Sabtu, 19 November 2011

[ExcelVBA] Re: Changing Access Queries based on location.


Scott hi There: one teammate was suffering with a similar issue. to fix it my advise was:
1st create an XML file of your excel file.
how come?
2nd You need create an excel template and share with your engineers
3rd each user populate your xls file as they need to do.
4th export to an XML file in your server
5th run an access vba code to import it
just remember have a diferente xml file name for each of your users.
6th run a query in msaccess to collect the information
7th voilá

easy no?

the code to create this xml file is in this web address:

I apologize due my english, im spanish speaker.


--- In, "Scott" <scott@...> wrote:
> Experts,
> Here's my problem. We use an Excel spreadsheet as a form for creating new part numbers at our Engineering facilities. The form, when opened uses 22 Access Queries to get the latest data from a master Access database for the various pull downs in the form. This works great and keeps us from having to constantly issue a new version of the form, each time we add or remove data from the pull-downs.
> Now that we have expanded our Engineering facilities from San Diego, to Montreal and the Philippines, the users there are having a hard time getting the form to access the database here on our server in San Diego. It works, it's just painfully slow. So here's my question....
> Is it possible to edit the Access query so that it is different based on the users log in location? I can detect the server they log into, and if I could then change the query to access the database on THEIR server, then everyone would have a quick connection and all we would have to do is use a script to update the two external databases to the changes made in the master one, on a nightly basis.
> Everyone following me here?

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