Thanks to both Tim, Derek and Bob!This gave me a useful hint to use macros with shapes.I also found another approaach:I sometimes create shapes with VBA.I found this code somewhere that creates a shape, which has a macro (macroname) assigned and that macro brings a parameter (variable text) that can identify which shape has started the macro. ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeFlowchartSummingJunction, l, t, w, h).Select Selection.OnAction = "'macroname """ & text & """'" This is better descibed in: this can be useful for you!This...
Rabu, 31 Desember 2014
RE: [ExcelVBA] Detect which shape "starts" a macro
Use Application.Caller From: [] Sent: 21 December 2014 16:26To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.comSubject: [ExcelVBA] Detect which shape "starts" a macro In a worksheet there are several shapes. They are all assigned to the same macro. Is it possible in the macro to detect which skape that was "clicked on" to start the macro? I wish the macro to do different tasks dependent on which shape that started it! Is there a sort of activeShape object? Regards and Merry Christmas to all of you Excelers! Torstein Johnsen __._,_.___ ...
[belajar-excel] Digest Number 3246
Milis Belajar Microsoft Excel Group 15 Messages Digest #3246 1a Re: memunculkan sheet secara bergantian by cello_violin 1b Re: memunculkan sheet secara bergantian by "supri anto" ...
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