Rabu, 30 November 2011

[ExcelVBA] Split daily data and save to DBF


Dear all,

I have around five years data consisted on daily data observation.
The shape of those data as follow :

Date          Latitude     longitude      Temperature
2003-01-01    113.75       -15.336        14.709
2003-01-01    103.491      -7.307         13.668
2003-01-02    114.227      -13.858        11.942
2003-01-02    118.176      -9.556         20.499

I have to split those data daily and save each daily data on DBF in order to be analyzed with another environmental data.
I had for several months data manually on my Excel 2003, but I thought it will be takes along time.

Would someone in this forum helping me to solve the problem?
Any help is really appreciated


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RE: [ExcelVBA] "Bring to Front" a data series in a chart without changing sort order in legend


Don't know what version of Excel you're using, but in 2003 it's not done
with a "bring to front".

In 2003, you bring up "Format Data Series", e.g. by right clicking on
one of the data series in the chart.

Then go to the tab "Series Order" and move your obscured series down to
bring them to the front.

Regards, Dave S


From: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Roger
Sent: Thursday, 1 December 2011 13:24
To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ExcelVBA] "Bring to Front" a data series in a chart without
changing sort order in legend

I use crosses as markers for regular data points, and colored squares
for high-accuracy recalculations of outliers. When the recalculation
has the same result as the original calculation, the square appears
centered over the cross, if the cross is big enough to show from under
the square. The picture would be even better, for a publication, if the
crosses showed on top of the squares. But the crosses as the normal
markers I still want to appear on top in the legend.

I imagine there is a way to do a "Bring to Front" on the regular data
series? My button is greyed out in Drawing Tools, and I cannot find a
handle in VBA either. My chart shows only under ActiveSheet.Shapes, and
I cannot find any command to do anything with it. (Besides I have a
Shape for pointing to one particular data point, grouped with the chart,
which may complicate matters somewhat.)

Thanks if you can help. Roger Belling


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[ExcelVBA] "Bring to Front" a data series in a chart without changing sort order in legend


I use crosses as markers for regular data points, and colored squares
for high-accuracy recalculations of outliers. When the recalculation
has the same result as the original calculation, the square appears
centered over the cross, if the cross is big enough to show from under
the square. The picture would be even better, for a publication, if the
crosses showed on top of the squares. But the crosses as the normal
markers I still want to appear on top in the legend.

I imagine there is a way to do a "Bring to Front" on the regular data
series? My button is greyed out in Drawing Tools, and I cannot find a
handle in VBA either. My chart shows only under ActiveSheet.Shapes, and
I cannot find any command to do anything with it. (Besides I have a
Shape for pointing to one particular data point, grouped with the chart,
which may complicate matters somewhat.)

Thanks if you can help. Roger Belling

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Be sure to check out TechTrax Ezine for many, free Excel VBA articles! Go here: http://www.mousetrax.com/techtrax to enter the ezine, then search the ARCHIVES for EXCEL VBA.

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[belajar-excel] Digest Number 1417

Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)



Re: Tanya agar file excel tidak bisa di delete

Posted by: "Haps" hapsari.stlizbeth@gmail.com   liz_hap

Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:40 pm (PST)

Walaupun anda di sini menyebut SEPUTAR EXCEL dan "FILE EXCEL"; file excel
adalah *seperti semua file lainnya* yg diperlakukan dengan sama pula oleh
(so, Pertanyaan anda sebetulnya mengenai Operating system)

Oiya lupa tanya dulu, apakah selama ini anda selalu mendelete file excel
*melalui EXCEL saja*? Bgmana step-stepnya ?
Tidak pernah-kah anda mendelete fle excel melalui cara lain di luar excel
(misal melalui
Windows Explorer dengan berbagai caranya ? )

Rupanya anda ini tidak terlalu rajin memanfaatkan 'web browser' dan 'search
engine' anda
sebelum menanyakan suatu hal ke pihak lain.
Andainya hal ini sempat anda cari-cari di i'net (yg untuk saat ini, bagi
kita seharusnya
sudah merupakan gudang info yg hampir tak terbatas kategori maupun cacahnya)

* Ada salah satu jawaban yg cukup serius

menyembunykan file asli, membuat image-nya dan menempatkan di tempat lain,
jika file dibuka yg dibuka imagenya (tanpa disadari oleh user), dan ketika
asli-file nya tetap ada dan akan selalu membuat image kembali)

* jawaban lain kebanyakan pesimis dengan mengajukan teori2 yg cukup meyaada
* satu jawaban, bagiku enak dibaca, karena memberikan 'vba code' seperti ini

For iWork = iWork to iPlay
iWork = iLife - iPlay
if iWork >= iPlay Then
iWork = iWork - iLunch
'Do Nothing - go home
End If
Next iWork

Mudah mudahan anda dapat menangkap humornya yg cukup tinggi...

2011/11/29 Asror Al-Aliif's <asrorcakep@yahoo.com>
> Dear All,
> Mau tanya lagi seputar excel, pastinyaa,...
> Saya punya file excel, bagaimana agar file excel tersebut tidak bisa di
hapus dari PC?
> Atau ketika file mau dihapus, itu harus menggunakan password?
> Terimakasih,
> Asror

Re: Mebuka dan meng copy isi file dari Banyak nama File yang mirip

Posted by: "gobang13910" gobang13910@yahoo.com   gobang13910

Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:20 pm (PST)

Salam Mr Kid,

trimakasih respon dan bantuanya,

ada sedikit yang saya tidak mengerti setelah saya copas ke vbe editor
ada yang error

Sub macro3()

Dim sFile As String
Dim wbkFile As Workbook, wbkUnion As Workbook

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wbkUnion = ThisWorkbook

'init file pertama
sFile = Dir$("Z:\CG_Insurance_Authorise*.CSV")
'loop mulai dari file pertama yang diproses
Do While LenB(sFile) <> 0
'buka filenya
set wbkfile= workbooks.open sfile,false -->( yang ini warnya merah)

'proses copy paste data dari file ke hasil gabungan (union) disini

'tutup file
wbkFile.Close False
'file berikutnya
sFile = Dir$
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

mohon pencerahanya Mr Kid,

apa karna saya pakai office 2003?


--- In belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com, "Kid Mr." <mr.nmkid@...> wrote:
> Coba manfaatkan fungsi Dir milik VB
> dim sFile as string
> dim wbkFile as workbook, wbkUnion as workbook
> application.displayalerts=false
> set wbkunion=thisworkbook
> 'init file pertama
> sfile=dir$("C:\data\Template\ABC*.xls")
> 'loop mulai dari file pertama yang diproses
> do while lenb(sfile)<>0
> 'buka filenya
> set wbkfile= workbooks.open sfile,false
> 'proses copy paste data dari file ke hasil gabungan (union)
> disini
> 'tutup file
> wbkfile.close false
> 'file berikutnya
> sfile=dir$
> loop
> application.displayalerts=true
> Wassalam,
> Kid.
> 2011/11/29 gobang13910 gobang13910@...
> > **
> >
> >
> > Salam Semua,
> >
> > Mohon bantuanya, sebelumnya saya cerita dulu masalah saya,(Curhat),
> > saya punya file contohnya file namenya : ABC_0102_01.xls tapi
> > sampai lebih dari 100 file, dengan file name yang sama tapi
> > beda..heheheh, nah dari file tersebut sama mau satukan isinya.
> >
> > dan yang lebih sebelnya file teresbut angka belakang tidak pernah
> >
> > yang saya mau tanyakan dan berharap bantuanya untuk coding macronya
> > tiap hari ga pegel copy paste 100an file satu-satu)
> >
> > yang saya tahu coding macro untuk buka file
> >
> > Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\data\Template\ABC_0102_01.xls
> >
> > tapi selalu berubah nama belakangnya (_0102_01 => random number)
> >
> > Tulung dibantu ya
> > Maaf kalo kepanjangan
> >
> > Trimakasih Buanyak..
> >
> >
> >


Re: Mebuka dan meng copy isi file dari Banyak nama File yang mirip

Posted by: "Kid Mr." mr.nmkid@gmail.com   nmkid.family@ymail.com

Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:22 pm (PST)

Ubah jadi :
* set wbkfile= workbooks.open(sfile,false) ' -->( yang ini warnya merah)*


2011/11/30 gobang13910 <gobang13910@yahoo.com>

> set wbkfile= workbooks.open sfile,false -->( yang ini warnya merah)

Mengurutkan data hasil filter menggunakan Array Formula

Posted by: "dwint ruswanto" dwint.ruswanto@yahoo.co.id   dwint.ruswanto

Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:16 pm (PST)

Rekan-rekan millis belajar excel yang baik..
bagaimana caranya mengurutkan data hasil filter menggunakan fungsi SMALL + array, (tolong dengan menggunakan formula saja, karena saya belum familiar dengan VBA)

Rec_no No Nama Produk Qty
2 1 BAA 1
3 2 AAB 2
5 3 BAC 4
6 4 ABC 5
9 5 AAA 3
Tabel di atas adalah hasil sortir menggunakan formula SMALL tetapi belum urut berdasarkan nama produk
Dan tabel di bawah adalah hasil yang diinginkan.

Rec_no No Nama Produk Qty
9 5 AAA 3
3 2 AAB 2
6 4 ABC 5
2 1 BAA 1
5 3 BAC 4
Dulu saya bisa mengerti fungsi small + array ini atas bimbingan dari mbak Siti.. makasih mbak :D

Re: Mengurutkan data hasil filter menggunakan Array Formula

Posted by: "Haps" hapsari.stlizbeth@gmail.com   liz_hap

Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:36 pm (PST)

Pakai tabel BANTU boleh ndak yaaa ??

Buat array kunci komposit (gabungan NmProduk & NomorUrut & Qty)

Array TEXT tsb diurutkan
Ada lho.. formula untuk mengurutkan array TEXT, tentunya small/large tidak
diumpan dengan array data text tsb,
Umpannya musti kudu harus di rekayasa dulu agar menjadi Bilangan

Hasil terurut diurai lagi menjadi NmProduk Dan Qty

Tabel Buatan itulah di diproses seperti proses yg sudah diprktikkan olah

yang kita beberkan disini Ini juga berkat ceriwisan dari Yu siti
[image: sorting text by formula.GIF]


2011/11/30 dwint ruswanto <dwint.ruswanto@yahoo.co.id>

> **
> Rekan-rekan millis belajar excel yang baik..
> bagaimana caranya mengurutkan data hasil filter menggunakan fungsi SMALL +
> array, (tolong dengan menggunakan formula saja, karena saya belum familiar
> dengan VBA)
> *Rec_no* *No* *Nama Produk* *Qty* 2 1 BAA 1 3 2 AAB 2 5 3 BAC 4 6 4
> ABC 5 9 5 AAA 3
> Tabel di atas adalah hasil sortir menggunakan formula SMALL tetapi belum
> urut berdasarkan nama produk
> Dan tabel di bawah adalah hasil yang diinginkan.
> *Rec_no* *No* *Nama Produk* *Qty* 9 5 AAA 3 3 2 AAB 2 6 4 ABC 5 2 1
> BAA 1 5 3 BAC 4
> Dulu saya bisa mengerti fungsi small + array ini atas bimbingan dari mbak
> Siti.. makasih mbak :D
> wassalam,
> dwint

Bls: [belajar-excel] Mengurutkan data hasil filter menggunakan Array

Posted by: "dwint ruswanto" dwint.ruswanto@yahoo.co.id   dwint.ruswanto

Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:48 pm (PST)

pakai tabel bantu? boleh mbak..
terima kasih untuk mbak hapsari yang sudah berbagi ilmunya :D
buat mbak Siti semoga selalu dilimpahkan kesehatan.. karena sudah lama nih gak pernah lihat postingannya..

Dari: Haps <hapsari.stlizbeth@gmail.com>
Kepada: belajar-excel@yahoogroups.com
Dikirim: Rabu, 30 November 2011 14:36
Judul: Re: [belajar-excel] Mengurutkan data hasil filter menggunakan Array Formula

Pakai tabel BANTU boleh ndak yaaa ??

Buat array kunci komposit (gabungan NmProduk & NomorUrut & Qty)

Array TEXT tsb diurutkan
Ada lho.. formula untuk mengurutkan array TEXT, tentunya small/large tidak langsung
diumpan dengan array data text tsb, 
Umpannya musti kudu harus di rekayasa dulu agar menjadi Bilangan

Hasil terurut diurai lagi menjadi NmProduk Dan Qty

Tabel Buatan itulah di diproses seperti proses yg sudah diprktikkan olah pak DWINT

yang kita beberkan disini Ini juga berkat ceriwisan dari Yu siti


2011/11/30 dwint ruswanto <dwint.ruswanto@yahoo.co.id>

>Rekan-rekan millis belajar excel yang baik..
>bagaimana caranya mengurutkan data hasil filter menggunakan fungsi SMALL + array, (tolong dengan menggunakan formula saja, karena saya belum familiar dengan VBA)

>Rec_no No Nama Produk Qty
>2 1 BAA 1
>3 2 AAB 2
>5 3 BAC 4
>6 4 ABC 5
>9 5 AAA 3

>Tabel di atas adalah hasil sortir menggunakan formula SMALL tetapi belum urut berdasarkan nama produk

>Dan tabel di bawah adalah hasil yang diinginkan.

>Rec_no No Nama Produk Qty
>9 5 AAA 3
>3 2 AAB 2
>6 4 ABC 5
>2 1 BAA 1
>5 3 BAC 4
>Dulu saya bisa mengerti fungsi small + array ini atas bimbingan dari mbak Siti.. makasih mbak :D



Re: Mengurutkan data hasil filter menggunakan Array Formula

Posted by: "Haps" hapsari.stlizbeth@gmail.com   liz_hap

Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:24 am (PST)

Mudah-mudahan tidak banyak kesalahannya...

Misal: seperti RecNo yg ditampilkan pada tabel Hasil adalah RecNo milik
Tabel setelah SORTED, mungkin seharusnya RecNo milik Tabel Asal
(tinggal mengganti rujukannya saja)

Mengenai teknik dasar* SORTING dengan Formula*, bila sudah pada lupa
ini ada fle contohnya, atau fle yg lebih
lengkap<http://www.box.com/s/6gm0di257l5stfzxa43p>(berpenjelasan) bisa
di intip
dan diunduh di sini: http://www.box.com/s/6gm0di257l5stfzxa43p


2011/11/30 dwint ruswanto <dwint.ruswanto@yahoo.co.id>

> pakai tabel bantu? boleh mbak..
> terima kasih untuk mbak hapsari yang sudah berbagi ilmunya :D
> buat mbak Siti semoga selalu dilimpahkan kesehatan.. karena sudah lama nih
> gak pernah lihat postingannya..
> wassalam,
> dwint
> *Dari:* Haps <hapsari.stlizbeth@gmail.com>
> *Dikirim:* Rabu, 30 November 2011 14:36
Pakai tabel BANTU boleh ndak yaaa ??
> 1.
> Buat array kunci komposit (gabungan NmProduk & NomorUrut & Qty)
> 2.
> Array TEXT tsb diurutkan
> Ada lho.. formula untuk mengurutkan array TEXT, tentunya small/large tidak
> langsung
> diumpan dengan array data text tsb,
> Umpannya musti kudu harus di rekayasa dulu agar menjadi Bilangan
> 3
> Hasil terurut diurai lagi menjadi NmProduk Dan Qty
> 4
> Tabel Buatan itulah di diproses seperti proses yg sudah diprktikkan olah
> pak DWINT
> -iHaps-

Add-in RiskEase

Posted by: "chemeng" chemeng_072@yahoo.com   chemeng_072

Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:28 am (PST)

Teman-teman saya sedang mengerjakan analisis keuangan proyek di excel, saat ini butuh add-in program RiskEase untuk Risk Analysisnya.

Adakah teman-teman yang mempunyai program atau softwarenya yang compatible di 32-bit dan 64-bit.

Terima kasih.

Re: Add-in RiskEase

Posted by: "Haps" hapsari.stlizbeth@gmail.com   liz_hap

Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:47 am (PST)

tinggal download dari : http://www.riskease.com/ kalee..
(sepertinya produk berlisensi (berbayar) ya ?..)
konon versi terakhir = 1.62 (keluarga versi 1) yg hanya bekerja dengan
Excel 2003

2011/11/30 chemeng <chemeng_072@yahoo.com>
> Teman-teman saya sedang mengerjakan analisis keuangan proyek di excel,
saat ini butuh
> add-in program RiskEase untuk Risk Analysisnya.
> Adakah teman-teman yang mempunyai program atau softwarenya yang
compatible di 32-bit dan 64-bit.
> Terima kasih.
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[smf_addin] Digest Number 2031[2 Attachments]

Messages In This Digest (22 Messages)



What url for HTMLGetTable for OX "All expirations"?

Posted by: "MikeM" mikemcq802@yahoo.com   mikemcq802

Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:13 am (PST)

Given the troubles with the other options providers I started to look at OptionsXpress. At least the data looks reliable.

I'm using the GetHTMLTable just fine but I'm only seeing the chain for Dec. On their webpage I can click on the Expiration dropdown to select "All" and I see them all - I just can't figure out how to configure the url to make that happen for the GetHTMLTable.

Here's what I started with. Any ideas appreciated.


No matter what I put for "lstMonths=" I still only see the Dec chain for any ticker I try. I tried "1stMonths=", "Expiration=" and a couple others but the table returned always starts with Dec option chain.



Re: What url for HTMLGetTable for OX "All expirations"?

Posted by: "MikeM" mikemcq802@yahoo.com   mikemcq802

Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:34 am (PST)

Oh, I just realized I had a typo in the url but correcting it makes the retrieval not work at all. Note I had a \ after ChainType and before the equal sign. But, oddly, removing that \ causes the retrieval to not work at all. With the \ in place I always see just the Dec chain for whatever the ticker is. ???

thanks, mike

--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, "MikeM" <mikemcq802@...> wrote:
> Given the troubles with the other options providers I started to look at OptionsXpress. At least the data looks reliable.
> I'm using the GetHTMLTable just fine but I'm only seeing the chain for Dec. On their webpage I can click on the Expiration dropdown to select "All" and I see them all - I just can't figure out how to configure the url to make that happen for the GetHTMLTable.
> Here's what I started with. Any ideas appreciated.
> =RCHGetHTMLTable("https://www.optionsxpress.com/OXNetTools/Chains/index.aspx?Symbol=INTC&ChainType\=o&Range=14&lstMonths=All;1",">OpInt",-1,"",4)
> No matter what I put for "lstMonths=" I still only see the Dec chain for any ticker I try. I tried "1stMonths=", "Expiration=" and a couple others but the table returned always starts with Dec option chain.
> Thanks


Re: What url for HTMLGetTable for OX "All expirations"?

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:36 am (PST)

Yes -- since the changeover in options symbols, consistency of options data
has been an issue for Yahoo, Google, MSN, and MarketWatch. I was converting
everything over to Google, since it seemed to be the most reliable. But,
lately, they don't even have the weekly options.

In any case, this appears to work for me (note fewer parameters on the URL):


Or, if you want Implied Volatility and Delta instead of Open Interest:


However, without any identifiers on the row to tell you the months of the
options, you're going to need helper columns to determine expiration months
and other info.

I've never liked using RCHGetHTMLTable() for option tables. The size of
what's available simply varies too much from equity to equity, especially
if you sometimes use the index ETFs.

If I got the two new option functions working for OX (
http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/smf_addin/message/14130), it might
make them a lot easier to use. Although they are slower at web page
retrieval than the other data sources.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:13 AM, MikeM <mikemcq802@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Given the troubles with the other options providers I started to look at
> OptionsXpress. At least the data looks reliable.
> I'm using the GetHTMLTable just fine but I'm only seeing the chain for
> Dec. On their webpage I can click on the Expiration dropdown to select
> "All" and I see them all - I just can't figure out how to configure the url
> to make that happen for the GetHTMLTable.
> Here's what I started with. Any ideas appreciated.
> =RCHGetHTMLTable("
> https://www.optionsxpress.com/OXNetTools/Chains/index.aspx?Symbol=INTC&ChainType\=o&Range=14&lstMonths=All;1
> ",">OpInt",-1,"",4)
> No matter what I put for "lstMonths=" I still only see the Dec chain for
> any ticker I try. I tried "1stMonths=", "Expiration=" and a couple others
> but the table returned always starts with Dec option chain.
> Thanks

Re: What url for HTMLGetTable for OX "All expirations"?

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:24 pm (PST)

I just uploaded a new beta version of the add-in to the "Works in Progress"
folder. I've added OptionsXpress as a possible data source for the new
smfGetOptionExpirations() and smfGetOptionStrikes() functions. I've also
added documentation for those two functions, as well as the two new utility
functions -- smfJoin() and smfWord().

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:13 AM, MikeM <mikemcq802@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Given the troubles with the other options providers I started to look at
> OptionsXpress. At least the data looks reliable.
> I'm using the GetHTMLTable just fine but I'm only seeing the chain for
> Dec. On their webpage I can click on the Expiration dropdown to select
> "All" and I see them all - I just can't figure out how to configure the url
> to make that happen for the GetHTMLTable.
> Here's what I started with. Any ideas appreciated.
> =RCHGetHTMLTable("
> https://www.optionsxpress.com/OXNetTools/Chains/index.aspx?Symbol=INTC&ChainType\=o&Range=14&lstMonths=All;1
> ",">OpInt",-1,"",4)
> No matter what I put for "lstMonths=" I still only see the Dec chain for
> any ticker I try. I tried "1stMonths=", "Expiration=" and a couple others
> but the table returned always starts with Dec option chain.

Re: What url for HTMLGetTable for OX "All expirations"?

Posted by: "Mike McQuaid" mikemcq802@yahoo.com   mikemcq802

Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:37 pm (PST)

[Attachment(s) from Mike McQuaid included below]

I downloaded the Nov 29 beta with the new OX option functions (and smfJoin)
but can only retrieve 1 option quote using smfGetOptionQuotes when I
provided a cell that contained multiple smf ticker symbols (joined by

I attached a sample spreadsheet.

My idea was:

Get list of expirations using smfGetOptionExpirations
From this expiry list, use GetOptionStrikes to generate ticker symbols with
multiple strikes for several Expiry dates
Use smfJoin to concatenate these ticker symbols into one cell
Use smfGetOptionQuotes to retrieve quotes for all of these tickers

Every smf function is array entered except for the Join.

I'm trying to create a clean, contiguous list of option chains for the next
several months. I used the getHTMLtable for OX and that got me the data I
wanted - although was a little ugly (not crucial). Was hoping these new
functions would give me a solution that wasn't as tightly tied to a specific
url format.

Pls let me know what's wrong.
Thanks, Mike

PS: One big advantage of OX and getHTMLTable is that I can get the volume
and open interest columns. These don't work for OX in GetOptionQuotes - it
would be great if it would :)


From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of Randy Harmelink
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 7:24 PM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] What url for HTMLGetTable for OX "All expirations"?

I just uploaded a new beta version of the add-in to the "Works in Progress"
folder. I've added OptionsXpress as a possible data source for the new
smfGetOptionExpirations() and smfGetOptionStrikes() functions. I've also
added documentation for those two functions, as well as the two new utility
functions -- smfJoin() and smfWord().

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:13 AM, MikeM <mikemcq802@yahoo.com> wrote:

Given the troubles with the other options providers I started to look at
OptionsXpress. At least the data looks reliable.

I'm using the GetHTMLTable just fine but I'm only seeing the chain for Dec.
On their webpage I can click on the Expiration dropdown to select "All" and
I see them all - I just can't figure out how to configure the url to make
that happen for the GetHTMLTable.

Here's what I started with. Any ideas appreciated.


No matter what I put for "lstMonths=" I still only see the Dec chain for any
ticker I try. I tried "1stMonths=", "Expiration=" and a couple others but
the table returned always starts with Dec option chain.

Attachment(s) from Mike McQuaid

1 of 1 File(s)


Re: What url for HTMLGetTable for OX "All expirations"? [1 Attachmen

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:56 pm (PST)

Interesting -- the problem is that if you give it a cell or range reference
for the TIcker List, my expectation was that each cell would contain only
one ticker symbol. An easy fix (will upload soon). But, in fact, if you use
a "+" as the delimiters instead of commas, it would work for you right now.
You don't need the individual Join cells either -- you could do something


Another interesting item -- I see that you were only getting the first two
ITM and first two OTM strike prices for IBM even though you entered a range
of 12 cells, which should give you the first 6 of each. I was getting full
ranges in testing, but to get IBM's, I had to add a few more parameters to
the URL. Strange. Now I'm getting a full set of 12 strike prices for each
expiration date. When I upload a new beta version, it will include this

Until your messages, I wasn't even aware of the web page with the open
interest and volume -- that it was available without a login. I'm
considering adding an "OX3" data source for that web page.

By the way, an easier way to do your process:

- Array-enter this formula in cells G5:R5:


- Now that the strike prices are all on a row with the expiration date,
you can just copy G5:R5 down into G6:R7 (or do more rows if you want). No
need to manually change any cell references for each range.

- Then you can use the smfJoin() with the entire range of transposed
ticker symbols:


In fact, you could easily fill the entire G5:R16 range with that formula
and then use that entire range in the smfJoin() function, if you wanted to
get all available expiration dates.

Or, if you want to maintain the placement of all data -- have 12 rows for
each expiration date, you could simply do this in the final function:


Since it processes by row and keeps a placeholder for blank ticker symbol
cells, everything should always be in the same place, grouped by expiration

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:38 PM, Mike McQuaid <mikemcq802@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> I downloaded the Nov 29 beta with the new OX option functions (and
> smfJoin) but can only retrieve 1 option quote using smfGetOptionQuotes when
> I provided a cell that contained multiple smf ticker symbols (joined by
> smfJoin).
> I attached a sample spreadsheet.
> My idea was:
> Get list of expirations using smfGetOptionExpirations
> From this expiry list, use GetOptionStrikes to generate ticker symbols
> with multiple strikes for several Expiry dates
> Use smfJoin to concatenate these ticker symbols into one cell
> Use smfGetOptionQuotes to retrieve quotes for all of these tickers
> Every smf function is array entered except for the Join.
> I'm trying to create a clean, contiguous list of option chains for the
> next several months. I used the getHTMLtable for OX and that got me the
> data I wanted - although was a little ugly (not crucial). Was hoping these
> new functions would give me a solution that wasn't as tightly tied to a
> specific url format.
> Pls let me know what's wrong.
> Thanks, Mike
> PS: One big advantage of OX and getHTMLTable is that I can get the volume
> and open interest columns. These don't work for OX in GetOptionQuotes - it
> would be great if it would :)

Re: question on refresh and forcerecalculation

Posted by: "Ashish" ashishkm@yahoo.com   ashishkm

Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:46 pm (PST)

Hi Randy .... Is this CSV file available somewhere? ... If so, how to get access to it? ...Thanks ...

--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> NOW() is a volatile function, so it makes the RCHGetYahooQuotes() function
> volatile. Then, whenever a change is made in the worksheet, or if you
> request recalculation via something like the F9 key, it will trigger a
> recalculation by EXCEL.
> Since this function retrieves a CSV file, there is no web page to
> re-download. But it does get a new copy of the CSV file -- ALWAYS. That's
> because the entire file is consumed whenever the function is run. Other
> functions, like RCHGetTableCell(), only get a single item off of the web
> page it is getting the data from. I store the web page first, then extract
> the data from the stored copy of the web page, because otherwise every
> function getting another data item from the same URL would need to retrieve
> the web page again -- which would be VERY slow.
> But that's also why RCHGetYahooQuotes() should be used as an array-entered
> function -- if you use individual functions, EACH function goes back to the
> Internet EVERY TIME it recalculates. But, as an array-entered function, it
> can retrieve thousands of data items with a single Internet access. That's
> a much faster recalculation. :)
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 5:29 AM, wu_ming_sg <nghongchong@...> wrote:
> >
> > When I use eg. "RCHGetYahooQuotes(Ticker,"v",,NOW())", how does it renew
> > its data?
> >
> > Does it re-download the webpage just like SMFForceReCalculation?
> >
> >


Re: question on refresh and forcerecalculation

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:01 pm (PST)

One is available on almost every Yahoo stock quotes or portfolio page. For


Look for the "Download Data (delayed)" link on the lowest area of the
right-most column of text. You should see something like:


All the RCHGetYahooQuotes() function does is create the ticker symbols
(i.e. "s=...") and data codes (i.e. "&f=...") URL parameters based on the
function parameters it was given. If you go to a portfolio page on Yahoo,
you'll see a similar download link for the portfolio.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Ashish <ashishkm@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Randy .... Is this CSV file available somewhere? ... If so, how to get
> access to it? ...Thanks ...
> --- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> >
> > NOW() is a volatile function, so it makes the RCHGetYahooQuotes()
> function
> > volatile. Then, whenever a change is made in the worksheet, or if you
> > request recalculation via something like the F9 key, it will trigger a
> > recalculation by EXCEL.
> >
> > Since this function retrieves a CSV file, there is no web page to
> > re-download. But it does get a new copy of the CSV file -- ALWAYS. That's
> > because the entire file is consumed whenever the function is run. Other
> > functions, like RCHGetTableCell(), only get a single item off of the web
> > page it is getting the data from. I store the web page first, then
> extract
> > the data from the stored copy of the web page, because otherwise every
> > function getting another data item from the same URL would need to
> retrieve
> > the web page again -- which would be VERY slow.
> >
> > But that's also why RCHGetYahooQuotes() should be used as an
> array-entered
> > function -- if you use individual functions, EACH function goes back to
> the
> > Internet EVERY TIME it recalculates. But, as an array-entered function,
> it
> > can retrieve thousands of data items with a single Internet access.
> That's
> > a much faster recalculation. :)


Posted by: "Ashish" ashishkm@yahoo.com   ashishkm

Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:15 pm (PST)

I am wondering why I am observing times of 12:55PM EST thru 1:09PM EST for a set of options for which I downloaded data even though the last time I did that was around 5PM EST !!!

I used smfGETOptionQuotes function with "t" option in an array ....

What may I be doing wrong?



Re: smfGetOptionQuotes

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:47 pm (PST)

Check items 9.5 and 9.4.2 in the "Links" area of the group.

At this point, I have no idea what "downloaded" means in your description
below. Various times would lead me to believe either IE is caching the web
pages, or you are changing parameters of some functions but not others. It
all depends on how your functions are entered and are updated. But you
didn't give any specific examples...

OTOH, if they are not heavily traded options, they could easily have not
been traded since those times.

Also, note that the "t" choice comes from a different web page than the
"Fast" items like bid or ask prices, so it might not accurately reflect

Array-entering the smfGetOptionQuotes() function doesn't really speed
anything up. It still has to access the Internet the same number of times.
It was just done to have some consistency with how RCHGetYahooQuotes() is

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Ashish <ashishkm@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I am wondering why I am observing times of 12:55PM EST thru 1:09PM EST for
> a set of options for which I downloaded data even though the last time I
> did that was around 5PM EST !!!
> I used smfGETOptionQuotes function with "t" option in an array ....
> What may I be doing wrong?

Re: smfGetOptionQuotes

Posted by: "Ashish Mukerji" ashishkm@yahoo.com   ashishkm

Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:28 pm (PST)

[Attachment(s) from Ashish Mukerji included below]

Based upon one of the Links that you mentioned I did go through Internet Browser Option to properly "toggle switch" by chosing the button "Evry Time I Visit the Web Page" and then tried Ctrl+Shift+Enter the Excel sheet using the function smfGetOptionQuotes() .... The result did not make any difference to the outcome and the image of the sheet is attached .... Obviously, I am not doing something right ... ???? .... Thanks ...


> From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com>
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 7:47 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] smfGetOptionQuotes

>Check items 9.5 and 9.4.2 in the "Links" area of the group.
>At this point, I have no idea what "downloaded" means in your description below. Various times would lead me to believe either IE is caching the web pages, or you are changing parameters of some functions but not others. It all depends on how your functions are entered and are updated. But you didn't give any specific examples...
>OTOH, if they are not heavily traded options, they could easily have not been traded since those times.
>Also, note that the "t" choice comes from a different web page than the "Fast" items like bid or ask prices, so it might not accurately reflect them.
>Array-entering the smfGetOptionQuotes() function doesn't really speed anything up. It still has to access the Internet the same number of times. It was just done to have some consistency with how RCHGetYahooQuotes() is used.
>On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Ashish <ashishkm@yahoo.com> wrote:
>I am wondering why I am observing times of 12:55PM EST thru 1:09PM EST for a set of options for which I downloaded data even though the last time I did that was around 5PM EST !!!
>>I used smfGETOptionQuotes function with "t" option in an array ....
>>What may I be doing wrong?

Attachment(s) from Ashish Mukerji

1 of 1 File(s)


Re: smfGetOptionQuotes [1 Attachment]

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:42 pm (PST)

Re-entering the smfGetOptionQuotes() formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter would
NOT update anything. You would still have the same saved web pages in VBA,
from which the add-in is extracting the data, so it would just re-extract
the exact same data. That's the "Overview" processing described in one of
the "Link" area entries.

That's why you need to run the smfForceRecalculation macro -- it purges the
saved web pages from the add-in, so that fresh copies will be retrieved.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Ashish Mukerji <ashishkm@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Based upon one of the Links that you mentioned I did go through Internet
> Browser Option to properly "toggle switch" by chosing the button "Evry Time
> I Visit the Web Page" and then tried Ctrl+Shift+Enter the Excel sheet using
> the function smfGetOptionQuotes() .... The result did not make any
> difference to the outcome and the image of the sheet is attached ....
> Obviously, I am not doing something right ... ???? ....

Re: smfGetOptionQuotes

Posted by: "Ashish Mukerji" ashishkm@yahoo.com   ashishkm

Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:06 pm (PST)

Thanks .... Took a while but it did refresh the data and time stamp ....


> From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com>
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 11:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] smfGetOptionQuotes

>Re-entering the smfGetOptionQuotes() formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter would NOT update anything. You would still have the same saved web pages in VBA, from which the add-in is extracting the data, so it would just re-extract the exact same data. That's the "Overview" processing described in one of the "Link" area entries.
>That's why you need to run the smfForceRecalculation macro -- it purges the saved web pages from the add-in, so that fresh copies will be retrieved.
>On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Ashish Mukerji <ashishkm@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Based upon one of the Links that you mentioned I did go through Internet Browser Option to properly "toggle switch" by chosing the button "Evry Time I Visit the Web Page" and then tried Ctrl+Shift+Enter the Excel sheet using the function smfGetOptionQuotes() .... The result did not make any difference to the outcome and the image of the sheet is attached .... Obviously, I am not doing something right ... ???? ....

Re: smfGetOptionQuotes

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:12 pm (PST)

Well, like I said earlier, the "time stamp" is a slow item -- it needs to
get a new web page for EACH one of those when smfForceRecalculation is run.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Ashish Mukerji <ashishkm@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks .... Took a while but it did refresh the data and time stamp ....

Why do negative P/E ratios from morningstar show as 0?

Posted by: "Les S" dolce7ss@yahoo.com   dolce7ss

Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:05 pm (PST)

If you go to morningstar valuation tab and take Citigroup for example:

2010 P/E was 13.5, so =RCHGetElementNumber("c",13970) shows 13.5
2009 P/E was -4.4, but =RCHGetElementNumber("c",13969) shows 0

Am I doing something wrong?


Re: Why do negative P/E ratios from morningstar show as 0?

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:09 pm (PST)

When I go to the web page:


...it shows no 2009 P/E, which is why it is set to 0.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:04 PM, Les S <dolce7ss@yahoo.com> wrote:

> If you go to morningstar valuation tab and take Citigroup for example:
> 2010 P/E was 13.5, so =RCHGetElementNumber("c",13970) shows 13.5
> 2009 P/E was -4.4, but =RCHGetElementNumber("c",13969) shows 0
> Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Why do negative P/E ratios from morningstar show as 0?

Posted by: "Les S" dolce7ss@yahoo.com   dolce7ss

Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:34 pm (PST)

I see, thanks. Any way to tap into the javascript of the main morningstar page? http://financials.morningstar.com/valuation/price-ratio.html?t=C

Or is that the limit for now?

--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> When I go to the web page:
> http://quicktake.morningstar.com/stocknet/Valuation10.aspx?Symbol=C
> ...it shows no 2009 P/E, which is why it is set to 0.
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:04 PM, Les S <dolce7ss@...> wrote:
> > If you go to morningstar valuation tab and take Citigroup for example:
> >
> > 2010 P/E was 13.5, so =RCHGetElementNumber("c",13970) shows 13.5
> > 2009 P/E was -4.4, but =RCHGetElementNumber("c",13969) shows 0
> >
> > Am I doing something wrong?
> >


Re: Why do negative P/E ratios from morningstar show as 0?

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:03 pm (PST)

Unfortunately that page is dynamically generated, so there is nothing in
the source code of the web page for the add-in to extract. However, the
data from that page you're interested in actually comes from here:


So, this appears to work, but the page is not a real HTML page, but one to
be consumed by JavaScript:


On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:34 PM, Les S <dolce7ss@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I see, thanks. Any way to tap into the javascript of the main morningstar
> page? http://financials.morningstar.com/valuation/price-ratio.html?t=C
> Or is that the limit for now?

Bloomberg.com refresh

Posted by: "taurines_morgan" taurines_morgan@yahoo.fr   taurines_morgan

Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:52 pm (PST)


Just used the RCHGetTableCell to get yields of countries from www.bloomberg.com
As I want different maturities for different ticker, I use many times this function so It takes a while to get the whole set

Does someone knows how can I optimize that like the GetYahooQuotes?





Re: Bloomberg.com refresh

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:06 pm (PST)

RCHGetYahooQuotes() is fast when array-entered because Yahoo provides all
of the data in a CSV file with a single Internet access. I don't know of
anything on Bloomberg like that -- but I only rarely use Bloomberg.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:27 PM, taurines_morgan

> Just used the RCHGetTableCell to get yields of countries from
> www.bloomberg.com
> As I want different maturities for different ticker, I use many times this
> function so It takes a while to get the whole set
> Does someone knows how can I optimize that like the GetYahooQuotes?

Data from Bloomberg Chart

Posted by: "newengwongpeggy" tong82@gmail.com   newengwongpeggy

Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:19 pm (PST)

hi Randy,

Is it possible to extract data from the chart?



Re: Data from Bloomberg Chart

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:10 pm (PST)

Nope, sorry. One chart is an image, the other is a Flash application.
Neither has source code data that is extractable by the add-in.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:19 PM, newengwongpeggy <tong82@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it possible to extract data from the chart?
> http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=GDBR10:IND
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