Senin, 05 Maret 2012

RE: [ExcelVBA] Newbie to group and Excel


Hi Pam

I think what you want is certainly achievable. I am not however quite clear
what that is.

I think that all you want is to maintain a list of product numbers. Then
you want to print these on physical pages in two columns so on page 1 you
will have the product starting with A and when you get to the end of that
column on page 1 you then continue in alphabetical order in column 2 of page
1. Then when column 2 of page 1 is full you go onto page 2 column 1. This
is called snaking columns.

To achieve this you need to start with all the product numbers in one column
on one sheet. There are 1,048,576 rows on an excel sheet so it will
probably be sufficient for the number of products you will have.

You can click on the header of the column and then click the "Data" tab at
the top and on this tab click the icon which has an A above a Z and then a
down pointing arrow. This will sort the column in alphabetical order.

Then, to produce the sheets for printed pages you set them up on the second
spreadsheet (Sheet 2).

Assuming your product names start at A1 on Sheet 1

In sheet 2 put wording for a header for each page in cell B1 "Pam's

In cell A3 put the number 1
In cell A4 put the formula =A3+1
Copy this cell (Ctrl-C). Select cells A5 down to A49 and Paste (Ctrl-V)
The formula should change automatically and you will have the numbers 1 to
47 showing.

In cell B3 put the formula =INDIRECT("'sheet1'!A"&A3)
Copy this down to all the cells down to row 49 like you did before.
In cell C3 put the formula =A49+1
Copy this down
Copy the formula from B3 to cells D3 to D49

Now go to cell A50
Click the Page Layout tab at the top
Click Breaks and then click Insert page break
Now select cells A1 to D50
Select cell A50 and paste
In cell A52 put the formula =C49+1

You now have two pages of your catalog ready for printing.

To add page 3 you select A50 to D99 and copy it to cell A99
No further formula changes required.

If you want more than 3 pages to start with you just continue pasting each
49 rows down.

Now you can right click the Label A at the top of Column A and click Hide.
Do the same for Column C

You will need to change the width of columns B and D so the whole of the
name can be seen.

I hope this helps and that I have explained it in a simple enough manner.

In Cell

Best Regards
David Grugeon
Excel VBA Group Moderator

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Pamela
Sent: Monday, 5 March 2012 6:26 AM
Subject: [ExcelVBA] Newbie to group and Excel

Hi, I'm Pa'm am in Ks and I need help with Excel Starter 2010. I'm new to
this and what to make a spreadsheet to inventory cartridge I have. I would
like to have 2 colums per page and have the ability to alphabetize the
lists. Since I will be adding more carts in time, I also need the ability to
add to list and then realphabetize it. Maybe abe able to go from one page to
another and have the pages alphabetize through all pages.

Can anyone help?



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