Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Re: [ExcelVBA] Split daily data and save to DBF


Dear David,

Thank you for responding my email.

Actually, the step is a way to do an overlaying process with GIS software (in this case is ArcGIS software).

The observation dataset is going to split daily data (based on "Date" coloumn) and convert each of it to DBF. More detailed what I have done with several months observation data are follows :

Observation Dataset
Date          Latitude     longitude      Temperature
2003-01-01    113.75       -15.336        14.709
2003-01-01    103.491      -7.307         13.668
2003-01-02    114.227      -13.858        11.942
2003-01-02    118.176      -9.556         20.499

Then I'm going to split daily based on "Date"

Date          Latitude     longitude      Temperature
2003-01-01    113.75       -15.336        14.709
2003-01-01    103.491      -7.307         13.668

convert it to DBF with filename 2003-01-01.DBF, then continue to next date data :

Date          Latitude     longitude      Temperature
2003-01-02    114.227      -13.858        11.942
2003-01-02    118.176      -9.556         20.499
and convert to DBF with filename 2003-01-02.DBF

Each of *.DBF data will be overlayed with daily sea surface temperature (SST) data derived from oceanographic satellite within ArcGIS, in order to extract value of daily SST on each coordinates.

As summary, I'm going to make some statistical model (linear or nonlinear regression) between observation data and SST data.
That is the outline what I'm going to do.


--- On Thu, 12/1/11, David Lanman <who1012000@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: David Lanman <who1012000@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ExcelVBA] Split daily data and save to DBF
To: "ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 6:42 AM


How are you going to group your data and what do you want as a summary?




From: edo rs <edoido_modis@yahoo.com>

To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 10:48 PM

Subject: [ExcelVBA] Split daily data and save to DBF


Dear all,

I have around five years data consisted on daily data observation.

The shape of those data as follow :

Date          Latitude     longitude      Temperature

2003-01-01    113.75       -15.336        14.709

2003-01-01    103.491      -7.307         13.668

2003-01-02    114.227      -13.858        11.942

2003-01-02    118.176      -9.556         20.499


I have to split those data daily and save each daily data on DBF in order to be analyzed with another environmental data.

I had for several months data manually on my Excel 2003, but I thought it will be takes along time.

Would someone in this forum helping me to solve the problem?

Any help is really appreciated



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