8 New Messages
Digest #2406
Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:40 am (PST) . Posted by:
"andrewhills97" andrewhills97
ok thanks
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> Nope. The whole point of the template is to provide an example of how to
> retrieve the data. How you mix and match such formulas in your own
> workbooks is up to you.
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 4:10 AM, andrewhills97 <andrewhills97@...>wrote:
> >
> > Is there a similiar template for this reuters data which enables me to
> > retrieve this data for multiple companies instead of typing in each ticker?
> >
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> Nope. The whole point of the template is to provide an example of how to
> retrieve the data. How you mix and match such formulas in your own
> workbooks is up to you.
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 4:10 AM, andrewhills97 <andrewhills97@
> >
> > Is there a similiar template for this reuters data which enables me to
> > retrieve this data for multiple companies instead of typing in each ticker?
> >
Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:37 am (PST) . Posted by:
"José Azevedo" jma_resende
"Jose -
In the SUBSTITUTE equation, you have a space between the first set of
quotation marks.
I got 22.5 when I removed the space.
Ron Spruell"
Yes work. Thanks. I do not see..!!!
But, I make other stock: CSCO and give me a ERROR.
The industry are: "Networking & Communication
Devices<http://biz.yahoo.com/p/814conameu.html >"
Perhaps problem with "&"?
My command:
B33=RCHGetTableCell("http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s= "&B4;1;"Industry:")
But this problem are resolved with yours suggest:
I use first this:
C33 =smfStrExtr(smfGetTagContent("http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s=
And after:
=RCHGetTableCell("http://biz.yahoo.com/p/industries.html ";3;C33&"conameu")
But if I can use SUBSTITUTE it can be necessary for others and how resolve
this problem are interesting.
In this file ...Option_Harshad_List-00.7c.xls is very interesting... but
it is possible some of you suggest how to use in practice? How make some
decision in trades? Of course if you suggest, are this.. suggest. Not
If someone can explain how work ...it is iteresting... I rarely use Options
... but I want learn more and how use this kind of information.
"Jose -
In the SUBSTITUTE equation, you have a space between the first set of
quotation marks.
I got 22.5 when I removed the space.
Ron Spruell"
Yes work. Thanks. I do not see..!!!
But, I make other stock: CSCO and give me a ERROR.
The industry are: "Networking & Communication
Perhaps problem with "&"?
My command:
But this problem are resolved with yours suggest:
I use first this:
C33 =smfStrExtr(
And after:
But if I can use SUBSTITUTE it can be necessary for others and how resolve
this problem are interesting.
In this file ...Option_Harshad_
it is possible some of you suggest how to use in practice? How make some
decision in trades? Of course if you suggest, are this.. suggest. Not
If someone can explain how work ...it is iteresting..
... but I want learn more and how use this kind of information.
Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:36 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Ron Spruell" hashky
I wrote the Harshad list file for detecting stocks that were within a certain percentage of the Bollinger Bands and Relative Strength Index. I also look at dividend yield and % of the 52-wk Hi-Lo Spread. Hyperlinks in Column M link to stockcharts.com. Hyperlink in Column N link to the Yahoo Option Tables. The Instructions Tab should tell you to make all changes on the Web_Data Tab. Other changes make to the Call_OTM1 Tab.
The key to any strategy is the Selection Universe (the list of stocks that you are interested in). I am certainly no expert. Check out Yahoo Groups justcoveredcalls and TtP-S.
Ron Spruell
> From: José Azevedo <jmazevedo@gmail.com >
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 6:37 AM
>Subject: [smf_addin] Re: Option_Harshad_List-00.7c.xls
> "Jose -
>In the SUBSTITUTE equation, you have a space between the first set of quotation marks.
>I got 22.5 when I removed the space.
>Ron Spruell"
>Yes work. Thanks. I do not see..!!!
>But, I make other stock: CSCO and give me a ERROR.
>The industry are: "Networking & Communication Devices" Perhaps problem with "&"?
>My command:
>B33=RCHGetTableCell("http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s= "&B4;1;"Industry:")
>=RCHGetTableCell("http://biz.yahoo.com/p/industries.html ";3;SUBSTITUTE(B33;"";""))
>But this problem are resolved with yours suggest:
>I use first this:
>C33 =smfStrExtr(smfGetTagContent("http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s= "&B4;"td";1;"Industry:");"/ic/";".html")
>And after:
>=RCHGetTableCell("http://biz.yahoo.com/p/industries.html ";3;C33&"conameu")
>But if I can use SUBSTITUTE it can be necessary for others and how resolve this problem are interesting.
> In this file ...Option_Harshad_List-00.7c.xls is very interesting... but it is possible some of you suggest how to use in practice? How make some decision in trades? Of course if you suggest, are this.. suggest. Not recommendation...
>If someone can explain how work ...it is iteresting... I rarely use Options ... but I want learn more and how use this kind of information.
The key to any strategy is the Selection Universe (the list of stocks that you are interested in). I am certainly no expert. Check out Yahoo Groups justcoveredcalls and TtP-S.
Ron Spruell
> From: José Azevedo <jmazevedo@gmail.
>To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 6:37 AM
>Subject: [smf_addin] Re: Option_Harshad_
> "Jose -
>In the SUBSTITUTE equation, you have a space between the first set of quotation marks.
>I got 22.5 when I removed the space.
>Ron Spruell"
>Yes work. Thanks. I do not see..!!!
>But, I make other stock: CSCO and give me a ERROR.
>The industry are: "Networking & Communication Devices" Perhaps problem with "&"?
>My command:
>But this problem are resolved with yours suggest:
>I use first this:
>C33 =smfStrExtr(
>And after:
>But if I can use SUBSTITUTE it can be necessary for others and how resolve this problem are interesting.
> In this file ...Option_Harshad_
>If someone can explain how work ...it is iteresting..
Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:16 am (PST) . Posted by:
"bsmth12" bsmth12
Thanks for posting this Ron,
It's a big help, quicker to learn from an example than to start from scratch.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , Ron Spruell <hashky@...> wrote:
> I lied. It only does OTM1 and ITM1 for puts and calls. I don't think it is ready for prime time.
> I am working on a later version. I haven't double checked the instructions, so they may not be accurate.
> I will attach.
> Ron SpruellÂ
> >________________________________
> > From: bsmth12 <bsmth12@...>
> >To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
> >Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 1:43 PM
> >Subject: [smf_addin] Re: help getting started
> >
> >
> >Â
> >>
> >
> >--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , Ron Spruell <hashky@> wrote:
> >>
> >> I have a spreadsheet that pulls OTM1, OTM2, ITM1, ITM2, RSI, Percent of Bollinger Bands, Percent of the 52-wk Hi Lo spread, Return (Calls only), Annualized Return for 1 Option Expiry date.ÂÂ
> >>
> >> I have 105 stocks presently. It takes 4 minutes to run. If you want I can clean up and post. I can do 200 stocks, but I would have time to eat lunch while it runs especially if you want all Expiry dates.
> >>
> >> Ron Spruell
> >
> >I'm very interested, I'd really appreciate it if you posted that.
> >
> >Whenever you have the chance, Thanks man,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
It's a big help, quicker to learn from an example than to start from scratch.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> I lied. It only does OTM1 and ITM1 for puts and calls. I don't think it is ready for prime time.
> I am working on a later version. I haven't double checked the instructions, so they may not be accurate.
> I will attach.
> Ron SpruellÂ
> >___________
> > From: bsmth12 <bsmth12@...
> >To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
> >Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 1:43 PM
> >Subject: [smf_addin] Re: help getting started
> >
> >
> >Â
> >>
> >
> >--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> >>
> >> I have a spreadsheet that pulls OTM1, OTM2, ITM1, ITM2, RSI, Percent of Bollinger Bands, Percent of the 52-wk Hi Lo spread, Return (Calls only), Annualized Return for 1 Option Expiry date.ÂÂ
> >>
> >> I have 105 stocks presently. It takes 4 minutes to run. If you want I can clean up and post. I can do 200 stocks, but I would have time to eat lunch while it runs especially if you want all Expiry dates.
> >>
> >> Ron Spruell
> >
> >I'm very interested, I'd really appreciate it if you posted that.
> >
> >Whenever you have the chance, Thanks man,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:49 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"bobjerritts" bobjerritts
Will historical data imported from yahoo exclude the separate line for dividends?
How far back can historical data from yahoo be imported?
Will historical data imported from yahoo exclude the separate line for dividends?
How far back can historical data from yahoo be imported?
Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:52 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
The RCHGetYahooHistory() function grabs a CSV file from Yahoo, so it won't
contain the dividend entries, although the data can be adjusted for the
dividend payments. You can also get a CSV file of JUST the dividend
payments. Check the documentation for that parameter.
The amount of historical data varies. Something like MMM goes back to 1970,
and ^GSPC (S&P 500 index) goes back to 1950.
On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:20 AM, bobjerritts <bobjerritts@yahoo.com > wrote:
> Will historical data imported from yahoo exclude the separate line for
> dividends?
> How far back can historical data from yahoo be imported?
contain the dividend entries, although the data can be adjusted for the
dividend payments. You can also get a CSV file of JUST the dividend
payments. Check the documentation for that parameter.
The amount of historical data varies. Something like MMM goes back to 1970,
and ^GSPC (S&P 500 index) goes back to 1950.
On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:20 AM, bobjerritts <bobjerritts@
> Will historical data imported from yahoo exclude the separate line for
> dividends?
> How far back can historical data from yahoo be imported?
Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:49 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"yp_chandler" yp_chandler
It was working great for a couple of months now but is now giving a error. I'm using the IBD template from this website.
Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:58 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
You do need to be logged in to the IBD web site, using either the EXCEL Web
Query dialog (preferred) or IE. And, sometimes, you need to visit the web
site first, because they occasionally put up an advertisement on the first
visit of the day.
On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 3:23 PM, yp_chandler <ferozma@gmail.com > wrote:
> It was working great for a couple of months now but is now giving a error.
> I'm using the IBD template from this website.
Query dialog (preferred) or IE. And, sometimes, you need to visit the web
site first, because they occasionally put up an advertisement on the first
visit of the day.
On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 3:23 PM, yp_chandler <ferozma@gmail.
> It was working great for a couple of months now but is now giving a error.
> I'm using the IBD template from this website.
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