Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

[ExcelVBA] Countdown Display Good Evening The the files located in the above folder is my attempt at creating a countdown timer using excel and VBA . I know you can probably do it in a better way but I like a challenge The sheet Sheet 2 holds the key variables The code is composed of individual subroutines each of which hide one element of the worksheet to deliver a frame with a display in it, like Powerpoint The counter is decrimented (counted down) using a dummy data source ( dummy-data.txt )which is interrogated every minute to force a refresh of now() quite sweet I thought The problem I have is in restoring the toolbars...

[belajar-excel] Digest Number 1456

Milis Belajar Microsoft Excel Messages In This Digest (22 Messages) 1a. Re: OOT : Usul Group BBM From: Aliif Akbar 1b. Re: OOT : Usul Group BBM From: Yohanes Oktavianus 1c. Re: OOT : Usul Group BBM From: i Haps 1d. Re: OOT : Usul Group BBM From: Aliif Akbar 2a. TextBox Ketik Terus Kesamping From: 2b. Re: TextBox Ketik Terus Kesamping From: i Haps ...