Messages In This Digest (22 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: SMF Add-in on MacBook From: Steven
- 2.1.
- RCHGetTableCell From: jothiramselvam
- 2.2.
- Re: RCHGetTableCell From: Randy Harmelink
- 3a.
- SMF-Template-MSN-Analyst-Opinions.xls From: Leonard Mednick
- 3b.
- Re: SMF-Template-MSN-Analyst-Opinions.xls From: Randy Harmelink
- 3c.
- Re: SMF-Template-MSN-Analyst-Opinions.xls From: Leonard
- 4a.
- Help downloading index constituents from S&P, From: griffinms
- 4b.
- Re: Help downloading index constituents from S&P, From: Randy Harmelink
- 4c.
- Re: Help downloading index constituents from S&P, From: griffinms
- 4d.
- Re: Help downloading index constituents from S&P, From: rebalance85
- 4e.
- Re: Help downloading index constituents from S&P, From: Randy Harmelink
- 5a.
- Using new file but still get errors From: ufdn16
- 5b.
- Re: Using new file but still get errors From: Randy Harmelink
- 5c.
- Re: Using new file but still get errors From: ufdn16
- 5d.
- Re: Using new file but still get errors From: Randy Harmelink
- 6a.
- Re: CBOE Symbol List of Weekly Option-[] From: hashky
- 6b.
- Re: CBOE Symbol List of Weekly Option-[] From: Randy Harmelink
- 7a.
- How could I use RCHGetYahooQuotes to get quotes from Yahoo HK page? From: email_to_jeffrey
- 7b.
- Re: How could I use RCHGetYahooQuotes to get quotes from Yahoo HK pa From: Randy Harmelink
- 7c.
- Re: How could I use RCHGetYahooQuotes to get quotes from Yahoo HK pa From: email_to_jeffrey
- 7d.
- Re: How could I use RCHGetYahooQuotes to get quotes from Yahoo HK pa From: Randy Harmelink
- 8.
- hello From: Bob Cutillo
- 1a.
Re: SMF Add-in on MacBook
Posted by: "Steven" sdavis81
Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:40 am (PDT)
Yes I use the add-in on a MacBook Pro. It doesn't work in Excel for Mac and least the last version. I use Fusion, and have Windows in there with Microsoft Office. Install the add-in in the Program files as directed and it works fine.
--- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> I no practically nothing about Macs. But I have had a few mention that
> they've been able to use the add-in in a Windows emulated environment on
> the Mac.
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 7:07 AM, addison.ingle <addison.ingle@...>wrote:
> > I'm sure this has been addressed, but I cannot find the relevant messages.
> > Essentially, I would like to know if it is possible to use the add-in on a
> > mac, and if so, what the steps necessary to install the add-in. Any help is
> > greatly appreciated.
> >
- 2.1.
Posted by: "jothiramselvam" jothiramselvam
Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:34 am (PDT)
From the link india/stockprice quote/computerss oftware/patnicom putersystems/ PCS02
I'm trying to get P/E value
=RCHGetTableCell("http://www.moneycon ",1,">P/E")india/stockprice quote/computerss oftware/patnicom putersystems/ PCS02
However, this is not working. Can you please let me know what I'm missing here.
- 2.2.
Re: RCHGetTableCell
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:46 am (PDT)
That's because the data is not display within a table. Instead, try:
=smfConvertData(smfGetTagContent (" india/stockprice quote/computerss oftware/patnicom putersystems/ PCS02
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:34 AM, jothiramselvam < >wrote:
> From the link
> india/stockprice quote/computerss oftware/patnicom putersystems/ PCS02
> I'm trying to get P/E value
> =RCHGetTableCell("
> india/stockprice quote/computerss oftware/patnicom putersystems/ PCS02
> ",1,">P/E")
> However, this is not working. Can you please let me know what I'm missing
> here.
- 3a.
Posted by: "Leonard Mednick" kelleomax
Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:04 am (PDT)
I'm getting Errors in all the cells of subject template. Today was the first
time I tried using the function(s) in this template in order to get at the
Analysts' Opinions. I don't seem to have any other problems with the add-in,
even as I write this message.
I'm using the "new" smf-elements-1.txt from your WIP directory. This is my
version # (and add-in location): Stock Market Functions add-in, Version
2.1.2012.02.02 (C:\Program Files\SMF Add-in; 1)
Thanks for any assistance you can give.
- 3b.
Re: SMF-Template-MSN-Analyst-Opinions.xls
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:30 am (PDT)
Hmmm. I just downloaded the file from the group and it's working fine for
What do you get with:
=RCHGetElementNumber("MMM", 353)
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Leonard Mednick < >wrote:
> I'm getting Errors in all the cells of subject template. Today was the
> first time I tried using the function(s) in this template in order to get
> at the Analysts' Opinions. I don't seem to have any other problems with the
> add-in, even as I write this message.****
> ** **
> I'm using the "new" smf-elements-1.txt from your WIP directory. This is my
> version # (and add-in location): Stock Market Functions add-in, Version
> 2.1.2012.02.02 (C:\Program Files\SMF Add-in; 1)****
> ** **
> Thanks for any assistance you can give.
- 3c.
Re: SMF-Template-MSN-Analyst-Opinions.xls
Posted by: "Leonard" kelleomax
Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:57 pm (PDT)
Hmmm is right
i just reopened my template from this morning and everything is working
now peachy keen. i can only think of three reasons for this:
1) when i opened the template originally this morning, excel alerted me
that i couldn't edit the sheet unless i replied with an enabling
answer--which i did. as soon as i did, all the numbers on the sheet
reverted to "Error". i never did examine whether the original numbers
were meaningful or not.
2) i was doing my R&D with this template in the wee, small hours of the
pre-market and maybe MSN was housekeeping its database, and
3) although i THOUGHT i saved the template after i enabled the sheet,
maybe the act of bailing out entirely during the market hours and then
coming back, triggered something that now gives me an operational
Analyst Opinion sheet.
there is a 4th possibility of course but NATURALLY that CAN'T be the
case: i did something foolish and have completely swept my mind clear of
that event ever happening. <g>
thanks again for your generous and prompt help.
leonard--- In , Randy Harmelink
<rharmelink@...> wrote:
> Hmmm. I just downloaded the file from the group and it's working fine
> me.
> What do you get with:
> =RCHGetElementNumber("MMM", 353)
> =smfGetAParms(353)
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Leonard Mednick leonard613@...wrote:
> >
> > I’m getting Errors in all the cells of subject template.
Today was the
> > first time I tried using the function(s) in this template in order
to get
> > at the Analysts’ Opinions. I don’t seem to have any
other problems with the
> > add-in, even as I write this message.****
> >
> > ** **
> >
> > I’m using the “new†smf-elements-1.txt from
your WIP directory. This is my
> > version # (and add-in location): Stock Market Functions add-in,
> > 2.1.2012.02.02 (C:\Program Files\SMF Add-in; 1)****
> >
> > ** **
> >
> > Thanks for any assistance you can give.
> >
- 4a.
Help downloading index constituents from S&P,
Posted by: "griffinms" griffinms
Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:46 am (PDT)
I have only used the smf addin to download historical data from Yahoo, but I'm wondering if it's possible to do a couple of things:
1) The first may be easier after what I've read, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I'm trying to download the table located on this page: nasdaq-100- stocks.aspx
I tried the RCHGetHTMLTable function, but I'm having no luck getting it to work (it's my first time using it).
2) The second is trying to download the Excel file at the url below:
http://www.standardandpoors. com/prot/ spf/docs/ indices/SPUSA- 500-USDUF- -P-US-L-- Constituents. xls
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- 4b.
Re: Help downloading index constituents from S&P,
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:42 am (PDT)
1. Sorry, but the table is generated dynamically, so it's not within the
source code of the web page for the add-in to extract.
2. You don't need the add-in to access the file. Just use normal EXCEL
references. For an example, see: com/group/ smf_addin/ message/17868
One thing I recently ran into is the ability to get holdings exported from
MorningStar. So, if you want the constituents, you could ask for the
holdings of the related ETFs -- SPY and QQQ -- with this:
http://portfolios.morningstar. com/fund/ holdingsExport? exportType= details&t=
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:46 AM, griffinms < > wrote:
> I have only used the smf addin to download historical data from Yahoo, but
> I'm wondering if it's possible to do a couple of things:
> 1) The first may be easier after what I've read, but I haven't been able
> to figure it out. I'm trying to download the table located on this page:
> nasdaq-100- stocks.aspx
> I tried the RCHGetHTMLTable function, but I'm having no luck getting it to
> work (it's my first time using it).
> 2) The second is trying to download the Excel file at the url below:
> http://www.standardandpoors. com/prot/ spf/docs/ indices/SPUSA- 500-USDUF- -P-US-L-- Constituents. xls
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- 4c.
Re: Help downloading index constituents from S&P,
Posted by: "griffinms" griffinms
Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:05 pm (PDT)
Excellent! I didn't realize I could just reference a web document in my spreadsheet. Tha talone will save me a lot of trouble.
--- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> 1. Sorry, but the table is generated dynamically, so it's not within the
> source code of the web page for the add-in to extract.
> 2. You don't need the add-in to access the file. Just use normal EXCEL
> references. For an example, see:
> com/group/ smf_addin/ message/17868
> One thing I recently ran into is the ability to get holdings exported from
> MorningStar. So, if you want the constituents, you could ask for the
> holdings of the related ETFs -- SPY and QQQ -- with this:
> =smfGetCSVFile("
> http://portfolios.morningstar. com/fund/ holdingsExport? exportType= details&t=
> "&C2)
- 4d.
Re: Help downloading index constituents from S&P,
Posted by: "rebalance85" rebalance85
Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:03 pm (PDT)
Hi, Randy,
As you said below, you can get the CSV file from MorningStar,if it is possibel get the financial statement from Morningstar?
Here is the link:
http://financials.morningstar. com/income- statement/ is.html?t= MMM®ion= USA&culture= en-US
and in the upper right, there is a csv file.
--- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> 1. Sorry, but the table is generated dynamically, so it's not within the
> source code of the web page for the add-in to extract.
> 2. You don't need the add-in to access the file. Just use normal EXCEL
> references. For an example, see:
> com/group/ smf_addin/ message/17868
> One thing I recently ran into is the ability to get holdings exported from
> MorningStar. So, if you want the constituents, you could ask for the
> holdings of the related ETFs -- SPY and QQQ -- with this:
> =smfGetCSVFile("
> http://portfolios.morningstar. com/fund/ holdingsExport? exportType= details&t=
> "&C2)
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:46 AM, griffinms <griffinms@...> wrote:
> > I have only used the smf addin to download historical data from Yahoo, but
> > I'm wondering if it's possible to do a couple of things:
> >
> > 1) The first may be easier after what I've read, but I haven't been able
> > to figure it out. I'm trying to download the table located on this page:
> >
> > nasdaq-100- stocks.aspx
> >
> > I tried the RCHGetHTMLTable function, but I'm having no luck getting it to
> > work (it's my first time using it).
> >
> > 2) The second is trying to download the Excel file at the url below:
> >
> >
> > http://www.standardandpoors. com/prot/ spf/docs/ indices/SPUSA- 500-USDUF- -P-US-L-- Constituents. xls
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
- 4e.
Re: Help downloading index constituents from S&P,
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:13 pm (PDT)
I've tried to figure it out, but the best I've been able to come up with is:
http://financials.morningstar. ")com/ajax/ exportKR2CSV. html?t=MMM
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:03 PM, rebalance85 < > wrote:
> As you said below, you can get the CSV file from MorningStar,if it is
> possibel get the financial statement from Morningstar?
> Here is the link:
> http://financials.morningstar. com/income- statement/ is.html?t= MMM®ion= USA&culture= en-US
> and in the upper right, there is a csv file.
- 5a.
Using new file but still get errors
Posted by: "ufdn16" ufdn16
Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:31 pm (PDT)
Hey Randy,
We've been back and forth on this subject a number of times.
the last time I heard from you, you asked me for some information like what version I have and to try and see if I used the symbol itself instead of using ticker1.
I sent you a response but, haven't heard back from you.
I think I remember I'm using file 2.1.
cant located our original back and forths. Can you help?
- 5b.
Re: Using new file but still get errors
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:43 pm (PDT)
My reply to your reported function results: com/group/ smf_addin/ message/18947
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:31 PM, ufdn16 < > wrote:
> Hey Randy,
> We've been back and forth on this subject a number of times.
> the last time I heard from you, you asked me for some information like
> what version I have and to try and see if I used the symbol itself instead
> of using ticker1.
> I sent you a response but, haven't heard back from you.
> I think I remember I'm using file 2.1.
> cant located our original back and forths. Can you help?
- 5c.
Re: Using new file but still get errors
Posted by: "ufdn16" ufdn16
Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:07 pm (PDT)
Thank you.
Here's where I'm at now. As you suggested, I had more than one incident of smf and in different locations. So, I decided I would delete all files associated with this function and start over.
I deleted all files. The funny thing is, that after I deleted the files and rebooted my machine and then loaded the worksheet with function formulas in it, I thought I would have errors all over the worksheet. But, in fact, everything was still in tact. That's just crazy.
I then downloaded the correct file , unzipped it and let default to the directory suggested by the unzip function.
I opened my worksheet and I still had all the original formulas still working but still can't get function 25.
What do you think. David
--- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> My reply to your reported function results:
> com/group/ smf_addin/ message/18947
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:31 PM, ufdn16 <ufdn16@...> wrote:
> > Hey Randy,
> > We've been back and forth on this subject a number of times.
> > the last time I heard from you, you asked me for some information like
> > what version I have and to try and see if I used the symbol itself instead
> > of using ticker1.
> >
> > I sent you a response but, haven't heard back from you.
> > I think I remember I'm using file 2.1.
> >
> > cant located our original back and forths. Can you help?
> >
- 5d.
Re: Using new file but still get errors
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:51 pm (PDT)
If the add-in was still working, it implies to me you still had an instance
of the add-in on your machine.
The process to fix things should have been:
1. Go to add-in manager and uncheck the add-in, so it's no longer
pointed to by EXCEL
2. Exit EXCEL
3. Remove all instances of the add-in you have unzipped
4. Download a new copy of the add-in
5. Unzip the contents of the ZIP file into the folder you plan to use
6. Download a new copy of the smf-elements-1 file to use and put it into
that folder, replacing the one from the ZIP file
7. Restart EXCEL
8. Go to the add-in manager and point it to the correct folder
In any case, with a NEW workbook, what do you get with:
=RCHGetElementNumber("Version" )
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 4:07 PM, ufdn16 < > wrote:
> Here's where I'm at now. As you suggested, I had more than one incident of
> smf and in different locations. So, I decided I would delete all files
> associated with this function and start over.
> I deleted all files. The funny thing is, that after I deleted the files
> and rebooted my machine and then loaded the worksheet with function
> formulas in it, I thought I would have errors all over the worksheet. But,
> in fact, everything was still in tact. That's just crazy.
> I then downloaded the correct file , unzipped it and let default to the
> directory suggested by the unzip function.
> I opened my worksheet and I still had all the original formulas still
> working but still can't get function 25.
> What do you think. David
- 6a.
Re: CBOE Symbol List of Weekly Option-[]
Posted by: "hashky" hashky
Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:25 pm (PDT)
What would be the equation to pull in U.S.DividendChampions.xls at dripinvesting. org?
Ron Spruell
--- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> You don't even need the add-in -- just use a normal EXCEL referral to copy
> the data directly from their XLS file. For example:
> =' [weeklysmf.xls]publish/weelkysm f/ Sheet1'!A1
> Just copy down and across as needed.
> Otherwise, you can extract the table from the web page with:
> =RCHGetHTMLTable("https://www. ","(Lastmicro/weeklys/ availableweeklys .aspx
> Updated",-1,"",1)
> On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 4:03 AM, JB <jonb0821@...> wrote:
> > I would like to obtain a list of weekly stock symbols from CBOE site.
> >
> > The data is in a table at the below listed url
> >
> > micro/weeklys/ availableweeklys .aspx
> >
> > Currently I visit the site and download the listing from the available xls
> > download on that same page...
> >
> > Is it possible to get the list off the page directly?
> >
- 6b.
Re: CBOE Symbol List of Weekly Option-[]
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:48 pm (PDT)
You can either do individual cells, or array-enter something like:
=' [U.S.DividendChampions.xls]Champion s'!$A$6:$ P$14
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 7:25 PM, hashky < > wrote:
> What would be the equation to pull in U.S.DividendChampions.xls at
- 7a.
How could I use RCHGetYahooQuotes to get quotes from Yahoo HK page?
Posted by: "email_to_jeffrey" email_to_jeffrey
Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:58 pm (PDT)
Since Yahoo HK is already providing real time quotes stocks listed on HK Exchange, I would like to get the real time quote using the RCHGetYahooQuotes function directly.
But when I enter "hk" for the ServerID field, it returns nothing.
=RCHGetYahooQuotes("" ,"L1","hk" )
Thank you for your help.
- 7b.
Re: How could I use RCHGetYahooQuotes to get quotes from Yahoo HK pa
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:04 pm (PDT)
Yahoo is no longer using the various serverID's, but I've left the coding
alone in case they ever decide to change back.
Just use the formula without the serverID.
Yahoo HK CANNOT be providing real time quotes in the CSV files, because
their download button reroutes the request back to the U.S. server.
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 7:49 PM, email_to_jeffrey < > wrote:hk
> Since Yahoo HK is already providing real time quotes stocks listed on HK
> Exchange, I would like to get the real time quote using the
> RCHGetYahooQuotes function directly.
> But when I enter "hk" for the ServerID field, it returns nothing.
> =RCHGetYahooQuotes("" ,"L1","hk" )
- 7c.
Re: How could I use RCHGetYahooQuotes to get quotes from Yahoo HK pa
Posted by: "email_to_jeffrey" email_to_jeffrey
Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:46 am (PDT)
But you can get real time quote for HK stocks from their website: q?s=5&ql= 1
Could I use other functions to get the realtime quote?
I tried the RCHGetTableCell() but it doesnt seem to recognize the cell with the Last Trade Price.
Thank you again.
--- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> Yahoo is no longer using the various serverID's, but I've left the coding
> alone in case they ever decide to change back.
> Just use the formula without the serverID.
> Yahoo HK CANNOT be providing real time quotes in the CSV files, because
> their download button reroutes the request back to the U.S. server.
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 7:49 PM, email_to_jeffrey <
> email_to_jeffrey@...> wrote:
> > Since Yahoo HK is already providing real time quotes stocks listed on HK
> > Exchange, I would like to get the real time quote using the
> > RCHGetYahooQuotes function directly.
> >
> > But when I enter "hk" for the ServerID field, it returns nothing.
> >
> > =RCHGetYahooQuotes("" ,"L1","hk" )
> >
- 7d.
Re: How could I use RCHGetYahooQuotes to get quotes from Yahoo HK pa
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:14 am (PDT)
The RCHGetYahooQuotes() function uses their CSV file interface. Not from
the web pages.
But, yes, you can use other add-in functions to get the data from the web
pages. You need to examine the source code of the web page to determine how
to extract data. I suspect the Last Trade Price is not within a table,
since it isn't on the U.S. site. Take a look at the source code and see
what tags the last traded price is between, and then use the
smfGetTagContent() function to extract it.
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 12:46 AM, email_to_jeffrey < > wrote:hk
> But you can get real time quote for HK stocks from their website:
> q?s=5&ql= 1
> Could I use other functions to get the realtime quote?
> I tried the RCHGetTableCell() but it doesnt seem to recognize the cell
> with the Last Trade Price.
> Thank you again.
- 8.
Posted by: "Bob Cutillo" bob_cutillo
Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:20 am (PDT)
this is intense you should check this out /biz/?news=9750222
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