Jumat, 28 September 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] Abbreviations to Words



Oops, I should have tested this :-

Cells(nRow, nFullNameColumn).Value = clxFruit.Item("key" & nAbbreviatedNameColumn)

I meant to write :-
Cells(nRow, nFullNameColumn).Value = clxFruit.Item("key" & Cells(nRow, nAbbreviatedNameColumn).Value)

By the way if you do this 100,000 times it will be slow.

If this is a problem then you can read the cell values into a 100,000 by 2 VB array, put the look-ups into the second column and then put the array back into Excel. So all the hard work is done in VB

I described this method in one of my other posts but will explain further if needed. (I am on my way out somewhere)


Derek +++

> From: Michael Trombetta <mickey11030@yahoo.com>
>To: "ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com" <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Thursday, 27 September 2012, 12:39
>Subject: Re: [ExcelVBA] Abbreviations to Words

>Thank you, now I understand your use of "key", so I can move on to the next statement:
>Cells(nRow, nFullNameColumn).Value = clxFruit.Item("key"&nAbbreviatedNameColumn)
>I understand this statement is in a loop which increments nRow, and it is supposed to put into Cell(nRow, nFullNameColumn) the full name of the fruit whose abbreviation is in the abbreviation name column in nRow. 
>To be concrete, if nAbbreviatedNameColumn is Col A, and nFullNameColumn is Col B, when nRow is 7, I want the abbreviation in A7 to "translate" into the full name and put that name into B7. 
>I don't see how the right-hand-side of that expression points row 7.
>Thanks for your help,
>Mickey Trombetta
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