Jumat, 13 April 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] Re: Using Literals in Formulas


I have code to delete those Debug.Prints if you want it and also to insert them?


Sent: Fri, Apr 13, 2012 12:44 am
Subject: [ExcelVBA] Re: Using Literals in Formulas

--- "noskosteve" <noskosteve@...> wrote:
Hopefully I'm not missing something here. but...
(Named Ranges to the rescue...)

Ignoring the other (formula) comments for the moment. How about naming the col
Range with a Range name like "ColA", then using that name in whatever formula
ou end up with like this:

Range("B1").Value = "= ""Ripe "" & ColA & "" Cheap"""

A little Cut and Paste and it just worked for me in Excel 2007.

I tune-in periodically and through in a comment or two.

hat's "throw in" and ...
I have gobs and gobs of Debug.Prints in my code. Each SUB announces entry and
xit to help with any tricky problem. I even do some creative indenting to help
how what's happening when/where.
I stick them in as well whenever I want to see some value. Though I have used
t, I haven't really learned to use the Watch Window much.

73, Steve, N. K9DCI

--- In ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com, Michael Trombetta <mickey11030@> wrote:
> Thank you David and Derek,
> I will spend the next few days digesting your comments. The suggestion of
efining a variable to hold the string and displaying it either with a
ebug.Print or a MsgBox statement is particularly helpful.
> Thanks again,
> Mickey

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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