Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] Using the Shell function in VBA



This worked OK for me when I gave it the right port number.

Try shelling to a .BAT file with the command in it followed by a Pause on the next line. This will keep the DOS window open.

73 de G4SWY Del AR K

> From: noskosteve <>
>Sent: Saturday, 7 April 2012, 4:46
>Subject: [ExcelVBA] Using the Shell function in VBA

>I have had great success using Excel for Serial/USB I/O using the CreateFile Function (and related functions) in kernel32, but the functions and low level routines were written my someone more knowledgable than me. MSDN helped understand them.
>I want to try using the Shell function to set the com port up.
>I can manually do it in the DOS window using the mode command like this:
>C:\> mode com4:96,n,8,1
>The response is correct. (The port parameters)
>However if I use this (used by someone else) in my VBA:
>Shell (Environ("comspec") + " /c mode Com4:9600,n,8,2")
>There is no error, but it does not change the port parameters. I do see a DOS window 'placeholder' thingy momentarily popup in the task bar at the bottom of the Vista Window.
>To verify this I can either change port parameters manually in DOS to something like 300 baud and the above doesn't change it back to 9600. Or I can change it to 300 baud:
>Shell (Environ("comspec") + " /c mode Com4:300,n,8,2")
>And the port stays at 9600.
>I know this isn't exactlly VBA, but there must be a slightly different syntax for VBA.
>Any help here?
>FWIW, The references I do have as well as on-line don't give complete syntax for the DOS mode command either.
>Regards, Steve

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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