15 Messages
Digest #4020
Sat May 20, 2017 8:31 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
But delta downloads don't help much in a situation like this. It's the call
to the Internet itself that is the vast majority of the time being spent.
Not the amount of data. And it creates and issue if dividends and splits
get involved.
I have to admit I don't understand all the start date processing. Why not
just add 1 to the old date and then get the day/month/year of the result?
On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 7:26 PM, 'Marc Johnson' marc.johnson@
> I use VBA to perform delta downloads to minimize network traffic and Excel
> calculation time. (I try to be a very parsimonious netizen.) If a split
> occurs, I "call to get everything", then resume delta downloads.
> If you're a VBA coder and want to try delta downloads, below is an example
> code snippet. (Note – It will not execute as written. This is for the old
> Yahoo API, not the new. Customize it to suit yourself. You'll need to add
> code to handle rolling December 31 over to the next year. Use at your own
> risk.)
> In general, most people should use box-stock SMF_Addin!!! (Thank you,
> Randy, for an awesome tool!) But if anyone wants to experiment with
> appending delta price history . . .
> 'Two worksheets are used, one named strStockSymbol, the other "TempYahoo".
> datLastPrice = WB.Worksheets(strStockSymbol).Range("A2").Value
> strStartDay = Format(Day(datLastPrice) + 1, "00")
> strStartMonth = Format(Month(datLastPrice) - 1, "00")
> strStartYear = Format(Year(datLastPrice), "00")
> Select Case Val(strStartDay)
> Case 29 'Handle leap year
> If Val(strStartMonth) = 1 And Not Val(strStartYear) Mod 4 = 0 Then
> strStartDay = "01"
> strStartMonth = "02"
> End If
> Case 30
> If Val(strStartMonth) = 1 Then
> strStartDay = "01"
> strStartMonth = "02"
> End If
> Case 31
> If (Val(strStartMonth) = 3 Or Val(strStartMonth) = 5 Or
> Val(strStartMonth) = 8 Or Val(strStartMonth) = 10) Then
> strStartDay = "01"
> strStartMonth = CStr(Val(strStartMonth)) + 1
> End If
> Case 32
> strStartDay = "01"
> strStartMonth = CStr(Val(strStartMonth)) + 1
> End Select
> datToday = Now()
> strEndDay = Format(Day(datToday), "00")
> strEndMonth = Format(Month(datToday), "00")
> strEndYear = Format(Year(datToday), "00")
> strDownloadOHLCV_URL = "URL;http://table.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s="
> + strStockSymbol + "&a=" + strStartMonth + "&b=" + strStartDay + "&c=" +
> strStartYear + "&d=" + strEndMonth + "&e=" + strEndDay + "&f=" + strEndYear
> + "&g=d&ignore=.csv"
> With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=strDownloadOHLCV_URL,
> Destination:=Range("$A$1"))
> 'Add standard boilerplate code here, per normal QueryTables.Add syntax, to
> put the data in worksheet "TempYahoo".
> 'Copy temp data to existing worksheet.
> lngRowNumber = WB.Worksheets("TempYahoo").Cells.Find(What:="*",
> After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row - 1
> Rows(WB.Worksheets("TempYahoo").Range("A2").Row & ":" &
> WB.Worksheets("TempYahoo").Range("A" & CStr(lngRowNumber)).Row).Copy
> WB.Worksheets(strStockSymbol).Rows(2).Insert (xlShiftDown)
> WB.Worksheets("TempYahoo").Cells.Clear
to the Internet itself that is the vast majority of the time being spent.
Not the amount of data. And it creates and issue if dividends and splits
get involved.
I have to admit I don't understand all the start date processing. Why not
just add 1 to the old date and then get the day/month/year of the result?
On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 7:26 PM, 'Marc Johnson' marc.johnson@
> I use VBA to perform delta downloads to minimize network traffic and Excel
> calculation time. (I try to be a very parsimonious netizen.) If a split
> occurs, I "call to get everything", then resume delta downloads.
> If you're a VBA coder and want to try delta downloads, below is an example
> code snippet. (Note – It will not execute as written. This is for the old
> Yahoo API, not the new. Customize it to suit yourself. You'll need to add
> code to handle rolling December 31 over to the next year. Use at your own
> risk.)
> In general, most people should use box-stock SMF_Addin!!! (Thank you,
> Randy, for an awesome tool!) But if anyone wants to experiment with
> appending delta price history . . .
> 'Two worksheets are used, one named strStockSymbol, the other "TempYahoo".
> datLastPrice = WB.Worksheets(strStockSymbol).Range("A2").Value
> strStartDay = Format(Day(datLastPrice) + 1, "00")
> strStartMonth = Format(Month(datLastPrice) - 1, "00")
> strStartYear = Format(Year(datLastPrice), "00")
> Select Case Val(strStartDay)
> Case 29 'Handle leap year
> If Val(strStartMonth) = 1 And Not Val(strStartYear) Mod 4 = 0 Then
> strStartDay = "01"
> strStartMonth = "02"
> End If
> Case 30
> If Val(strStartMonth) = 1 Then
> strStartDay = "01"
> strStartMonth = "02"
> End If
> Case 31
> If (Val(strStartMonth) = 3 Or Val(strStartMonth) = 5 Or
> Val(strStartMonth) = 8 Or Val(strStartMonth) = 10) Then
> strStartDay = "01"
> strStartMonth = CStr(Val(strStartMonth)) + 1
> End If
> Case 32
> strStartDay = "01"
> strStartMonth = CStr(Val(strStartMonth)) + 1
> End Select
> datToday = Now()
> strEndDay = Format(Day(datToday), "00")
> strEndMonth = Format(Month(datToday), "00")
> strEndYear = Format(Year(datToday), "00")
> strDownloadOHLCV_URL = "URL;http://table.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s="
> + strStockSymbol + "&a=" + strStartMonth + "&b=" + strStartDay + "&c=" +
> strStartYear + "&d=" + strEndMonth + "&e=" + strEndDay + "&f=" + strEndYear
> + "&g=d&ignore=
> With ActiveSheet.
> Destination:
> 'Add standard boilerplate code here, per normal QueryTables.
> put the data in worksheet "TempYahoo&quo
> 'Copy temp data to existing worksheet.
> lngRowNumber = WB.Worksheets(
> After:=[A1], SearchOrder:
> Rows(WB.Worksheets(
> WB.Worksheets(
> WB.Worksheets(
> WB.Worksheets(
Sat May 20, 2017 9:04 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
Randy You said, "The date on the updated version is 2017.05.18.
I don't understand why I cannot find this 5/18 version on the site, when I go to http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF/ http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF/
The version I am able to download shows being created on 5/3/17.
Can you tell me how to download the most recent version please?
I don't understand why I cannot find this 5/18 version on the site, when I go to http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF/ http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF/
The version I am able to download shows being created on 5/3/17.
Can you tell me how to download the most recent version please?
Sat May 20, 2017 9:11 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Because it's a beta release and not documented on the site. See:
On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 9:04 PM, lutherkinchen@
> You said, "The date on the updated version is 2017.05.18.
> I don't understand why I cannot find this 5/18 version on the site, when I
> go to http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF/
> The version I am able to download shows being created on 5/3/17.
> Can you tell me how to download the most recent version pleas
On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 9:04 PM, lutherkinchen@
> You said, "The date on the updated version is 2017.05.18.
> I don't understand why I cannot find this 5/18 version on the site, when I
> go to http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF/
> The version I am able to download shows being created on 5/3/17.
> Can you tell me how to download the most recent version pleas
Sun May 21, 2017 12:53 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"V A" viewasia
I'm guessing that there is no resolution to this, unless one goes down the path of downloading the excel file for the date range & then processing it appropriately. Please do confirm.
From: V A <viewasia@yahoo.com>
To: "smf_addin@yahoogroups.com" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: Update on Yahoo Historical Quotes
Even if I specify a 'start date' (say, 2012-01-1), daily data limits itself to begin from 2016-03-03. However, 'weekly' & 'monthly' data fetch seem to fetch correctly?Could I be missing something?
Thanks for your help!
From: "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com>
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: Update on Yahoo Historical Quotes
(1) Without any parameters, it defaults to one year of data. But this returns nearly 12,000 rows of data, back to 1/2/70:
(2) This gives me 1/2/70 at the top of that 12,000 rows of data:
On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 10:38 PM, mark_donnell@...wrote:
First, can I pass on a huge thanks for your work.
Second, I've downloaded your latest xla file and started playing with the smfGetYahooHistory(
1. Am I right in thinking the new function only fetches the last year's worth of data? Or, perhaps more accurately, that Yahoo only supplies the last year's worth of data as a first-level response? If so, do you have any thoughts on how we might fetch longer time-series?
2. I'm trying to sort the data to have the oldest dates at the top, and newest at the bottom. I have pResort set to 1, but it still seems to be newest-at-top. Can you please confirm the right choices for that pResort switch?
#yiv1082287058 -- #yiv1082287058ygrp-
Sun May 21, 2017 2:26 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Depends on what your "this" is referring to?
On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 12:49 AM, V A viewasia@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> I'm guessing that there is no resolution to this, unless one goes down the
> path of downloading the excel file for the date range & then processing it
> appropriately. Please do confirm.
On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 12:49 AM, V A viewasia@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> I'm guessing that there is no resolution to this, unless one goes down the
> path of downloading the excel file for the date range & then processing it
> appropriately. Please do confirm.
Sun May 21, 2017 5:22 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Gerard Trofub" trofub
Sorry in the delay, no connection.
I read
>> > =3DsmfGetYahooHistory("MMM")
But in case i remove "3D" the answer of function is "Date"' in the cell' Does it match with your idea ?
The unix date concern is the consequence of yahoo system ?
Many thks
Envoyé de mon iPad
> Le 19 mai 2017 à 23:48, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> a écrit :
> Not sure why you have a "3D" in front of the function on your cited message. I don't see that in my sent message or on Yahoo groups.
> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Gerard Trofub trofub@
> ...wrote:
>> 1/ This function is not accepted (excel window is opened with error, not executed)
>> 2/ i never use this 'old function', so i can't answer you'
>> Many thks again,
>> Envoyé de mon iPad
>> > Le 19 mai 2017 à 23:08, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> a écrit :
>> >
>> > What do you get with just:
>> >
>> > =3DsmfGetYahooHistory("MMM")
>> >
>> > It could be the UNIX dates are an issue. I'm not sure if they are the same
>> > for everyone, or timezone adjusted? Did the old RCHGetYahooHistory() work
>> > for you in the past? It could be a date conversion issue of some type. I
>> > just don't know what kind of web pages Ya
Sorry in the delay, no connection.
I read
>> > =3DsmfGetYahooHistory("MMM")
But in case i remove "3D" the answer of function is "Date"' in the cell' Does it match with your idea ?
The unix date concern is the consequence of yahoo system ?
Many thks
Envoyé de mon iPad
> Le 19 mai 2017 à 23:48, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> a écrit :
> Not sure why you have a "3D" in front of the function on your cited message. I don't see that in my sent message or on Yahoo groups.
> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Gerard Trofub trofub@
> ...wrote:
>> 1/ This function is not accepted (excel window is opened with error, not executed)
>> 2/ i never use this 'old function', so i can't answer you'
>> Many thks again,
>> Envoyé de mon iPad
>> > Le 19 mai 2017 à 23:08, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> a écrit :
>> >
>> > What do you get with just:
>> >
>> > =3DsmfGetYahooHisto
>> >
>> > It could be the UNIX dates are an issue. I'm not sure if they are the same
>> > for everyone, or timezone adjusted? Did the old RCHGetYahooHistory(
>> > for you in the past? It could be a date conversion issue of some type. I
>> > just don't know what kind of web pages Ya
Sun May 21, 2017 7:34 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Randy, I have found one slight peculiarity. You may already know this. Anyway, getting 10 years of daily data for something like SPY, where the data is all there, I can use the 'resort39; parameter to get prices sorted in date-ascending order. But applying this to ^N225, where the data only goes back to 2009, the 'resort39; does nothing. With the old function it used to sort it correctly and fill the missing dates with blanks. Not a big problem.
Sun May 21, 2017 7:37 am (PDT) . Posted by:
One way to do it might be to write a VBA procedure that would see how far you've gotten, fetch prices after that date through today, and then append them. You could put a button on the sheet to run it. Post #32204 describes something along these lines.
Sun May 21, 2017 8:32 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Re: delta downloads
Every few years I extend my historical portfolio database a few years into the future using trading holiday info provided by the NYSE, so it always includes upcoming trading dates that can be easily referenced for whatever purpose. Rows containing future dates, with all associated formulas, are hidden during automated daily updates. If there's a better way to get future trading dates, I'm all ears.
Re: splits and unadjusted closing prices
I realized during the night that I adjust for splits in my transaction log, so the unadjusted prices as provided are exactly what I need. Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for all the help.
Every few years I extend my historical portfolio database a few years into the future using trading holiday info provided by the NYSE, so it always includes upcoming trading dates that can be easily referenced for whatever purpose. Rows containing future dates, with all associated formulas, are hidden during automated daily updates. If there's a better way to get future trading dates, I'm all ears.
Re: splits and unadjusted closing prices
I realized during the night that I adjust for splits in my transaction log, so the unadjusted prices as provided are exactly what I need. Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for all the help.
Sun May 21, 2017 9:31 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
You need to array-enter the formula over a range. If you only enter it into
a single cell, you just get the first row and first column of the data the
function is returning, which is the header of the "Date" column. Functions
can only return data to the cells they have been given access to.
On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 5:21 AM, Gerard Trofub trofub@
> Sorry in the delay, no connection.
> I read
> > =3DsmfGetYahooHistory("MMM")
> But in case i remove "3D" the answer of function is "Date"' in the cell'
> Does it match with your idea ?
> The unix date concern is the consequence of yahoo system ?
a single cell, you just get the first row and first column of the data the
function is returning, which is the header of the "Date" column. Functions
can only return data to the cells they have been given access to.
On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 5:21 AM, Gerard Trofub trofub@
> Sorry in the delay, no connection.
> I read
> > =3DsmfGetYahooHisto
> But in case i remove "3D" the answer of function is "Date"
> Does it match with your idea ?
> The unix date concern is the consequence of yahoo system ?
Sun May 21, 2017 9:37 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
^N225 data goes back to 1984. The problem is the "null" values on
9/21/2009. That causes the function to error out at that point and return
what it has so far, so it never gets to the point where it resorts the data.
On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 7:34 AM, tonyestep@
> Randy, I have found one slight peculiarity. You may already know this.
> Anyway, getting 10 years of daily data for something like SPY, where the
> data is all there, I can use the 'resort39; parameter to get prices sorted in
> date-ascending order. But applying this to ^N225, where the data only goes
> back to 2009, the 'resort39; does nothing. With the old function it used to
> sort it correctly and fill the missing dates with blanks. Not a big
> problem.
9/21/2009. That causes the function to error out at that point and return
what it has so far, so it never gets to the point where it resorts the data.
On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 7:34 AM, tonyestep@
> Randy, I have found one slight peculiarity. You may already know this.
> Anyway, getting 10 years of daily data for something like SPY, where the
> data is all there, I can use the 'resort
> date-ascending order. But applying this to ^N225, where the data only goes
> back to 2009, the 'resort
> sort it correctly and fill the missing dates with blanks. Not a big
> problem.
Sun May 21, 2017 5:54 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Well Randy I have a excel sheet for every stock I rate.
I copy a summary of the last 10 years of each company on the website of Morningstar, then to obtain some ratios I use the formula (smfPricesByDates) to know what was the value of the stock at the closing date of each fiscal year, as it is in the example frame that I sent you yesterday.
Because I follow hundreds of stocks each sheet have one stock and one ticker to get stock data.
I hope now I made myself clear and with example sent you can se how the formula is working.
Thank you for you support
I copy a summary of the last 10 years of each company on the website of Morningstar, then to obtain some ratios I use the formula (smfPricesByDates) to know what was the value of the stock at the closing date of each fiscal year, as it is in the example frame that I sent you yesterday.
Because I follow hundreds of stocks each sheet have one stock and one ticker to get stock data.
I hope now I made myself clear and with example sent you can se how the formula is working.
Thank you for you support
Sun May 21, 2017 8:29 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Hello Randy,
A few days ago I loaded in your latest smfaddin.
I get on all cells the error message: "#Name?".
I installed your latest version smfaddin in the same directory: C:\Program Files\ SMF Add-in
Can you advise me how to fix the "#Name?" errors in the cells.
I have windows 10 and Excel 2010.
Hello Randy,
A few days ago I loaded in your latest smfaddin.
I get on all cells the error message: "#Name?
I installed your latest version smfaddin in the same directory: C:\Program Files\ SMF Add-in
Can you advise me how to fix the "#Name?
I have windows 10 and Excel 2010.
Sun May 21, 2017 9:08 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Thanks, I love reading your messages, I learn so much.
To be honest I have no idea how and what you do. I always think of you as some sort of NASA scientist dealing with very complex computer hardware and software.
Very impressive always.
Basically, I always just use the software that comes with the computer basically Windows, IE ect... I have never seen or used FireFox or Chrome or Google Drive or Backup with dos or otherwise, but since you use it and mention it, I am going to look into it.
Today I am going to look into some way of backing up my spreadsheets. I read the suggestions from others commenting : " sdwcyberdude " and look into using a: "Terabyte USB3 drives" whatever that is. It seems like a good idea.
eadamy, Marc Johnson, and sdwcyberdude all have great ideas and inputs.
Summary: it seems you are ok with just 8 mgbytes of RAM, and the latest version of Microsoft office 360 and backing up daily and or weekly.
Randy and All, thanks for the help.
Thanks, I love reading your messages, I learn so much.
To be honest I have no idea how and what you do. I always think of you as some sort of NASA scientist dealing with very complex computer hardware and software.
Very impressive always.
Basically, I always just use the software that comes with the computer basically Windows, IE ect... I have never seen or used FireFox or Chrome or Google Drive or Backup with dos or otherwise, but since you use it and mention it, I am going to look into it.
Today I am going to look into some way of backing up my spreadsheets. I read the suggestions from others commenting : " sdwcyberdude " and look into using a: "Terabyte USB3 drives" whatever that is. It seems like a good idea.
eadamy, Marc Johnson, and sdwcyberdude all have great ideas and inputs.
Summary: it seems you are ok with just 8 mgbytes of RAM, and the latest version of Microsoft office 360 and backing up daily and or weekly.
Randy and All, thanks for the help.
Sun May 21, 2017 10:01 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Michael Thomas" thomas91112
Many of us SMF users have been expressing the same concerns recently with the loss of a properly calculated Adjusted Close for historical prices. Looking at the Yahoo Finance suggestion/error reporting log, there are not many people expressing their concerns to Yahoo about this matter. Yahoo will probably best respond if ALL of us express our concerns by "voting" at the link below
showing our support for a timely resolution. We need to get this matter elevated as a priority and that is done through voting.
#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546 -- #yiv8868313546ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-mkp #yiv8868313546hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-mkp #yiv8868313546ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-mkp .yiv8868313546ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-mkp .yiv8868313546ad p {margin:0;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-mkp .yiv8868313546ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-sponsor #yiv8868313546ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-sponsor #yiv8868313546ygrp-lc #yiv8868313546hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546ygrp-sponsor #yiv8868313546ygrp-lc .yiv8868313546ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv8868313546 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showing our support for a timely resolution. We need to get this matter elevated as a priority and that is done through voting.
#yiv8868313546 #yiv8868313546 -- #yiv8868313546ygrp-
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