Rabu, 30 November 2011

[ExcelVBA] Split daily data and save to DBF

  Dear all, I have around five years data consisted on daily data observation. The shape of those data as follow : Date          Latitude     longitude      Temperature 2003-01-01    113.75       -15.336        14.709 2003-01-01    103.491      -7.307         13.668 2003-01-02    114.227      -13.858        11.942 2003-01-02    118.176      -9.556        ...

RE: [ExcelVBA] "Bring to Front" a data series in a chart without changing sort order in legend

  Don't know what version of Excel you're using, but in 2003 it's not done with a "bring to front". In 2003, you bring up "Format Data Series", e.g. by right clicking on one of the data series in the chart. Then go to the tab "Series Order" and move your obscured series down to bring them to the front. Regards, Dave S ________________________________ From: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Roger Sent: Thursday, 1 December 2011 13:24 To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com Subject: [ExcelVBA] "Bring to Front" a data series in a chart without changing sort order in legend I use crosses as markers for regular data points, and colored squares for high-accuracy recalculations...

[ExcelVBA] "Bring to Front" a data series in a chart without changing sort order in legend

  I use crosses as markers for regular data points, and colored squares for high-accuracy recalculations of outliers. When the recalculation has the same result as the original calculation, the square appears centered over the cross, if the cross is big enough to show from under the square. The picture would be even better, for a publication, if the crosses showed on top of the squares. But the crosses as the normal markers I still want to appear on top in the legend. I imagine there is a way to do a "Bring to Front" on the regular data series? My button is greyed out in Drawing Tools, and I cannot find a handle in VBA either. My chart shows only under ActiveSheet.Shapes, and I cannot find any command...

[belajar-excel] Digest Number 1417

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[smf_addin] Digest Number 2031[2 Attachments]

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