Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] Transpose and Copy Down, slicing off columns? How do I do this other than manually?


I have the following data:
Account Number Age  Age Group Medical/Surgical Patient Type 8AM pass through Before1/After0 8AM PET  Before0/After1 8AM ET Date 1 Date 2 Date 3
123456789 0 <18 MED I 3 1 1 10/21/2011 10/22/2011 10/23/2011
234567890 0 <18 MED I 3 1 1 10/09/2011 10/10/2011 10/11/2011
GIVEN the number of dates in each row (date 1 -3) in this case, and there could be up to 28 date columns---,
I need exactly that many total rows (3, one for each date), with the account number, age, age group, med/surg, patient type, 8AM pass through, Before1/After0 8AM PET, Before1/After0 8AM ET columnar data's info repeated, and the date being reduced to one column, like so--
Account Number Age  Age Group Medical/Surgical Patient Type 8AM pass through Before1/After0 8AM PET  Before0/After1 8AM ET Date 1
123456789 0 <18 MED I 3 1 1 10/21/2011
123456789 0 <19 MED I 3 1 1 10/22/2011
123456789 0 <20 MED I 3 1 1 10/23/2011
234567890 0 <18 MED I 3 1 1 10/09/2011
234567890 0 <19 MED I 3 1 1 10/10/2011
234567890 0 <20 MED I 3 1 1 10/11/2011
Exactly how do I do this?  I cannot figure this out.
Any expertise would be greatly appreciated.
Eric Lutz


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