Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] Sorting in VBA



I can do nothing except agree with you.

So are you sugesting that if I am in Word then I open a seperate Excel/Access application.. put the data int new spreadsheets/databases... sort it as required... then grab the result and rewrite my original array????


-----Original Message-----
From: David Smart <>
To: ExcelVBA <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 7, 2012 11:02 pm
Subject: Re: [ExcelVBA] Sorting in VBA

> I don't think the sort there actually can be altered to cope
with multiple keys
The sort I pointed to uses a function called QSortCompare to compare the
andidate values. As such, you simply need to change all calls to that
unction send it the correct key information (either by concatenation or
ultiple parameters) and amend the function as needed to check any extra
eys if you don't use concatenation in the call.
Should be straightforward enough.
> Maybe there's a misunderstanding of "keys" here.
No, no misunderstanding.
> The reason for the project is not to sort *in* an
application but to sort items from the VBE.
Yes, we see that, but why? Both Excel and Access have excellent - and
ast - sort capabilities. Why would you use a much slower sort method in
BA when these capabilities are around?
If you do ever need to sort in applications that don't have sort
apabilities, then fine, but there's no point in ignoring perfectly good,
fficient, and well-understood capabilities in the other applications when
hey are immediately available.

egards, Dave S

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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