Jumat, 30 November 2018

[belajar-excel] Digest Number 4656

5 Messages

Digest #4656
Formula pemisah by "Dede Sulaeman"
Re: Formula pemisah [1 Attachment] by "Mr. Kid" nmkid.family@ymail.com
Re: Formula pemisah by "Dede Sulaeman"


Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:31 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Dede Sulaeman"

Dear BeExceller,

Furmulanya yang simple gimana yah?



Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:01 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Stephen Saputro"

Hai DD

Untuk memisahkan text dan angka, bisa menggunakan fitur flash fill ( excel
2013 ke atas kalau gak salah ). tidak perlu menggunakan formula. step2nya
sbb :

1. File - option - advance - centang/tick " automatically flas fill " - OK
2. Di kolom c4, bisa di ketik teks pertama sebagai pancingan yaitu SGFHSDF
3. Blok range D4-D5
4. Ctrl + E
5. Ulangi langkah di atas untuk mecari angka


On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 3:31 PM 'Dede Sulaeman'
pmaho_ss9@pinusmerahabadi.co.id [belajar-excel] <
belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Dear BeExceller,
> Furmulanya yang simple gimana yah?
> Salam,
> DD

Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:10 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Mr. Kid" nmkid.family@ymail.com

Excel Flash Fill bisa membantu, tapi kenalkan lebih dulu si Excel dengan
isian manual dari berbagai pola, seperti dua records yang diawali huruf dan
2 records lainnya yang diawali angka. Isi di kolom hasil dengan entry
manual dan coba lakukan flash fill (ada di ribbon Data). Jika gagal, coba
tambah records contoh dan lakukan lagi flash fill.

PowerQuery juga bisa, dan simpel. Sumber data juga bisa dari file lain.
Hasilnya juga bisa dikirim langsung ke Excel Data Model untuk digunakan
oleh PowerPivot (bila perlu), tanpa perlu mengeluarkannya ke dalam
worksheet (langsung, dari sumber data -> powerquery yang extract transform
load -> excel data model -> powerpivot -> Excel Pivot Table)
Juga bisa mengolah langsung berpuluh juta records, bahkan mungkin ratusan
juta records (tergantung RAM setempat) dengan cepat.
Security data connection perlu di-enable.
Contohnya terlampir.

Kalau ingin dengan formula (supaya gak mikirin contoh hasil dari beberapa
records atau tidak perlu ribet refresh), kira-kira begini (untuk yang ambil
angka ya).
Asumsi :
1. angka dalam text tidak lebih dari 15 bijik
2. jumlah karakter sumber data maksimal 99 karakter
* jika diluar asumsi, sila mengembangkan formula berikut

Array formula pengambil angka (data di G4) :

Kalau pakai VBA, buatlah udf untuk replace angka (loop berisi replace
angka) dan udf untuk gabungkan setiap huruf (loop setiap karakter, untuk
gabungkan huruf dan abaikan angka). Tapi pastikan security macro-nya

On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 3:31 PM 'Dede Sulaeman'
pmaho_ss9@pinusmerahabadi.co.id [belajar-excel] <
belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Dear BeExceller,
> Furmulanya yang simple gimana yah?
> Salam,
> DD

Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:53 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Dede Sulaeman"

Dear Mr Kid,

Terima kasih atas masukannya, rada jelimet ini mah. Perlu dipelajari sambil ngupi.



From: belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com [mailto:belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 4:10 PM
To: BeExcel
Subject: Re: [belajar-excel] Formula pemisah [1 Attachment]

Excel Flash Fill bisa membantu, tapi kenalkan lebih dulu si Excel dengan isian manual dari berbagai pola, seperti dua records yang diawali huruf dan 2 records lainnya yang diawali angka. Isi di kolom hasil dengan entry manual dan coba lakukan flash fill (ada di ribbon Data). Jika gagal, coba tambah records contoh dan lakukan lagi flash fill.

PowerQuery juga bisa, dan simpel. Sumber data juga bisa dari file lain. Hasilnya juga bisa dikirim langsung ke Excel Data Model untuk digunakan oleh PowerPivot (bila perlu), tanpa perlu mengeluarkannya ke dalam worksheet (langsung, dari sumber data -> powerquery yang extract transform load -> excel data model -> powerpivot -> Excel Pivot Table)

Juga bisa mengolah langsung berpuluh juta records, bahkan mungkin ratusan juta records (tergantung RAM setempat) dengan cepat.

Security data connection perlu di-enable.

Contohnya terlampir.

Kalau ingin dengan formula (supaya gak mikirin contoh hasil dari beberapa records atau tidak perlu ribet refresh), kira-kira begini (untuk yang ambil angka ya).

Asumsi :

1. angka dalam text tidak lebih dari 15 bijik

2. jumlah karakter sumber data maksimal 99 karakter

* jika diluar asumsi, sila mengembangkan formula berikut

Array formula pengambil angka (data di G4) :


Kalau pakai VBA, buatlah udf untuk replace angka (loop berisi replace angka) dan udf untuk gabungkan setiap huruf (loop setiap karakter, untuk gabungkan huruf dan abaikan angka). Tapi pastikan security macro-nya di-enable

On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 3:31 PM 'Dede Sulaeman' pmaho_ss9@pinusmerahabadi.co.id [belajar-excel] <belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Dear BeExceller,

Furmulanya yang simple gimana yah?



Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:53 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Dede Sulaeman"

Dear SS,

Terima kasih atas masukannya, terima kasih.



From: belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com [mailto:belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 3:55 PM
To: belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [belajar-excel] Formula pemisah

Hai DD

Untuk memisahkan text dan angka, bisa menggunakan fitur flash fill ( excel 2013 ke atas kalau gak salah ). tidak perlu menggunakan formula. step2nya sbb :

1. File - option - advance - centang/tick " automatically flas fill " - OK

2. Di kolom c4, bisa di ketik teks pertama sebagai pancingan yaitu SGFHSDF

3. Blok range D4-D5

4. Ctrl + E

5. Ulangi langkah di atas untuk mecari angka



On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 3:31 PM 'Dede Sulaeman' pmaho_ss9@pinusmerahabadi.co.id [belajar-excel] <belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Dear BeExceller,

Furmulanya yang simple gimana yah?



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[smf_addin] Digest Number 4431

1 Message

Digest #4431


Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:55 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Pieter van Leeuwen" pietertvl

Issue resolved about 10:30 ET Thursday.

Must have been a Yahoo problem.

And it may have affected Yahoo Groups too, as my note took nearly an hour to appear on the message board.

Also .. found the manual alternatives.

Issue closed.


From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 10:09 AM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [smf_addin] Get Yahoo Portfolio View .... not updating today

Good morning Steve

Unable to get updated quotes today using Yahoo Get Portfolio View.

All quotes still showing OHLCV for yesterday. (has worked fine all year)

Using the macro for Force Recalculation.

Is there a manual alternative with that (yes, but I forgot where in Excel 2007). Somewhere in Formulas? Also tried Ctrl Alt Shift F9 .to no avail.

Anyone else having issues with Yahoo Quotes today? Hopefully its just me.



PS .. Hope you don't get two copies of this ... tried sending via Outlook, but it wasn't showing up. So sent second time via this Yahoo portal.

For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF

Kamis, 29 November 2018

[belajar-excel] Digest Number 4655

2 Messages

Digest #4655


Thu Nov 29, 2018 1:39 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Stephen Saputro"

Hi Pie,

Cell nya ada yang gak ke isi. coba J3 dan J6 di isi angka 0

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 9:21 AM indria pie mas_pie3@yahoo.co.id
[belajar-excel] <belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Yth. Master excel
> mohon bantuannya untuk permasalahan kami yang membuat formula lembur
> dengan excel tapi masih belum pas
> file terlampir 2 sheet untuk perhitungan lembur 6 hari kerja dan 5 hari
> kerja
> demikian dan terima kasih
> salam,
> pie

Thu Nov 29, 2018 1:39 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Stephen Saputro"

Maaf ada yang kelupaan.

Coba cek rumus if nya, semua yang ada tanda "" di ganti menjadi "0"

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 9:49 AM Stephen Saputro <stephensaputro@gmail.com>

> Hi Pie,
> Cell nya ada yang gak ke isi. coba J3 dan J6 di isi angka 0
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 9:21 AM indria pie mas_pie3@yahoo.co.id
> [belajar-excel] <belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> Yth. Master excel
>> mohon bantuannya untuk permasalahan kami yang membuat formula lembur
>> dengan excel tapi masih belum pas
>> file terlampir 2 sheet untuk perhitungan lembur 6 hari kerja dan 5 hari
>> kerja
>> demikian dan terima kasih
>> salam,
>> pie
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*** Posting lowongan kerja : ke link tersebut dan klik New Topic
bergabung ke milis (subscribe), kirim mail kosong ke: belajar-excel-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
posting ke milis, kirimkan ke: belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com
berkunjung ke web milis : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/belajar-excel/messages
melihat file archive / mendownload lampiran : http://www.mail-archive.com/belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com/
atau (sejak 25-Apr-2011) bisa juga di : http://milis-belajar-excel.1048464.n5.nabble.com/
menghubungi moderators & owners: belajar-excel-owner@yahoogroups.com
keluar dari membership milis (UnSubscribe), kirim mail kosong ke : belajar-excel-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com

[smf_addin] Digest Number 4430

4 Messages

Digest #4430


Wed Nov 28, 2018 9:11 am (PST) . Posted by:


Hi Randy,

Long time fan here. Everything has been going great for last couple years with the add-in, then computer crashed and loading on new drive.
I'm working with the RTD on Thinkorswim. Works fine on my other computer, but now I'm getting #N/A in all the cells. The add-in is working though, because I get
Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2018.01.24 (C:\SMF Add-In; Windows (32-bit) NT :.00; 16.0; ; ; 1)
showing up just fine.
Excel 2016, Win 10, 64-bit. Is that a problem?
Any ideas?


Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:26 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink

I know noting about RTD or Thinkorswim.

Since "Version" is working, it appears the add-in is installed properly.

What SMF add-in formula invocation is returning #N/A? That's not typically
something the add-in would return if an error occurs.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 10:42 AM amt2100@... wrote:

> Long time fan here. Everything has been going great for last couple years
> with the add-in, then computer crashed and loading on new drive.
> I'm working with the RTD on Thinkorswim. Works fine on my other computer,
> but now I'm getting #N/A in all the cells. The add-in is working though,
> because I get
> Stock Market Functions add-in, Version 2.1.2018.01.24 (C:\SMF Add-In;
> Windows (32-bit) NT :.00; 16.0; ; ; 1)
> showing up just fine.
> Excel 2016, Win 10, 64-bit. Is that a problem?
> Any ideas?

Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:39 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Steve Low" gordian

Two weeks have passed since my last report on this problem.
Is (almost) no one else experiencing this problem with Yahoo quotes prior to market open?
On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 10:22:04 AM EST, Steve Low gordian@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


Meant to say today (Wednesday)! sorry.
On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 9:45:01 AM EST, Steve Low gordian@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


My experience has been quite different in two ways:
1. In the past, Yahoo sometimes had a problem returning a quout JUST for the General Motors warrants (B). I'd get the dashes, but all other tickers--above and below--populated correctly. It was weird, but cleared up within a few minutes after I detected it.
2. As for this bigger problem: Yahoo only delivered the first nine quotes last night. This morning (Tuesday), that continued until 9:38 AM, when all the quotes populated properly. 
It seems that for some odd reason, Yahoo has decided to throttle its quote delivery until the market is open (quotes are delayed, and at 9:38, the quotes I received were today's--not yesterday's closing quotes.
Very strange, indeed.

On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 9:25:59 AM EST, David K Smith cancerfixer@yahoo.com [smf_addin] <smf_addin@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


This is a "problem" with the portfolio view and is yahoo's issue, not the smf.If you have an invalid ticker (say, "xyz") in your request, the function will return values all the way up to "xyz"Then EVERY stock ticker after "xyz" in the query will return dashes.I've noticed this happens after a merger.  The old ticker stays active for a few weeks, then suddenly stops working. - and everything afterward returns "--" for price and name and so forth
It also happens if you query in the early hours of the day for certain issues, such as options quotes, I believe.You would think they would be able to just return the "--" for the invalid quotes, but no, not yahoo.It's just the way they wrote the API and that's the way it's probably going to stay.
In any event, the solution is to isolate the ticker in question and eliminate it from your query.If you are querying in early AM or odd hours, just wait and try later when the market is open.  If all tickers are valid, the problem will disappear.You could put some traps in your code looking for "--" latest prices or names and then a msgbox to alert you to the problem ticker, but I haven't bothered to do that.

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Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:53 am (PST) . Posted by:


Good morning Steve
Unable to get updated quotes today using Yahoo Get Portfolio View.
All quotes still showing OHLCV for yesterday. (has worked fine all year)

Using the macro for Force Recalculation.
Is there a manual alternative with that (yes, but I forgot where in Excel 2007). Somewhere in Formulas? Also tried Ctrl Alt Shift F9 .to no avail.

Anyone else having issues with Yahoo Quotes today? Hopefully its just me.



PS .. Hope you don't get two copies of this ... tried sending via Outlook, but it wasn't showing up. So sent second time via this Yahoo portal.

For the Add-in, Documentation, Templates, Tips and FAQs, visit http://ogres-crypt.com/SMF