Rabu, 30 November 2011

[ExcelVBA] Split daily data and save to DBF


Dear all,

I have around five years data consisted on daily data observation.
The shape of those data as follow :

Date          Latitude     longitude      Temperature
2003-01-01    113.75       -15.336        14.709
2003-01-01    103.491      -7.307         13.668
2003-01-02    114.227      -13.858        11.942
2003-01-02    118.176      -9.556         20.499

I have to split those data daily and save each daily data on DBF in order to be analyzed with another environmental data.
I had for several months data manually on my Excel 2003, but I thought it will be takes along time.

Would someone in this forum helping me to solve the problem?
Any help is really appreciated


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