3 Messages
Digest #3893
Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:33 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Vivek Dabholkar" dabh001
Great to hear that you are back. God Bless you with good health.
From: "rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com>
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 10:44 PM
Subject: [smf_addin] I'm back!
Sorry folks.
Went into the hospital on 12/14,
Transferred to rehab on 12/21.
Told them I was ready to go home on 12/28, but it took until today to get everything all situated for me to go home. I've been told I was going home each day since 1/1. Just came in the front door about 2 hours ago.
Came home with equipment, which was part of the problem.
Just a warning -- not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep things going.
#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322 -- #yiv1068923322ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-mkp #yiv1068923322hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-mkp #yiv1068923322ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-mkp .yiv1068923322ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-mkp .yiv1068923322ad p {margin:0;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-mkp .yiv1068923322ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-sponsor #yiv1068923322ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-sponsor #yiv1068923322ygrp-lc #yiv1068923322hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322ygrp-sponsor #yiv1068923322ygrp-lc .yiv1068923322ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv1068923322 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Great to hear that you are back. God Bless you with good health.
From: "rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin]" <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com>
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 10:44 PM
Subject: [smf_addin] I'm back!
Sorry folks.
Went into the hospital on 12/14,
Transferred to rehab on 12/21.
Told them I was ready to go home on 12/28, but it took until today to get everything all situated for me to go home. I've been told I was going home each day since 1/1. Just came in the front door about 2 hours ago.
Came home with equipment, which was part of the problem.
Just a warning -- not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep things going.
#yiv1068923322 #yiv1068923322 -- #yiv1068923322ygrp-
Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:18 pm (PST) . Posted by:
If possible I need to retrieve the following stock statistical data from Yahoo ....
Qtrly Revenue growth ....(yoy)
Qtrly Earnings growth .... (yoy)
Operating cash flow .... (ttm)
Shares outstanding
% held by institutions
Should I be able to do this for 10 to 20 stocks at a time using smf tools? .... if so what do I need in order to do so?
Thanks .... Old Abuelo
Qtrly Revenue growth ....(yoy)
Qtrly Earnings growth .... (yoy)
Operating cash flow .... (ttm)
Shares outstanding
% held by institutions
Should I be able to do this for 10 to 20 stocks at a time using smf tools? .... if so what do I need in order to do so?
Thanks .... Old Abuelo
Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:10 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Randall" randyr_cds
Do you have example web pages that you would like to get the information
Randy R
On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 6:18 PM, stuff@nc.rr.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> If possible I need to retrieve the following stock statistical data from
> Yahoo ....
> Qtrly Revenue growth ....(yoy)
> Qtrly Earnings growth .... (yoy)
> Operating cash flow .... (ttm)
> Shares outstanding
> % held by institutions
> Should I be able to do this for 10 to 20 stocks at a time using smf tools?
> .... if so what do I need in order to do so?
> Thanks .... Old Abuelo
Randy R
On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 6:18 PM, stuff@nc.rr.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> If possible I need to retrieve the following stock statistical data from
> Yahoo ....
> Qtrly Revenue growth ....(yoy)
> Qtrly Earnings growth .... (yoy)
> Operating cash flow .... (ttm)
> Shares outstanding
> % held by institutions
> Should I be able to do this for 10 to 20 stocks at a time using smf tools?
> .... if so what do I need in order to do so?
> Thanks .... Old Abuelo
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