3 Messages
Digest #4555
Sun Jun 9, 2019 7:16 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Thanks for checking.
I think it is (was) a Yahoo glitch. It worked for me for years and stopped working, a few weeks ago. Then it gave me sporadic results for some stocks (no rhyme or reason that I could discern). Then yesterday it seemed to work fully again.
I tend to only use it once or twice a month on my portfolio to pull in my stock's history to rough up performance calculations.
I think it is (was) a Yahoo glitch. It worked for me for years and stopped working, a few weeks ago. Then it gave me sporadic results for some stocks (no rhyme or reason that I could discern). Then yesterday it seemed to work fully again.
I tend to only use it once or twice a month on my portfolio to pull in my stock's history to rough up performance calculations.
Sun Jun 9, 2019 3:15 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Jose Jacob" pepecan47
Hi Randy - some of the the calculations I want to make with the table: I have them using Yahoo, but Yahoo dividend data is pretty unreliable.
- Number of dividend payments per year- % last dividend increase- Forward dividend yield- Dividends per year in the last 10 years- Dividends paid in last period
Regarding smfGetTagContent, is it possible to add an optional switch to the formula to not convert all <th> and </th> tags into <td> and </td>? In this way, I would grab only "td" tags. Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Saturday, June 8, 2019 5:22 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Why can't you do calculations within the table? What calculations are you attempting?
The add-in converts all <th> and </th> tags into <td> and </td> when the source code of a web page is retrieved.
On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 9:16 AM Jose Jacob pepecan47@... wrote:
Thank you Randy - I use the whole table as well, but because of the year dividers, I cannot do calculations within the table.
A question: In my formula, smfGetTagContent,I am trying to grab content wit the tag "td". The year dividers don't have a "td" tag, how come I am grabbing them? Is there a way not to grab them?
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- Number of dividend payments per year- % last dividend increase- Forward dividend yield- Dividends per year in the last 10 years- Dividends paid in last period
Regarding smfGetTagContent, is it possible to add an optional switch to the formula to not convert all <th> and </th> tags into <td> and </td>? In this way, I would grab only "td" tags. Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Saturday, June 8, 2019 5:22 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Why can't you do calculations within the table? What calculations are you attempting?
The add-in converts all <th> and </th> tags into <td> and </td> when the source code of a web page is retrieved.
On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 9:16 AM Jose Jacob pepecan47@..
Thank you Randy - I use the whole table as well, but because of the year dividers, I cannot do calculations within the table.
A question: In my formula, smfGetTagContent,
#yiv4915868280 #yiv4915868280 -- #yiv4915868280ygrp-
Sun Jun 9, 2019 8:00 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
There is no optional switch. And no need.
You could easily extract the table into another table, keeping only rows of
dividend payments. For example, if I do the RCHGetHTMLTable() in cells
B1:Gnnn, you could use an array-entered formula to extract a column with
something like:
I've attached an example using forms of that last array-entered formula..
On Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 3:26 PM Jose Jacob pepecan47@... wrote:
> Hi Randy - some of the the calculations I want to make with the table: I
> have them using Yahoo, but Yahoo dividend data is pretty unreliable.
> - Number of dividend payments per year
> - % last dividend increase
> - Forward dividend yield
> - Dividends per year in the last 10 years
> - Dividends paid in last period
> Regarding smfGetTagContent, is it possible to add an optional switch to
> the formula to not convert all <th> and </th> tags into <td> and </td>? In
> this way, I would grab only "td" tags.
You could easily extract the table into another table, keeping only rows of
dividend payments. For example, if I do the RCHGetHTMLTable(
B1:Gnnn, you could use an array-entered formula to extract a column with
something like:
I've attached an example using forms of that last array-entered formula..
On Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 3:26 PM Jose Jacob pepecan47@..
> Hi Randy - some of the the calculations I want to make with the table: I
> have them using Yahoo, but Yahoo dividend data is pretty unreliable.
> - Number of dividend payments per year
> - % last dividend increase
> - Forward dividend yield
> - Dividends per year in the last 10 years
> - Dividends paid in last period
> Regarding smfGetTagContent, is it possible to add an optional switch to
> the formula to not convert all <th> and </th> tags into <td> and </td>? In
> this way, I would grab only "td" tags.
Attachment(s) from Randy Harmelink
1 of 1 File(s)
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