Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

[ExcelVBA] Re: Need to reslove the code in excel what does this mean


This is impossible for us to diagnose because:
a) although you say "but the other value is not ok", we don't know what 'ok' is!
but more importantly
b) we don't know what's on the sheet(s)!

May I suggest that you put the file on the interweb somewhere (, skydrive etc.) or ask a Moderator to put the file up in the Files area (don't ask me, because I'm just going out for a longish while).

--- In, "Addi" <royceton_2000@...> wrote:
> Hi there i am not done any programing
> I need help in the below code i am not getting the value what i want in the code below
> End If
> Range("Q39").Value = Ssu(0)
> Range("T39").Value = " / " & Tsu(0)
> Range("X39").Value = Ssu(0) / Tsu(0)
> Range("Q43").Value = Ssu(9)
> Range("T43").Value = " / " & Tsu(9)
> Range("X43").Value = Ssu(9) / Tsu(9)
> Range("Q41").Value = Ssu(0)
> Range("T41").Value = " / " & Tsu(0)
> Range("X41").Value = Ssu(0) / Tsu(0)
> Range("Q42").Value = Ssu(0)
> Range("T42").Value = " / " & Tsu(0)
> Range("X42").Value = Ssu(0) / Tsu(0)
> Range("Q40").Value = Ssu(0)
> Range("T40").Value = " / " & Tsu(0)
> Range("X40").Value = Ssu(0) / Tsu(0)
> If you see the value in T39 and T41 is correect but the toher value is not ok if i change i get overflow error 6 please help i am in urgetn need

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