thaks some time problems are big but the solutions are small
Rajiv Pathak
On 01-Jun-2017 18:03, "Green [ExcelVBA]" <> wrote:
Coming to this pretty late....
I wonder if this might be useful. It was very useful for me at the time.... I wrote it some time ago :-)
I have an excel version too to dump to a worksheet.
Sub subDumpString(strpLine As String, _Optional vpLineNum As Variant)' Dump a string.
Dim intlI As IntegerDim strlLine As StringDim intlICols As IntegerDim intlRows As IntegerDim objlRange As ObjectDim intlCol As IntegerDim intlTableNum As IntegerDim intlRemainder As IntegerDim intlColsDone As IntegerDim strlLineNum As StringDim slChr As String * 1
If IsMissing(vpLineNum) ThenstrlLineNum = "No Line number given"ElsestrlLineNum = "Line " & Str$(vpLineNum)End If
intlTableNum = 0strlLine = strpLineDocuments.Add
Set objlRange = ActiveDocument.ContentWith objlRangeSelection.InsertAfter "Line >" & strlLine & "<" & vbCrLf & vbCrLfSelection.InsertAfter "Length =" & Len(strlLine) & vbCrLf & vbCrLfSelection.InsertAfter strlLineNum & vbCrLf & vbCrLfintlI = 1intlRows = 1intlCol = 12DoIf intlCol > 11 ThenSelection.EndKey Unit:=wdStorySelection.InsertAfter intlI & " To " & intlI + 9 & vbCrLfSelection.EndKey Unit:=wdStoryActiveDocument.Tables.Add _Range:=Selection.Range, _NumRows:=3, _NumColumns:=11, _DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, _AutoFitBehavior:=wdAutoFitFixedSelection.EndKey Unit:=wdStorySelection.TypeParagraphSelection.TypeParagraphintlCol = 2intlTableNum = intlTableNum + 1ActiveDocument.Tables(intlTableNum) _.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text _= "Chr"ActiveDocument.Tables(intlTableNum) _.Cell(2, 1).Range.Text _= "Asc"ActiveDocument.Tables(intlTableNum) _.Cell(3, 1).Range.Text _= "Chr #"End IfslChr = Mid$(strlLine, intlI, 1)ActiveDocument.Tables(intlTableNum) _.Cell(1, intlCol).Range.Text _= slChrActiveDocument.Tables(intlTableNum) _.Cell(2, intlCol).Range.Text _= Asc(slChr)ActiveDocument.Tables(intlTableNum) _.Cell(3, intlCol).Range.Text _= intlISelection.Collapse wdCollapseEndintlCol = intlCol + 1intlI = intlI + 1Loop Until intlI > Len(strlLine)
End With
Set objlRange = Nothing' ***********************************************************************End Sub
Posted by: Rajiv Pathak <>
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