You may have seen my response to David already. Thanks again for the information. The "match" method worked really well.
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Descr = WorksheetFunction.Match("Description", Rows("1:1"), 0)
PN = WorksheetFunction.Match("Part Number", Rows("1:1"), 0)
Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(Descr).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(PN).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B1")
This way makes it so much easier for me to keep track of what I'm bringing into my Results workbook, regardless of its location on the Source workbook.
--- In, "Paul Vermeulen" <paul.vermeulen@...> wrote:
> Steve, the VBA code to do that would be to search the top row for the
> correct text, and return the column for when it has been found.
> E.g.
> Dim i as Variant
> i = find("Text","A1:ZZ1").column
> Then use i in you copy command as the column reference.
> You may also prefer "match" rather than "find".
> Regards
> Paul
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 February 2012 6:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ExcelVBA] Copy and Paste Columns from one Workbook to
> Another, based on Column Heading
> I do this a lot when I'm reading workbooks into Java, but the techniques
> would work OK for VBA as well. I've used a couple of methods, and don't
> really have a "favourite".
> The first method is to put range names on the header row, so that each
> cell in that row has a range name that is as similar to the text in the
> cell as possible. (I actually wrote a small subroutine to generate the
> range name, based on the content.) From then on, I use the range name
> to determine the column and the row number to determine the row.
> Putting these into a Cells() call will get me to the cell with minimum
> fuss.
> The second method is to use a small function that looks up the column
> number, given the text that is in the header row. It knows where the
> header row is, and simply scans across it until it finds the required
> heading. Then it returns the column number for use in the Cells() call.
> In Java, I certainly find it beneficial for both methods to keep a list
> of columns that have already been found, and return the column number
> from there, rather than doing the lookup again. (Java helps this by
> providing structures that index quickly by a text field. Also, it
> avoids going back to the Excel file structure multiple times, which is
> relatively slow.) There could well be gains to be made by doing this in
> VBA too, especially if the number of columns used is smaller than the
> number of columns in the row.
> The clear limitation of the first method is that it assumes that people
> rearranging the columns will do so "properly" - i.e. by using cut and
> paste, rather than copying or overtyping. This might well be out of
> your control, and can give some "interesting" results.
> The second method is vulnerable too, in that column headings might
> undergo subtle changes that stop the columns being found. However, at
> least your lookup code can provide error reports for that.
> Regards, Dave S
> ________________________________
> From: <>
> [ <> ]
> On
> Behalf Of sspatriots
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 February 2012 05:39
> To: <>
> Subject: [ExcelVBA] Copy and Paste Columns from one Workbook to Another,
> based on Column Heading
> Hi,
> I currently have a macro that will open up a source workbook and copy
> several columns of data and then go back and paste those columns into my
> results workbook. It will then open a second source workbook and copy
> the same columns again and go back and paste those columns into my
> results workbook beneath the previous data that was imported. Then this
> is repeated once more. So there are a total of 3 different workbooks
> where I copy a set group of columns and bring them back to my results
> workbook with the data of each appended beneath the previous all on one
> worksheet.
> The problem I'm faced with now is that because my macro copies defined
> ranges, some of the columns in the source workbooks get moved around
> sometimes when new ERP changes are pushed out that I don't know about,
> hence all of my data coming in is no longer what it was because things
> get shifted.
> I need to be able to copy in columns of data from the source workbook
> based on the column headers. That way, no matter where a column of data
> may get moved to in the source workbooks when an ERP update is pushed
> out, I still get the same data.
> Any ideas on how to get there?
> Thanks,
> Steve
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