Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

[ExcelVBA] Re: Binary Search Problem



Hope it is not too late to way in. There is an easy way to solve your

In the binary search, instead of using the statement:

If (strArray(lngMiddle) < strSearch) .

Use the statement

If strcomp(strArray(lngMiddle),strSearch,vbTextCompare) & bolInverseOrder <
0 then

(the vbtextcompare will do the same normalization of the strings as the
Excel sort routine)


I got 85/85 which you reported was what the long running Find routine gave.

(you can also save a compare per loop by using

Select case strcomp(strArray(lngMiddle),strSearch,vbTextCompare) &

Case =0 : binarysearch = lngmiddle: end function

Case < 0

Lngmiddle = lngMiddle+1

Case > 0

lngMiddle = lngMiddle-1

End select


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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