Kamis, 28 Februari 2019

[smf_addin] Digest Number 4492

1 Message

Digest #4492


Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:56 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Well looks like closing prices prices on some of the US exchanges are now reporting 0.00 as well breaking pretty much every row. these are all reporting 0.00 for previous close today..

I'll file another report with Yahoo


For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF

Rabu, 27 Februari 2019

[belajar-excel] Digest Number 4720

4 Messages

Digest #4720


Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:12 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Dear Febri,
Saya tidak suka menggunakan formula INDIRECT, karena komputer saya
adalah komputer Kuno dengan rescue terbatas.
Komputer saya akan menjadi lemot jika banyak menggunakan formula
"Volatile". formula volatile yang lain adalah today(). now(), rand(),
offset(), info(), Cell(),
sehingga formula tersebut sedapat mungkin akan saya hindari.

Untuk formula Index:
*COLUMN(cell)    --> formula ini menghasilkan nomor kolom dari cell
--COLUMN(A1) menghasilkan nilai 1
--jika dicopy ke kanan formula ini akan berubah menjadi COLUMN(B1)
menghasilkan nilai = 2, dan seterusnya sampai kolom terakhir

*MATCH(yang dicari, tempat data, jenis pencarian)   --> formula ini
mencari nomor ke berapa dari data yang dicari berdasarkan data sebaris
atau sekolom
-- MATCH($B$9,$T$4:$T$6,0)
-- Jika B9 berisi YtD, maka akan dicari data YtD pada range T4:T6 ada
pada baris ke berapa? jawabnya adalah 2 yang merupakan hasil fungsi match.

Dari kolom AA rabel Actual sampai kolom AA tabel Ytd, maupun dari kolom
AA tabel  Ytd sampai kolom AA tabel MtD adalah 6 kolom.
untuk melompat dari kolom AA sampai kolom AA berikutnya butuh lompatan 6
kali, maka kalikan hasil match dengan 6
kenapa harus dikurangi satu dahulu sebelum dikalikan 6?
~Jika tidak dikurangi satu dahulu berarti:
Match actual hasilnya 1 ==> dikali 6 = 6, jika ditambah lagi dengan
Column(A1) hasilnya 7
Match YtD hasilnya 2 ==> dikali 6 = 12, jika ditambah lagi dengan
Column(A1) hasilnya 13
Match MtD hasilnya 3 ==> dikali 6 = 18, jika ditambah lagi dengan
Column(A1) hasilnya 19
ini merupakan hasil yang *tidak* diharapkan, karena nomor kolom yang
benar adalah kolom AA pertama nomor 1 kolom AA kedua nomor 7, kolom AA
ketiga nomor 13.
makanya harus dikurangi 1 dahulu agar nomor kolomnya benar.
~Jika dikurangi satu dahulu berarti:
Match actual hasilnya 1 ==> dikurangi 1 hasilnya 0, => dikali 6 = 0,
jika ditambah lagi dengan Column(A1) hasilnya 1
Match YtD hasilnya 2 ==> dikurangi 1 hasilnya 1, => dikali 6 = 6, jika
ditambah lagi dengan Column(A1) hasilnya 7
Match MtD hasilnya 3 ==> dikurangi 1 hasilnya 2, => dikali 6 = 12, jika
ditambah lagi dengan Column(A1) hasilnya 13

*INDEX(datanya, nomor baris, nomor kolom) --> menentukan satu data
berdasarkan nomor baris dan nomor kolom,
Data yang tersedia berada di B5 sampai Q5
data merupakan data satu baris sehingga nomor barisnya tidak diperlukan,
jadi formula indec menjadi: INDEX(datanya,, nomor kolom)
Index actual atau INDEX(datanya,, 1) menghasilkan 2000
Index Ytd atau INDEX(datanya,, 7) menghasilkan 1000
Index Mtd atau INDEX(datanya,, 13) menghasilkan -1000

Kira-kira demikian, jika kurang lengkap silahkan baca Helpnya
masing-masing fungsi di Excel



*Array*   is a range of cells or an array constant.


If array contains only one row or column, the corresponding row_num
or column_num argument is optional.


If array has more than one row and more than one column, and only
row_num or column_num is used, INDEX returns an array of the entire
row or column in array.

*Row_num*   selects the row in array from which to return a value.. If
row_num is omitted, column_num is required.

*Column_num*   selects the column in array from which to return a value.
If column_num is omitted, row_num is required.


*Lookup_value*   is the value you use to find the value you want in a table.


Lookup_value is the value you want to match in lookup_array. For
example, when you look up someone's number in a telephone book, you
are using the person's name as the lookup value, but the telephone
number is the value you want.


Lookup_value can be a value (number, text, or logical value) or a
cell reference to a number, text, or logical value.

*Lookup_array*   is a contiguous range of cells containing possible
lookup values. Lookup_array must be an array or an array reference.

*Match_type*   is the number -1, 0, or 1. Match_type specifies how
Microsoft Excel matches lookup_value with values in lookup_array.


If match_type is 1, MATCH finds the largest value that is less than
or equal to lookup_value. Lookup_array must be placed in ascending
order: ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ..., A-Z, FALSE, TRUE.


If match_type is 0, MATCH finds the first value that is exactly
equal to lookup_value. Lookup_array can be in any order.


If match_type is -1, MATCH finds the smallest value that is greater
than or equal to lookup_value. Lookup_array must be placed in
descending order: TRUE, FALSE, Z-A, ...2, 1, 0, -1, -2, ..., and so on.


If match_type is omitted, it is assumed to be 1.


*Reference*   is the cell or range of cells for which you want the
column number.


If reference is omitted, it is assumed to be the reference of the
cell in which the COLUMN function appears.


If reference is a range of cells, and if COLUMN is entered as a
horizontal array (array: Used to build single formulas that produce
multiple results or that operate on a group of arguments that are
arranged in rows and columns. An array range shares a common
formula; an array constant is a group of constants used as an
argument.), COLUMN returns the column numbers of reference as a
horizontal array.

* Reference cannot refer to multiple areas

On 2/25/2019 08:13, febryferian@yahoo.com [belajar-excel] wrote:
> Betul lebih kurang seperti itu pak Nang. Namun saya kurang mengerti
> dengan [/column num/] pengambilan value dari formula INDEX yang bapak
> sertakan, seperti:
> Mohon informasi dan penjelasannya pak Nang, agar saya mengerti logika
> pengambilan value nya. Namun apakah ada kemungkinan utk '/chart data
> range/' nya menggunakan formula seperti *INDIRECT*?
> Terima kasih.
> *From:* belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com <belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, February 25, 2019 6:03 AM
> *To:* belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [belajar-excel] Formula untuk Source Chart Data Range
> Wa'alaikum salam warahmatullah.
> Seperti inikah?
> NangAgus
> On 2/24/2019 21:23, febryferian@yahoo.com
> <mailto:febryferian@yahoo.com> [belajar-excel] wrote:
> Assalamu'alaikum Wr., Wb.,
> Semoga rekan-rekan milis belajar excel sedang dalam keadaan sehat
> wal'afiat.
> Mohon bantuan dari rekan-rekan milis terkait hambatan yang sedang
> saya hadapi. Saya mengalami kesulitan ketika ingin mendapatkan
> data /chart data range/, tapi bersumber ke periode yang hanya
> dipilih saja. Jadi /source chart data range/ mengikuti periode
> yang diinginkan/dipilih.
> File dummy berikut penjelasannya sudah saya sertakan di dalam
> /attachment/ pesan ini.
> Mohon arahan dari rekan-rekan milis yang bisa membantu saya.
> Terima kasih.

Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:54 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Wahyu Eko" abi_escorp

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Saya mau minta tolong untuk dibantu untuk solusi permasalahan konversi data dari fingger Print.Saya mau membuat formula untuk rekap absensi, akan tetapi daata keluaran dari Fingerprint bentuknya Text sepertinya.MOhon bantuannya..File Terlampir.
Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih
Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb

Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:24 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Wasalamu'alaikum warahmatullah,
Dear Eko,
bagaimana kalau dikalikan 1 saja!


On 2/28/2019 10:20, Wahyu Eko abi_escorp@yahoo.com [belajar-excel] wrote:
> Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
> Saya mau minta tolong untuk dibantu untuk solusi permasalahan konversi
> data dari fingger Print.
> Saya mau membuat formula untuk rekap absensi, akan tetapi daata
> keluaran dari Fingerprint bentuknya Text sepertinya.
> MOhon bantuannya..
> File Terlampir.
> Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih
> Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb

Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:49 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Lihat lampiran yang menggunakan formula

On 2/26/2019 14:19, Piter petcures2003@yahoo.com [belajar-excel] wrote:
> Terima kasih banyak mas agus nangagus atas solusinya.. Sebenarnya
> pengen tahu juga yg pakai formula mas.
> Mungkin mas agus nangagus bisa bantu atau para suhu excel di grup ini
> ada yg mau berbagi ilmunya..
> Terima kasih.
> Salam.
> On 23 Feb 2019 3:13 am, "Agus nangagus@gmail.com [belajar-excel]"
> <belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Pakai Pivot?
> Lihat File Lampiran.
> On 2/22/2019 10:29, adrian piter petcures2003@yahoo.com
> <mailto:petcures2003@yahoo.com> [belajar-excel] wrote:
> Selamat siang Be Excelers..
> Mohon bantuannya untuk kasus yang sedang saya coba kerjakan,
> terkait pengambilan data.
> Data lengkap saya lampirkan dan kasus terkait ada pada /sheet/
> TARGET PROV & CAB serta pada /sheet/ RINGKASAN.
> Atas solusi dan urun sarannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
> Salam.

Pojok Lowongan Kerja yang disediakan milis :
*** Posting lowongan kerja : ke link tersebut dan klik New Topic
bergabung ke milis (subscribe), kirim mail kosong ke: belajar-excel-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
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melihat file archive / mendownload lampiran : http://www.mail-archive.com/belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com/
atau (sejak 25-Apr-2011) bisa juga di : http://milis-belajar-excel.1048464.n5.nabble.com/
menghubungi moderators & owners: belajar-excel-owner@yahoogroups.com
keluar dari membership milis (UnSubscribe), kirim mail kosong ke : belajar-excel-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com

[smf_addin] Digest Number 4491

2 Messages

Digest #4491


Tue Feb 26, 2019 7:47 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

It's the normal web page retrieval processing of the add-in.
RCHGetWebData() calls it to get its data. So smfForceRecalculation would be
needed to purge the saved copy of the web page that the add-in extracts
data from. IE can also use cached pages of its own, which is what provides
the web pages to the add-in.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 12:21 AM gz_cp@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <
smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Does smfGetWebPage() load from the cache or always download the latest
> content from the web?
> If it's the former, how do we refresh it to ensure that we get the most
> updated web contents?

Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:24 am (PST) . Posted by:


Thanks. If you come to the Bay Area, I would like to buy you a lunch. I am a full time private investor.
For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF

Selasa, 26 Februari 2019

[belajar-excel] Digest Number 4719

3 Messages

Digest #4719
Perhitungan presentase by "imam cahyo yuwono"
Re: Vba QR code by "Kelik" kelikpitoyo
Re: Tanya kasus pengambilan data by "Piter" petcures2003


Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:16 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"imam cahyo yuwono"

Dear para Expert mohon para bantuan mengenai perhitungan presentasi file terlampir
terima kasih

Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:29 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Kelik" kelikpitoyo

Dear pak Agus,Baik, pakKami akan coba,

Pada tanggal 25 Feb 2019 19.17, "Agus nangagus@gmail.com
[belajar-excel]" <belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> menulis:

Di sini
aster/barcody.bas> Ada, Gunakan secara bijak.
On 2/25/2019 15:07, Kelik kelikpitoyo@yahoo.com
<mailto:kelikpitoyo@yahoo.com> [belajar-excel] wrote:
  Dear member Excel yang
Budiman, Adakah yang punya Vba untuk membuat QR
code dengan file Excel? Tanpa harus terhubung dengan

Terimakasih Salam

Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:25 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Piter" petcures2003

Terima kasih banyak mas agus nangagus atas solusinya.. Sebenarnya
pengen tahu juga yg pakai formula mas.Mungkin mas agus nangagus
bisa bantu atau para suhu excel di grup ini ada yg mau berbagi
ilmunya.. Terima kasih.Salam.

On 23 Feb 2019 3:13 am, "Agus nangagus@gmail.com [belajar-excel]"
<belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Pakai Pivot? Lihat File Lampiran.
On 2/22/2019 10:29, adrian piter petcures2003@yahoo.com
<mailto:petcures2003@yahoo.com> [belajar-excel] wrote:
Selamat siang Be Excelers..

Mohon bantuannya untuk kasus yang sedang saya
coba kerjakan, terkait pengambilan data.

Data lengkap saya lampirkan dan kasus terkait
ada pada sheet TARGET PROV & CAB serta pada

Atas solusi dan urun sarannya saya ucapkan
terima kasih.



Pojok Lowongan Kerja yang disediakan milis :
*** Posting lowongan kerja : ke link tersebut dan klik New Topic
bergabung ke milis (subscribe), kirim mail kosong ke: belajar-excel-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
posting ke milis, kirimkan ke: belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com
berkunjung ke web milis : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/belajar-excel/messages
melihat file archive / mendownload lampiran : http://www.mail-archive.com/belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com/
atau (sejak 25-Apr-2011) bisa juga di : http://milis-belajar-excel.1048464.n5.nabble.com/
menghubungi moderators & owners: belajar-excel-owner@yahoogroups.com
keluar dari membership milis (UnSubscribe), kirim mail kosong ke : belajar-excel-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com

[smf_addin] Digest Number 4490

5 Messages

Digest #4490


Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:32 pm (PST) . Posted by:


I found that this RCHGetWebData method did not work if the page return is very large, such as

https://api.census.gov/data/2017/acs/acs5?get=B01003_001E,B01001H_008E,B01001H_009E,B01001H_010E,B01001H_011E,B01001H_023E,B01001H_024E,B01001H_025E,B01001H_026E,B01001D_008E,B01001D_009E,B01001D_010E,B01001D_011E,B01001D_023E,B01001D_024E,B01001D_025E,B01001D_026E,B19013_001E,B19025_001E,B17026_013E,C17002_008E,B23006_023E,NAME&for=zip%20code%20tabulation%20area:* https://api.census.gov/data/2017/acs/acs5?get=B00001_001E,NAME&for=zip%20code%20tabulation%20area:*

For such as page, it needs more then 30000 rows, and Excel becomes weird in that per F9 calcuation only updates one row.
So I need to press F9 30000 times to get all data downloaded.

For state data where there is 50 rows, your example works correctly. One F9 calcuates all values. But for when the rows gets to 30000 for zip code data (the sheet gets large), one F9 only calculates one row.

Is it possible to solve this problem? Maybe a way to increase RCHGetWebData limit beyond 32767 so that we don't need to call that function 30000 times which maybe the cause of the problem?

Thank you.

Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:30 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

That's why you need to use the cascading method I described...it finds each
one, one after the other, so the total length is irrelevant.

The 32767-byte limit is an EXCEL one.

F9 typically is not an effective way to recalculate add-in functions. The
smfForceRecalculation macro should be used. But your F9 behavior sounds
like something that happens when the functions are using unresolved links.

But, quite frankly, if you're grabbing 30000+ rows of data, individual
add-in functions is probably not the way to go. You should write your own
parsing process in VBA. That's why I do functions like
smfGetYahooPortfolioView() or smfGetYahooHistory(). They can be reading
large files and handling them all at one, while using individual add-in
functions in the worksheet for each data item would work, but take a LONG
time. So I parse the file within VBA and then output the array into the
worksheet when the VBA processing is done. MUCH FASTER!

That particular file is over 4 million bytes long. Something as simple as
this processes the file in just a second or so:

Sub Test2()
sURL = "
Dim aData As Variant
aData = Split(smfGetWebPage(sURL), "[")
Range("B2").Resize(UBound(aData) + 1) = Application.Transpose(aData)
End Sub

Note that I use the smfGetWebPage() function above instead of
RCHGetWebData(). That's because RCHGetWebData() is a worksheet function,
which handles the worksheet limitation of the 32767-byte string in a cell.
But smfGetWebPage() returns all of the data from the web page. It would
work in a worksheet, until the data being returned is longer than 32767
bytes. Then it would return #VALUE!, because the string is too long to put
into that worksheet cell. That's why I wrote the RCHGetWebData() function
for worksheet use.

Parsing each row into columns would probably require a loop, splitting each
line into a new 2-dimensional array to hold the results.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 4:32 PM gz_cp@... wrote:

> I found that this RCHGetWebData method did not work if the page return is
> very large, such as
> https://api.census.gov/data/2017/acs/acs5?get=B01003_001E,B01001H_008E,B01001H_009E,B01001H_010E,B01001H_011E,B01001H_023E,B01001H_024E,B01001H_025E,B01001H_026E,B01001D_008E,B01001D_009E,B01001D_010E,B01001D_011E,B01001D_023E,B01001D_024E,B01001D_025E,B01001D_026E,B19013_001E,B19025_001E,B17026_013E,C17002_008E,B23006_023E,NAME&for=zip%20code%20tabulation%20area:*
> <https://api.census.gov/data/2017/acs/acs5?get=B00001_001E,NAME&for=zip%20code%20tabulation%20area:*>
> For such as page, it needs more then 30000 rows, and Excel becomes weird
> in that per F9 calcuation only updates one row.
> So I need to press F9 30000 times to get all data downloaded.
> For state data where there is 50 rows, your example works correctly. One
> F9 calcuates all values. But for when the rows gets to 30000 for zip code
> data (the sheet gets large), one F9 only calculates one row.
> Is it possible to solve this problem? Maybe a way to increase
> RCHGetWebData limit beyond 32767 so that we don't need to call that
> function 30000 times which maybe the cause of the problem?

Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:45 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Thanks again for your great replies and functions.

Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:18 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Does smfGetWebPage() load from the cache or always download the latest content from the web? If it's the former, how do we refresh it to ensure that we get the most updated web contents?

Tue Feb 26, 2019 3:31 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Higrm" higrm

Simply amazing.

Thank you for providing such versatile code.

On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 2:31:26 AM GMT+1, Randy Harmelink rharmelink@gmail.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


That's why you need to use the cascading method I described...it finds each one, one after the other, so the total length is irrelevant.
The 32767-byte limit is an EXCEL one.
F9 typically is not an effective way to recalculate add-in functions. The smfForceRecalculation macro should be used. But your F9 behavior sounds like something that happens when the functions are using unresolved links.
But, quite frankly, if you're grabbing 30000+ rows of data, individual add-in functions is probably not the way to go. You should write your own parsing process in VBA. That's why I do functions like smfGetYahooPortfolioView() or smfGetYahooHistory().. They can be reading large files and handling them all at one, while using individual add-in functions in the worksheet for each data item would work, but take a LONG time. So I parse the file within VBA and then output the array into the worksheet when the VBA processing is done. MUCH FASTER!
That particular file is over 4 million bytes long. Something as simple as this processes the file in just a second or so:
Sub Test2()    sURL = "https://api.census.gov/data/2017/acs/acs5?get=B01003_001E,B01001H_008E,B01001H_009E,B01001H_010E,B01001H_011E,B01001H_023E,B01001H_024E,B01001H_025E,B01001H_026E,B01001D_008E,B01001D_009E,B01001D_010E,B01001D_011E,B01001D_023E,B01001D_024E,B01001D_025E,B01001D_026E,B19013_001E,B19025_001E,B17026_013E,C17002_008E,B23006_023E,NAME&for=zip%20code%20tabulation%20area:*"
    Dim aData As Variant
    aData = Split(smfGetWebPage(sURL), "[")    Range("B2").Resize(UBound(aData) + 1) = Application.Transpose(aData)    End Sub
Note that I use the smfGetWebPage() function above instead of RCHGetWebData(). That's because RCHGetWebData() is a worksheet function, which handles the worksheet limitation of the 32767-byte string in a cell. But smfGetWebPage() returns all of the data from the web page. It would work in a worksheet, until the data being returned is longer than 32767 bytes. Then it would return #VALUE!, because the string is too long to put into that worksheet cell. That's why I wrote the RCHGetWebData() function for worksheet use.
Parsing each row into columns would probably require a loop, splitting each line into a new 2-dimensional array to hold the results.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 4:32 PM gz_cp@... wrote:

I found that this RCHGetWebData method did not work if the page return is very large, such as

| https://api.census.gov/data/2017/acs/acs5?get=B01003_001E,B01001H_008E,B01001H_009E,B01001H_010E,B01001H_011E,B01001H_023E,B01001H_024E,B01001H_025E,B01001H_026E,B01001D_008E,B01001D_009E,B01001D_010E,B01001D_011E,B01001D_023E,B01001D_024E,B01001D_025E,B01001D_026E,B19013_001E,B19025_001E,B17026_013E,C17002_008E,B23006_023E,NAME&for=zip%20code%20tabulation%20area:* |

For such as page, it needs more then 30000 rows, and Excel becomes weird in that per F9 calcuation only updates one row.So I need to press F9 30000 times to get all data downloaded.
For state data where there is 50 rows, your example works correctly. One F9 calcuates all values.. But for when the rows gets to 30000 for zip code data (the sheet gets large), one F9 only calculates one row.
Is it possible to solve this problem? Maybe a way to increase RCHGetWebData limit beyond 32767 so that we don't need to call that function 30000 times which maybe the cause of the problem?

For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF