6 New Messages
Digest #2725
Tue Aug 6, 2013 3:38 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Bob Fleckal" bfleckal
Thanks Randy,
I'll go ahead and download it and try it.
From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com >
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Just joined: quick question re smf_addin
Not sure why you got something in a foreign language.
As far as I know, the add-in will work with EXCEL 2010 in either environment.
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Robert <bfleckal@yahoo.com > wrote:
> Just joined the group. Actually, I tried joining it yesterday and sent out a message and the first two replies came back in a foreign language which I couldn't read. Used an existing profile which I know works on other Yahoo Groups. So, will try again. My question is:
>Will this addin for excel spreadsheets, importing stock quotes work with MS Office 2010 - the 64bit OS? If not, will it work on the 32 bit OS? Thanks for any help you can give me.
I'll go ahead and download it and try it.
From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Just joined: quick question re smf_addin
Not sure why you got something in a foreign language.
As far as I know, the add-in will work with EXCEL 2010 in either environment.
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Robert <bfleckal@yahoo.
> Just joined the group. Actually, I tried joining it yesterday and sent out a message and the first two replies came back in a foreign language which I couldn't read. Used an existing profile which I know works on other Yahoo Groups. So, will try again. My question is:
>Will this addin for excel spreadsheets, importing stock quotes work with MS Office 2010 - the 64bit OS? If not, will it work on the 32 bit OS? Thanks for any help you can give me.
Tue Aug 6, 2013 4:12 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"lawrence.leesh" lawrence.leesh
Thanks. Managed to find that the link to interim data is
Someone in an internet forum studied the java script and guessed this and turned out to be correct.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> Sorry, but I don't see a bookmarkable URL for the interim data...
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 6:20 AM, lawrence.leesh <lawrence.leesh@...>wrote:
> > Thanks. I'll try that. I am trying to have an offsite browser
> > automatically go to the annual and interim data page and save them.
> > However, both seems to have the same url.
> >
> > http://markets.ft.com/research/Markets/Tearsheets/Financials?s=C6U:SES&subview=BalanceSheet
> > Is there an url that will go to annual and one that will go to interim?
> >
Someone in an internet forum studied the java script and guessed this and turned out to be correct.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> Sorry, but I don't see a bookmarkable URL for the interim data...
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 6:20 AM, lawrence.leesh <lawrence.
> > Thanks. I'll try that. I am trying to have an offsite browser
> > automatically go to the annual and interim data page and save them.
> > However, both seems to have the same url.
> >
> > http://markets.
> > Is there an url that will go to annual and one that will go to interim?
> >
Tue Aug 6, 2013 5:18 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Manish Babla" bablam
Hi Randy:
Thanks for your responses. The three functions you sent work exactly as you
indicated. I have some more info / color on the problem, though.
Basically, every ticker that I have in the previous worksheet, about 12,
are giving me this problem with both the Quarter Title and all data being
repeated or cycled through every five quarters. And this happens whether I
leave that sheet open or not, and use the info in a fresh spreadsheet.
Every other ticker though, any other, is working fine. I think I have the
problem isolated, but need a solution, as I am trying to drill down on
details on the 12 tickers from the prior spreadsheet which are not working
I am hoping that you have encountered something like this before with Excel
or the SMF Add-in, and/or may have some direction towards a solution.
Thanks for your help.
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com >wrote:
> **
> I'm not sure what to tell you. When I open your workbook, row 1 starts at
> 2013/03 and continues downward to 2008/06. So the formulas are working fine
> here. Are you using a prefix with AdvFN? Do you need one?
> AdvFN display five periods at a time, and it appears you are getting the
> first five periods repeated.
> What do you get with:
> =smfGetADVFNElement("MSFT";,"Q",999)
> =RCHGetElementNumber("HD",8006)
> =smfGetTagContent("
> http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=financials&symbol=MSFT&mode=quarterly_reports
> ","title")
> I'm getting 77 for the first item, which is telling me there are 77
> quarterly periods of data available. The second formula returns "2013/04",
> because Home Depot has a different fiscal year. I'm thinking if you still
> get 2013/03 from that, that any visit to AdvFN is just returning their
> default page.
> If you are using a prefix, use it in the third formula above. Also, try
> that URL in your browser and see if it redirects you to a different URL,
> and check if what is on the page is for MSFT.
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.com > wrote:
>> I tried this for many tickers, including MSFT. I have attached a small
>> sheet with just the 8006-8025 codes, with row 4 being the values pasted
>> from what I am getting, and row 1 having the actual codes, so you can see
>> what I am seeing as well. Also, I have used this previously in a large
>> spreadsheet, and have successfully gotten the prior quarters, but the same
>> spreadsheet when opened now even for the same symbol shows the above
>> malfunction i.e., missing quarters and repeated same quarters.
Thanks for your responses. The three functions you sent work exactly as you
indicated. I have some more info / color on the problem, though.
Basically, every ticker that I have in the previous worksheet, about 12,
are giving me this problem with both the Quarter Title and all data being
repeated or cycled through every five quarters. And this happens whether I
leave that sheet open or not, and use the info in a fresh spreadsheet.
Every other ticker though, any other, is working fine. I think I have the
problem isolated, but need a solution, as I am trying to drill down on
details on the 12 tickers from the prior spreadsheet which are not working
I am hoping that you have encountered something like this before with Excel
or the SMF Add-in, and/or may have some direction towards a solution.
Thanks for your help.
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
> **
> I'm not sure what to tell you. When I open your workbook, row 1 starts at
> 2013/03 and continues downward to 2008/06. So the formulas are working fine
> here. Are you using a prefix with AdvFN? Do you need one?
> AdvFN display five periods at a time, and it appears you are getting the
> first five periods repeated.
> What do you get with:
> =smfGetADVFNElement
> =RCHGetElementNumbe
> =smfGetTagContent(
> http://www.advfn.
> ","
> I'm getting 77 for the first item, which is telling me there are 77
> quarterly periods of data available. The second formula returns "2013/04"
> because Home Depot has a different fiscal year. I'm thinking if you still
> get 2013/03 from that, that any visit to AdvFN is just returning their
> default page.
> If you are using a prefix, use it in the third formula above. Also, try
> that URL in your browser and see if it redirects you to a different URL,
> and check if what is on the page is for MSFT.
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.
>> I tried this for many tickers, including MSFT. I have attached a small
>> sheet with just the 8006-8025 codes, with row 4 being the values pasted
>> from what I am getting, and row 1 having the actual codes, so you can see
>> what I am seeing as well. Also, I have used this previously in a large
>> spreadsheet, and have successfully gotten the prior quarters, but the same
>> spreadsheet when opened now even for the same symbol shows the above
>> malfunction i.e., missing quarters and repeated same quarters.
Tue Aug 6, 2013 5:55 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Manish Babla" bablam
Hi Randy,
I have some more info on the problem.
So, I use a proxy when I update the data on the spreadsheet. In my case, I
use Australia. I noticed though when I went to the Australia website for
advfn, and tried to get ticker financial info, it gives you the latest five
quarters no matter which quarters you select from the drop-down menu on the
website, i.e., replicating what my sheet is doing.
Now, the interesting part is that I had used CSCO to get financial info
earlier, and since it wasn't one of the 12 tickers I had in the original
spreadsheet, it worked fine. Now, when I typed in CSCO on the
AdvFN Australia website, and then went back to my spreadsheet, CSCO no
longer works, i.e., it repeats the quarters like it does for my other 12
tickers. So, it seems like the problem has to do with somehow the
spreadsheet or macro or ?? storing the connection for the Australia
website, so even if I connected locally from the U.S. it still gives me the
wrong repeated five quarters.
I hope that is clear.
Your product is outstanding, Randy, but I need help with this to get it to
work. And I am guessing whatever is causing this for me, is likely to
repeat itself, unless resolved.
Thanks again,
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.com > wrote:
> Hi Randy:
> Thanks for your responses. The three functions you sent work exactly as
> you indicated. I have some more info / color on the problem, though.
> Basically, every ticker that I have in the previous worksheet, about 12,
> are giving me this problem with both the Quarter Title and all data being
> repeated or cycled through every five quarters. And this happens whether I
> leave that sheet open or not, and use the info in a fresh spreadsheet.
> Every other ticker though, any other, is working fine. I think I have the
> problem isolated, but need a solution, as I am trying to drill down on
> details on the 12 tickers from the prior spreadsheet which are not working
> currently.
> I am hoping that you have encountered something like this before with
> Excel or the SMF Add-in, and/or may have some direction towards a solution.
> Thanks for your help.
> Manish
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com >wrote:
>> **
>> I'm not sure what to tell you. When I open your workbook, row 1 starts at
>> 2013/03 and continues downward to 2008/06. So the formulas are working fine
>> here. Are you using a prefix with AdvFN? Do you need one?
>> AdvFN display five periods at a time, and it appears you are getting the
>> first five periods repeated.
>> What do you get with:
>> =smfGetADVFNElement("MSFT";,"Q",999)
>> =RCHGetElementNumber("HD",8006)
>> =smfGetTagContent("
>> http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=financials&symbol=MSFT&mode=quarterly_reports
>> ","title")
>> I'm getting 77 for the first item, which is telling me there are 77
>> quarterly periods of data available. The second formula returns "2013/04",
>> because Home Depot has a different fiscal year. I'm thinking if you still
>> get 2013/03 from that, that any visit to AdvFN is just returning their
>> default page.
>> If you are using a prefix, use it in the third formula above. Also, try
>> that URL in your browser and see if it redirects you to a different URL,
>> and check if what is on the page is for MSFT.
>> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.com > wrote:
>>> I tried this for many tickers, including MSFT. I have attached a small
>>> sheet with just the 8006-8025 codes, with row 4 being the values pasted
>>> from what I am getting, and row 1 having the actual codes, so you can see
>>> what I am seeing as well. Also, I have used this previously in a large
>>> spreadsheet, and have successfully gotten the prior quarters, but the same
>>> spreadsheet when opened now even for the same symbol shows the above
>>> malfunction i.e., missing quarters and repeated same quarters.
I have some more info on the problem.
So, I use a proxy when I update the data on the spreadsheet. In my case, I
use Australia. I noticed though when I went to the Australia website for
advfn, and tried to get ticker financial info, it gives you the latest five
quarters no matter which quarters you select from the drop-down menu on the
website, i.e., replicating what my sheet is doing.
Now, the interesting part is that I had used CSCO to get financial info
earlier, and since it wasn't one of the 12 tickers I had in the original
spreadsheet, it worked fine. Now, when I typed in CSCO on the
AdvFN Australia website, and then went back to my spreadsheet, CSCO no
longer works, i.e., it repeats the quarters like it does for my other 12
tickers. So, it seems like the problem has to do with somehow the
spreadsheet or macro or ?? storing the connection for the Australia
website, so even if I connected locally from the U.S. it still gives me the
wrong repeated five quarters.
I hope that is clear.
Your product is outstanding, Randy, but I need help with this to get it to
work. And I am guessing whatever is causing this for me, is likely to
repeat itself, unless resolved.
Thanks again,
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.
> Hi Randy:
> Thanks for your responses. The three functions you sent work exactly as
> you indicated. I have some more info / color on the problem, though.
> Basically, every ticker that I have in the previous worksheet, about 12,
> are giving me this problem with both the Quarter Title and all data being
> repeated or cycled through every five quarters. And this happens whether I
> leave that sheet open or not, and use the info in a fresh spreadsheet.
> Every other ticker though, any other, is working fine. I think I have the
> problem isolated, but need a solution, as I am trying to drill down on
> details on the 12 tickers from the prior spreadsheet which are not working
> currently.
> I am hoping that you have encountered something like this before with
> Excel or the SMF Add-in, and/or may have some direction towards a solution.
> Thanks for your help.
> Manish
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
>> **
>> I'm not sure what to tell you. When I open your workbook, row 1 starts at
>> 2013/03 and continues downward to 2008/06. So the formulas are working fine
>> here. Are you using a prefix with AdvFN? Do you need one?
>> AdvFN display five periods at a time, and it appears you are getting the
>> first five periods repeated.
>> What do you get with:
>> =smfGetADVFNElement
>> =RCHGetElementNumbe
>> =smfGetTagContent(
>> http://www.advfn.
>> ","
>> I'm getting 77 for the first item, which is telling me there are 77
>> quarterly periods of data available. The second formula returns "2013/04"
>> because Home Depot has a different fiscal year. I'm thinking if you still
>> get 2013/03 from that, that any visit to AdvFN is just returning their
>> default page.
>> If you are using a prefix, use it in the third formula above. Also, try
>> that URL in your browser and see if it redirects you to a different URL,
>> and check if what is on the page is for MSFT.
>> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.
>>> I tried this for many tickers, including MSFT. I have attached a small
>>> sheet with just the 8006-8025 codes, with row 4 being the values pasted
>>> from what I am getting, and row 1 having the actual codes, so you can see
>>> what I am seeing as well. Also, I have used this previously in a large
>>> spreadsheet, and have successfully gotten the prior quarters, but the same
>>> spreadsheet when opened now even for the same symbol shows the above
>>> malfunction i.e., missing quarters and repeated same quarters.
Tue Aug 6, 2013 6:26 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Do you have your Internet Options set to always get a fresh copy of the web
page every time you visit it? It could be that IE is caching the web pages,
and then the add-in is picking up those cached web pages. Are you using the
smfForceRecalculation macro to see if getting a fresh copy of the web page
still has the same behavior? Both of these have items in the LINKS area of
the Yahoo group...
But if you're routing through an Australian proxy, and seeing the same
behavior in your browser, I think that's what you're going to see in the
add-in. Were you not using the proxy originally, before this problem
Did the "www." address stay at "www."? Or switch to an Australian version
of the URL?
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.com > wrote:
> I have some more info on the problem.
> So, I use a proxy when I update the data on the spreadsheet. In my case, I
> use Australia. I noticed though when I went to the Australia website for
> advfn, and tried to get ticker financial info, it gives you the latest five
> quarters no matter which quarters you select from the drop-down menu on the
> website, i.e., replicating what my sheet is doing.
> Now, the interesting part is that I had used CSCO to get financial info
> earlier, and since it wasn't one of the 12 tickers I had in the original
> spreadsheet, it worked fine. Now, when I typed in CSCO on the
> AdvFN Australia website, and then went back to my spreadsheet, CSCO no
> longer works, i.e., it repeats the quarters like it does for my other 12
> tickers. So, it seems like the problem has to do with somehow the
> spreadsheet or macro or ?? storing the connection for the Australia
> website, so even if I connected locally from the U.S. it still gives me the
> wrong repeated five quarters.
> I hope that is clear.
> Your product is outstanding, Randy, but I need help with this to get it to
> work. And I am guessing whatever is causing this for me, is likely to
> repeat itself, unless resolved.
page every time you visit it? It could be that IE is caching the web pages,
and then the add-in is picking up those cached web pages. Are you using the
still has the same behavior? Both of these have items in the LINKS area of
the Yahoo group...
But if you're routing through an Australian proxy, and seeing the same
behavior in your browser, I think that's what you're going to see in the
add-in. Were you not using the proxy originally, before this problem
Did the "www." address stay at "www."
of the URL?
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.
> I have some more info on the problem.
> So, I use a proxy when I update the data on the spreadsheet. In my case, I
> use Australia. I noticed though when I went to the Australia website for
> advfn, and tried to get ticker financial info, it gives you the latest five
> quarters no matter which quarters you select from the drop-down menu on the
> website, i.e., replicating what my sheet is doing.
> Now, the interesting part is that I had used CSCO to get financial info
> earlier, and since it wasn't one of the 12 tickers I had in the original
> spreadsheet, it worked fine. Now, when I typed in CSCO on the
> AdvFN Australia website, and then went back to my spreadsheet, CSCO no
> longer works, i.e., it repeats the quarters like it does for my other 12
> tickers. So, it seems like the problem has to do with somehow the
> spreadsheet or macro or ?? storing the connection for the Australia
> website, so even if I connected locally from the U.S. it still gives me the
> wrong repeated five quarters.
> I hope that is clear.
> Your product is outstanding, Randy, but I need help with this to get it to
> work. And I am guessing whatever is causing this for me, is likely to
> repeat itself, unless resolved.
Tue Aug 6, 2013 6:47 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Manish Babla" bablam
Amazing, Thanks Randy. You have an excellent product, and absolutely great
It was the first thing you mentioned. IE caching wasn't set up properly, so
it was still using the old page data from the Australian website. Strange
though, now when I connect through Australian proxy, it works correctly.
Thanks again.
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com >wrote:
> **
> Do you have your Internet Options set to always get a fresh copy of the
> web page every time you visit it? It could be that IE is caching the web
> pages, and then the add-in is picking up those cached web pages. Are you
> using the smfForceRecalculation macro to see if getting a fresh copy of the
> web page still has the same behavior? Both of these have items in the LINKS
> area of the Yahoo group...
> But if you're routing through an Australian proxy, and seeing the same
> behavior in your browser, I think that's what you're going to see in the
> add-in. Were you not using the proxy originally, before this problem
> started?
> Did the "www." address stay at "www."? Or switch to an Australian version
> of the URL?
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.com > wrote:
>> I have some more info on the problem.
>> So, I use a proxy when I update the data on the spreadsheet. In my case,
>> I use Australia. I noticed though when I went to the Australia website for
>> advfn, and tried to get ticker financial info, it gives you the latest five
>> quarters no matter which quarters you select from the drop-down menu on the
>> website, i.e., replicating what my sheet is doing.
>> Now, the interesting part is that I had used CSCO to get financial info
>> earlier, and since it wasn't one of the 12 tickers I had in the original
>> spreadsheet, it worked fine. Now, when I typed in CSCO on the
>> AdvFN Australia website, and then went back to my spreadsheet, CSCO no
>> longer works, i.e., it repeats the quarters like it does for my other 12
>> tickers. So, it seems like the problem has to do with somehow the
>> spreadsheet or macro or ?? storing the connection for the Australia
>> website, so even if I connected locally from the U.S. it still gives me the
>> wrong repeated five quarters.
>> I hope that is clear.
>> Your product is outstanding, Randy, but I need help with this to get it
>> to work. And I am guessing whatever is causing this for me, is likely to
>> repeat itself, unless resolved.
It was the first thing you mentioned. IE caching wasn't set up properly, so
it was still using the old page data from the Australian website. Strange
though, now when I connect through Australian proxy, it works correctly.
Thanks again.
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
> **
> Do you have your Internet Options set to always get a fresh copy of the
> web page every time you visit it? It could be that IE is caching the web
> pages, and then the add-in is picking up those cached web pages. Are you
> using the smfForceRecalculati
> web page still has the same behavior? Both of these have items in the LINKS
> area of the Yahoo group...
> But if you're routing through an Australian proxy, and seeing the same
> behavior in your browser, I think that's what you're going to see in the
> add-in. Were you not using the proxy originally, before this problem
> started?
> Did the "www." address stay at "www."
> of the URL?
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Manish Babla <mbabla@gmail.
>> I have some more info on the problem.
>> So, I use a proxy when I update the data on the spreadsheet. In my case,
>> I use Australia. I noticed though when I went to the Australia website for
>> advfn, and tried to get ticker financial info, it gives you the latest five
>> quarters no matter which quarters you select from the drop-down menu on the
>> website, i.e., replicating what my sheet is doing.
>> Now, the interesting part is that I had used CSCO to get financial info
>> earlier, and since it wasn't one of the 12 tickers I had in the original
>> spreadsheet, it worked fine. Now, when I typed in CSCO on the
>> AdvFN Australia website, and then went back to my spreadsheet, CSCO no
>> longer works, i.e., it repeats the quarters like it does for my other 12
>> tickers. So, it seems like the problem has to do with somehow the
>> spreadsheet or macro or ?? storing the connection for the Australia
>> website, so even if I connected locally from the U.S. it still gives me the
>> wrong repeated five quarters.
>> I hope that is clear.
>> Your product is outstanding, Randy, but I need help with this to get it
>> to work. And I am guessing whatever is causing this for me, is likely to
>> repeat itself, unless resolved.
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