Minggu, 09 Juni 2019

[smf_addin] Digest Number 4554

4 Messages

Digest #4554
Re: Morningstar dividend history by "Jose Jacob" pepecan47
Re: Morningstar dividend history by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Re: RCHGetYahooHistory by amitc@ymail.com
Re: RCHGetYahooHistory by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink


Sat Jun 8, 2019 9:16 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Jose Jacob" pepecan47

 Thank you Randy - I use the whole table as well, but because of the year dividers, I cannot do calculations within the table.
A question: In my formula, smfGetTagContent, I am trying to grab content wit the tag "td". The year dividers don't have a "td" tag, how come I am grabbing them? Is there a way not to grab them?
dividers between every year

Regards, Jose L. Jacob

On Friday, June 7, 2019 5:42 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  The problem is that they have dividers between every year, and no easy way to determine where they are going to be. Especially since each year doesn't necessarily have to have the same number of dividends per year. Some may pay out other than a quarterly dividend, or have a special dividend at some point.
I would suggest just grabbing the whole table:

On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 8:52 PM Jose Jacob pepecan47@... wrote:

Hello Randy - still trying to work with Morningstar to get the dividend history.. I was really happy with Gurufocus, until the SMF cannot extract the data anymore. With Yahoo there are several problems, data reliability and timing of updating the dividends being the main ones.
I am using: MCD is in A1 cell, to get the latest dividend
=smfGetTagContent("http://performance.morningstar.com/Performance/stock/dividend-history.action?y=50&t="&$A$1,"td",1,">Cash Dividends")
Checking the source, if I use 7 as the parameter, I should get the next dividend. The problem is that when using 2, there is a  "<img width ="12"......" that the SMF is pulling out. And then, the next dividend is 8. I thought the only "td" tags would be pulled.
Is there a way to bypass this "<img width//" thing, so I can predictable use 1, 7 , 13, 20, etc. to get the dividends?
I guess I don't understand 100% how the smfGetTagContent works.

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Sat Jun 8, 2019 2:22 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

Why can't you do calculations within the table? What calculations are you

The add-in converts all <th> and </th> tags into <td> and </td> when the
source code of a web page is retrieved.

On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 9:16 AM Jose Jacob pepecan47@... wrote:

> Thank you Randy - I use the whole table as well, but because of the year
> dividers, I cannot do calculations within the table.
> A question: In my formula, smfGetTagContent, I am trying to grab content
> wit the tag "td". The year dividers don't have a "td" tag, how come I am
> grabbing them? Is there a way not to grab them?

Sat Jun 8, 2019 10:13 pm (PDT) . Posted by:



I am running into same issue with the function, it has not been working for 4 weeks.
Tried multiple symbols. The data is available on yahoo finance history site.

Any fix or alternatives to use?


Sat Jun 8, 2019 10:51 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

Not sure what to tell you. It's working fine here. I just tried:


....and get:

Date Open High Low Close Volume Unadj
2019-06-07 $165.56 $167.09 $164.64 $166.61 2017700 $166.61
2019-06-06 $164.00 $166.35 $162.46 $164.72 3581800 $164.72
2019-06-05 $165.14 $165.83 $162.88 $163.85 3161600 $163.85
2019-06-04 $161.73 $165.09 $161.58 $164.29 3746800 $164.29

On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 10:13 PM ac11@... wrote:

> I am running into same issue with the function, it has not been working
> for 4 weeks.
> Tried multiple symbols. The data is available on yahoo finance history
> site.
> Any fix or alternatives to use?
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