15 Messages
Digest #4042
Re: Convert from RCHGetYahooHistory to smfGetYahooHistory [1 Attachm by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Re: If I don't toggle the add-in, it doesn't update values [1 Attach by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon May 29, 2017 8:25 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Jose Jacob" pepecan47
I tried as well
with MCD, PEP, KO, PG, etc...... no luck
and this used to work before
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Monday, May 29, 2017 5:57 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
Hi Randy - I downloaded the latest Beta version of the SMF. The following functions are not working:
=RCHGetYahooHistory(A1,,,,,,," v",,,,1)To have the dividend history en reverse order. It gives me latest dividend first, it should give me latest dividend last.
Required a program fix, as the function was hitting an error before the sorting routine was done.
=INDEX(RCHGetYahooHistory(A13, ,,,,,,"v",,0,,,1,2),1,2)To get the latest dividend, it gives me #ref
This works for me?
=INDEX(RCHGetYahooHistory(A13, ,,,,,,"v",,0,,,2,2),2,2)To get the second latest dividend, it gives me #ref
This also works for me?
What ticker did you use for them?
#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105 -- #yiv9899473105ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mkp #yiv9899473105hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mkp #yiv9899473105ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mkp .yiv9899473105ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mkp .yiv9899473105ad p {margin:0;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mkp .yiv9899473105ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-sponsor #yiv9899473105ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-sponsor #yiv9899473105ygrp-lc #yiv9899473105hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-sponsor #yiv9899473105ygrp-lc .yiv9899473105ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9899473105 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blockquote {margin:0 0 0 4px;}#yiv9899473105 .yiv9899473105bold {font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;}#yiv9899473105 .yiv9899473105bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9899473105 dd.yiv9899473105last p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9899473105 dd.yiv9899473105last p span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9899473105 dd.yiv9899473105last p span.yiv9899473105yshortcuts {margin-right:0;}#yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105attach-table div div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105attach-table {width:400px;}#yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105file-title a, #yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105file-title a:active, #yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105file-title a:hover, #yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105file-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105photo-title a, #yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105photo-title a:active, #yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105photo-title a:hover, #yiv9899473105 div.yiv9899473105photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9899473105 div#yiv9899473105ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9899473105ygrp-msg p a span.yiv9899473105yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv9899473105 .yiv9899473105green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv9899473105 .yiv9899473105MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv9899473105 o {font-size:0;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv9899473105 .yiv9899473105replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mlmsg select, #yiv9899473105 input, #yiv9899473105 textarea {font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv9899473105 code {font:115% monospace;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9899473105logo {padding-bottom:10px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-msg p a {font-family:Verdana;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-msg p#yiv9899473105attach-count span {color:#1E66AE;font-weight:700;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-reco #yiv9899473105reco-head {color:#ff7900;font-weight:700;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-reco {margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-sponsor #yiv9899473105ov li a {font-size:130%;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-sponsor #yiv9899473105ov li {font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-sponsor #yiv9899473105ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv9899473105
with MCD, PEP, KO, PG, etc...... no luck
and this used to work before
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Monday, May 29, 2017 5:57 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
Hi Randy - I downloaded the latest Beta version of the SMF. The following functions are not working:
Required a program fix, as the function was hitting an error before the sorting routine was done.
This works for me?
This also works for me?
What ticker did you use for them?
#yiv9899473105 #yiv9899473105 -- #yiv9899473105ygrp-
Mon May 29, 2017 8:48 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Please check your version?
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
"work before" was which version?
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@
> I tried as well
> RCHGetYahooHistory(A2,,,,,,,"v",,0,,,1,2),,2)
> with MCD, PEP, KO, PG, etc...... no luck
> and this used to work before
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
"work before" was which version?
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@
> I tried as well
> RCHGetYahooHistory(
> with MCD, PEP, KO, PG, etc...... no luck
> and this used to work before
Tue May 30, 2017 8:42 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Jose Jacob" pepecan47
This is what I am using:Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2017.05.25 (C:\SMF Add-In; Windows (32-bit) NT 6.02; 15.0; ; ; 1)
When I said that it used to work before I meant before the changes to Yahoo history, like a month ago.
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Monday, May 29, 2017 11:49 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Please check your version?
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
"work before" was which version?
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
I tried as well
=INDEX(RCHGetYahooHistory(A2,, ,,,,,"v",,0,,,1,2),,2)
with MCD, PEP, KO, PG, etc...... no luck
and this used to work before
#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726 -- #yiv9280569726ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mkp #yiv9280569726hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mkp #yiv9280569726ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mkp .yiv9280569726ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mkp .yiv9280569726ad p {margin:0;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mkp .yiv9280569726ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-sponsor #yiv9280569726ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-sponsor #yiv9280569726ygrp-lc #yiv9280569726hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-sponsor #yiv9280569726ygrp-lc .yiv9280569726ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9280569726 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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9280569726 div#yiv9280569726ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9280569726ygrp-msg p a span.yiv9280569726yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv9280569726 .yiv9280569726green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv9280569726 .yiv9280569726MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv9280569726 o {font-size:0;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv9280569726 .yiv9280569726replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mlmsg select, #yiv9280569726 input, #yiv9280569726 textarea {font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv9280569726 code {font:115% monospace;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9280569726logo {padding-bottom:10px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-msg p a {font-family:Verdana;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-msg p#yiv9280569726attach-count span {color:#1E66AE;font-weight:700;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-reco #yiv9280569726reco-head {color:#ff7900;font-weight:700;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-reco {margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-sponsor #yiv9280569726ov li a {font-size:130%;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-sponsor #yiv9280569726ov li {font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-sponsor #yiv9280569726ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv9280569726
When I said that it used to work before I meant before the changes to Yahoo history, like a month ago.
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Monday, May 29, 2017 11:49 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Please check your version?
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
"work before" was which version?
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
I tried as well
with MCD, PEP, KO, PG, etc...... no luck
and this used to work before
#yiv9280569726 #yiv9280569726 -- #yiv9280569726ygrp-
Tue May 30, 2017 9:00 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Jose Jacob" pepecan47
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
I get A1 ---> 42872B1 ---> 1.175
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:42 AM, "Jose Jacob pepecan47@yahoo.ca [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
This is what I am using:Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2017.05.25 (C:\SMF Add-In; Windows (32-bit) NT 6.02; 15.0; ; ; 1)
When I said that it used to work before I meant before the changes to Yahoo history, like a month ago.
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Monday, May 29, 2017 11:49 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Please check your version?
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
"work before" was which version?
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
I tried as well
=INDEX(RCHGetYahooHistory(A2,, ,,,,,"v",,0,,,1,2),,2)
with MCD, PEP, KO, PG, etc...... no luck
and this used to work before
#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798 -- #yiv1733778798ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mkp #yiv1733778798hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mkp #yiv1733778798ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mkp .yiv1733778798ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mkp .yiv1733778798ad p {margin:0;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mkp .yiv1733778798ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-sponsor #yiv1733778798ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-sponsor #yiv1733778798ygrp-lc #yiv1733778798hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-sponsor #yiv1733778798ygrp-lc .yiv1733778798ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv1733778798 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blockquote {margin:0 0 0 4px;}#yiv1733778798 .yiv1733778798bold {font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;}#yiv1733778798 .yiv1733778798bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1733778798 dd.yiv1733778798last p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1733778798 dd.yiv1733778798last p span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1733778798 dd.yiv1733778798last p span.yiv1733778798yshortcuts {margin-right:0;}#yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798attach-table div div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798attach-table {width:400px;}#yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798file-title a, #yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798file-title a:active, #yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798file-title a:hover, #yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798file-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798photo-title a, #yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798photo-title a:active, #yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798photo-title a:hover, #yiv1733778798 div.yiv1733778798photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1733778798 div#yiv1733778798ygrp-mlmsg #yiv1733778798ygrp-msg p a span.yiv1733778798yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv1733778798 .yiv1733778798green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv1733778798 .yiv1733778798MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv1733778798 o {font-size:0;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv1733778798 .yiv1733778798replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mlmsg select, #yiv1733778798 input, #yiv1733778798 textarea {font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv1733778798 code {font:115% monospace;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-mlmsg #yiv1733778798logo {padding-bottom:10px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-msg p a {font-family:Verdana;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-msg p#yiv1733778798attach-count span {color:#1E66AE;font-weight:700;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-reco #yiv1733778798reco-head {color:#ff7900;font-weight:700;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-reco {margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-sponsor #yiv1733778798ov li a {font-size:130%;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-sponsor #yiv1733778798ov li {font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-sponsor #yiv1733778798ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv1733778798
I get A1 ---> 42872B1 ---> 1.175
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:42 AM, "Jose Jacob pepecan47@yahoo.ca [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
This is what I am using:Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2017.05.25 (C:\SMF Add-In; Windows (32-bit) NT 6.02; 15.0; ; ; 1)
When I said that it used to work before I meant before the changes to Yahoo history, like a month ago.
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Monday, May 29, 2017 11:49 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Please check your version?
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
"work before" was which version?
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
I tried as well
with MCD, PEP, KO, PG, etc...... no luck
and this used to work before
#yiv1733778798 #yiv1733778798 -- #yiv1733778798ygrp-
Tue May 30, 2017 11:07 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
That's what I would expect, so I'm not sure what the INDEX() function isn't
working on those results.
I'm without a clue at the moment. Can you attach a workbook with one or two
examples of what's not working, just so I can see if there's something
basic that's an issue that is getting lost in the communication between us?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@
> What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
> =RCHGetYahooHistory("MMM",,,,,,,"v",,0,,,1,2)
> I get
> A1 ---> 42872
> B1 ---> 1.175
working on those results.
I'm without a clue at the moment. Can you attach a workbook with one or two
examples of what's not working, just so I can see if there's something
basic that's an issue that is getting lost in the communication between us?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@
> What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
> =RCHGetYahooHistory
> I get
> A1 ---> 42872
> B1 ---> 1.175
Tue May 30, 2017 1:27 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Jose Jacob" pepecan47
Hi Randy, find a spreadsheet attached.
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:07 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
That's what I would expect, so I'm not sure what the INDEX() function isn't working on those results.
I'm without a clue at the moment. Can you attach a workbook with one or two examples of what's not working, just so I can see if there's something basic that's an issue that is getting lost in the communication between us?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
=RCHGetYahooHistory("MMM",,,,, ,,"v",,0,,,1,2)
I get A1 ---> 42872B1 ---> 1.175
#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152 -- #yiv1249448152ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mkp #yiv1249448152hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mkp #yiv1249448152ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mkp .yiv1249448152ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mkp .yiv1249448152ad p {margin:0;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mkp .yiv1249448152ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-sponsor #yiv1249448152ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-sponsor #yiv1249448152ygrp-lc #yiv1249448152hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-sponsor #yiv1249448152ygrp-lc .yiv1249448152ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152actions {font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152activity {background-color:#e0ecee;float:left;font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;padding:10px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152activity span:first-child {text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152activity span a {color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152activity span span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152activity span .yiv1249448152underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152attach {clear:both;display:table;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;padding:10px 0;width:400px;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152attach div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152attach img {border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152attach label {display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152attach label a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 4px;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152bold {font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 dd.yiv1249448152last p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1249448152 dd.yiv1249448152last p span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1249448152 dd.yiv1249448152last p span.yiv1249448152yshortcuts {margin-right:0;}#yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152attach-table div div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152attach-table {width:400px;}#yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152file-title a, #yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152file-title a:active, #yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152file-title a:hover, #yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152file-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152photo-title a, #yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152photo-title a:active, #yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152photo-title a:hover, #yiv1249448152 div.yiv1249448152photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 div#yiv1249448152ygrp-mlmsg #yiv1249448152ygrp-msg p a span.yiv1249448152yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv1249448152 o {font-size:0;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv1249448152 .yiv1249448152replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mlmsg select, #yiv1249448152 input, #yiv1249448152 textarea {font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv1249448152 code {font:115% monospace;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-mlmsg #yiv1249448152logo {padding-bottom:10px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-msg p a {font-family:Verdana;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-msg p#yiv1249448152attach-count span {color:#1E66AE;font-weight:700;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-reco #yiv1249448152reco-head {color:#ff7900;font-weight:700;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-reco {margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-sponsor #yiv1249448152ov li a {font-size:130%;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-sponsor #yiv1249448152ov li {font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-sponsor #yiv1249448152ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv1249448152
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:07 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
That's what I would expect, so I'm not sure what the INDEX() function isn't working on those results.
I'm without a clue at the moment. Can you attach a workbook with one or two examples of what's not working, just so I can see if there's something basic that's an issue that is getting lost in the communication between us?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
What happens if you array-enter this over a 1-row by 2-column range:
I get A1 ---> 42872B1 ---> 1.175
#yiv1249448152 #yiv1249448152 -- #yiv1249448152ygrp-
Attachment(s) from Jose Jacob
1 of 1 File(s)
Tue May 30, 2017 1:45 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Don't know what to tell you -- it appears to work fine here:
Last dividend Second last dividend
MMM 42872 1.175 1.175 1.175
PG 0.69 0.67
JNJ 0.84 0.8
BTW, you should be able to get all three of the latest dividends in a
single request by array-entering this over a 1-row by 3-column range:
But the same problem, whatever it is, might interfere with that formula as
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@
> Hi Randy, find a spreadsheet attached.
Last dividend Second last dividend
MMM 42872 1.175 1.175 1.175
PG 0.69 0.67
JNJ 0.84 0.8
BTW, you should be able to get all three of the latest dividends in a
single request by array-entering this over a 1-row by 3-column range:
But the same problem, whatever it is, might interfere with that formula as
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@
> Hi Randy, find a spreadsheet attached.
Tue May 30, 2017 1:49 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Jose Jacob" pepecan47
Randy, is the latest version that I have (May 25) only the .XLA file or there are more files? I downloaded only the .XLA file.
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 4:45 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Don't know what to tell you -- it appears to work fine here:
| | | | | | Last dividend | Second last dividend |
| MMM | 42872 | 1.175 | | | 1.175 | 1.175 |
| PG | | | | | 0.69 | 0.67 |
| JNJ | | | | | 0.84 | 0.8 |
BTW, you should be able to get all three of the latest dividends in a single request by array-entering this over a 1-row by 3-column range:
But the same problem, whatever it is, might interfere with that formula as well...?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
Hi Randy, find a spreadsheet attached.
#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036 -- #yiv5807834036ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mkp #yiv5807834036hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mkp #yiv5807834036ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mkp .yiv5807834036ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mkp .yiv5807834036ad p {margin:0;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mkp .yiv5807834036ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-sponsor #yiv5807834036ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-sponsor #yiv5807834036ygrp-lc #yiv5807834036hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-sponsor #yiv5807834036ygrp-lc .yiv5807834036ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036actions {font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036activity {background-color:#e0ecee;float:left;font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;padding:10px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036activity span:first-child {text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036activity span a {color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036activity span span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036activity span .yiv5807834036underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036attach {clear:both;display:table;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;padding:10px 0;width:400px;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036attach div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036attach img {border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036attach label {display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036attach label a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 4px;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036bold {font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 dd.yiv5807834036last p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv5807834036 dd.yiv5807834036last p span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv5807834036 dd.yiv5807834036last p span.yiv5807834036yshortcuts {margin-right:0;}#yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036attach-table div div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036attach-table {width:400px;}#yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036file-title a, #yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036file-title a:active, #yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036file-title a:hover, #yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036file-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036photo-title a, #yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036photo-title a:active, #yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036photo-title a:hover, #yiv5807834036 div.yiv5807834036photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 div#yiv5807834036ygrp-mlmsg #yiv5807834036ygrp-msg p a span.yiv5807834036yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv5807834036 o {font-size:0;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv5807834036 .yiv5807834036replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mlmsg select, #yiv5807834036 input, #yiv5807834036 textarea {font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv5807834036 code {font:115% monospace;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-mlmsg #yiv5807834036logo {padding-bottom:10px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-msg p a {font-family:Verdana;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-msg p#yiv5807834036attach-count span {color:#1E66AE;font-weight:700;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-reco #yiv5807834036reco-head {color:#ff7900;font-weight:700;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-reco {margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-sponsor #yiv5807834036ov li a {font-size:130%;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-sponsor #yiv5807834036ov li {font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-sponsor #yiv5807834036ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv5807834036
Regards, Jose L. Jacob
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 4:45 PM, "Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Don't know what to tell you -- it appears to work fine here:
| | | | | | Last dividend | Second last dividend |
| MMM | 42872 | 1.175 | | | 1.175 | 1.175 |
| PG | | | | | 0.69 | 0.67 |
| JNJ | | | | | 0.84 | 0.8 |
BTW, you should be able to get all three of the latest dividends in a single request by array-entering this over a 1-row by 3-column range:
But the same problem, whatever it is, might interfere with that formula as well...?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@...wrote:
Hi Randy, find a spreadsheet attached.
#yiv5807834036 #yiv5807834036 -- #yiv5807834036ygrp-
Tue May 30, 2017 1:51 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
There are additional files with changes, but not related to Yahoo
Historical quotes.
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@
> Randy, is the latest version that I have (May 25) only the .XLA file or
> there are more files? I downloaded only the .XLA file.
Historical quotes.
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Jose Jacob pepecan47@
> Randy, is the latest version that I have (May 25) only the .XLA file or
> there are more files? I downloaded only the .XLA file.
Mon May 29, 2017 9:17 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
>>>Also, do you know of any paid services offering similar functionality should this be the end of the road for historical prices? :( <<<
I'm considering signing up for the LITE version of yCharts. It gives you access to all of their data on their webpages for $480 a year. I will only do this if the SMF add-in can go in and extract the data. I need to test it first with a free 7 day trial but have not had time yet.
They have an Excel plug in that will do this but it costs $2400 a year so that is not going to happen. Hopefully your add-in works. It sure would make things easier to go to one source for everything I could possibly want to look up and extract to my spreadsheets.
Has anyone tried to do this yet?
I'm considering signing up for the LITE version of yCharts. It gives you access to all of their data on their webpages for $480 a year. I will only do this if the SMF add-in can go in and extract the data. I need to test it first with a free 7 day trial but have not had time yet.
They have an Excel plug in that will do this but it costs $2400 a year so that is not going to happen. Hopefully your add-in works. It sure would make things easier to go to one source for everything I could possibly want to look up and extract to my spreadsheets.
Has anyone tried to do this yet?
Tue May 30, 2017 11:32 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Joe Mo" joe_mo37
Hi Randy,I'm seeing a similar problem with the 5.21.2017 Beta version (I'm aware of the 5.25 version but don't need the additional functionality). If I close the Excel application, then open it and look at the VBE there is no RCH_Stock_Market_Functions project loaded. I have used the security workaround, and made C:\Programs\SMF Add-in a trusted location (as it was prior to the Yahoo changes). I can load the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions project quickly by clicking an icon which I put on the QAT that launches smfFixLinks so the issue is not a show-stopper, but I'm just wondering why this is happening as I never had the problem before and have been using your marvelous functions for many years.
On Monday, May 29, 2017, 3:07:37 PM CDT, Leo Bueno Leo@BuenoLaw.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
I am seeing an odd behavior in the add-in.
When I open an Excel 2010 spreadsheet which uses the add-in, for example, to get current prices of a list of stocks from Yahoo, the numbers do not update automatically.
I have to toggle the add-in in order for it to work. That is, I have to follow this sequence of steps:
File/Options/Add-Ins/Go then either check or uncheck the SMF-Add-In box.
What am I doing wrong?
Leo Bueno
1825 Ponce de Leon Boulevard # 483
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Skype: BuenoLaw
#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411 -- #yiv9843508411ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mkp #yiv9843508411hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mkp #yiv9843508411ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mkp .yiv9843508411ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mkp .yiv9843508411ad p {margin:0;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mkp .yiv9843508411ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-sponsor #yiv9843508411ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-sponsor #yiv9843508411ygrp-lc #yiv9843508411hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-sponsor #yiv9843508411ygrp-lc .yiv9843508411ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411actions {font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411activity {background-color:#e0ecee;float:left;font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;padding:10px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411activity span:first-child {text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411activity span a {color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411activity span span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411activity span .yiv9843508411underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411attach {clear:both;display:table;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;padding:10px 0;width:400px;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411attach div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411attach img {border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411attach label {display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411attach label a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 4px;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411bold {font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 dd.yiv9843508411last p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9843508411 dd.yiv9843508411last p span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9843508411 dd.yiv9843508411last p span.yiv9843508411yshortcuts {margin-right:0;}#yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411attach-table div div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411attach-table {width:400px;}#yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411file-title a, #yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411file-title a:active, #yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411file-title a:hover, #yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411file-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411photo-title a, #yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411photo-title a:active, #yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411photo-title a:hover, #yiv9843508411 div.yiv9843508411photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 div#yiv9843508411ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9843508411ygrp-msg p a span.yiv9843508411yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv9843508411 o {font-size:0;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv9843508411 .yiv9843508411replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mlmsg select, #yiv9843508411 input, #yiv9843508411 textarea {font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv9843508411 code {font:115% monospace;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9843508411logo {padding-bottom:10px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-msg p a {font-family:Verdana;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-msg p#yiv9843508411attach-count span {color:#1E66AE;font-weight:700;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-reco #yiv9843508411reco-head {color:#ff7900;font-weight:700;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-reco {margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-sponsor #yiv9843508411ov li a {font-size:130%;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-sponsor #yiv9843508411ov li {font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-sponsor #yiv9843508411ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv9843508411
On Monday, May 29, 2017, 3:07:37 PM CDT, Leo Bueno Leo@BuenoLaw.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
I am seeing an odd behavior in the add-in.
When I open an Excel 2010 spreadsheet which uses the add-in, for example, to get current prices of a list of stocks from Yahoo, the numbers do not update automatically.
I have to toggle the add-in in order for it to work. That is, I have to follow this sequence of steps:
File/Options/Add-Ins/Go then either check or uncheck the SMF-Add-In box.
What am I doing wrong?
Leo Bueno
1825 Ponce de Leon Boulevard # 483
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Skype: BuenoLaw
#yiv9843508411 #yiv9843508411 -- #yiv9843508411ygrp-
Attachment(s) from Joe Mo
1 of 1 Photo(s)
Tue May 30, 2017 11:43 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Unfortunately, there's not a lot I can do if the problem isn't present
here. I upgraded from EXCEL 2007 under Vista to Office365 under Windows 10
(on two machines), and the problem hasn't shown up here.
One suggestion I offered was to edit the VBA environment and save it,
trying to make it appear as if it were a local item, but I haven't heard
back whether that did anything.
Another option:
1. Uncheck the add-in in the add-in manager
2. Exit EXCEL (this should clear any add-in connections)
3. Restart EXCEL
4. Use add-in manager to re-add the add-in.
5. Exit EXCEL
6. Restart EXCEL
7. Try checking the "Version" and see if it's still active?
That process has helped a few people with issues in the past...?
I am confused by your comment about "loading" the add-in by clicking on an
icon for smfFixLinks. If the add-in isn't loaded when you click on that
icon, how can that macro run?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Joe Mo joe_mo37@
> I'm seeing a similar problem with the 5.21.2017 Beta version (I'm aware of
> the 5.25 version but don't need the additional functionality). If I close
> the Excel application, then open it and look at the VBE there is no
> RCH_Stock_Market_Functions project loaded. I have used the security
> workaround, and made C:\Programs92;SMF Add-in a trusted location (as it was
> prior to the Yahoo changes). I can load the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions
> project quickly by clicking an icon which I put on the QAT that launches
> smfFixLinks so the issue is not a show-stopper, but I'm just wondering why
> this is happening as I never had the problem before and have been using
> your marvelous functions for many years.
here. I upgraded from EXCEL 2007 under Vista to Office365 under Windows 10
(on two machines), and the problem hasn't shown up here.
One suggestion I offered was to edit the VBA environment and save it,
trying to make it appear as if it were a local item, but I haven't heard
back whether that did anything.
Another option:
1. Uncheck the add-in in the add-in manager
2. Exit EXCEL (this should clear any add-in connections)
3. Restart EXCEL
4. Use add-in manager to re-add the add-in.
5. Exit EXCEL
6. Restart EXCEL
7. Try checking the "Version" and see if it's still active?
That process has helped a few people with issues in the past...?
I am confused by your comment about "loading" the add-in by clicking on an
icon for smfFixLinks. If the add-in isn't loaded when you click on that
icon, how can that macro run?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Joe Mo joe_mo37@
> I'm seeing a similar problem with the 5.21.2017 Beta version (I'm aware of
> the 5.25 version but don't need the additional functionality)
> the Excel application, then open it and look at the VBE there is no
> RCH_Stock_Market_
> workaround, and made C:\Programs
> prior to the Yahoo changes). I can load the RCH_Stock_Market_
> project quickly by clicking an icon which I put on the QAT that launches
> smfFixLinks so the issue is not a show-stopper, but I'm just wondering why
> this is happening as I never had the problem before and have been using
> your marvelous functions for many years.
Tue May 30, 2017 1:19 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Joe Mo" joe_mo37
Thanks Randy. That doesn't seem to change things.
As for your confusion about "loading" the add-in by clicking on an icon for smfFixLinks and your question: "If the add-in isn't loaded when you click on that icon, how can that macro run?". I am baffled too. I assure you when I start Excel and press F11 to open the VBE there is no evidence of the add-in being present in the Project tree on the left side of the VBE window. But, if I launch smfFixLinks or smfForceRecalculation from icons on the QAT, the add-in immediately appears on the project tree!
Alternatively, I can go to the add-in manager (where I see the Stock Market Functions add-in checked), click Browse, go to the add-in (C:\Programs\SMF Add-in) and select the add-in and get a dialog box asking if I want to replace the file, click yes and the add-in appears in the VBE projects tree.
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017, 1:43:30 PM CDT, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Unfortunately, there's not a lot I can do if the problem isn't present here. I upgraded from EXCEL 2007 under Vista to Office365 under Windows 10 (on two machines), and the problem hasn't shown up here.
One suggestion I offered was to edit the VBA environment and save it, trying to make it appear as if it were a local item, but I haven't heard back whether that did anything.
Another option:
1. Uncheck the add-in in the add-in manager
2. Exit EXCEL (this should clear any add-in connections)
3. Restart EXCEL
4. Use add-in manager to re-add the add-in.
5. Exit EXCEL
6. Restart EXCEL
7. Try checking the "Version" and see if it's still active?
That process has helped a few people with issues in the past...?
I am confused by your comment about "loading" the add-in by clicking on an icon for smfFixLinks. If the add-in isn't loaded when you click on that icon, how can that macro run?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Joe Mo joe_mo37@... wrote:
I'm seeing a similar problem with the 5.21.2017 Beta version (I'm aware of the 5.25 version but don't need the additional functionality). If I close the Excel application, then open it and look at the VBE there is no RCH_Stock_Market_Functions project loaded. I have used the security workaround, and made C:\Programs92;SMF Add-in a trusted location (as it was prior to the Yahoo changes). I can load the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions project quickly by clicking an icon which I put on the QAT that launches smfFixLinks so the issue is not a show-stopper, but I'm just wondering why this is happening as I never had the problem before and have been using your marvelous functions for many years.
#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107 -- #yiv4480297107ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mkp #yiv4480297107hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mkp #yiv4480297107ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mkp .yiv4480297107ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mkp .yiv4480297107ad p {margin:0;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mkp .yiv4480297107ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-sponsor #yiv4480297107ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-sponsor #yiv4480297107ygrp-lc #yiv4480297107hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-sponsor #yiv4480297107ygrp-lc .yiv4480297107ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107actions {font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107activity {background-color:#e0ecee;float:left;font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;padding:10px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107activity span:first-child {text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107activity span a {color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107activity span span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107activity span .yiv4480297107underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107attach {clear:both;display:table;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;padding:10px 0;width:400px;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107attach div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107attach img {border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107attach label {display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107attach label a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 4px;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107bold {font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 dd.yiv4480297107last p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4480297107 dd.yiv4480297107last p span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4480297107 dd.yiv4480297107last p span.yiv4480297107yshortcuts {margin-right:0;}#yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107attach-table div div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107attach-table {width:400px;}#yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107file-title a, #yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107file-title a:active, #yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107file-title a:hover, #yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107file-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107photo-title a, #yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107photo-title a:active, #yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107photo-title a:hover, #yiv4480297107 div.yiv4480297107photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 div#yiv4480297107ygrp-mlmsg #yiv4480297107ygrp-msg p a span.yiv4480297107yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv4480297107 o {font-size:0;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv4480297107 .yiv4480297107replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit;font:100%;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mlmsg select, #yiv4480297107 input, #yiv4480297107 textarea {font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv4480297107 code {font:115% monospace;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height:1.22em;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-mlmsg #yiv4480297107logo {padding-bottom:10px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-msg p a {font-family:Verdana;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-msg p#yiv4480297107attach-count span {color:#1E66AE;font-weight:700;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-reco #yiv4480297107reco-head {color:#ff7900;font-weight:700;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-reco {margin-bottom:20px;padding:0px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-sponsor #yiv4480297107ov li a {font-size:130%;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-sponsor #yiv4480297107ov li {font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-sponsor #yiv4480297107ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv4480297107
As for your confusion about "loading" the add-in by clicking on an icon for smfFixLinks and your question: "If the add-in isn't loaded when you click on that icon, how can that macro run?". I am baffled too. I assure you when I start Excel and press F11 to open the VBE there is no evidence of the add-in being present in the Project tree on the left side of the VBE window. But, if I launch smfFixLinks or smfForceRecalculation from icons on the QAT, the add-in immediately appears on the project tree!
Alternatively, I can go to the add-in manager (where I see the Stock Market Functions add-in checked), click Browse, go to the add-in (C:\Programs\SMF Add-in) and select the add-in and get a dialog box asking if I want to replace the file, click yes and the add-in appears in the VBE projects tree.
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017, 1:43:30 PM CDT, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Unfortunately, there's not a lot I can do if the problem isn't present here. I upgraded from EXCEL 2007 under Vista to Office365 under Windows 10 (on two machines), and the problem hasn't shown up here.
One suggestion I offered was to edit the VBA environment and save it, trying to make it appear as if it were a local item, but I haven't heard back whether that did anything.
Another option:
1. Uncheck the add-in in the add-in manager
2. Exit EXCEL (this should clear any add-in connections)
3. Restart EXCEL
4. Use add-in manager to re-add the add-in.
5. Exit EXCEL
6. Restart EXCEL
7. Try checking the "Version" and see if it's still active?
That process has helped a few people with issues in the past...?
I am confused by your comment about "loading" the add-in by clicking on an icon for smfFixLinks. If the add-in isn't loaded when you click on that icon, how can that macro run?
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Joe Mo joe_mo37@... wrote:
I'm seeing a similar problem with the 5.21.2017 Beta version (I'm aware of the 5.25 version but don't need the additional functionality)
#yiv4480297107 #yiv4480297107 -- #yiv4480297107ygrp-
Tue May 30, 2017 1:58 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
Strange. This used to happen and 'smfforcerecalculation39; would fix it.
Tue May 30, 2017 3:23 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Eric Stats" ehstats
I show that KNOW had a 2/1 stock split at the end of April. The
smfPricesByDates function returns a non-adjusted price for 4/30 and then an
adjusted price for 5/1. In the past, all of the prices were adjusted. How
do I account for the splits in the future? Or will the smfPricesByDates
function eventually return only adjusted pricing?
On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 11:49 AM, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com
[smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Yes. With the split adjustments made by Yahoo and the
> dividend/distribution adjustments made by smfGetYahooHistory(), based on
> the Yahoo dividend payments they have.
> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 10:23 AM, Eric Stats ericstats@
> ...wrote:
>> Does the updated addin for smfPricesByDates still return adjusted prices
>> for dividends and distributions? Thanks, Eric
>> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com
>> [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>> See:
>>> https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/smf_addin/conversations/
>>> messages/32112
>>> https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/smf_addin/conversations/
>>> messages/32114
>>> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Eric Stats ericstats@gmail.com
>>> [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>>> Randy, when you say it will just used the new function, what new
>>>> function is that and is it available. You may have already explained this
>>>> in another chain, but I've looked and I'm not seeing it; however, there are
>>>> many emails and it is confusing for a novice like me. Thanks, Eric.
Eric Stats, CFA
smfPricesByDates function returns a non-adjusted price for 4/30 and then an
adjusted price for 5/1. In the past, all of the prices were adjusted. How
do I account for the splits in the future? Or will the smfPricesByDates
function eventually return only adjusted pricing?
On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 11:49 AM, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com
[smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Yes. With the split adjustments made by Yahoo and the
> dividend/distribution adjustments made by smfGetYahooHistory(), based on
> the Yahoo dividend payments they have.
> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 10:23 AM, Eric Stats ericstats@
> ...wrote:
>> Does the updated addin for smfPricesByDates still return adjusted prices
>> for dividends and distributions? Thanks, Eric
>> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com
>> [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>> See:
>>> https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/smf_addin/conversations/
>>> messages/32112
>>> https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/smf_addin/conversations/
>>> messages/32114
>>> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Eric Stats ericstats@gmail.com
>>> [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Eric Stats, CFA
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF
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