Kamis, 27 September 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] Abbreviations to Words



Thank you, now I understand your use of "key", so I can move on to the next statement:

Cells(nRow, nFullNameColumn).Value = clxFruit.Item("key"&nAbbreviatedNameColumn)

I understand this statement is in a loop which increments nRow, and it is supposed to put into Cell(nRow, nFullNameColumn) the full name of the fruit whose abbreviation is in the abbreviation name column in nRow. To be concrete, if nAbbreviatedNameColumn is Col A, and nFullNameColumn is Col B, when nRow is 7, I want the abbreviation in A7 to "translate" into the full name and put that name into B7. I don't see how the right-hand-side of that expression points row 7.

Thanks for your help,
Mickey Trombetta

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