Messages In This Digest (14 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: IWM Option Quote From: alankc_mok
- 2a.
- Yahoo data base problem? From: lswpubrw
- 2b.
- Re: Yahoo data base problem? From: dguillett1
- 2c.
- Re: Yahoo data base problem? From: Randy Harmelink
- 3a.
- Re: AdvFN-Q numbers missing From: MikeM
- 3b.
- Re: AdvFN-Q numbers missing From: Charles Backus
- 4a.
- Looking for ISIN-codes via the RCHgetYahooquotes-formula From: RonaldKok_98
- 4b.
- Re: Looking for ISIN-codes via the RCHgetYahooquotes-formula From: Randy Harmelink
- 5a.
- Missing Data? From: rpc19522003
- 5b.
- Re: Missing Data? From: Randy Harmelink
- 6a.
- Newbie needs help From: werock1990
- 6b.
- Re: Newbie needs help From: Randy Harmelink
- 7a.
- Re : Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent From: taurines morgan
- 7b.
- Re: Re : Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent From: Randy Harmelink
- 1a.
Re: IWM Option Quote
Posted by: "alankc_mok" alankc_mok
Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:31 am (PST)
My bad. You are correct.
Thanks for your reply.
--- In , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> Not sure what to tell you. I just cut and pasted your formula and it
> returned $0.82, which is the amount I see on the Yahoo web page (this is
> the web page it extracts it from):
> q/op?s=IWM& m=2012-03
> What result are you seeing?
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 9:59 PM, alankc_mok <alankc_mok@...> wrote:
> >
> > I have difficulty in getting this IWM Option quote
> >
> > q?s=IWM120330P00 075000
> >
> > The code I used is as follows :-
> >
> > =smfGetYahooOptionQuote("IWM" ,"P",DATE( 2012,3,30) ,75,"b")
> >
> > Also, I use this quote for individual entry (non array).
> >
- 2a.
Yahoo data base problem?
Posted by: "lswpubrw" lswpubrlw
Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:42 am (PST)
My smf is working fine but I use another program, QPP40, that extracts historical data from Yahoo Financial that has been unable to download pricing since Friday. Has there been a change in the Yahoo data base layout?
Bob Warasila
- 2b.
Re: Yahoo data base problem?
Posted by: "dguillett1" donaldb36
Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:00 am (PST)
Yahoo has changed a lot of thing recently. I recently posted a macro that finds some common data point and then finds from there.
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
From: lswpubrw
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 7:42 AM
Subject: [smf_addin] Yahoo data base problem?
My smf is working fine but I use another program, QPP40, that extracts historical data from Yahoo Financial that has been unable to download pricing since Friday. Has there been a change in the Yahoo data base layout?
Bob Warasila
- 2c.
Re: Yahoo data base problem?
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:09 am (PST)
Nothing new in the CSV files that I'm aware of. But, as Don noted, Yahoo
has been playing around with quite a few things lately.
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:42 AM, lswpubrw < > wrote:
> **
> My smf is working fine but I use another program, QPP40, that extracts
> historical data from Yahoo Financial that has been unable to download
> pricing since Friday. Has there been a change in the Yahoo data base
> layout?
- 3a.
Re: AdvFN-Q numbers missing
Posted by: "MikeM" mikemcq802
Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:03 am (PST)
AdvFN adds Income Statement elements from a company's earnings release right away. Later, when the 10Q/10K comes out they can populate the cash flow and balance sheet items (and any missing Inc Stmt data). So, you will often see a mix of data in between these times.
AAII SiPro does this as well. Or, I should say they used to. They now only update the "Y1" elements for Inc Stmt but just leave the Y1 elements as they were for Cash Flow and B/S! This means you can have some Y1 data referring to most recent year and others referring to the prior fiscal year - ack!
--- In , "Joel" <joel.andrews@...> wrote:
> Randy,
> Thanks for all of your help with this awesome add-in.
> Thoughts. I have noticed lately that ADVfn doesn't report the most recent quarterly numbers (elements 9846, 9966, 10346, 10366, 11066, 11306, etc) for a lot of companies (eg. xom, bmy, lly, mrk, etc.). Is this just a short term hic-up on their part and have you seen this in the past? Should I start using maybe the google elements instead? Any thoughts would be appreciated?
> Joel
- 3b.
Re: AdvFN-Q numbers missing
Posted by: "Charles Backus" charlie51952
Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:46 am (PST)
Thanks for the clarification regarding SI Pro.
Who woulda thunk?
Charlie Backus
From: [ ] On Behalf
Of MikeM
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 6:03 AM
Subject: [smf_addin] Re: AdvFN-Q numbers missing
AdvFN adds Income Statement elements from a company's earnings release right
away. Later, when the 10Q/10K comes out they can populate the cash flow and
balance sheet items (and any missing Inc Stmt data). So, you will often see
a mix of data in between these times.
AAII SiPro does this as well. Or, I should say they used to. They now only
update the "Y1" elements for Inc Stmt but just leave the Y1 elements as they
were for Cash Flow and B/S! This means you can have some Y1 data referring
to most recent year and others referring to the prior fiscal year - ack!
--- In <mailto:smf_addin%40yahoogro> ,
"Joel" <joel.andrews@...> wrote:
> Randy,
> Thanks for all of your help with this awesome add-in.
> Thoughts. I have noticed lately that ADVfn doesn't report the most recent
quarterly numbers (elements 9846, 9966, 10346, 10366, 11066, 11306, etc) for
a lot of companies (eg. xom, bmy, lly, mrk, etc.). Is this just a short term
hic-up on their part and have you seen this in the past? Should I start
using maybe the google elements instead? Any thoughts would be appreciated?
> Joel
- 4a.
Looking for ISIN-codes via the RCHgetYahooquotes-formula
Posted by: "RonaldKok_98" RonaldKok_98
Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:13 am (PST)
Does anyone maybe know if it's possible to get the isin-code of a stock via the rchgetyahooquotes-formula?
Thanks in advance,
- 4b.
Re: Looking for ISIN-codes via the RCHgetYahooquotes-formula
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:33 am (PST)
Not that I'm aware of.
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:13 AM, RonaldKok_98 <> wrote:
> Does anyone maybe know if it's possible to get the isin-code of a stock
> via the rchgetyahooquotes-formula?
- 5a.
Missing Data?
Posted by: "rpc19522003" rpc19522003
Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:49 pm (PST)
After a long search, I stumbled across this group and found exactly what I've been looking for for a very long time! Thanks for all the great work that obviously went into this.
I searched the posts and couldn't find anything related to what I'm experiencing, so hopefully someone here can shed some light. I'm using solely the RCHGetElementNumber function to extract certain data elements (shown below) and I'm getting LOTS of errors. I believe I'm using the function correctly because some symbols provide all the data correctly, but my sheet contains over 7,000 symbols and I'm only getting a very small percentage of valid data. Over 6,500 of the symbols return errors for every element requested; most of the remaining symbols return one or more errors; only a very small handful of the 7000+ return a full set of valid data (I'm only showing a few of the elements I'm pulling in the table below).
The formula in each cell is "=RCHGetElementNumber($A4,B$ 3)" where the first criteria points to the symbol and the second references the element number which is shown to the right of the "Symbol:" column heading below).
Am I using the function correctly? Am I using the correct function? Is the available data from MSN and/or AdvFN as limited as it would appear? is there something else I may be missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Current EPS Date Current EPS Initial EPS Date Initial EPS Current Cash Flow Initial Cash Flow
Symbol: 333 153 340 160 6595 6603
AAPL 27.68 09/11 0.34 09/04 $3,730 $758
BLK 12.38 12/11 2.17 12/04 Error Error
CAG 1.9 05/11 1.02 05/04 $2,121 ($320)
CNI 5.44 12/11 2.18 12/04 ($617) ($571)
CTL 1.07 12/11 2.41 12/04 ($92) $537
CVS 2.59 12/11 0.88 01/05 $2,876 ($2,847)
CVX 13.44 12/11 6.14 12/04 ($2,100) $5,103
DIS 2.52 10/11 1.11 09/04 $30 $2,739
ETN 3.94 12/11 2.04 12/04 $723 ($282)
GE 1.23 12/11 1.59 12/04 $204,950 ($3,615)
TLP Error Error Error Error Error Error
RGP Error Error Error Error Error Error
ETP Error Error Error Error Error Error
EONGY Error Error Error Error Error Error
GAIN Error Error Error Error Error Error
NTLS Error Error Error Error Error Error
OSG Error Error Error Error Error Error
WBK Error Error Error Error Error Error
CMRE Error Error Error Error Error Error
HHILY Error Error Error Error Error Error
EROC Error Error Error Error Error Error
OLP Error Error Error Error Error Error
SUNS Error Error Error Error Error Error
GNTY Error Error Error Error Error Error
CRT Error Error Error Error Error Error
- 5b.
Re: Missing Data?
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:57 pm (PST)
Why do you need all that data?
The problem is you're trying to retrieve too much data. The add-in is
designed for ad hoc data retrieval, not to build a database. I don't want
people abusing the free data sources, just because it could be easy to. It
would be easy enough for them to modify their web pages to prevent
extraction of the data with something like the add-in.
What happens is the add-in stores up to 1000 web pages before it refuses to
get any more. It extracts the data from those stored web pages. Check out
the item on smfForceRecalculation from the "Links" area of the group for
more details on how the add-in does the extractions.
What you should be doing is using a screener to get down to a manageable
set of data, and then get more detailed data on that smaller universe.
If you need a good screener with financial statements data, I'd suggest It's not free, but for $15 a month, there's a lot of
things you can do with it. And it's one of the few online screeners with
backtesting capabilities with "point in time" data.
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:26 PM, rpc19522003 < > wrote:
> After a long search, I stumbled across this group and found exactly what
> I've been looking for for a very long time! Thanks for all the great work
> that obviously went into this.
> I searched the posts and couldn't find anything related to what I'm
> experiencing, so hopefully someone here can shed some light. I'm using
> solely the RCHGetElementNumber function to extract certain data elements
> (shown below) and I'm getting LOTS of errors. I believe I'm using the
> function correctly because some symbols provide all the data correctly, but
> my sheet contains over 7,000 symbols and I'm only getting a very small
> percentage of valid data. Over 6,500 of the symbols return errors for
> every element requested; most of the remaining symbols return one or more
> errors; only a very small handful of the 7000+ return a full set of valid
> data (I'm only showing a few of the elements I'm pulling in the table
> below).
> The formula in each cell is "=RCHGetElementNumber($A4,B$ 3)" where the
> first criteria points to the symbol and the second references the element
> number which is shown to the right of the "Symbol:" column heading below).
> Am I using the function correctly? Am I using the correct function? Is
> the available data from MSN and/or AdvFN as limited as it would appear? is
> there something else I may be missing? Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Current EPS Date Current EPS Initial EPS Date
> Initial EPS Current Cash Flow Initial Cash Flow
> Symbol: 333 153 340 160 6595 6603
> AAPL 27.68 09/11 0.34 09/04 $3,730 $758
> BLK 12.38 12/11 2.17 12/04 Error Error
> CAG 1.9 05/11 1.02 05/04 $2,121 ($320)
> CNI 5.44 12/11 2.18 12/04 ($617) ($571)
> CTL 1.07 12/11 2.41 12/04 ($92) $537
> CVS 2.59 12/11 0.88 01/05 $2,876 ($2,847)
> CVX 13.44 12/11 6.14 12/04 ($2,100) $5,103
> DIS 2.52 10/11 1.11 09/04 $30 $2,739
> ETN 3.94 12/11 2.04 12/04 $723 ($282)
> GE 1.23 12/11 1.59 12/04 $204,950 ($3,615)
> TLP Error Error Error Error Error Error
> RGP Error Error Error Error Error Error
> ETP Error Error Error Error Error Error
> EONGY Error Error Error Error Error Error
> GAIN Error Error Error Error Error Error
> NTLS Error Error Error Error Error Error
> OSG Error Error Error Error Error Error
> WBK Error Error Error Error Error Error
> CMRE Error Error Error Error Error Error
> HHILY Error Error Error Error Error Error
> EROC Error Error Error Error Error Error
> OLP Error Error Error Error Error Error
> SUNS Error Error Error Error Error Error
> GNTY Error Error Error Error Error Error
> CRT Error Error Error Error Error Error
- 6a.
Newbie needs help
Posted by: "werock1990" werock1990
Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:07 pm (PST)
Just getting started with this. Can someone give me an idea on how to pull a stock and/or mutual fund price quote from yahoo finance. What command?
Also, will this quote refresh? or should I say, how do I refresh the data once I initially import it.
I did look at the excel file that came with the download but it is not clear to me how to interpret it into a command line.
Thanks for any help.
- 6b.
Re: Newbie needs help
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:10 pm (PST)
Documentation for all of the user-defined functions is in the
"Documentation" folder of the files area. Also, be sure to check the
"Links" area of the group for FAQs and tips. All of the function
documentation should have examples.
For quotes, you want the RCHGetYahooQuotes() function. One of the "Links"
items has a step-by-step illustrated example of creating a quotes table.
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:57 PM, werock1990 < > wrote:
> Just getting started with this. Can someone give me an idea on how to pull
> a stock and/or mutual fund price quote from yahoo finance. What command?
> Also, will this quote refresh? or should I say, how do I refresh the data
> once I initially import it.
> I did look at the excel file that came with the download but it is not
> clear to me how to interpret it into a command line.
- 7a.
Re : Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent
Posted by: "taurines morgan" taurines_morgan
Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:23 am (PST)
Thanks Randy but I have the impression that sometimes the parsing works and sometimes does not.
By just using smfGetTagContent(" fr/search? ","h3",1),sourceid= chrome&ie= UTF-8&q=FR001001 3805+morningstar +snapshot
sometimes it fails sometimes it works for the same ISIN
Does google prevent automatization like the one I want to do? (multiple ISINs)
thanks a lot
_____________________ _________ __
De : Randy Harmelink < >
À :
Envoyé le : Mardi 21 février 2012 10h07
Objet : Re: Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent
It looks like the ampersand following the "id=" is also HTML encoded, as a "%26", so you'd need to substitute that as well. So this:
=smfStrExtr(SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( smfGetTagContent (" fr/search? ","h3",1),"%sourceid= chrome&ie= UTF-8&q=FR001001 3805+morningstar +snapshot 3D","="), "%26","&" ),"id="," &") me back:
Here's what I see with the SUBSTITUTE() functions:
<a href="/url?q= ">GSD Opale|ISIN :<b>FR0010013805<snapshot/ snapshot. aspx%3Fid% 3DF0GBR04VG9% 26tab%3D0& sa=U&ei=5l1DT- a2BM6-2AXW1- 2fCA&ved= 0CBEQFjAA& usg=AFQjCNETzEmV Xbw0vGiJ5vfmm- CPGhZijQ /b>|Antoine Galy|360 <b>...</b> - <b>Morningstar< /b></a>
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 1:08 AM, taurines morgan < > wrote:
>It has helped for some isin using the substitute function given there is no error in return of the getagcontent function
>but what is surprising is that getagcontent function does not work for the following ISIN FR0010013805 for example
>I do not see "real" difference in the source file (the tag h3 is there)
- 7b.
Re: Re : Re : [smf_addin] google search with smfgettagcontent
Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:41 am (PST)
**I don't use it in that way often enough to know...
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 1:23 AM, taurines morgan
< >wrote:
> Thanks Randy but I have the impression that sometimes the parsing works
> and sometimes does not.
> By just using smfGetTagContent("
> sourceid= chrome&ie= UTF-8&q=FR001001 3805+morningstar +snapshot
> ","h3",1),
> sometimes it fails sometimes it works for the same ISIN
> Does google prevent automatization like the one I want to do? (multiple
> ISINs)
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