Messages In This Digest (23 Messages)
- 1a.
- Dividend History From: Paulo
- 1b.
- Re: Dividend History From: Randy Harmelink
- 1c.
- Re: Dividend History From: P Palminha
- 1d.
- Re: Dividend History From: Randy Harmelink
- 1e.
- Re: Dividend History From: P Palminha
- 2a.
- Re: TED Spread From: msdalt
- 2b.
- Re: TED Spread From:
- 2c.
- Re: TED Spread From:
- 2d.
- Re: TED Spread From: Randy Harmelink
- 3a.
- google search with smfgettagcontent From: taurines_morgan
- 3b.
- Re: google search with smfgettagcontent From: Randy Harmelink
- 3c.
- Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent From: taurines morgan
- 3d.
- Re: Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent From: Randy Harmelink
- 4a.
- Re: Historical Price Comparison Workbook - Google docs version From: Kermit W. Prather
- 5.1.
- RCHGetYahooHistory From: lexstar
- 5.2.
- Re: RCHGetYahooHistory From: Randy Harmelink
- 6a.
- Re: is it possible to get etf data for the =RCHGetElementNumber form From: stplsmrk
- 6b.
- Re: is it possible to get etf data for the =RCHGetElementNumber form From: Randy Harmelink
- 7a.
- AdvFN-Q numbers missing From: Joel
- 7b.
- Re: AdvFN-Q numbers missing From: Randy Harmelink
- 8a.
- Re: smfPricesBetween() as Array Formula From: Bob & Betty Gauer
- 9a.
- RCHGetYahooHistory spreadsheet error checking From: Dan
- 9b.
- Re: RCHGetYahooHistory spreadsheet error checking From: Randy Harmelink
- 1a.
Dividend History
Posted by: "Paulo" palminha
Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:02 am (PST)
Dear Randy,
Is there any template or formula to get dividends amount by FY ?
Bellow it is just only a sample of what I would like to have
FY Dividend
2011 0.95
2010 0.90
2009 0.80
2008 0.80
2007 0.75
2006 0.75
2005 0.60
2004 0.60
2003 0.50
2002 0.50
- 1b.
Re: Dividend History
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:24 am (PST)
No template. What I would suggest is to grab the fiscal period ends from
one source, grab the dividend history from Yahoo, and then sum them up as
I usually just get them from Yahoo and do them on a calendar year. Is there
a purpose to doing it by fiscal year? I would think that would get messy
with the companies that make a change to their fiscal year period, or in
comparing companies that have different fiscal year-ends...
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:02 AM, Paulo < > wrote:
> Is there any template or formula to get dividends amount by FY ?
> Bellow it is just only a sample of what I would like to have
> FY Dividend
> 2011 0.95
> 2010 0.90
> 2009 0.80
> 2008 0.80
> 2007 0.75
> 2006 0.75
> 2005 0.60
> 2004 0.60
> 2003 0.50
> 2002 0.50
- 1c.
Re: Dividend History
Posted by: "P Palminha" palminha
Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:12 am (PST)
Thank you Randy!
My purpose of doing it is:
1 - To have the amount for 10 FY of Dividends payed to shareholders
2 - To see if Net Profit - Dividends = to Equity after any repurchases of shares and compare the amount with gains in Market Cap!
I can do it for 5 year periods, because I have CF but I don´t have all data for 10 FY, so I try to get dividends to calculate the other 5 years missing.
So to grab the dividend history from Yahoo what kind of formula do you suggest me?
_____________________ _________ __
From: Randy Harmelink < >
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Dividend History
No template. What I would suggest is to grab the fiscal period ends from one source, grab the dividend history from Yahoo, and then sum them up as appropriate.
I usually just get them from Yahoo and do them on a calendar year. Is there a purpose to doing it by fiscal year? I would think that would get messy with the companies that make a change to their fiscal year period, or in comparing companies that have different fiscal year-ends...
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:02 AM, Paulo < > wrote:
>Is there any template or formula to get dividends amount by FY ?
>Bellow it is just only a sample of what I would like to have
>FY Dividend
>2011 0.95
>2010 0.90
>2009 0.80
>2008 0.80
>2007 0.75
>2006 0.75
>2005 0.60
>2004 0.60
>2003 0.50
>2002 0.50
- 1d.
Re: Dividend History
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:20 am (PST)
Take a look at the AdvFN data elements. I think it has exactly what you
want, by fiscal year.
I thought you were talking about dividends per share paid to shareholders.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 11:12 AM, P Palminha < > wrote:
> My purpose of doing it is:
> 1 - To have the amount for 10 FY of Dividends payed to shareholders
> 2 - To see if Net Profit - Dividends = to Equity after any repurchases of
> shares and compare the amount with gains in Market Cap!
> I can do it for 5 year periods, because I have CF but I don´t have all
> data for 10 FY, so I try to get dividends to calculate the other 5 years
> missing.
- 1e.
Re: Dividend History
Posted by: "P Palminha" palminha
Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:20 pm (PST)
OK Randy,
Tank you, but I can also grab dividends per share paid to shareholders and multiply by the number of shares outstanding to get the total figure if you tell me what formula to use.
Nevertheless I will look ate AdvFN data elements, but I think some are not working anymore.
_____________________ _________ __
From: Randy Harmelink < >
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Dividend History
Take a look at the AdvFN data elements. I think it has exactly what you want, by fiscal year.
I thought you were talking about dividends per share paid to shareholders.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 11:12 AM, P Palminha < > wrote:
>My purpose of doing it is:
>1 - To have the amount for 10 FY of Dividends payed to shareholders
>2 - To see if Net Profit - Dividends = to Equity after any repurchases of shares and compare the amount with gains in Market Cap!
>I can do it for 5 year periods, because I have CF but I don´t have all data for 10 FY, so I try to get dividends to calculate the other 5 years missing.
- 2a.
Re: TED Spread
Posted by: "msdalt" msdalt
Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:05 am (PST)
Thanks again for trying to help me.
I attempted to download an updated version and found
RCH_Stock_Market_Functions- 2.1.2012.
< > in the Files section. Whenv1/sCdCT8U8Kwn8b n2PwwfK95O08ByYQ FV71GKmiioIdw\
l3Yi5DRxjnaouMwiFGS4d88SAXufdVDBTLe MAZID8VnvHzFUr0/ Add-In%20Files/ RCH_St\
extracting the saved zip file, I got a pop-up that told me:
"File 'RCH_Stock_Market_Functions' is password protected. Please enter
the password in the box below."
I searched "Messages" for "password" and did not find any information
which seemed relevant to my problem.
I copied and pasted the formula you had provided, i.e.,
=0+smfGetTagContent("http://www.bloomber ","span",1\.tedsp:ind
into a workbook and again received the "#NAME?" error.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
--- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...>
> You probably need to install the newer version of the add-in...
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 3:20 AM, msdalt msdalt@... wrote:
> >
> > I'm grateful for the effort but that formula produced: "#NAME"
> >
> > I'm running Excel 2003 on XP and have been using methods I acquired
> > your site to pull in data from Yahoo for a few years now. The only
> > issues I have had were with Yahoo data or when web sites change
> > pages.
> >
> > Your help is sincerely appreciated.
> >
- 2b.
Re: TED Spread
Posted by: "" bushpilote
Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:17 am (PST)
try this formula to get the latest TED SPREAD: =RCHGetTableCell("http://www.bloomber ",2,".tedsp:quote?ticker= .tedsp:ind ind")
--- In , "msdalt" <msdalt@...> wrote:
> Randy,
> Thanks again for trying to help me.
> I attempted to download an updated version and found
> RCH_Stock_Market_Functions- 2.1.2012.
> < > l3Yi5DRxjnaouMwiFGSv1/sCdCT8U8Kwn8b n2PwwfK95O08ByYQ FV71GKmiioIdw\
4d88SAXufdVDBTLe MAZID8VnvHzFUr0/ Add-In%20Files/ RCH_St\
> ock_Market_Functions-2.1.2012.> in the Files section. When
> extracting the saved zip file, I got a pop-up that told me:
> "File 'RCH_Stock_Market_Functions' is password protected. Please enter
> the password in the box below."
> I searched "Messages" for "password" and did not find any information
> which seemed relevant to my problem.
> I copied and pasted the formula you had provided, i.e.,
> =0+smfGetTagContent("http://www.bloomber ","span",1\.tedsp:ind
> ,">.TEDSP:IND")
> into a workbook and again received the "#NAME?" error.
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
> Michael
> --- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@>
> wrote:
> >
> > You probably need to install the newer version of the add-in...
> >
> > On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 3:20 AM, msdalt msdalt@ wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > I'm grateful for the effort but that formula produced: "#NAME"
> > >
> > > I'm running Excel 2003 on XP and have been using methods I acquired
> from
> > > your site to pull in data from Yahoo for a few years now. The only
> > > issues I have had were with Yahoo data or when web sites change
> their
> > > pages.
> > >
> > > Your help is sincerely appreciated.
> > >
> >
- 2c.
Re: TED Spread
Posted by: "" bushpilote
Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:34 am (PST)
Correction; that will only give you the opening price.
--- In , bushpilote@... wrote:
> Hi,
> try this formula to get the latest TED SPREAD: =RCHGetTableCell("http://www.bloomber ",2,".tedsp:quote?ticker= .tedsp:ind ind")
> --- In , "msdalt" <msdalt@> wrote:
> >
> > Randy,
> >
> > Thanks again for trying to help me.
> >
> > I attempted to download an updated version and found
> > RCH_Stock_Market_Functions- 2.1.2012.
> > < > > l3Yi5DRxjnaouMwiFGSv1/sCdCT8U8Kwn8b n2PwwfK95O08ByYQ FV71GKmiioIdw\
4d88SAXufdVDBTLe MAZID8VnvHzFUr0/ Add-In%20Files/ RCH_St\
> > ock_Market_Functions-2.1.2012.> in the Files section. When
> > extracting the saved zip file, I got a pop-up that told me:
> > "File 'RCH_Stock_Market_Functions' is password protected. Please enter
> > the password in the box below."
> >
> > I searched "Messages" for "password" and did not find any information
> > which seemed relevant to my problem.
> >
> > I copied and pasted the formula you had provided, i.e.,
> > =0+smfGetTagContent("http://www.bloomber ","span",1\.tedsp:ind
> > ,">.TEDSP:IND")
> > into a workbook and again received the "#NAME?" error.
> >
> > Any help is greatly appreciated,
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > You probably need to install the newer version of the add-in...
> > >
> > > On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 3:20 AM, msdalt msdalt@ wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > I'm grateful for the effort but that formula produced: "#NAME"
> > > >
> > > > I'm running Excel 2003 on XP and have been using methods I acquired
> > from
> > > > your site to pull in data from Yahoo for a few years now. The only
> > > > issues I have had were with Yahoo data or when web sites change
> > their
> > > > pages.
> > > >
> > > > Your help is sincerely appreciated.
> > > >
> > >
> >
- 2d.
Re: TED Spread
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:33 am (PST)
There is no password on the file. I have no idea why you're getting that
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:05 AM, msdalt < > wrote:
> I attempted to download an updated version and found
> RCH_Stock_Market_Functions- 2.1.2012.<http://f1.grp. > inv1/sCdCT8U8Kwn8b n2PwwfK95O08ByYQ FV71GKmiioIdwl3Y i5DRxjnaouMwiFGS 4d88SAXufdVDBTLe MAZID8VnvHzFUr0/ Add-In%20Files/ RCH_Stock_ Market_Functions -2.1.2012.
> the Files section. When extracting the saved zip file, I got a pop-up that
> told me:
> "File 'RCH_Stock_Market_Functions' is password protected. Please enter the
> password in the box below."
> I searched "Messages" for "password" and did not find any information
> which seemed relevant to my problem.
> I copied and pasted the formula you had provided, i.e.,
> =0+smfGetTagContent("http://www.bloomber .tedsp:ind
> ","span",1,">.TEDSP:IND" )
> into a workbook and again received the "#NAME?" error.
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
- 3a.
google search with smfgettagcontent
Posted by: "taurines_morgan" taurines_morgan
Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:51 am (PST)
I'm using the smfGetTagContent to identify the MorningStar ticker that is in the source code of the following web page
adress: " "sourceid= chrome&ie= UTF-8&q=FR001001 3805+morningstar +snapshot
=smfStrExtr(smfGetTagContent (adress;" h3";1);"id= ";"&")
My problem is that it works for some ISIN (FR0010242461) and does not for others (FR0010013805)
Do u have any idea of the reason for that? Google restrictions?
- 3b.
Re: google search with smfgettagcontent
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:32 am (PST)
It's because some of the URLs are HTML-encoded. For example, it has "id%3D"
instead of "id=", where "%3D" is the HTML encoded value of the equal sign.
What I would suggest is adding a SUBSTITUTE(...string. ..;"%3D"; "=") to your
formula, to translate the HTML-encoded equal sign to be the regular equal
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:51 AM, taurines_morgan
< >wrote:
> I'm using the smfGetTagContent to identify the MorningStar ticker that is
> in the source code of the following web page
> adress: "
> sourceid= chrome&ie= UTF-8&q=FR001001 3805+morningstar +snapshot
> "
> =smfStrExtr(smfGetTagContent (adress;" h3";1);"id= ";"&")
> My problem is that it works for some ISIN (FR0010242461) and does not for
> others (FR0010013805)
> Do u have any idea of the reason for that? Google restrictions?
- 3c.
Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent
Posted by: "taurines morgan" taurines_morgan
Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:08 am (PST)
Thanks Randy,
It has helped for some isin using the substitute function given there is no error in return of the getagcontent function
but what is surprising is that getagcontent function does not work for the following ISIN FR0010013805 for example
I do not see "real" difference in the source file (the tag h3 is there)
Morgan Taurines
Associé Gérant
_____________________ _________ __
De : Randy Harmelink < >
À :
Envoyé le : Lundi 20 février 2012 18h32
Objet : Re: [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent
It's because some of the URLs are HTML-encoded. For example, it has "id%3D" instead of "id=", where "%3D" is the HTML encoded value of the equal sign.
What I would suggest is adding a SUBSTITUTE(...string. ..;"%3D"; "=") to your formula, to translate the HTML-encoded equal sign to be the regular equal sign.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:51 AM, taurines_morgan < > wrote:
>I'm using the smfGetTagContent to identify the MorningStar ticker that is in the source code of the following web page
>adress: " "sourceid= chrome&ie= UTF-8&q=FR001001 3805+morningstar +snapshot
>=smfStrExtr(smfGetTagContent (adress;" h3";1);"id= ";"&")
>My problem is that it works for some ISIN (FR0010242461) and does not for others (FR0010013805)
>Do u have any idea of the reason for that? Google restrictions?
- 3d.
Re: Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:07 am (PST)
It looks like the ampersand following the "id=" is also HTML encoded, as a
"%26", so you'd need to substitute that as well. So this:
=smfStrExtr(SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( smfGetTagContent (" sourceid= chrome&ie= UTF-8&q=FR001001 3805+morningstar +snapshot
","h3",1),"%3D","="), "%26","&" ),"id="," &") me back:
Here's what I see with the SUBSTITUTE() functions:
<a href="/url?q= snapshot/ snapshot. aspx%3F*id% 3D
*F0GBR04VG9*%26tab*%3D0& sa=U&ei=5l1DT- a2BM6-2AXW1- 2fCA&ved= 0CBEQFjAA& usg=AFQjCNETzEmV Xbw0vGiJ5vfmm- CPGhZijQ" >GSD
Opale|ISIN :<b>FR0010013805</b>|Antoine Galy|360 <b>...</b> -
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 1:08 AM, taurines morgan
< >wrote:
> It has helped for some isin using the substitute function given there is
> no error in return of the getagcontent function
> but what is surprising is that getagcontent function does not work for
> the following ISIN FR0010013805 for example
> I do not see "real" difference in the source file (the tag h3 is there)
- 4a.
Re: Historical Price Comparison Workbook - Google docs version
Posted by: "Kermit W. Prather" kermitpra
Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:26 am (PST)
Yes, it is one that I sell on my website. Here is the link html
From: [ ] On Behalf
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Historical Price Comparison Workbook - Google docs
Is your strategy still published? Thanks
Larry Ulsh
From: "Kermit W. Prather" < >
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 10:45:12 -0500
To: < >
Subject: RE: [smf_addin] Historical Price Comparison Workbook - Google docs
Very nice, any chance you might convert the spreadsheet to use the
SMF-Addin? Then share it with the group.
In 2010 I created a trading strategy using High Yield dividend stocks and
published it in early 2011.
I found trading the high yield stocks based on my trading strategy a lot
more profitable than a buy & hold and capturing the dividends. But then I am
a short term trader.
It is interesting that you use CMO in your blog example, as it is one of the
final 14 stocks used backtesting in my trading strategy.
-----Original Message-----
From: <mailto:smf_addin%40yahoogro>
[ <mailto:smf_addin%40yahoogro> ] On
Of bobsledproductions
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 5:54 PM
To: <mailto:smf_addin%40yahoogro>
Subject: [smf_addin] Historical Price Comparison Workbook - Google docs
If you're interested I put together a simple historical price comparison
workbook in google docs. Search for the template here: templates? q=historical+ price+comparison
< templates? q=historical+ price+comparison &type=spread
s> &type=spreads
I also blogged about the steps in creating the sheet here:
http://justspreadsheets.blogspot. com/2012/ 02/charting- dividend- stocks.html
Within the workbook I created a simple chart comparison between stocks with
and without reinvested dividends. Far too many charts just show pricing
data, and if you invest in high yielding stocks as I do, the charts you get
don't do them justice.
--------------------- --------- ------
Yahoo! Groups Links
- 5.1.
Posted by: "lexstar" lexstar
Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:22 am (PST)
I've tried using RCHGetYahooHistory to retrieve the Price Only data for certain tickers using this:
RCHGetYahooHistory($B5,YEAR( HCJ$4),MONTH( HCJ$4),DAY( HCJ$4),YEAR( HCA$4),MONTH( HCA$4),DAY( HCA$4),"m" ,"ohlc",0, 0,1,4)
where the dates are: 2/1/2001 to 2/17/2012
The issue:
1) If I press SHFT-CONTROL-ENTER, I get the OHLC during this period (which is what I want).
2) However, if I do SHFT-F9, all I got is one price, the Open price, for all the OHLC (which is not what I want).
Any reason why this happening this way? Am I missing something in the formula? Any help is greatly appreciated.
- 5.2.
Re: RCHGetYahooHistory
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:40 am (PST)
Looks like your parameters aren't in the right places -- you're passing
"pDim1" but not "pDim2".
But I'm lost on your Shift-F9 comment.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 8:22 AM, lexstar < > wrote:
> I've tried using RCHGetYahooHistory to retrieve the Price Only data for
> certain tickers using this:
> RCHGetYahooHistory($B5,YEAR( HCJ$4),MONTH( HCJ$4),DAY( HCJ$4),YEAR( HCA$4),MONTH( HCA$4),DAY( HCA$4),"m" ,"ohlc",0, 0,1,4)
> where the dates are: 2/1/2001 to 2/17/2012
> The issue:
> 1) If I press SHFT-CONTROL-ENTER, I get the OHLC during this period (which
> is what I want).
> 2) However, if I do SHFT-F9, all I got is one price, the Open price, for
> all the OHLC (which is not what I want).
> Any reason why this happening this way? Am I missing something in the
> formula? Any help is greatly appreciated.
- 6a.
Re: is it possible to get etf data for the =RCHGetElementNumber form
Posted by: "stplsmrk" stplsmrk
Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:12 am (PST)
I myself a just looking for dividend
data on ETFs....any help on which element number might work there? I've found everything else...
--- In , "Randy H" <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> It all depends on the element.
> The function can pull data for ETFs, but only those element numbers that
> are actually pulling elements from ETF-relevant web pages. Some element
> numbers work only for stocks, some only for mutual funds, and some only
> for ETFs. It's a matter of how the data source has designed their web
> pages, whether they have specific web pages for each, or whether a
> single web page address (less the ticker symbol) displays data for any
> type of equity.
> Depending on what you're looking for, you may need to use one of the
> other add-in functions. For example, RCHGetTableCell(). In most cases,
> the RCHGetElementNumber() function is just a saved version of an
> RCHGetTableCell() function.
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 6:56 PM, Mike <fs26mdm@...> wrote:
> I am able to pull info for stocks but not etfs. Anyone know what to do
> for this?
- 6b.
Re: is it possible to get etf data for the =RCHGetElementNumber form
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:47 am (PST)
How about element #5063?
But it's not like ETF's have established dividend amounts like most
companies. They can go up or down as fate dictates.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:50 AM, stplsmrk < > wrote:
> I myself a just looking for dividend
> data on ETFs....any help on which element number might work there? I've
> found everything else...
- 7a.
AdvFN-Q numbers missing
Posted by: "Joel" joelfp2000
Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:43 am (PST)
Thanks for all of your help with this awesome add-in.
Thoughts. I have noticed lately that ADVfn doesn't report the most recent quarterly numbers (elements 9846, 9966, 10346, 10366, 11066, 11306, etc) for a lot of companies (eg. xom, bmy, lly, mrk, etc.). Is this just a short term hic-up on their part and have you seen this in the past? Should I start using maybe the google elements instead? Any thoughts would be appreciated?
- 7b.
Re: AdvFN-Q numbers missing
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:48 am (PST)
No clue here. Slow to update, maybe? Or maybe they lost some updates at the
beginning of the month when we had the "www" and "us" fiasco? For example,
they may have applied updates as "us", but then restored the system back to
"www" settings...
The question should be directed to AdvFN for a (hopefully?) definitive
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Joel < > wrote:
> Thoughts. I have noticed lately that ADVfn doesn't report the most recent
> quarterly numbers (elements 9846, 9966, 10346, 10366, 11066, 11306, etc)
> for a lot of companies (eg. xom, bmy, lly, mrk, etc.). Is this just a short
> term hic-up on their part and have you seen this in the past? Should I
> start using maybe the google elements instead? Any thoughts would be
> appreciated?
- 8a.
Re: smfPricesBetween() as Array Formula
Posted by: "Bob & Betty Gauer" bgauer
Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:51 pm (PST)
I have a list of stocks (my portfolio, watch list or whatever). I enter
smfPricesBetween() as an array for the first symbol on the list. Then I
highlight that array and copy it down the list. The array does not have to
be adjacent to the list, just reference the pertinent cell. And the list
can be changed, sorted or whatever. Doesn't take much time or effort!
A …. M…T (array)
1 12/31/2011
2 VZ ….
{=smfPricesBetween($a2,$A$1, today())} [array entered]
And the ending date can be entered in B1, and referenced in the array, if
you want the data for the same dates for everything in the list.
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of rjemery7
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 10:26 PM
Subject: [smf_addin] Re: smfPricesBetween() as Array Formula
As Randy pointed out, that function only works for one ticker symbol at a
time, or one row at a time, which also needs to be defined as an array
formula. If I have nearly 1000 rows in a worksheet, that means each of those
rows would need to be defined as separate arrays.
The hassle comes when the worksheet/table is updated. Some symbols
disappear, new ones are added or a new column may be added. That now means I
would have to break nearly 1000 arrays and re-establish them one by one, an
onerous task most likely needed to be performed on a weekly basis.
I already suffer under the 200 ticker Yahoo limitation for
RCHGetYahooQuotes(). I never liked array formulas because of the need to
change the array frequently. I just may go back to single cell updates, even
if that means 10,000+ function calls and several minutes of recalc time,
solely for the larger convenience of table updates.
--- In <mailto:smf_addin%40yahoogro> , "V.
Shankar" <tarakayan@...> wrote:
> why not use smfPricesBetween to get 52w hi&Lo with corresponding dates?
> >____________________ _________ ___
> > From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...>
> >To: <mailto:smf_addin%40yahoogro>
> >Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 11:47 PM
> >Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: smfPricesBetween() as Array Formula
> >
> >
> >Â
> >The only sources I know of for 52-week high and low with dates all need
to be retrieved ticker by ticker.
> >
> >Instead of TODAY(), I usually use something like:
> >
> >=RCHGetYahooQuotes("SPY","d1" )
> >
> > that should get me the last trading date of the market.
> >
> >
> >On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 9:51 AM, rjemery7 <rjemery@...> wrote:
> >
> >What do you recommend instead?
> >>
> >>The 52-week high and low can be retrieved using RCHGetYahooQuotes(), but
not the corresponding dates.
> >>
> >>Also, what alternative do I have other than using TODAY()?
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
- 9a.
RCHGetYahooHistory spreadsheet error checking
Posted by: "Dan" danloper2002
Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:18 pm (PST)
My spreadsheet is getting the information for a stock, processing it, and moving on to the next stock. If stock is unavailable at the moment, I'm getting a "400" error. I am looking for information that can be used in error checking for my spreadsheet. Specifically, is there a way to retry a few times befor I get the error?
Any suggestions appreciated.
Best regards,
Dan Loper
- 9b.
Re: RCHGetYahooHistory spreadsheet error checking
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:46 pm (PST)
About the only way would be some type of VBA routine...
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 9:10 PM, Dan < > wrote:
> My spreadsheet is getting the information for a stock, processing it, and
> moving on to the next stock. If stock is unavailable at the moment, I'm
> getting a "400" error. I am looking for information that can be used in
> error checking for my spreadsheet. Specifically, is there a way to retry a
> few times befor I get the error?
> Any suggestions appreciated.
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