Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

[ExcelVBA] Scanning via VBA programming


I found the below VBA code on the internet.

I am having a problem with the following line of coding:

    Set wiaImg = .Transfer(wiaFormatJPEG) 'Change file type in save to match format

It is giving me a compile error that it cannot find project or library

On a test file, this code worked perfectly however when I inserted the code in a file I want to work with, it immediately started to give the above problem.

In both the test file and the main file I inserted the library reference "Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition" as instructed by the one who put this code on the internet.

Can anyone please help and suggest what may be wrong and why it works perfectly in one file but not in another?

Thanks & regards


Sub ScanDoc()

'message to put the document in the scanner for scanning

MsgBox ("Place certificate in scanner for scanning")

Dim wiaImg As New WIA.ImageFile

Dim wiaDialog As New WIA.CommonDialog

Dim wiaScanner As WIA.Device


Set wiaScanner = wiaDialog.ShowSelectDevice


With wiaScanner.Items(1)

    .Properties("6146").Value = 4 '4 is Black-white,gray is 2, color 1 (Color Intent)

    .Properties("6147").Value = 200 'dots per inch/horizontal

    .Properties("6148").Value = 200 'dots per inch/vertical

    .Properties("6149").Value = 0 'x point where to start scan

    .Properties("6150").Value = 0 'y-point where to start scan


    'Following is A4 paper size. _

     '(Not 100% accurate because real A4 Ht errors)

    '.Properties("6151").Value = 830 'horizontal exent DPI x inches wide

    '.Properties("6152").Value = 1167 'vertical extent DPI x inches tall

    ' setting my personal values
    .Properties("6151").Value = 1600 'horizontal exent DPI x inches wide

    .Properties("6152").Value = 2200 'vertical extent DPI x inches tall
    Set wiaImg = .Transfer(wiaFormatJPEG) 'Change file type in save to match format


End With



'Between asterisk lines is because Save errors if file exists

If Dir("c:\delete\MyImage.jpg") <> "" Then

    Kill "c:\delete\MyImage.jpg"
End If



wiaImg.SaveFile ("c:\delete\MyImage.jpg")

Set wiaImg = Nothing

Set wiaScanner = Nothing

Call printpdf

End Sub

Sub printpdf()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pic As Picture

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.Goto Reference:="pos_Temp"

Set ws = ActiveSheet
ws.PageSetup.PaperSize = xlPaperA4
'Can also specify margins, etc.

'Set pic = ws.Pictures.Insert("c:\delete\MyImage.png")
Set pic = ws.Pictures.Insert("c:\delete\MyImage.jpg")

'Set picture size.
With pic.ShapeRange
    .LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
    .Height = Application.CentimetersToPoints(20)
    .Width = Application.CentimetersToPoints(15)
    'Or you could match the size to the paper margins from above.
End With

'Between asterisk lines is because of Save errors if file exists

    'If Dir("c:\delete\MyImage.pdf") <> "" Then

    'Kill "c:\delete\MyImage.pdf"
    If Dir(chrPath & chrCertificate & ".pdf") <> "" Then

    Kill chrPath & chrCertificate & ".pdf"
    End If

ws.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
    Filename:=chrPath & chrCertificate & ".pdf", OpenAfterPublish:=True
    Application.Goto Reference:="pos_pathname"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Posted by: vince19472003@yahoo.com
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