Sorry if this is a re-post.
Yahoo glitch...getting more and more common.(:-(
Ugh! I am really sorry, Paul. I didn't intend for you to go to such detail on your *whole* algo. I understood the vast majority of it before. I only was after a 20,000 foot version (like what follows) of the "Else" you mentioned that you added after my comment. I thought it was only that part which addressed a loophole you saw in my algo.
You are swapping *all* potential transposition pairs (6) in every "new" string and comparing all six of these strings with every dictionary entry.
I was only comparing individual characters in both strings (the "new one" and each dictionary entry) and counting how many consecutive characters differ. I didn't have to check all characters in every string.
Comparing individual characters allows you to eliminate many un-necessary compares because you have already proven it can't be a transposition.
Here's the thought process:
When you get three non-matching characters in a row, quit this dictionary entry and go to the next dictionary entry. Don't keep comparing to that dictionary entry - three consecutive non-matches means it cannot be a transposition.
ONLY if you finish comparing with a dictionary entry and get only two consecutive non-matches, is it a potential transposition - mark it as a potential transposition. It is only for this last case where you have to compare all characters in the strings - thus you save many compares.
Here you should go to the next dictionary entry because you can have more than one two-character-swap matches
When you finish comparing a "new" string with the whole dictionary and do not get any two-character hits (which are potential transpositions), then it's not a potential transposition. Add this "new" string to the dictionary.
When you finish the dictionary, loop to the next "new" string.
That is where I was going. You can determine that a transposition is impossible before comparing the whole string, so stop comparing and move on.
I also noted that if these (P.O.) strings were assigned consecutively, I would do the comparisons from right to left, so I wasn't comparing mostly same characters. This would get to the three character guaranteed mis-matches in the string sooner for all non-transposed strings.
This only flags potential transpositions that must be human-resolved. DO you see a loophole in that?
--- In, Paul Schreiner <schreiner_paul@...> wrote:
> I know, right?Â
> when I wrote it, my VB Editor has it indented and looks clean and neat.
> Then, when I posted it, it stripped off the indents and makes it look messy!
> Â
> I'll try to describe my logic.
> I'll also skip descriptions of loops.
> Â
> Problem:
> He has a list of 7-digit numbers
> (I wasn't sure if they were strictly numeric or alpha-numeric, so I chose to treat them as 7 character strings)
> Â
> Being manually entered, there are MANY types of keying errors.
> For this project, he is only interested in looking for adjacent transposed digits that result in a number identical to a previously entered number.
> Â
> Solution:
> Â
> There is no way to determine which of the two numbers is correct:
> The first could have transposed digits making it match the second, or the reverse is true.
> So, I chose to "flag" both records for later evaluation.
> I decided that simply "flagging" the records doesn't indicate which digits or records caused the match, so I elected to use the matching record number as the "flag".
> Â
> I used a Dictionary Object to build a very fast index of the numbers.
> I also assumed a header row, so the data begins in row 2.
> I load the first number into the dictionary and save the row number of the entry (2).
> I then loop through the rest of the data:
> For R = 3 to nRows
> Â
> I load the cell value into the variable "ItemNo":
> ItemNo = Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "A").Value
> I then checked to see if this Item Number has already been used:
> If (Not Dict_Docs.exists(ItemNo)) Then
> Here is where an unanswered question was encountered.
> Is each record supposed to be unique?
> That is, can there be multiple entries with the same record number?
> If an exact match is allowed, then we would skip the record.
> If each record is supposed to be unique, then we should an an ELSE construct that will "flag" both this record and the previous matching record.
> I chose to "skip" the matching records.
> Next, the intent was to swap each of the pairs of numbers in the string and look to see if it results in a match to previously loaded numbers.
> for a number like: 1234567
> you can either start with the 1 and proceed to 6 (one less than the length),
> swapping each digit with the following digit,
> or start with the second digit to the last, swapping with the previous digit.
> I chose the latter:
> for inx = 2 to len(ItemNo)
> I then tested to two digits being swapped to see if they were the same.
> If (Mid(ItemNo, inx, 1) <> Mid(ItemNo, inx - 1, 1)) Then
> if you have a number like 1233567 and swap the third and fourth digit,
> you end up with the same number! which would be the same as comparing before swapping, so I skipped this iteration of the loop.
> Next, I needed to build a string with swapped digits (ItemNo2).
> for a number like 1234567, for the iteration where inx = 4,
> I'm swapping the 3rd and 4th digit.
> So the string looks like:
> "digits 1-2" & "4th digit" & "3rd digit" & "digits 5-7"
> Now, when you're working with a new number, the first character swap is the first two digits, so there's NOTHING to the left of the swapped digits.
> For this case (inx = 2) I set ItemNo2 = "", otherwise, I set it equal to the string prior to the swapped digits:
> ItemNo2 = Left(ItemNo, inx - 2)
> I then add the second of the swapped pair:
> ItemNo2 = ItemNo2 & Mid(ItemNo, inx, 1)
> Add the first of the swapped pair:
> ItemNo2 = ItemNo2 & Mid(ItemNo, inx - 1, 1)
> and then the balance of the string:
> ItemNo2 = ItemNo2 & Mid(ItemNo, inx + 1, Len(ItemNo) - inx)
> I then check to see if this newly generated number exists in the Dictionary.
> If it DOES NOT, then I proceed to check the rest of the adjacent pairs in the string.
> If at any time a matching string is found:
> Â I add the string with the transposed digits to a column in the row with the record being processed.
> I then retrieve the matched record from the dictionary. The Dictionary has the row number of the record.
> So in the row of the matched record, I put THIS record.
> Now... it's possible if someone transposes a number once, they could do it again.
> So, instead of overwriting the flag cell, I "concatenate" the contents with the current record number (using a ", " between records in the string)
> Now, before I check the record number, I set an AddFlag variable to "true".
> If the character swapping procedure encounters a match, this flag is set to "false".
> If, after checking the transposition of all characters, no matching record is found, then this new record is added to the Dictionary and move onto the next record.
> -----------------------------
> hope this helps
> Paul
> -----------------------------------------
> “Do all the good you can,
> By all the means you can,
> In all the ways you can,
> In all the places you can,
> At all the times you can,
> To all the people you can,
> As long as ever you can.†- John Wesley
> -----------------------------------------
> >________________________________
> >From: noskosteve <noskosteve@...>
> >To:
> >Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:25 PM
> >Subject: [ExcelVBA] Re: Transposition errors
> >
> >Â
> >
> >
> >Sorry Paul, but with all the clutter added by the paste and the code itself, I can't pull out the essence of your solution. For my info, could you vive a verbal summary of the basis of the algo...?
> >--
> >Steve
> >--- Paul Schreiner <schreiner_paul@> wrote:
> >>
> >> Steve N.
> >> Â
> >> You're right, I didn't provide for a duplicated number.
> >> But that's easy enough to fix.
> >> when checking to see if the Dictionary Item exists:
> >> If (Not Dict_Docs.exists(ItemNo)) then
> >> Â
> >> simply add an "else" section:
> >> Â
> >> Else
> >> Â Â Â If (Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "B").Value & "X" = "X") Then
> >> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "B").Value = ItemNo2
> >> Â Â Â Else
> >> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "B").Value = _
> >> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "B").Value & "," & ItemNo2
> >> Â Â Â End If
> >> Â Â Â If (Sheets(sht).Cells(Dict_Docs.Item(ItemNo2), "B").Value & "X" = "X") Then
> >> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sheets(sht).Cells(Dict_Docs.Item(ItemNo2), "B").Value = ItemNo
> >> Â Â Â Else
> >> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sheets(sht).Cells(Dict_Docs.Item(ItemNo2), "B").Value = _
> >> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sheets(sht).Cells(Dict_Docs.Item(ItemNo2), "B").Value & "," & ItemNo
> >> Â Â Â End If
> >> End IF
> >>
> >> As for speed...
> >> I tested with 10,000 records and it executed in less than two seconds.
> >> Spending a lot of time to reduce it to one second seems a bit... obsessive? ;)
> >>
> >>
> >> thanks for the review tough...
> >> Â
> >> Paul
> >> -----------------------------------------
> >> “Do all the good you can,
> >> By all the means you can,
> >> In all the ways you can,
> >> In all the places you can,
> >> At all the times you can,
> >> To all the people you can,
> >> As long as ever you can.†- John Wesley
> >> -----------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
> >> >________________________________
> >> >From: noskosteve <noskosteve@>
> >> >To:
> >> >Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 10:32 PM
> >> >Subject: [ExcelVBA] Re: Transposition errors
> >> >
> >> >Â
> >> >
> >> >Hmmm. This is indeed a challenge.
> >> >
> >> >Paul S's method appears to provide for lots of compares - 6 for every two entries as well as the transposition code cost. How about looking character-by-character, then counting the number of unequal characters. Only when you get two do you check for a transposition and the rest of the string. You stop comparing that pair when you have the third unequal character....
> >> >
> >> >While your method has VBA doing the full string compares and this is a Macro loop, yours compares each pair 6 times, guaranteed, plus 6 transpositions.
> >> >
> >> >This method does the majority compares of two entries only up to three characters. This would be skewed if many of the numbers were assigned in sequence. If that was the case, you can do the comparason from the right. This would significanty shorten how far you went "into" a majority of comparisons.
> >> >Perhaps this it too concerned with speed...?
> >> >
> >> >......
> >> >Thoughts and things to explore:
> >> >If these numbers are assigned by another department/function and simply entered by operators, it might be possible to request that a list of valid numbers be provided along with the data.
> >> >
> >> >......
> >> >With the stated constraints, there are several known opportunities for false positives and false negatives in the test, i.e. ...
> >> >
> >> >Saad says:
> >> >
> >> >A list comprises hundreds of entries.
> >> >
> >> >"The list usually contains duplicate values" ... The assumption being that at least one is error-free.
> >> >and
> >> >"...there is no control list which I can compare my data with. " ... Internal comparison 'appears' necessary.
> >> >and
> >> >"We have 2-3 instances where this problem arises" ... It is relatively rare.
> >> >
> >> >Implications:
> >> >A transposition error is relatively rare; 2-3 out of hundreds.
> >> >
> >> >Doing this 'internal comparison' depends on a number appearing at least twice in the list to catch the error.
> >> >However, If an operator does the same transposition twice (seems somewhat likely), this method won't catch it. It will appear to be a valid number, though it isn't - false negative.
> >> >
> >> >If the number is in the list only once, it can never be flagged as a possible transposition - possible false negative.
> >> >
> >> >If two *valid* numbers are possible that happen to have this type of transposition, they may, or may not be flagged (depending on how many times they appear in the list). For example, if the date is in the P.O. number, a P.O. done on the 12th and another done on the 21st would be flagged as a transposition *unless* they show up more than once each. Potential false positive or false negative.
> >> >
> >> >Just some thoughts.
> >> >--
> >> >Steve N.
> >> >
> >> >--- "paulschreinerindy" wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Saad,
> >> >>
> >> >> What I would do (and have done in the past) is utilize a Dictionary object.
> >> >> I would insert the first item into the Dictionary.
> >> >> Then, read the second item and see if it exists in the dictionary.
> >> >> If it does not, then:
> >> >> transpose each of the adjacent pairs of characters and look in the dictionary for the resulting string.
> >> >> If the string does not exist, add the original string to the dictionary and proceed.
> >> >>
> >> >> Keep in mind that this will ONLY check the transposition of two adjacent characters!
> >> >>
> >> >> I put the following macro together.
> >> >> I created a list of 10,000 7-digit "random" numbers, and the macro ran in about 2 seconds in Excel 2010.
> >> >>
> >> >> It ASSUMES that your numbers are in column "A".
> >> >> It puts the "original" value in column "B" for any suspected duplicates.
> >> >> ------------------------------------------------
> >> >>
> >> >> Option Explicit
> >> >>
> >> >> Sub Find_Transpose()
> >> >> Dim Dict_Docs
> >> >> Dim nRows As Integer, R As Integer, inx As Integer, sht As String
> >> >> Dim ItemNo As String
> >> >> Dim ItemNo2
> >> >> Dim AddFlag As Boolean
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> ThisWorkbook.Activate
> >> >> sht = "Data"
> >> >> Set Dict_Docs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
> >> >> Dict_Docs.RemoveAll
> >> >> nRows = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets(sht).Range("A1:A65000"))
> >> >> Sheets(sht).Range("B2:B" & nRows).ClearContents
> >> >> 'Add first item to Dictionary
> >> >> Dict_Docs.Add Sheets(sht).Cells(2, "A").Value, 2
> >> >> ' Loop Through remaining items
> >> >> For R = 3 To nRows
> >> >> ItemNo = Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "A").Value
> >> >> AddFlag = True
> >> >> If (Not Dict_Docs.exists(ItemNo)) Then
> >> >> If (Len(ItemNo) > 2) Then
> >> >> For inx = 2 To Len(ItemNo)
> >> >> If (Mid(ItemNo, inx, 1) <> Mid(ItemNo, inx - 1, 1)) Then
> >> >> If (inx = 2) Then
> >> >> ItemNo2 = ""
> >> >> Else
> >> >> ItemNo2 = Left(ItemNo, inx - 2)
> >> >> End If
> >> >> ItemNo2 = ItemNo2 & Mid(ItemNo, inx, 1)
> >> >> ItemNo2 = ItemNo2 & Mid(ItemNo, inx - 1, 1)
> >> >> ItemNo2 = ItemNo2 & Mid(ItemNo, inx + 1, Len(ItemNo) - inx)
> >> >> If (Dict_Docs.exists(ItemNo2)) Then
> >> >> If (Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "B").Value & "X" = "X") Then
> >> >> Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "B").Value = ItemNo2
> >> >> Else
> >> >> Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "B").Value = Sheets(sht).Cells(R, "B").Value & "," & ItemNo2
> >> >> End If
> >> >> If (Sheets(sht).Cells(Dict_Docs.Item(ItemNo2), "B").Value & "X" = "X") Then
> >> >> Sheets(sht).Cells(Dict_Docs.Item(ItemNo2), "B").Value = ItemNo
> >> >> Else
> >> >> Sheets(sht).Cells(Dict_Docs.Item(ItemNo2), "B").Value = Sheets(sht).Cells(Dict_Docs.Item(ItemNo2), "B").Value & "," & ItemNo
> >> >> End If
> >> >> AddFlag = False
> >> >> Exit For
> >> >> End If
> >> >> End If
> >> >> Next inx
> >> >> If (AddFlag) Then Dict_Docs.Add ItemNo, R
> >> >> End If
> >> >> End If
> >> >> Next R
> >> >> MsgBox "Finished"
> >> >> End Sub
> >> >>
> >> >> --------------------------------------------------
> >> >> Paul
> >> >>
> >> >> -----------------------------------------
> >> >> "Do all the good you can,
> >> >> By all the means you can,
> >> >> In all the ways you can,
> >> >> In all the places you can,
> >> >> At all the times you can,
> >> >> To all the people you can,
> >> >> As long as ever you can." - John Wesley
> >> >> -----------------------------------------
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --- In, Saad Usman <saad.saadusman@> wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > > Dear Excel Wizards:
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > I have tried to google my issue, but have not been able to find a solution so far.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > The problem is that I receive data in the form of a list of hundreds of records where entries in one particular column (say part number) comprise of 7 digits. The list usually contains duplicate values, which I have been able to identify using conditional formatting. However some times, the data entry operator makes transposition errors (for e.g. feeding 1243567 instead of 1234567). I need to identify those cells where at least 5 digits are identical so that I can manually decide whether there is an error in data entry.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > Any help via formulas/macro would be greatly welcomed.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > Regards, Saad
> >> >> >
> >> >> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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