techtrax.us
Dian's Free User Support Groups: http://www.mousetrax.com/resources.html
Learn VBA the easy way: http://www.mousetrax.com/techcourses.html

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Be sure to check out TechTrax Ezine for many, free Excel VBA articles! Go here: http://www.mousetrax.com/techtrax to enter the ezine, then search the ARCHIVES for EXCEL VBA.

Visit our ExcelVBA group home page for more info and support files:

More free tutorials and resources available at:




[smf_addin] Digest Number 4075

2 Messages

Digest #4075
Re: Connecting to d.docs.live.net error by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink


Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:57 am (PDT) . Posted by:



When I am using the latest RCH add in, I am getting a request to log into d.docs.live.net. I have not received this log in request in the past. Has something changed or am I missing something? This may be coincidence but I recently re installed Windows 10 on my PC and also Excel 365 so not sure if I broke something by doing this.

I greatly appreciate any assistance.


Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:53 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

I can't think of a reason for that to come up. Never heard of it before. If
I use it in my browser, it says it doesn't exist.

What are you doing when you get the request to log in?

I currently use EXCEL 365 under Windows 10...

On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 10:57 AM, gwlunceford@

> When I am using the latest RCH add in, I am getting a request to log into
> d.docs.live.net. I have not received this log in request in the past.
> Has something changed or am I missing something? This may be coincidence
> but I recently re installed Windows 10 on my PC and also Excel 365 so not
> sure if I broke something by doing this.
> I greatly appreciate any assistance.
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF

[belajar-excel] Digest Number 4223

2 Messages

Digest #4223


Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:41 am (PDT) . Posted by:


haloo master, gimana ya cara membuat multi pencarin menggunakan " * "
saya sudah mencoba menggunakan rumus ini tapi ga bisa

kalo menggunakan OR pasti salah, sementara yg mau saya cari lebh dari 1 kata

Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:20 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"PERATURAN MILIS belajar-excel"

Milis belajar-excel dibuat agar menjadi komunitas / tempat berkumpulnya
para pemakai software microsoft excel, untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan
(sharing), diskusi dan tanya-jawab hal-hal yg menyangkut MS Excel.

Setting untuk posting di milis ini masih dipertahankan = "UnModerated"
(member dapat mengirim posting, tanpa melalui moderasi dan langsung
masuk ke message-list di milis).
Posting pertama & kedua dari member yg baru bergabung harus menunggu
approval dari moderators. Jika dinilai wajar, posting selanjutnya tidak
perlu approval lagi.

Hal ini adalah demi menjadikan milis lebih dinamis, posting tidak
tertunda, diskusi lebih hidup.

Tetapi konsekwensinya, kita sebagai members harus punya niat untuk
menjaga milis ini tetap bersih, enak diikuti, yaitu dengan TIDAK
mengirim posting berisi hal yg mubazir, yg di luar topik, yg "nyampah";
apalagi yg memicu timbulnya pertengkaran yg tidak perlu.

Setiap saat para Moderators akan melihat-lihat lagi msg list, dan akan
membersihkan message list dari posting sampah yg tidak perlu.

Untuk itu kita perlu kesepakatan sebagai berikut:


Posting dari member berupa: share pengetahuan, pertanyaan, jawaban dan/
atau komentar dan tanggapan yg masih relevan dengan pertanyaan/posting;
semuanya harus sekitar atau ada hubungannya dengan Microsoft Excel.

Size Lampiran dlm rangka memperjelas kasus/penjelasan, agar diupayakan
tidak lebih dari 250KB, jika perlu dicompressed dulu.

Posting pertanyaan dialamatkan hanya kepada alamat milis, (jangan ke
alamat owner)

Semua mail dikemukakan secara santun, ceria, menyenangkan, boleh lucu,
saling menghormati, menjauhkan dari masalah SARA.


Mail yg isinya melecehkan, menghina fihak lain, berbahasa kasar, memicu
pertengkaran dsb.

Posting "too good to be true" misalnya "jualan" (MLM), spam, money game,
hoax, mail berantai dan iklan (tanpa lebihdulu mendapat ijin dari owner).

Cross-posting (mengirim 1 mail sekaligus kepada lebih dari satu milis /
address tujuan).

Mail yg ditulis dengan ukuran, bentuk/warna font dan cara yg di luar
kewajaran, sehingga menyulitkan pembacaan.

Mail tanpa judul/subject dan/atau tanpa isi, walaupun melampirkan penjelasan.

Menyertakan link yang merujuk kepada halaman yang berisi iklan produk /
informasi yang tidak berhubungan dengan Excel / pertanyaan.


Saran & Tips menulis mail / posting ke milis:

Berikan subject yg isinya mewakili kasus yg akan ditulis.
Hindari subject yg tidak jelas dan terlalu general (misal "tolong",
"help", "tanya" "mohon pencerahan", dsb)

Ikuti Subject yg telah ada, (dengan meReply), hanya jika masalah yg akan
ditulis masih berkaitan.
Mengubah Subject (misal dgn menambah kata "Balasan" / "Solusi" /
"Tanggapan" dsb, hanya akan merusak 'Thread' (korelasi/kesinambungan)
suatu topik, oleh karena itu jangan dilakukan.

Jika anda akan mengajukan topik/kasus baru yg tidak berkaitan dengan
topik yg telah ada, buatlah Subject baru, dengan Compose / New Mail.
JANGAN dengan cara mereply subject yg ada lalu mengganti subjecnya.

Terutama pada posting pertanyaan/request, tuliskan masalah dengan jelas
di badan email. Penjelasan lebih rinci dapat ditulis pada lampiran.
Lampiran sedapat mungkin berupa workbook (file *.xls), dengan nama-file
yang spesifik.

Posting tanggapan/jawaban hendaknya ditulis secara 'top-posting' (di
ATAS "quoted mail" yg ditanggapi, demi mempermudah pembacaan.

'Quoted mail' tidak harus disertakan semua, cukup 1 atau maximal 2 mail

Footer yg tidak perlu hendaknya dihapus dulu sebelum mail Anda kirimkan.

Mengenai OOT dan VOOT
Di luar 3 jenis posting di atas, yi: DISKUSI yg berisi sharing,
pertanyaan, tanggapan) akan dianggap Out of Topic (OOT) atau bahkan
VOOT (very out of topic).

Kategory OOT akan dipertimbangkan kasus-demi-kasus dengan kriteria
"manfaat positif bagi komunitas kita".

Kategory OOT atas pertimbangan khusus, misalnya demi kepentingan yg
mendesak dan penting, atau demi "kemanusiaan", tidak didelete.
Jika tidak memenuhi kriteria akan didelete dengan atau tanpa pemberi-
tahuan kpd member.

Kategory VOOT, posting akan langsung didelete, pengirim akan diberi

VOOT kedua dari pengirim yg sama akan menyebabkan member ybs didisabled
sementara kemampuan postingnya.

Kelanjutan dari suatu diskusi tanya-jawab, masih layak diposted ke milis,
misal hanya ucapan terima kasih atau pun sejenis konfirmasi bahwa suatu
solusi sudah diterima dan dapat dipakai dsb, ini dapat golongkan sbg OOT
yg masih layak tayang.

Kelanjutan pembicaraan yg sudah tidak relevan lagi bagi member lain,
dapat anda teruskan melalui 'japri' (jalur pribadi).

Kritik dan saran kepada milis 'belajar-excel'
Kritik dan saran diluar masalah excel demi perbaikan milis ini dapat
disampaikan ke owner / moderators

Hak dan wewenang Moderators
Moderators berhak setelah mempertimbangkan hal-hal diatas untuk
memberikan kartu kuning atau langsung kartu merah dan/atau
mem-banned members yang melakukan pelanggaran rules milis ini.

Himbauan dari milis 'belajar excel' kpd members

Diharapkan para members terus meningkatkan pengetahuannya mengenai
kelaziman cara bermilis & ber-net-ria secara umum.

Perlu selalu disadari bahwa di dunia internet, sama dengan dunia kita
sehari hari.
Jika di dunia nyata kita mengenal "etika / ettiquettes", maka di net
ada semacam etika umum yg lazim disebut "nettiquette".

Kalau anda sering tidak mengindahkan "nettiquettes", tidak akan polisi
yg menangkap anda; tetapi lama-lama anda akan dijauhi banyak rekan,
karena mereka tentu merasa tidak nyaman ber-korespondensi dengan anda.

Sebagai Members of "milis belajar-excel" dan sebagai 'netter sejati',
anda tentu tidak suka kalau harus dicap sebagai "tidak nettis" yang
artinya setara dgn "tidak etis".

--------------------------------------------[rev: 13mar2010 / ctv]-----

revisi 2: tgl 02Des2013 / dwint
# penambahan point B.6.

Pojok Lowongan Kerja yang disediakan milis :
*** Posting lowongan kerja : ke link tersebut dan klik New Topic
bergabung ke milis (subscribe), kirim mail kosong ke: belajar-excel-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
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berkunjung ke web milis : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/belajar-excel/messages
melihat file archive / mendownload lampiran : http://www.mail-archive.com/belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com/
atau (sejak 25-Apr-2011) bisa juga di : http://milis-belajar-excel.1048464.n5.nabble.com/
menghubungi moderators & owners: belajar-excel-owner@yahoogroups.com
keluar dari membership milis (UnSubscribe), kirim mail kosong ke : belajar-excel-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com

Re: Sv: [ExcelVBA] Display strings in messagebox (blank-sensitive)


Nice code Derek!! Not often you see Mid being used to replace characters!


-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Turner g4swy@yahoo.com [ExcelVBA] <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
To: ExcelVBA <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Jun 29, 2017 2:43 pm
Subject: Re: Sv: [ExcelVBA] Display strings in messagebox (blank-sensitive)

Apologies for coming late to this thread but here is another way :-

Function TrimReplace(sWord As String, Optional sReplacement As String = "*") As String
Dim sFrame As String, nLTrimmedLength As Long
    sFrame = String(Len(sWord), sReplacement)
    If Not Trim(sWord) = "" Then
        nLTrimmedLength = Len(LTrim(sWord))
        Mid(sFrame, Len(sWord) - nLTrimmedLength + 1, nLTrimmedLength) = Trim(sWord)
    End If
    TrimReplace = sFrame
End Function

Call it like :-
Debug.Print TrimReplace(" ABC    DEF   ")
Debug.Print TrimReplace(" ABC    DEF   ", "+")

I think this is what Torstein was asking for.

Derek +++

From: "Torstein Johnsen sejohnse@yahoo.no [ExcelVBA]" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
To: "ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 27 June 2017, 11:15
Subject: Sv: [ExcelVBA] Display strings in messagebox (blank-sensitive)

My question/explanation may have been difficult to understand.

I want to display the strings in a messagebox (with or without blanks), but my problem is that I'm not able to see if the strings have blanks at the start or the end of the string.

I'm looking for how to "design" the listing in the messagebox so that I can see the blanks?


Den Tirsdag, 27. juni 2017 8.06 skrev "'David Grugeon' grugeon@gmail.com [ExcelVBA]" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>:

You can use the TRIM function to remove the blanks.
David Grugeon
0429 029 836
F rom: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 June 2017 3:09 PM
To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ExcelVBA] Display strings in messagebox (blank-sensitive)

I use Excel to manipulate several strings and the result is sensitive for blanks at the start and the end of the strings.
That means I like to know if there are blanks when the strings are listed in a messagebox.
Do anyone have a good idea how I can list the strings in a messagebox so that I know if there are blanks to the left or to the right of the string?


Posted by: Green <1z@compuserve.com>
Reply via web post Reply to sender Reply to group Start a New Topic Messages in this topic (14)

Have you tried the highest rated email app?
With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.

Be sure to check out TechTrax Ezine for many, free Excel VBA articles! Go here: http://www.mousetrax.com/techtrax to enter the ezine, then search the ARCHIVES for EXCEL VBA.

Visit our ExcelVBA group home page for more info and support files:

More free tutorials and resources available at:




Sv: Sv: [ExcelVBA] Display strings in messagebox (blank-sensitive)


Derek, thank you for an elegant solution. I will definitely consider using this!

These VBA-Groups are amazing, thanks!


Den Torsdag, 29. juni 2017 14.43 skrev "Derek Turner g4swy@yahoo.com [ExcelVBA]" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>:

Apologies for coming late to this thread but here is another way :-

Function TrimReplace(sWord As String, Optional sReplacement As String = "*") As String
Dim sFrame As String, nLTrimmedLength As Long
    sFrame = String(Len(sWord), sReplacement)
    If Not Trim(sWord) = "" Then
        nLTrimmedLength = Len(LTrim(sWord))
        Mid(sFrame, Len(sWord) - nLTrimmedLength + 1, nLTrimmedLength) = Trim(sWord)
    End If
    TrimReplace = sFrame
End Function

Call it like :-
Debug.Print TrimReplace(" ABC    DEF   ")
Debug.Print TrimReplace(" ABC    DEF   ", "+")

I think this is what Torstein was asking for.

Derek +++

From: "Torstein Johnsen sejohnse@yahoo.no [ExcelVBA]" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
To: "ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 27 June 2017, 11:15
Subject: Sv: [ExcelVBA] Display strings in messagebox (blank-sensitive)

My question/explanation may have been difficult to understand.

I want to display the strings in a messagebox (with or without blanks), but my problem is that I'm not able to see if the strings have blanks at the start or the end of the string.

I'm looking for how to "design" the listing in the messagebox so that I can see the blanks?


Den Tirsdag, 27. juni 2017 8.06 skrev "'David Grugeon' grugeon@gmail.com [ExcelVBA]" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>:

You can use the TRIM function to remove the blanks.
David Grugeon
0429 029 836
From: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 June 2017 3:09 PM
To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ExcelVBA] Display strings in messagebox (blank-sensitive)

I use Excel to manipulate several strings and the result is sensitive for blanks at the start and the end of the strings.
That means I like to know if there are blanks when the strings are listed in a messagebox.
Do anyone have a good idea how I can list the strings in a messagebox so that I know if there are blanks to the left or to the right of the string?


Posted by: Torstein Johnsen <sejohnse@yahoo.no>
Reply via web post Reply to sender Reply to group Start a New Topic Messages in this topic (13)

Have you tried the highest rated email app?
With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.

Be sure to check out TechTrax Ezine for many, free Excel VBA articles! Go here: http://www.mousetrax.com/techtrax to enter the ezine, then search the ARCHIVES for EXCEL VBA.

Visit our ExcelVBA group home page for more info and support files:

More free tutorials and resources available at:




Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

[smf_addin] Digest Number 4074

4 Messages

Digest #4074


Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:24 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


I'm having trouble with the Yahoo History function still. My smf version number is 2.1.2017.05.03 which I think is current. I have a stock ticker at Cell A2 and coding ( =smfGetYahooHistory(A2,,,,,,,,"DHLC&quot;) ) array entered to Cells E3:H24 I am getting #VALUE! returned for each cell in the array. How do I correct the code to be array entered ? Your help appreciated. AJS

Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:03 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

You have your "DHLC" parameter in the wrong place. It should be:


However, smfGetYahooHistory() is only in the beta versions of the add-in,
not 2017.05.03.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 9:24 PM, for30sqn@

> I'm having trouble with the Yahoo History function still. My smf version
> number is 2.1.2017.05.03 which I think is current. I have a stock ticker
> at Cell A2 and coding ( =smfGetYahooHistory(A2,,,,,,,,"DHLC&quot;) ) array
> entered to Cells E3:H24 I am getting #VALUE! returned for each cell in the
> array. How do I correct the code to be array entered ? Your help
> appreciated. AJS

Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:37 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


Thanks Randy for your lightning quick reply last night. When I changed the code as you suggested, I started to get some positive results. This morning revealed continuing challenges.

When I open the file, the computer hangs up for close to 2 minutes and then the array displays what seems to be correct data. During this delay, Excel shows that it is "not responding".
This is the code for the array when the file is loaded
='C:\Users\Allen\Downloads\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions (1).xla'!smfGetYahooHistory(A2,,,,"DHLC")
I've checked to ensure the SMF Add-in files are correctly placed in the C:\SMF Add-in directory and when I clean up the code to show =smfGetYahooHistory(A2,,,,"DHLC") as you suggest - the array shows #NAME? in all cells. I appreciate all your help. AJS

---In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, <rharmelink@...> wrote :

You have your "DHLC" parameter in the wrong place. It should be:


However, smfGetYahooHistory() is only in the beta versions of the add-in, not 2017.05.03.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 9:24 PM, for30sqn@ ​...

I'm having trouble with the Yahoo History function still. My smf version number is 2.1.2017.05.03 which I think is current. I have a stock ticker at Cell A2 and coding ( =smfGetYahooHistory(A2,,,,,,,, "DHLC") ) array entered to Cells E3:H24 I am getting #VALUE! returned for each cell in the array. How do I correct the code to be array entered ? Your help appreciated. AJS

Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:18 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 12:37 PM, for30sqn@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Thanks Randy for your lightning quick reply last night. When I changed
> the code as you suggested, I started to get some positive results. This
> morning revealed continuing challenges.
> When I open the file, the computer hangs up for close to 2 minutes and
> then the array displays what seems to be correct data. During this
> delay, Excel shows that it is "not responding".
​It's "not responding" because it is recalculating. I'm surprised it takes
that long if you just have the one formula.​

This is the code for the array when the file is loaded
> =
> ​​
> '
> ​​
> C:\Users&#92;Allen&#92;Downloads&#92;RCH_Stock_Market_Functions
> (1).xla'!smfGetYahooHistory(A2,,,,"DHLC";)
​That means your add-in was located in that location of the add-in
(i.e.​"​C:\Users&#92;Allen&#92;Downloads&#92;RCH_Stock_Market_Functions (1).xla") when
you created and saved the workbook. EXCEL saves a hard-coded location to
the add-in when it saves the workbook. When it opens the workbook, it tags
the function invocation as an "unresolved link" and leaves the path in the
formula if it can't resolve the location.

You should be able to run the smfFixLinks macro. It removes all of those
unresolved links, leaving EXCEL to use the function from the current
location of the add-in specified within the add-in manager.

Then, when you save the workbook, it should save it with a hard-coded link
to THAT location, and you shouldn't get an unresolved link when you reopen
the workbook. Unless you move the add-in.

> I've checked to ensure the SMF Add-in files are correctly placed in the
> C:\SMF Add-in directory and when I clean up the code to show
> =smfGetYahooHistory(A2,,,,"DHLC") as you suggest - the array shows
> #NAME? in all cells. I appreciate all your help. AJS
​#NAME? generally means the add-in is not active. Check the add-in manager
and make sure it is there and checked.​
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF