4 Messages
Digest #4086
Sat Jul 8, 2017 10:38 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
A new source of historical quotes (and more) was mentioned on an AmiBroker forum. The documentation of its APIs is here:
https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/ https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/
To use the APIs, you will need to request your free API key by giving your name and an email address. They have examples on the documentation page that actually work, using "demo" as the API key. That API key only works with MSFT as the ticker symbol.
As an example, this:
...returns something that looks like this:
timestamp open high low close adjusted_close volume dividend_amount split_coefficient 2017-07-07 $68.70 $69.84 $68.70 $69.46 $69.46 15897154 0 1 2017-07-06 $68.27 $68.78 $68.12 $68.57 $68.57 20909161 0 1 2017-07-05 $68.26 $69.44 $68.22 $69.08 $69.08 21176272 0 1 2017-07-03 $69.33 $69.60 $68.02 $68.17 $68.17 16164331 0 1
https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/ https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/
To use the APIs, you will need to request your free API key by giving your name and an email address. They have examples on the documentation page that actually work, using "demo" as the API key. That API key only works with MSFT as the ticker symbol.
As an example, this:
...returns something that looks like this:
timestamp open high low close adjusted_close volume dividend_amount split_coefficient 2017-07-07 $68.70 $69.84 $68.70 $69.46 $69.46 15897154 0 1 2017-07-06 $68.27 $68.78 $68.12 $68.57 $68.57 20909161 0 1 2017-07-05 $68.26 $69.44 $68.22 $69.08 $69.08 21176272 0 1 2017-07-03 $69.33 $69.60 $68.02 $68.17 $68.17 16164331 0 1
Sat Jul 8, 2017 10:50 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
Saw a discussion of stooq.com http://stooq.com/ (a foreign web site) on another board and checked it out. Not sure of the accuracy of their data (not sure who to compare to these days). Data appears to be both split and dividend adjusted. Historical quotes are easy to get, as a CSV file:
https://stooq.com/q/d/l/?s= mmm.us&d1=20160102&d2= 20170703&i=d https://stooq.com/q/d/l/?s=mmm.us&d1=20160102&d2=20170703&i=d
-- &s= is for the ticker symbol, and US ticker symbols must have the ".us" suffix.
-- &d1= is for the starting date; &d1 and &d2 must either both be used or omitted.
-- &d2= is for the ending date; &d1 and &d2 must either both be used or omitted.
-- &i= is for the time period, and can be d/w/m/q/y.
They also have a current quotes CSV similar to Yahoo's:
https://stooq.com/q/l/?s=mmm. us+ibm.us&f=sd2t2ohlcm2vr&e= csv https://stooq.com/q/l/?s=mmm.us+ibm.us&f=sd2t2ohlcm2vr&e=csv
-- &s= is for the ticker symbol, and US ticker symbols must have the ".us" suffix. Multiple ticker symbols can be used with a "+" in between them.
-- &f= is for the data fields, with meanings of:
>> a = Ask
>> b = Bid
>> c = Close
>> d1 = Date as yyyymmdd
>> d2 = Date as m/d/yyyy
>> d4 = Date as d-mmm-yy
>> h = High
>> l = Low
>> m1 = $ Change
>> m2 = % Change
>> n = Name
>> o = Open
>> p = Previous Close
>> r = Rotation???
>> s = Symbol
>> t1 = Time as hhmmss (24 hour)
>> t2 = Time as hh:mm:ss (24 hour)
>> t3 = Time as hh:mm (24 hour)
>> t4 = Time as hh:mmPM
>> v = Volume
So, this:
...returns something like:
Date Open High Low Close Volume 2016-01-04 $142.42 $142.67 $139.85 $141.22 3407129 2016-01-05 $141.22 $141.87 $140.05 $141.83 2792949 2016-01-06 $140.03 $140.19 $137.96 $138.98 3115959 2016-01-07 $137.08 $137.68 $135.26 $135.59 3692154 2016-01-08 $135.98 $137.06 $134.86 $135.12 2769503 2016-01-11 $135.59 $136.05 $134.09 $135.09 2885578 2016-01-12 $135.98 $136.72 $133.82 $135.48 2457327
...and this:
...returns something like:
MMM.US 2017-07-07 22:00:00 $208.50 $210.15 $208.05 $209.59 0.75% 1477830 259895497 IBM.US 2017-07-07 22:00:00 $152.62 $153.49 $152.14 $152.94 0.38% 2383896 304347109
https://stooq.com/q/d/l/?s= mmm.us&d1=20160102&d2= 20170703&i=d https://stooq.com/q/d/l/?s=mmm.us&d1=20160102&d2=20170703&i=d
-- &s= is for the ticker symbol, and US ticker symbols must have the ".us" suffix.
-- &d1= is for the starting date; &d1 and &d2 must either both be used or omitted.
-- &d2= is for the ending date; &d1 and &d2 must either both be used or omitted.
-- &i= is for the time period, and can be d/w/m/q/y.
They also have a current quotes CSV similar to Yahoo's:
https://stooq.com/q/l/?s=mmm. us+ibm.us&f=sd2t2ohlcm2vr&e= csv https://stooq.com/q/l/?s=mmm.us+ibm.us&f=sd2t2ohlcm2vr&e=csv
-- &s= is for the ticker symbol, and US ticker symbols must have the ".us" suffix. Multiple ticker symbols can be used with a "+" in between them.
-- &f= is for the data fields, with meanings of:
>> a = Ask
>> b = Bid
>> c = Close
>> d1 = Date as yyyymmdd
>> d2 = Date as m/d/yyyy
>> d4 = Date as d-mmm-yy
>> h = High
>> l = Low
>> m1 = $ Change
>> m2 = % Change
>> n = Name
>> o = Open
>> p = Previous Close
>> r = Rotation???
>> s = Symbol
>> t1 = Time as hhmmss (24 hour)
>> t2 = Time as hh:mm:ss (24 hour)
>> t3 = Time as hh:mm (24 hour)
>> t4 = Time as hh:mmPM
>> v = Volume
So, this:
...returns something like:
Date Open High Low Close Volume 2016-01-04 $142.42 $142.67 $139.85 $141.22 3407129 2016-01-05 $141.22 $141.87 $140.05 $141.83 2792949 2016-01-06 $140.03 $140.19 $137.96 $138.98 3115959 2016-01-07 $137.08 $137.68 $135.26 $135.59 3692154 2016-01-08 $135.98 $137.06 $134.86 $135.12 2769503 2016-01-11 $135.59 $136.05 $134.09 $135.09 2885578 2016-01-12 $135.98 $136.72 $133.82 $135.48 2457327
...and this:
...returns something like:
MMM.US 2017-07-07 22:00:00 $208.50 $210.15 $208.05 $209.59 0.75% 1477830 259895497 IBM.US 2017-07-07 22:00:00 $152.62 $153.49 $152.14 $152.94 0.38% 2383896 304347109
Sun Jul 9, 2017 7:09 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Randy - could I direct-message you here or contact in another way? I'm an active user of the SMF Add-in and have a few comments/questions. (this is completely unrelated to this post or STOOQ).
I run a website and if I post my issue here publicly it could be seen as marketing, I want to respect the use of this board. This is nothing groundbreaking just a comment/question for you to consider. You could contact me at dcharlotte99 [ at ] gmail.com also.
I run a website and if I post my issue here publicly it could be seen as marketing, I want to respect the use of this board. This is nothing groundbreaking just a comment/question for you to consider. You could contact me at dcharlotte99 [ at ] gmail.com also.
Sat Jul 8, 2017 11:01 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Paul D Pochan" paul_d_pochan
Randy,I purchased a new laptop and add-in appears to be working correctly now and pulling the quotes. (My old one was a cheapo and I got what I paid for.....)Paul
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]<smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Can't help without more details. I need at least an example of the formula causing an error. Best to shut down EXCEL, create a new workbook, and try it there first. If it still gets an error, then send it along so I can try an figure out what happened to it.
Also, add-in version information would be helpful:
On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Paul D Pochan paul_d_pochan@... wrote:
My issue. I have 2 options on my spreadsheet. The option quote updates for one and the other gives ERROR.
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Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]<smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Can't help without more details. I need at least an example of the formula causing an error. Best to shut down EXCEL, create a new workbook, and try it there first. If it still gets an error, then send it along so I can try an figure out what happened to it.
Also, add-in version information would be helpful:
On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Paul D Pochan paul_d_pochan@... wrote:
My issue. I have 2 options on my spreadsheet. The option quote updates for one and the other gives ERROR.
#yiv4872043854 #yiv4872043854 -- #yiv4872043854ygrp-
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF
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