Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

[ExcelVBA] Re: Clearing the cells that have no links to them.



You want to know each cell in a workbook that is referenced from one or more
other workbooks ?

I would be happy to be wrong, but I don't believe there is an easy way.

The source workbook (the one which has data referenced from another
workbook) doesn't know it is referenced.

All the information is in the "destination workbook" (the one that is
referencing the external workbook)

That being said --- With your source book not open, you will have to go
through every workbook that references your source and note the target of
every cell that has "external reference" syntax (the existence of a
construct with "[" in it, find the ones that reference your source workbook
and note the sheet and addresses.

If you have a list of the possible "destination worksbooks" this can be done
with some vba coding but I would first search the net to see if somebody
has already tackled at least part of the problem (e.g. creating a list of
references to a source workbook).


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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