Senin, 25 Juli 2016

[smf_addin] Digest Number 3753

4 Messages

Digest #3753
Re: Yahoo and Verizon (or whoever) by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Re: Yahoo and Verizon (or whoever) by "YewMun Lee" leeyewmun


Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:19 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


It's been a well known fact that Yahoo has been shopped for a long time now. It appears that an announcement is on the way from Verizon on Monday morning that it will acquire Yahoo. No matter whether Verizon or another buyer, I expect that the entire business model will be under close scrutiny and that will most likely include the availability of free (and especially) historical quotes data. I'm not sure that a business case can be made for allowing many thousands of us to continue downloading masses of free historical data. Maintaining a historical quotes database is expensive and both storage and bandwidth are not insignificant costs.

As a heavy user of the RCHGetYahooHistory-Function, I am to say the least, very concerned. I know changes will not occur overnight but I am wondering what Plan B looks like. The closest I have come is Quandl which runs $50/month for US data; however I would have to make major changes to my Excel VBA model to switch.

I am wondering what options other may see and if Randy is giving consideration to migrating functions to other data sources?


Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:44 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"David" who1012000

This is a very good question. I have only done a small amount of research to try and find an alternate price history source. I would be interested if anyone comes up with another source. Thanks for bringing this up. Thanks, David

From: " [smf_addin]" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:19 PM
Subject: [smf_addin] Yahoo and Verizon (or whoever)

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It's been a well known fact that Yahoo has been shopped for a long time now. It appears that an announcement is on the way from Verizon on Monday morning that it will acquire Yahoo. No matter whether Verizon or another buyer, I expect that the entire business model will be under close scrutiny and that will most likely include the availability of free (and especially) historical quotes data. I'm not sure that a business case can be made for allowing many thousands of us to continue downloading masses of free historical data. Maintaining a historical quotes database is expensive and both storage and bandwidth are not insignificant costs.
As a heavy user of the RCHGetYahooHistory-Function, I am to say the least, very concerned. I know changes will not occur overnight but I am wondering what Plan B looks like. The closest I have come is Quandl which runs $50/month for US data; however I would have to make major changes to my Excel VBA model to switch. 
I am wondering what options other may see and if Randy is giving consideration to migrating functions to other data sources?

Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:25 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

None of the other free sources I'm aware of adjust historical prices for

Well, not totally true. The NYSE export (data provided by MorningStar)
does, but it won't allow the add-in access to the portal:

Google is easy, but no adjustments:

=smfGetCSVFile(" 1,
2016&enddate=Jul 24, 2016")

Or from MorningStar, also no adjustments, and data only goes back to 2000
or so:


And I'm not happy with the quality of data from either.

On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 7:19 PM, [smf_addin] <> wrote:

> It's been a well known fact that Yahoo has been shopped for a long time
> now. It appears that an announcement is on the way from Verizon on Monday
> morning that it will acquire Yahoo. No matter whether Verizon or another
> buyer, I expect that the entire business model will be under close scrutiny
> and that will most likely include the availability of free (and especially)
> historical quotes data. I'm not sure that a business case can be made for
> allowing many thousands of us to continue downloading masses of free
> historical data. Maintaining a historical quotes database is expensive and
> both storage and bandwidth are not insignificant costs.
> As a heavy user of the RCHGetYahooHistory-Function, I am to say the least,
> very concerned. I know changes will not occur overnight but I am wondering
> what Plan B looks like. The closest I have come is Quandl which runs
> $50/month for US data; however I would have to make major changes to my
> Excel VBA model to switch.
> I am wondering what options other may see and if Randy is giving
> consideration to migrating functions to other data sources?

Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:40 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"YewMun Lee" leeyewmun

Try Metastock, they have EOD data for usd25 per month, real time data for usd150 per month.I did subscribed the usd150 as data feed for QuantShare (backtesting software).

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Mon, 25 Jul, 2016 at 10:19, [smf_addin]<> wrote:  

It's been a well known fact that Yahoo has been shopped for a long time now. It appears that an announcement is on the way from Verizon on Monday morning that it will acquire Yahoo. No matter whether Verizon or another buyer, I expect that the entire business model will be under close scrutiny and that will most likely include the availability of free (and especially) historical quotes data. I'm not sure that a business case can be made for allowing many thousands of us to continue downloading masses of free historical data. Maintaining a historical quotes database is expensive and both storage and bandwidth are not insignificant costs.

As a heavy user of the RCHGetYahooHistory-Function, I am to say the least, very concerned. I know changes will not occur overnight but I am wondering what Plan B looks like. The closest I have come is Quandl which runs $50/month for US data; however I would have to make major changes to my Excel VBA model to switch. 

I am wondering what options other may see and if Randy is giving consideration to migrating functions to other data sources?


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