9 Messages
Digest #3826
Re: Hello Randy, I have a spreadsheet have been using for years now by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:24 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Thanks for your help, Randy. It's much appreciated!
Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:54 am (PDT) . Posted by:
re: Randy - Loop - RchGetRchElementNumbers - RchGetYahooQuotes.xlsm
Hello Randy,
I have a spreadsheet using you addin and used with a loop for years, with no problems what so ever, however now not running smoothly anymore.
A Microsoft Visual Basic pop up message:
Code has been interrupted
Continue - End - Debug - Help
By clicking the continue button, it re-starts the download, and then suddenly stops again and again,
I re-clicking the continue button, and re-starts the download again, I then have to continue hitting the continue button and repeat, repeat ect..
I was wondering if I would review the spreadsheet to see if you know why the macro is now having problems. I have not changed anything in my macro.
Here are 2 place of where the debugging sends the vba to....
Randy, As always thanks for all that you do
Sub LoadElementsFromFile(pSuffix As Variant)
On Error GoTo ErrorExit
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "smf-elements-" & pSuffix & ".txt" For Input As #1
On Error Resume Next
Do Until EOF(1) = True
Line Input #1, sLine
--> If Left(Trim(sLine), 1) <> "'" Then
iPos1 = InStr(sLine, ";")
aParms(CInt(Left(sLine, iPos1 - 1))) = Mid(sLine, iPos1 + 1)
End If
Close #1
End Sub
Public Function RCHGetURLData1(pURL As String, _
Optional ByVal pType As String = "GET") As String
'----------------------------------------------------------> Version 2.0i
' 2008.07.18 -- Expand oHTTP.Status selections for "OK" to include zero
' 2009.01.26 -- Allow "GET" or "POST" requests
' 2014.06.13 -- Add bASync parameter
On Error GoTo ErrorExit
oHTTP.Open pType, pURL, bASync
'oHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "XMLHTTP/1.0"
--> Do While bASync
If oHTTP.ReadyState = 4 Then Exit Do
Select Case oHTTP.Status
Case 0: RCHGetURLData1 = oHTTP.responseText
Case 200: RCHGetURLData1 = oHTTP.responseText
Case Else: GoTo ErrorExit
End Select
Exit Function
RCHGetURLData1 = vError
End Function
re: Randy - Loop - RchGetRchElementNum
Hello Randy,
I have a spreadsheet using you addin and used with a loop for years, with no problems what so ever, however now not running smoothly anymore.
A Microsoft Visual Basic pop up message:
Code has been interrupted
Continue - End - Debug - Help
By clicking the continue button, it re-starts the download, and then suddenly stops again and again,
I re-clicking the continue button, and re-starts the download again, I then have to continue hitting the continue button and repeat, repeat ect..
I was wondering if I would review the spreadsheet to see if you know why the macro is now having problems. I have not changed anything in my macro.
Here are 2 place of where the debugging sends the vba to....
Randy, As always thanks for all that you do
Sub LoadElementsFromFil
On Error GoTo ErrorExit
Open ThisWorkbook.
On Error Resume Next
Do Until EOF(1) = True
Line Input #1, sLine
--> If Left(Trim(sLine)
iPos1 = InStr(sLine, ";"
End If
Close #1
End Sub
Public Function RCHGetURLData1(
Optional ByVal pType As String = "GET"
' 2008.07.18 -- Expand oHTTP.Status selections for "OK" to include zero
' 2009.01.26 -- Allow "GET" or "POST" requests
' 2014.06.13 -- Add bASync parameter
On Error GoTo ErrorExit
oHTTP.Open pType, pURL, bASync
--> Do While bASync
If oHTTP.ReadyState = 4 Then Exit Do
Select Case oHTTP.Status
Case 0: RCHGetURLData1 = oHTTP.responseText
Case 200: RCHGetURLData1 = oHTTP.responseText
Case Else: GoTo ErrorExit
End Select
Exit Function
RCHGetURLData1 = vError
End Function
Attachment(s) from
1 of 1 File(s)
Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:06 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Sorry. Not a clue here. Everything worked fine for me. Even the two
statements you flagged, I can't imagine why they would cause an
You might be better off using the smfUpdateDownloadTable process....
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 9:54 AM, rr76012@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> [Attachment(s) <#m_6803577131515479732_TopText> from rr76012@yahoo.com
> [smf_addin] included below]
> 10/25/2016
> Re:
> re: Randy - Loop - RchGetRchElementNumbers - RchGetYahooQuotes.xlsm
> Hello Randy,
> I have a spreadsheet using you addin and used with a loop for years, with
> no problems what so ever, however now not running smoothly anymore.
> A Microsoft Visual Basic pop up message:
> Code has been interrupted
> Continue - End - Debug - Help
> By clicking the continue button, it re-starts the download, and then
> suddenly stops again and again,
> I re-clicking the continue button, and re-starts the download again, I
> then have to continue hitting the continue button and repeat, repeat ect..
> I was wondering if I would review the spreadsheet to see if you know why
> the macro is now having problems. I have not changed anything in my macro.
> Here are 2 place of where the debugging sends the vba to....
> Randy, As always thanks for all that you do
> rr76012
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Module:ModGetElementNumber
> Sub LoadElementsFromFile(pSuffix As Variant)
> On Error GoTo ErrorExit
> Open ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "smf-elements-" &
> pSuffix & ".txt" For Input As #1
> On Error Resume Next
> Do Until EOF(1) = True
> Line Input #1, sLine
> --> If Left(Trim(sLine), 1) <> "'" Then
> iPos1 = InStr(sLine, ";")
> aParms(CInt(Left(sLine, iPos1 - 1))) = Mid(sLine, iPos1 + 1)
> End If
> Loop
> Close #1
> ErrorExit:
> End Sub
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Public Function RCHGetURLData1(pURL As String, _
> Optional ByVal pType As String = "GET") As String
> '----------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------> Version 2.0i
> ' 2008.07.18 -- Expand oHTTP.Status selections for "OK" to include zero
> ' 2009.01.26 -- Allow "GET" or "POST" requests
> ' 2014.06.13 -- Add bASync parameter
> '----------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------*
> On Error GoTo ErrorExit
> oHTTP.Open pType, pURL, bASync
> 'oHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "XMLHTTP/1.0"
> oHTTP.Send
> --> Do While bASync
> DoEvents
> If oHTTP.ReadyState = 4 Then Exit Do
> Loop
> Select Case oHTTP.Status
> Case 0: RCHGetURLData1 = oHTTP.responseText
> Case 200: RCHGetURLData1 = oHTTP.responseText
> Case Else: GoTo ErrorExit
> End Select
> Exit Function
> ErrorExit:
> RCHGetURLData1 = vError
> End Function
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------
statements you flagged, I can't imagine why they would cause an
You might be better off using the smfUpdateDownloadTable process....
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 9:54 AM, rr76012@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> [Attachment(s) <#m_6803577131515479732_TopText> from rr76012@yahoo.com
> [smf_addin] included below]
> 10/25/2016
> Re:
> re: Randy - Loop - RchGetRchElementNum
> Hello Randy,
> I have a spreadsheet using you addin and used with a loop for years, with
> no problems what so ever, however now not running smoothly anymore.
> A Microsoft Visual Basic pop up message:
> Code has been interrupted
> Continue - End - Debug - Help
> By clicking the continue button, it re-starts the download, and then
> suddenly stops again and again,
> I re-clicking the continue button, and re-starts the download again, I
> then have to continue hitting the continue button and repeat, repeat ect..
> I was wondering if I would review the spreadsheet to see if you know why
> the macro is now having problems. I have not changed anything in my macro.
> Here are 2 place of where the debugging sends the vba to....
> Randy, As always thanks for all that you do
> rr76012
> ------------
> ------------
> Module:ModGetElemen
> Sub LoadElementsFromFil
> On Error GoTo ErrorExit
> Open ThisWorkbook.
> pSuffix & ".txt" For Input As #1
> On Error Resume Next
> Do Until EOF(1) = True
> Line Input #1, sLine
> --> If Left(Trim(sLine)
> iPos1 = InStr(sLine, ";"
> aParms(CInt(
> End If
> Loop
> Close #1
> ErrorExit:
> End Sub
> ------------
> ------------
> Public Function RCHGetURLData1(
> Optional ByVal pType As String = "GET"
> '-------
> ------------
> ' 2008.07.18 -- Expand oHTTP.Status selections for "OK" to include zero
> ' 2009.01.26 -- Allow "GET" or "POST" requests
> ' 2014.06.13 -- Add bASync parameter
> '-------
> ------------
> On Error GoTo ErrorExit
> oHTTP.Open pType, pURL, bASync
> 'oHTTP.setReque
> oHTTP.Send
> --> Do While bASync
> DoEvents
> If oHTTP.ReadyState = 4 Then Exit Do
> Loop
> Select Case oHTTP.Status
> Case 0: RCHGetURLData1 = oHTTP.responseText
> Case 200: RCHGetURLData1 = oHTTP.responseText
> Case Else: GoTo ErrorExit
> End Select
> Exit Function
> ErrorExit:
> RCHGetURLData1 = vError
> End Function
> ------------
> ------------
Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:09 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Hi Randy,
As always thank you.
Have a great day...:+)
and Happy Holloween
As always thank you.
Have a great day...:+)
and Happy Holloween
Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:54 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Hi Randy
I have been looking using the table from this page ["http://markets.ft.com/data/world/economic-calendar"] to look at forthcoming events. I hope this makes sense! I have found a couple of issues using the RCHGetTableCell formula.. e.g. =RCHGetTableCell("http://markets.ft.com/research/Economic-Calendar",$b$1,
Is there something basic I am missing?
Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:14 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Try using ">GMT" as your search string instead.
When the add-in finds a table cell with "--" in it, in converts it to a
numeric value of zero.
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Philip_R_Small@hotmail.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> I have been looking using the table from this page ["
> http://markets.ft.com/data/world/economic-calendar"] to look at
> forthcoming events. I hope this makes sense! I have found a couple of
> issues using the RCHGetTableCell formula.. e.g. =RCHGetTableCell("http://
> markets.ft.com/research/Economic-Calendar",$b$1,"
> Datel",,,,A3,,) where a3 = 1 and b1 =-7, gives you the GMT. However, in
> trying to produce a full table and altering the a, b and "Date" variables,
> it appears to cut the first line entry and shows the "4Cast" and "Actual"
> line as zero.
> Is there something basic I am missing?
When the add-in finds a table cell with "--" in it, in converts it to a
numeric value of zero.
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Philip_R_Small@hotmail.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> I have been looking using the table from this page ["
> http://markets.ft.com/data/world/economic-calendar"] to look at
> forthcoming events. I hope this makes sense! I have found a couple of
> issues using the RCHGetTableCell formula.. e.g. =RCHGetTableCell(
> markets.ft.com/
> Datel",
> trying to produce a full table and altering the a, b and "Date" variables,
> it appears to cut the first line entry and shows the "4Cast" and "Actual"
> line as zero.
> Is there something basic I am missing?
Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:55 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
I have a VBA routine to read a trades file and place info from that file into a spreadsheet.
I've been copying a formula for the RCHGetYahooHistory function to a cell and then
converting the result to a value, but calculations have to be on for that to work and it's
taking up to a minute to post each trade I'm recording, which is way too long if I have a
couple dozen trades to record.
I'd like to call RCHGetYahooHistory from VBA to get a closing quote for a trade date.
I found some sample code in an old post, but it involves a 25 x 1000 array, sorting and
generating dates. I need something much simpler.
Here's an example of what I have:
A10 = date for quote (given)
B10 = end of day quote (to be retrieved using call to RCHGetYahooHistory)
Z10 = ticker (given)
I have a VBA routine to read a trades file and place info from that file into a spreadsheet.
I've been copying a formula for the RCHGetYahooHistory function to a cell and then
converting the result to a value, but calculations have to be on for that to work and it's
taking up to a minute to post each trade I'm recording, which is way too long if I have a
couple dozen trades to record.
I'd like to call RCHGetYahooHistory from VBA to get a closing quote for a trade date.
I found some sample code in an old post, but it involves a 25 x 1000 array, sorting and
generating dates. I need something much simpler.
Here's an example of what I have:
A10 = date for quote (given)
B10 = end of day quote (to be retrieved using call to RCHGetYahooHistory)
Z10 = ticker (given)
Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:13 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
You just need something like:
Range("B1") = RCHGetYahooHistory(Range("Z1"), Year(Range("A1")),
Month(Range("A1")), Day(Range("A1")), Year(Range("A1")),
Month(Range("A1")), Day(Range("A1")), , "c", 0, pDim1:=1, pDim2:=1)
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Gary.Hartling@
> I have a VBA routine to read a trades file and place info from that file
> into a spreadsheet.
> I've been copying a formula for the RCHGetYahooHistory function to a cell
> and then
> converting the result to a value, but calculations have to be on for that
> to work and it's
> taking up to a minute to post each trade I'm recording, which is way too
> long if I have a
> couple dozen trades to record.
> I'd like to call RCHGetYahooHistory from VBA to get a closing quote for a
> trade date.
> I found some sample code in an old post, but it involves a 25 x 1000
> array, sorting and
> generating dates. I need something much simpler.
> Here's an example of what I have:
> A10 = date for quote (given)
> B10 = end of day quote (to be retrieved using call to RCHGetYahooHistory)
> Z10 = ticker (given)
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Gary.Hartling@
> I have a VBA routine to read a trades file and place info from that file
> into a spreadsheet.
> I've been copying a formula for the RCHGetYahooHistory function to a cell
> and then
> converting the result to a value, but calculations have to be on for that
> to work and it's
> taking up to a minute to post each trade I'm recording, which is way too
> long if I have a
> couple dozen trades to record.
> I'd like to call RCHGetYahooHistory from VBA to get a closing quote for a
> trade date.
> I found some sample code in an old post, but it involves a 25 x 1000
> array, sorting and
> generating dates. I need something much simpler.
> Here's an example of what I have:
> A10 = date for quote (given)
> B10 = end of day quote (to be retrieved using call to RCHGetYahooHistory)
> Z10 = ticker (given)
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF
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