Rabu, 19 September 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] help with "If IsError .. "


It looks like your code is designed to search the column headings in row 1
to find a cell that has the word "multiple" in it.

There seems to be multiple problems.
#1) While colF < 1
I'm assuming you have set colF to a value prior to this section of code.
In order for this to evaluate to TRUE, the column you're testing would have to
be column number 0 or a negative.
Which will never happen.

#2) Since colF MUST be greater than 0, then your macro should've never even
REACHED your search line.
So, I must assume that you mis-keyed it when you posted it, and you actually
are using While colF > 1
But then, since you're increasing the column numbers (colF = colF + 1) then the
macro will continue to run
until you reach the maximum column (16384) then error out.
unless you put in a exitloop when the string is found.

#3) When the search doesn't find anything, the Worksheetfunction retruns a VBA
Error/run time error.
the ISerror function expects the value to be a numeric value that REPRESENTS
an error.

What I would do is use use VBA Error handler:
On Error Resume Next
For ColF = 1 to ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
    Multiple = Application.WorksheetFunction.Search("Multiple", WkShtf.Cells(1,
ColF).Value, 1)
    If (Err.Number = 0) Then
        Cells(ColF, 2).Select
        Exit For
    End If
Next ColF
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From: HawtSweetie240 <tapmba@yahoo.com>
To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, September 18, 2012 7:17:00 PM
Subject: [ExcelVBA] help with "If IsError .. "

Could some one please help me find the issue that is causing error in the part
of the code below? I am basically getting error is the If IsError part of the

Do While colF < 1
If IsError(WorksheetFunction.Search("Multiple", wkShtF.Cells(1, colF), 1)) Then
colF = colF + 1
multiple = WorksheetFunction.Search("Multiple", wkShtF.Cells(1, colF), 1)
colF = colF + 1
End If

Thank you in advance

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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