Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] Excel Date Calculations


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----- Reply message -----
From: "Baljeet Bilkhu" <>
To: <>
Subject: [ExcelVBA] Excel Date Calculations
Date: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 4:19 pm


I have an Excel sheet for which I am calcuating the number of items in a particular field (Verification) on a daily basis to develop a trend chart.  I would also like to have this update on a real time basis based on the current date - to which, I am using the following formula:


=SUMPRODUCT(('Verification Items'!$D:$D="Verification")*(IF(TRUNC('Daily Comp Count'!U2)=TRUNC(TODAY()),"1","0")))


(The "Daily Comp Count" worksheet has dates all along the top in row 2 - hence, I'm seeing if (in this case) U2 is today and if so, make it a 1 and multiply it with the number of items in "Verification").


This is working fine for the current day, but when tomorrow comes, the values for the previous date will turn back to zero - is there any way that I could prevent this from happening (i.e. the values remain even when the date changes)?



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