15 New Messages
Digest #2507
Re: Windows 8 and Excell 2013 - SMF Add-In inconsisently working? by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:27 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Jacob Jose" pepecan47
Thank you Randy. It works beautiful.
Jose L. Jacob
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com >
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 4:09:12 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Getting annual dividends from yahoo history
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Jacob Jose pepecan47@yahoo.ca > wrote:
>Randy, the formula woks perfectly, most of the times. I found a little problem.
>I want dividends for (current + 10years), because I follow some stocks that pay monthly. , define the array B4:B136 (title + 132 dividends).
>The formula is =SUMPRODUCT(--(YEAR($B5:$B136)=D2),$C5:$C136)
>The problem is, when the function returns less than 133 rows, I get #value!. Is there a way to skip executing the formula when returns
> empy or "no value"?
>You can reproduce the problem using ticker ADI.
Jose L. Jacob
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 4:09:12 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Getting annual dividends from yahoo history
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Jacob Jose pepecan47@yahoo.
>Randy, the formula woks perfectly, most of the times. I found a little problem.
>I want dividends for (current + 10years), because I follow some stocks that pay monthly. , define the array B4:B136 (title + 132 dividends).
>The formula is =SUMPRODUCT(
>The problem is, when the function returns less than 133 rows, I get #value!. Is there a way to skip executing the formula when returns
> empy or "no value"?
>You can reproduce the problem using ticker ADI.
Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:56 am (PST) . Posted by:
"fredwwright" fredwwright
I have been using the excellent add-in for years and love it (thanks Randy), but recently I decided to upgrade to a new computer (dell XPS desktop running Windows 8 and bought Office Home & Student 2013. I loaded the add-in and it seemed to work at first BUT it seems to run extremely slow (despite calculating with 8 processors - much slower than my 3 year old windows 7 laptop) and sometimes it completes but doesn't actually update the fields and other times it seems to be OK?
Anyone have any thoughts/experiences or diagnostic steps that might help me get it working before I decide to downgrade back to my old computer??
Thanks, Fred
Anyone have any thoughts/experience
Thanks, Fred
Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:05 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
One reason for not updating could be that IE is not set up to always get
new copies of web pages.
For finding out what items might be problems, I sometimes go to
smfUpdateDownloadTable. Since it places values into the workbook instead of
using formulas, you get to see the data retrievals and web page parsing as
they occur. I used this process once when one of my workbooks was taking
forever to calculate, and had to use Task Manager twice to stop EXCEL. I
found out the issue was retrieval of a data element from Zacks. Then, lo
and behold, when I went to check out the web site, I found out it was down.
So my workbook was taking so long to calculate because each access to a
Zacks web page had to time out before the add-in could go on to the next
web page retrieval. All of those time out waits were taking a LONG time to
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:56 AM, fredwwright fredwwright@yahoo.com > wrote:
> I have been using the excellent add-in for years and love it (thanks
> Randy), but recently I decided to upgrade to a new computer (dell XPS
> desktop running Windows 8 and bought Office Home & Student 2013. I loaded
> the add-in and it seemed to work at first BUT it seems to run extremely
> slow (despite calculating with 8 processors - much slower than my 3 year
> old windows 7 laptop) and sometimes it completes but doesn't actually
> update the fields and other times it seems to be OK?
> Anyone have any thoughts/experiences or diagnostic steps that might help
> me get it working before I decide to downgrade back to my old computer??
new copies of web pages.
For finding out what items might be problems, I sometimes go to
using formulas, you get to see the data retrievals and web page parsing as
they occur. I used this process once when one of my workbooks was taking
forever to calculate, and had to use Task Manager twice to stop EXCEL. I
found out the issue was retrieval of a data element from Zacks. Then, lo
and behold, when I went to check out the web site, I found out it was down.
So my workbook was taking so long to calculate because each access to a
Zacks web page had to time out before the add-in could go on to the next
web page retrieval. All of those time out waits were taking a LONG time to
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:56 AM, fredwwright fredwwright@
> I have been using the excellent add-in for years and love it (thanks
> Randy), but recently I decided to upgrade to a new computer (dell XPS
> desktop running Windows 8 and bought Office Home & Student 2013. I loaded
> the add-in and it seemed to work at first BUT it seems to run extremely
> slow (despite calculating with 8 processors - much slower than my 3 year
> old windows 7 laptop) and sometimes it completes but doesn't actually
> update the fields and other times it seems to be OK?
> Anyone have any thoughts/experience
> me get it working before I decide to downgrade back to my old computer??
Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:31 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Cesar Augusto Crivelli" cesarcrivelli
Looks like it normalized now.... What do you think? Not safe to retrieve data on weekends?
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com >
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] IEXPLORE / CACHE
Sorry. I have no answer for you. It could be the URL parameters work differently than suspected.
Or, it could be the site limits you to only so many accesses to such data within a certain time frame. I tried the "RepNo" source page below, and originally got the correct data. But, after a few refreshes, all I get is data through 2012.
And, if I now go to the source web page:
...the "Next Year" link isn't even clickable. But if I wait a while, it comes back.
So I'm pretty sure it is something the site is doing to restrict data access.
Hmmm. Or, it is a weekend. Maybe they're updating data?
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Cesar Augusto Crivelli cesarcrivelli@yahoo.com > wrote:
>I am trying to retreive from 4-Traders the projections for Sales, EBITDA, Net Income and EPS, for almost 150 companies
>Sometimes the spreadsheet retrieves the data as it should be, for 2013-2016, but sometimes the data is wrong.... for example I opened in the browser (mozila) the following url - http://www.4-traders.com/mods_a/reuters/TableYears.php?&RepNo=A582A&CurrentYear=2015
>The second table is the right one... Do you have any idea why this is happening? Do I have to empty the temporary internet files each time the spreadsheet is opened?
Looks like it normalized now.... What do you think? Not safe to retrieve data on weekends?
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] IEXPLORE / CACHE
Sorry. I have no answer for you. It could be the URL parameters work differently than suspected.
Or, it could be the site limits you to only so many accesses to such data within a certain time frame. I tried the "RepNo" source page below, and originally got the correct data. But, after a few refreshes, all I get is data through 2012.
And, if I now go to the source web page:
...the "Next Year" link isn't even clickable. But if I wait a while, it comes back.
So I'm pretty sure it is something the site is doing to restrict data access.
Hmmm. Or, it is a weekend. Maybe they're updating data?
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Cesar Augusto Crivelli cesarcrivelli@
>I am trying to retreive from 4-Traders the projections for Sales, EBITDA, Net Income and EPS, for almost 150 companies
>Sometimes the spreadsheet retrieves the data as it should be, for 2013-2016, but sometimes the data is wrong.... for example I opened in the browser (mozila) the following url - http://www.4-
>The second table is the right one... Do you have any idea why this is happening? Do I have to empty the temporary internet files each time the spreadsheet is opened?
Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:26 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
I wish I could give you a definitive answer...
Ya know, come to think of it -- we've had complaints on the group before
about data not being available on the Reuters site, especially over
weekends. Just a few weeks ago:
And you'll note that the URL of the data you're retrieving does have
"reuters" in it...
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Cesar Augusto Crivelli <
cesarcrivelli@yahoo.com > wrote:
> Looks like it normalized now.... What do you think? Not safe to retrieve
> data on weekends?
Ya know, come to think of it -- we've had complaints on the group before
about data not being available on the Reuters site, especially over
weekends. Just a few weeks ago:
And you'll note that the URL of the data you're retrieving does have
"reuters" in it...
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Cesar Augusto Crivelli <
> Looks like it normalized now.... What do you think? Not safe to retrieve
> data on weekends?
Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:11 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Michael" mfgrames
Hi Randy,
I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the
add-in to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the
sequence every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous
versions of the add-in.
On 2/12/2013 9:48 AM, Ron Spruell wrote:
> Randy -
> Sorry I am so far behind on reading the posts. This post fixed my
> problem.
> [smf_addin] Re: Get Error using rchgetelementnumber
> http://mail.
> Hide Details
> http://us-mg6.
> From
> * webz1984
> http://us-mg6.
> To
> * smf_addin@yahoogrou
> http://us-mg6.
> One way to work around the error message is to open Excel from office,
> go to options ->add-in to go through the add-in process, then the
> error msg will pop out. Just click OK,and it will redirect to the
> following reference page.
> http://imgur.
> Uncheck the box of MISSING:HTML.
> this excel window. It seems works fine afterwards.
> Regards,
> Wz
> --- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> Randy Harmelink wrote:
> >
> > Not good. Someone else reported that issue with the latest release...
> >
> > But I haven't changed any reference libraries.
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, webz1984 wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Also, sometimes when I open the spreadsheet, it gave me an error
> of "Can'
> > > find project or Library"
> > >
> >
> ------------
> *From:* Ron Spruell hashky@yahoo.
> *To:* "smf_addin@yahoogrou
> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:28 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin
> 2.1.2013.02.
> Randy -
> I can't get the new Addin version to work.
> I get a compile error.
> "Can'
> I am running Windows XP with Excel 2010.
> Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2013.01.
> Files\SMF Add-In; 1)
> Ron Spruell
> ------------
> *From:* Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.
> *To:* smf_addin@yahoogrou
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:27 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working
> My reply evidently went directly to Mike instead of to the
> Yahoo group.
> If anyone else tries 2.1.2012.02.
> the same compiler error, or whether it works. I've seen
> several other messages that it worked correctly, and can't see
> anything wrong on this end, so I'm wondering if it's an
> isolated case.
> Note that you do have to exit EXCEL before updating the XLA
> file, since add-ins are loaded when EXCEL starts up.
> ------------
> Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you. I went into the add-in and
> the VBA environment compiles it successfully. And the UCase()
> function is not something new -- I have been using that in
> numerous places for some time. And my template that uses that
> particular function is working fine...
> One thing I saw from a Google search on the topic had this advice:
> "In the VBE, go to Tools > References. In the dialog, you will
> probably see a reference marked as "MISSING"
> missing reference - just uncheck it if it's not needed - and
> you should then find all is well (with the UCase, although not
> necessarily with other things - it depends what it was that
> was missing)."
> I haven't changed the references, at least not intentionally.
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Michael mike@grames.
> mike@grames.
> Randy,
> I have tried your new beta version, because I was also having
> problems with VIX. However, the new version does not run, and
> produces an error for me, such as "library missing" and brings
> up the debugger. I have switched back to the previous beta
> version, which seems to run fine.
> Mike
Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:37 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"ron.gaillard" rgaillard
I have the same problem with the new version using excel 2003. (I get the
compile error. "Can't find project or library.")
and have I found no work around yet.
By overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla file with the previous
version allows all to work again.
Then overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla file with the newest
version, brings the problem back. Meaning all the smf-element-x.txt files
seem OK.
From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ] On Behalf
Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:11 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Ron Spruell
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
Hi Randy,
I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the add-in
to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the sequence
every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous versions of the
On 2/12/2013 9:48 AM, Ron Spruell wrote:
Randy -
Sorry I am so far behind on reading the posts. This post fixed my problem.
[smf_addin] Re: Get Error using rchgetelementnumber http://mail.yahoo.com/ >
Hide Details
* webz1984
* smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
One way to work around the error message is to open Excel from office, go to
options ->add-in to go through the add-in process, then the error msg will
pop out. Just click OK,and it will redirect to the following reference page.
Uncheck the box of MISSING:HTML.XLAM, then open the worksheet from this
excel window. It seems works fine afterwards.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ,
Randy Harmelink wrote:
> Not good. Someone else reported that issue with the latest release...
> But I haven't changed any reference libraries.
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, webz1984 wrote:
> >
> > Also, sometimes when I open the spreadsheet, it gave me an error of
> > find project or Library"
> >
From: Ron Spruell hashky@yahoo.com > hashky@yahoo.com >
To: "smf_addin@yahoogroups.com " smf_addin@yahoogroups.com >
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com > smf_addin@yahoogroups.com >
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
Randy -
I can't get the new Addin version to work.
I get a compile error.
"Can't find project or library."
I am running Windows XP with Excel 2010.
Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2013.01.04 (C:\Program Files\SMF
Add-In; 1)
Ron Spruell
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com > rharmelink@gmail.com >
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working
My reply evidently went directly to Mike instead of to the Yahoo group.
If anyone else tries 2.1.2012.02.06 -- let me know if you get the same
compiler error, or whether it works. I've seen several other messages that
it worked correctly, and can't see anything wrong on this end, so I'm
wondering if it's an isolated case.
Note that you do have to exit EXCEL before updating the XLA file, since
add-ins are loaded when EXCEL starts up.
Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you. I went into the add-in and the VBA
environment compiles it successfully. And the UCase() function is not
something new -- I have been using that in numerous places for some time.
And my template that uses that particular function is working fine...
One thing I saw from a Google search on the topic had this advice:
"In the VBE, go to Tools > References. In the dialog, you will probably see
a reference marked as "MISSING". Resolve that missing reference - just
uncheck it if it's not needed - and you should then find all is well (with
the UCase, although not necessarily with other things - it depends what it
was that was missing)."
I haven't changed the references, at least not intentionally.
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif >
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Michael mike@grames.net > wrote:
I have tried your new beta version, because I was also having problems with
VIX. However, the new version does not run, and produces an error for me,
such as "library missing" and brings up the debugger. I have switched back
to the previous beta version, which seems to run fine.
compile error. "Can'
and have I found no work around yet.
By overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_
version allows all to work again.
Then overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_
version, brings the problem back. Meaning all the smf-element-
seem OK.
From: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:11 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Cc: Ron Spruell
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
Hi Randy,
I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the add-in
to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the sequence
every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous versions of the
On 2/12/2013 9:48 AM, Ron Spruell wrote:
Randy -
Sorry I am so far behind on reading the posts. This post fixed my problem.
[smf_addin] Re: Get Error using rchgetelementnumber http://mail.
Hide Details
* webz1984
* smf_addin@yahoogrou
One way to work around the error message is to open Excel from office, go to
options ->add-in to go through the add-in process, then the error msg will
pop out. Just click OK,and it will redirect to the following reference page.
Uncheck the box of MISSING:HTML.
excel window. It seems works fine afterwards.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
Randy Harmelink wrote:
> Not good. Someone else reported that issue with the latest release...
> But I haven't changed any reference libraries.
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, webz1984 wrote:
> >
> > Also, sometimes when I open the spreadsheet, it gave me an error of
> > find project or Library"
> >
From: Ron Spruell hashky@yahoo.
To: "smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
Randy -
I can't get the new Addin version to work.
I get a compile error.
I am running Windows XP with Excel 2010.
Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2013.01.
Add-In; 1)
Ron Spruell
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working
My reply evidently went directly to Mike instead of to the Yahoo group.
If anyone else tries 2.1.2012.02.
compiler error, or whether it works. I've seen several other messages that
it worked correctly, and can't see anything wrong on this end, so I'm
wondering if it's an isolated case.
Note that you do have to exit EXCEL before updating the XLA file, since
add-ins are loaded when EXCEL starts up.
Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you. I went into the add-in and the VBA
environment compiles it successfully. And the UCase() function is not
something new -- I have been using that in numerous places for some time.
And my template that uses that particular function is working fine...
One thing I saw from a Google search on the topic had this advice:
"In the VBE, go to Tools > References. In the dialog, you will probably see
a reference marked as "MISSING"
uncheck it if it's not needed - and you should then find all is well (with
the UCase, although not necessarily with other things - it depends what it
was that was missing)."
I haven't changed the references, at least not intentionally.
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Michael mike@grames.
I have tried your new beta version, because I was also having problems with
VIX. However, the new version does not run, and produces an error for me,
such as "library missing" and brings up the debugger. I have switched back
to the previous beta version, which seems to run fine.
Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:01 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
As I noted in a later message, I don't recall adding the HTML.XLAM
(Internet Assistant?) as a reference library. But it was in my copy as
well. So I removed it last week. I haven't noticed any issues, so I just
uploaded a new version that should be without that reference. I think it's
been deprecated by MicroSoft, so it's very strange...
The only thing I can figure is I did upgrade my ASAP add-in recently. I
wonder if it messed around with the reference libraries of my add-in, which
would have been open at the time?
In any case, the reference should be gone now, in version 2.1.2013.02.12 of
the SMF add-in.
If anyone that had the "missing library" problem tries it, let me know if
the problem is now gone for you...
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Michael mike@grames.net > wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the add-in
> to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the sequence
> every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous versions of the
> add-in.
> Mike
(Internet Assistant?) as a reference library. But it was in my copy as
well. So I removed it last week. I haven't noticed any issues, so I just
uploaded a new version that should be without that reference. I think it's
been deprecated by MicroSoft, so it's very strange...
The only thing I can figure is I did upgrade my ASAP add-in recently. I
wonder if it messed around with the reference libraries of my add-in, which
would have been open at the time?
In any case, the reference should be gone now, in version 2.1.2013.02.
the SMF add-in.
If anyone that had the "missing library" problem tries it, let me know if
the problem is now gone for you...
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Michael mike@grames.
> Hi Randy,
> I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the add-in
> to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the sequence
> every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous versions of the
> add-in.
> Mike
Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:08 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Michael" mfgrames
The new uploaded version works well. No issues.
On 2/12/2013 10:01 PM, Randy Harmelink wrote:
> As I noted in a later message, I don't recall adding the HTML.XLAM
> (Internet Assistant?) as a reference library. But it was in my copy as
> well. So I removed it last week. I haven't noticed any issues, so I
> just uploaded a new version that should be without that reference. I
> think it's been deprecated by MicroSoft, so it's very strange...
> The only thing I can figure is I did upgrade my ASAP add-in recently.
> I wonder if it messed around with the reference libraries of my
> add-in, which would have been open at the time?
> In any case, the reference should be gone now, in version
> 2.1.2013.02.12 of the SMF add-in.
> If anyone that had the "missing library" problem tries it, let me know
> if the problem is now gone for you...
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Michael mike@grames.net
> mike@grames.net >> wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows
> the add-in to work, but just for the current session. I need to
> repeat the sequence every tine I start Excel. This is not
> required in previous versions of the add-in.
> Mike
The new uploaded version works well. No issues.
On 2/12/2013 10:01 PM, Randy Harmelink wrote:
> As I noted in a later message, I don't recall adding the HTML.XLAM
> (Internet Assistant?) as a reference library. But it was in my copy as
> well. So I removed it last week. I haven't noticed any issues, so I
> just uploaded a new version that should be without that reference. I
> think it's been deprecated by MicroSoft, so it's very strange...
> The only thing I can figure is I did upgrade my ASAP add-in recently.
> I wonder if it messed around with the reference libraries of my
> add-in, which would have been open at the time?
> In any case, the reference should be gone now, in version
> 2.1.2013.02.
> If anyone that had the "missing library" problem tries it, let me know
> if the problem is now gone for you...
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Michael mike@grames.
> mike@grames.
> Hi Randy,
> I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows
> the add-in to work, but just for the current session. I need to
> repeat the sequence every tine I start Excel. This is not
> required in previous versions of the add-in.
> Mike
Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:28 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"ron.gaillard" rgaillard
Additional info
Uncheck the missing reference works for Excel 2003 also, but the reference
must be loading as part of the newer version.
It does not show up in the VBA editor with the previous version.
Randy did you change versions of Excel between the time you posted versions
From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ] On Behalf
Of ron.gaillard
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:36 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
I have the same problem with the new version using excel 2003. (I get the
compile error. "Can't find project or library.")
and have I found no work around yet.
By overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla file with the previous
version allows all to work again.
Then overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla file with the newest
version, brings the problem back. Meaning all the smf-element-x.txt files
seem OK.
From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ] On Behalf
Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:11 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Ron Spruell
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
Hi Randy,
I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the add-in
to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the sequence
every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous versions of the
On 2/12/2013 9:48 AM, Ron Spruell wrote:
Randy -
Sorry I am so far behind on reading the posts. This post fixed my problem.
[smf_addin] http://mail.yahoo.com/ > Re: Get Error using
Hide Details
* webz1984
* smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
One way to work around the error message is to open Excel from office, go to
options ->add-in to go through the add-in process, then the error msg will
pop out. Just click OK,and it will redirect to the following reference page.
Uncheck the box of MISSING:HTML.XLAM, then open the worksheet from this
excel window. It seems works fine afterwards.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ,
Randy Harmelink wrote:
> Not good. Someone else reported that issue with the latest release...
> But I haven't changed any reference libraries.
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, webz1984 wrote:
> >
> > Also, sometimes when I open the spreadsheet, it gave me an error of
> > find project or Library"
> >
From: Ron Spruell hashky@yahoo.com > hashky@yahoo.com >
To: "smf_addin@yahoogroups.com " smf_addin@yahoogroups.com >
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com > smf_addin@yahoogroups.com >
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
Randy -
I can't get the new Addin version to work.
I get a compile error.
"Can't find project or library."
I am running Windows XP with Excel 2010.
Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2013.01.04 (C:\Program Files\SMF
Add-In; 1)
Ron Spruell
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com > rharmelink@gmail.com >
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working
My reply evidently went directly to Mike instead of to the Yahoo group.
If anyone else tries 2.1.2012.02.06 -- let me know if you get the same
compiler error, or whether it works. I've seen several other messages that
it worked correctly, and can't see anything wrong on this end, so I'm
wondering if it's an isolated case.
Note that you do have to exit EXCEL before updating the XLA file, since
add-ins are loaded when EXCEL starts up.
Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you. I went into the add-in and the VBA
environment compiles it successfully. And the UCase() function is not
something new -- I have been using that in numerous places for some time.
And my template that uses that particular function is working fine...
One thing I saw from a Google search on the topic had this advice:
"In the VBE, go to Tools > References. In the dialog, you will probably see
a reference marked as "MISSING". Resolve that missing reference - just
uncheck it if it's not needed - and you should then find all is well (with
the UCase, although not necessarily with other things - it depends what it
was that was missing)."
I haven't changed the references, at least not intentionally.
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif >
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Michael mike@grames.net > wrote:
I have tried your new beta version, because I was also having problems with
VIX. However, the new version does not run, and produces an error for me,
such as "library missing" and brings up the debugger. I have switched back
to the previous beta version, which seems to run fine.
Uncheck the missing reference works for Excel 2003 also, but the reference
must be loading as part of the newer version.
It does not show up in the VBA editor with the previous version.
Randy did you change versions of Excel between the time you posted versions
From: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Of ron.gaillard
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:36 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
I have the same problem with the new version using excel 2003. (I get the
compile error. "Can'
and have I found no work around yet.
By overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_
version allows all to work again.
Then overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_
version, brings the problem back. Meaning all the smf-element-
seem OK.
From: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:11 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Cc: Ron Spruell
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
Hi Randy,
I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the add-in
to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the sequence
every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous versions of the
On 2/12/2013 9:48 AM, Ron Spruell wrote:
Randy -
Sorry I am so far behind on reading the posts. This post fixed my problem.
[smf_addin] http://mail.
Hide Details
* webz1984
* smf_addin@yahoogrou
One way to work around the error message is to open Excel from office, go to
options ->add-in to go through the add-in process, then the error msg will
pop out. Just click OK,and it will redirect to the following reference page.
Uncheck the box of MISSING:HTML.
excel window. It seems works fine afterwards.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
Randy Harmelink wrote:
> Not good. Someone else reported that issue with the latest release...
> But I haven't changed any reference libraries.
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, webz1984 wrote:
> >
> > Also, sometimes when I open the spreadsheet, it gave me an error of
> > find project or Library"
> >
From: Ron Spruell hashky@yahoo.
To: "smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
Randy -
I can't get the new Addin version to work.
I get a compile error.
I am running Windows XP with Excel 2010.
Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2013.01.
Add-In; 1)
Ron Spruell
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working
My reply evidently went directly to Mike instead of to the Yahoo group.
If anyone else tries 2.1.2012.02.
compiler error, or whether it works. I've seen several other messages that
it worked correctly, and can't see anything wrong on this end, so I'm
wondering if it's an isolated case.
Note that you do have to exit EXCEL before updating the XLA file, since
add-ins are loaded when EXCEL starts up.
Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you. I went into the add-in and the VBA
environment compiles it successfully. And the UCase() function is not
something new -- I have been using that in numerous places for some time.
And my template that uses that particular function is working fine...
One thing I saw from a Google search on the topic had this advice:
"In the VBE, go to Tools > References. In the dialog, you will probably see
a reference marked as "MISSING"
uncheck it if it's not needed - and you should then find all is well (with
the UCase, although not necessarily with other things - it depends what it
was that was missing)."
I haven't changed the references, at least not intentionally.
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Michael mike@grames.
I have tried your new beta version, because I was also having problems with
VIX. However, the new version does not run, and produces an error for me,
such as "library missing" and brings up the debugger. I have switched back
to the previous beta version, which seems to run fine.
Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:42 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"ron.gaillard" rgaillard
Installed the latest : version 2.1.2013.02.12
Reference problem gone
Thanks for the updated file.
From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ] On Behalf
Of ron.gaillard
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:28 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
(addition info)
Additional info
Uncheck the missing reference works for Excel 2003 also, but the reference
must be loading as part of the newer version.
It does not show up in the VBA editor with the previous version.
Randy did you change versions of Excel between the time you posted versions
From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ] On Behalf
Of ron.gaillard
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:36 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
I have the same problem with the new version using excel 2003. (I get the
compile error. "Can't find project or library.")
and have I found no work around yet.
By overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla file with the previous
version allows all to work again.
Then overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla file with the newest
version, brings the problem back. Meaning all the smf-element-x.txt files
seem OK.
From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ] On Behalf
Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:11 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Ron Spruell
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
Hi Randy,
I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the add-in
to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the sequence
every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous versions of the
On 2/12/2013 9:48 AM, Ron Spruell wrote:
Randy -
Sorry I am so far behind on reading the posts. This post fixed my problem.
[smf_addin] http://mail.yahoo.com/ > Re: Get Error using
Hide Details
* webz1984
* smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
One way to work around the error message is to open Excel from office, go to
options ->add-in to go through the add-in process, then the error msg will
pop out. Just click OK,and it will redirect to the following reference page.
Uncheck the box of MISSING:HTML.XLAM, then open the worksheet from this
excel window. It seems works fine afterwards.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com ,
Randy Harmelink wrote:
> Not good. Someone else reported that issue with the latest release...
> But I haven't changed any reference libraries.
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, webz1984 wrote:
> >
> > Also, sometimes when I open the spreadsheet, it gave me an error of
> > find project or Library"
> >
From: Ron Spruell hashky@yahoo.com > hashky@yahoo.com >
To: "smf_addin@yahoogroups.com " smf_addin@yahoogroups.com >
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com > smf_addin@yahoogroups.com >
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
Randy -
I can't get the new Addin version to work.
I get a compile error.
"Can't find project or library."
I am running Windows XP with Excel 2010.
Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2013.01.04 (C:\Program Files\SMF
Add-In; 1)
Ron Spruell
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com > rharmelink@gmail.com >
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working
My reply evidently went directly to Mike instead of to the Yahoo group.
If anyone else tries 2.1.2012.02.06 -- let me know if you get the same
compiler error, or whether it works. I've seen several other messages that
it worked correctly, and can't see anything wrong on this end, so I'm
wondering if it's an isolated case.
Note that you do have to exit EXCEL before updating the XLA file, since
add-ins are loaded when EXCEL starts up.
Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you. I went into the add-in and the VBA
environment compiles it successfully. And the UCase() function is not
something new -- I have been using that in numerous places for some time.
And my template that uses that particular function is working fine...
One thing I saw from a Google search on the topic had this advice:
"In the VBE, go to Tools > References. In the dialog, you will probably see
a reference marked as "MISSING". Resolve that missing reference - just
uncheck it if it's not needed - and you should then find all is well (with
the UCase, although not necessarily with other things - it depends what it
was that was missing)."
I haven't changed the references, at least not intentionally.
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif >
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Michael mike@grames.net > wrote:
I have tried your new beta version, because I was also having problems with
VIX. However, the new version does not run, and produces an error for me,
such as "library missing" and brings up the debugger. I have switched back
to the previous beta version, which seems to run fine.
Reference problem gone
Thanks for the updated file.
From: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Of ron.gaillard
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:28 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
(addition info)
Additional info
Uncheck the missing reference works for Excel 2003 also, but the reference
must be loading as part of the newer version.
It does not show up in the VBA editor with the previous version.
Randy did you change versions of Excel between the time you posted versions
From: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Of ron.gaillard
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:36 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
I have the same problem with the new version using excel 2003. (I get the
compile error. "Can'
and have I found no work around yet.
By overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_
version allows all to work again.
Then overwriting the RCH_Stock_Market_
version, brings the problem back. Meaning all the smf-element-
seem OK.
From: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:11 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Cc: Ron Spruell
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
Hi Randy,
I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows the add-in
to work, but just for the current session. I need to repeat the sequence
every tine I start Excel. This is not required in previous versions of the
On 2/12/2013 9:48 AM, Ron Spruell wrote:
Randy -
Sorry I am so far behind on reading the posts. This post fixed my problem.
[smf_addin] http://mail.
Hide Details
* webz1984
* smf_addin@yahoogrou
One way to work around the error message is to open Excel from office, go to
options ->add-in to go through the add-in process, then the error msg will
pop out. Just click OK,and it will redirect to the following reference page.
Uncheck the box of MISSING:HTML.
excel window. It seems works fine afterwards.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
Randy Harmelink wrote:
> Not good. Someone else reported that issue with the latest release...
> But I haven't changed any reference libraries.
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, webz1984 wrote:
> >
> > Also, sometimes when I open the spreadsheet, it gave me an error of
> > find project or Library"
> >
From: Ron Spruell hashky@yahoo.
To: "smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
Randy -
I can't get the new Addin version to work.
I get a compile error.
I am running Windows XP with Excel 2010.
Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2013.01.
Add-In; 1)
Ron Spruell
From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working
My reply evidently went directly to Mike instead of to the Yahoo group.
If anyone else tries 2.1.2012.02.
compiler error, or whether it works. I've seen several other messages that
it worked correctly, and can't see anything wrong on this end, so I'm
wondering if it's an isolated case.
Note that you do have to exit EXCEL before updating the XLA file, since
add-ins are loaded when EXCEL starts up.
Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you. I went into the add-in and the VBA
environment compiles it successfully. And the UCase() function is not
something new -- I have been using that in numerous places for some time.
And my template that uses that particular function is working fine...
One thing I saw from a Google search on the topic had this advice:
"In the VBE, go to Tools > References. In the dialog, you will probably see
a reference marked as "MISSING"
uncheck it if it's not needed - and you should then find all is well (with
the UCase, although not necessarily with other things - it depends what it
was that was missing)."
I haven't changed the references, at least not intentionally.
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Michael mike@grames.
I have tried your new beta version, because I was also having problems with
VIX. However, the new version does not run, and produces an error for me,
such as "library missing" and brings up the debugger. I have switched back
to the previous beta version, which seems to run fine.
Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:55 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Ron Spruell" hashky
Works for me. Thanks.
> From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com >
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:01 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.06
>As I noted in a later message, I don't recall adding the HTML.XLAM (Internet Assistant?) as a reference library. But it was in my copy as well. So I removed it last week. I haven't noticed any issues, so I just uploaded a new version that should be without that reference. I think it's been deprecated by MicroSoft, so it's very strange...
>The only thing I can figure is I did upgrade my ASAP add-in recently. I wonder if it messed around with the reference libraries of my add-in, which would have been open at the time?
>In any case, the reference should be gone now, in version 2.1.2013.02.12 of the SMF add-in.
>If anyone that had the "missing library" problem tries it, let me know if the problem is now gone for you...
>On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Michael mike@grames.net > wrote:
>>Hi Randy,
>>I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows
the add-in to work, but just for the current session. I need to
repeat the sequence every tine I start Excel. This is not
required in previous versions of the add-in.
> From: Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.
>To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
>Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:01 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] VIX options quote not working-Addin 2.1.2013.02.
>As I noted in a later message, I don't recall adding the HTML.XLAM (Internet Assistant?) as a reference library. But it was in my copy as well. So I removed it last week. I haven't noticed any issues, so I just uploaded a new version that should be without that reference. I think it's been deprecated by MicroSoft, so it's very strange...
>The only thing I can figure is I did upgrade my ASAP add-in recently. I wonder if it messed around with the reference libraries of my add-in, which would have been open at the time?
>In any case, the reference should be gone now, in version 2.1.2013.02.
>If anyone that had the "missing library" problem tries it, let me know if the problem is now gone for you...
>On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Michael mike@grames.
>>Hi Randy,
>>I reported the original problem. As described below, it allows
the add-in to work, but just for the current session. I need to
repeat the sequence every tine I start Excel. This is not
required in previous versions of the add-in.
Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:38 am (PST) . Posted by:
"rjemery7" rjemery7
Where can I find the latest copy of RCHGetElementNumber-Element-Definitions.xls?
Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:57 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Ron Spruell" hashky
Look in the files with the Addin.
> From: rjemery7 rjemery@gmail.com >
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:38 AM
>Subject: [smf_addin] Element Definitions
>Where can I find the latest copy of RCHGetElementNumber-Element-Definitions.xls?
> From: rjemery7 rjemery@gmail.
>To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
>Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:38 AM
>Subject: [smf_addin] Element Definitions
>Where can I find the latest copy of RCHGetElementNumber
Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:20 am (PST) . Posted by:
"tw08x" tw08x
I'm trying to get some financial data using smf plugin for the first time. I've followed all installation suggestions and still can't get the file smfGetAdvFNElement-Template-All-Line-Items.xls to work.
In B4 there is always displayed "Error" whenever I put any ticker in B2.
B2 value: GE
B4 formula: =KDYŽ(VELKÁ($B$2)="NONE","--",smfGetADVFNElement($B$2,$B$3,999))
Results in "Error"
I've tested also some other formulas:
=smfGetADVFNElement("MMM","A",1,">year end date<",,"--") produces --
=smfGetADVFNElement("MMM","A",999) produces "Error"
=RCHGetElementNumber("AAPL",2912) produces 13.81. (seems OK, so the plugin works at least partially)
I have the following configuration:
- Windows XP, SP3, updated, 32bit
- MS Excel 2007, SP2 (12.0.6665.5003)
- Excel language set to English
- Excel is installed as Czech version, therefore all formulas are displayed in Czech version, e.g.:
Any suggestions?
I'm trying to get some financial data using smf plugin for the first time. I've followed all installation suggestions and still can't get the file smfGetAdvFNElement-
In B4 there is always displayed "Error" whenever I put any ticker in B2.
B2 value: GE
B4 formula: =KDYŽ(VELKÁ($B$
Results in "Error"
I've tested also some other formulas:
I have the following configuration:
- Windows XP, SP3, updated, 32bit
- MS Excel 2007, SP2 (12.0.6665.5003)
- Excel language set to English
- Excel is installed as Czech version, therefore all formulas are displayed in Czech version, e.g.:
Any suggestions?
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