15 New Messages
Digest #2809
Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:15 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Hi everyone...I've been trying to pull valuations from gurufocus..namely the net current asset value, intrisic value, median p/s value, and the graham number.
These valuation measures are located http://www.gurufocus.com/stock/AMZN top center area. I was able to pull other information off the page like market cap and such but not the valuation measures.
Is there any way to pull these measures?
If you actually click on the measures it takes you to another page that gives the actual number. I tried pulling from there to and could not. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
These valuation measures are located http://www.gurufocu
Is there any way to pull these measures?
If you actually click on the measures it takes you to another page that gives the actual number. I tried pulling from there to and could not. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:53 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Not a trivial extraction. The data is put onto the page with JavaScript. I
think these will pull the five items out of the JavaScript code:
"script",-1,"var data = "),2,"{"),"y:",","))
"script",-1,"var data = "),3,"{"),"y:",","))
"script",-1,"var data = "),4,"{"),"y:",","))
"script",-1,"var data = "),5,"{"),"y:",","))
"script",-1,"var data = "),6,"{"),"y:",","))
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 7:15 AM, <adas212@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone...I've been trying to pull valuations from gurufocus..namely
> the net current asset value, intrisic value, median p/s value, and the
> graham number.
> These valuation measures are located http://www.gurufocus.com/stock/AMZNtop center area. I was able to pull other information off the page like
> market cap and such but not the valuation measures.
> Is there any way to pull these measures?
> If you actually click on the measures it takes you to another page that
> gives the actual number. I tried pulling from there to and could not. Any
> help would be appreciated.
think these will pull the five items out of the JavaScript code:
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 7:15 AM, <adas212@yahoo.
> Hi everyone...I&#
> the net current asset value, intrisic value, median p/s value, and the
> graham number.
> These valuation measures are located http://www.gurufocu
> market cap and such but not the valuation measures.
> Is there any way to pull these measures?
> If you actually click on the measures it takes you to another page that
> gives the actual number. I tried pulling from there to and could not. Any
> help would be appreciated.
Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:22 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Kermit W. Prather" kermitpra
I have a premium account at dividend.com and they do not list the 2 items you mentioned. I looked into dividata.com and they list the 2 items but don't have a reason for any of the entries.
From: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com [mailto:smf_addin@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Gary.Hartling@gmail.com
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2013 10:13 AM
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [smf_addin] RE: History of special and regular dividends?
Try dividend.com, they usually separate out the regular and special dividends. They have premium info which requires a paid subscription but the basic dividend info is free.
--Gary H.
---In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, <acetylator@...> wrote:
Hello all,
I am wondering whether anybody knows where one can get historical dividends for a selected company which distinguish special and regular dividends?
Currently, I use this source:
http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/x?s=MO <http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/x?s=MO&a=01&b=01&c=1970&g=v&y=0&z=30000> &a=01&b=01&c=1970&g=v&y=0&z=30000
to get dividend history, but special and regular dividends are mixed altogether, so for MO i get special dividend $51.06 for 2008.03.31 and $21.909 for 2007.04.02, which distort the whole statistics (I am trying to calculate number of consecutive years with increasing dividends). So I am looking for some source that would designate special and regular dividends so I can filter out the special ones.
Any suggestion from the honorable community? :-)
Thank you, Ace.
From: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2013 10:13 AM
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Subject: [smf_addin] RE: History of special and regular dividends?
Try dividend.com, they usually separate out the regular and special dividends. They have premium info which requires a paid subscription but the basic dividend info is free.
--Gary H.
---In smf_addin@yahoogrou
Hello all,
I am wondering whether anybody knows where one can get historical dividends for a selected company which distinguish special and regular dividends?
Currently, I use this source:
to get dividend history, but special and regular dividends are mixed altogether, so for MO i get special dividend $51.06 for 2008.03.31 and $21.909 for 2007.04.02, which distort the whole statistics (I am trying to calculate number of consecutive years with increasing dividends). So I am looking for some source that would designate special and regular dividends so I can filter out the special ones.
Any suggestion from the honorable community? :-)
Thank you, Ace.
Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:26 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Roger Diaz" rogerdiazbernal
Where to get this function?
Where to get this function?
Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:54 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
It's in the add-in. But, as I said, it was something I developed for my own
use, as I use it, so there was no plan to announce or document its
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Roger Diaz <rogerdiazb@gmail.com> wrote:
> Randy:
> Where to get this function?
> Roger
use, as I use it, so there was no plan to announce or document its
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Roger Diaz <rogerdiazb@gmail.
> Randy:
> Where to get this function?
> Roger
Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:52 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Roger Diaz" rogerdiazbernal
I would like to try it, but it is in the add-in
I would like to try it, but it is in the add-in
Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:07 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
I'll assume you meant to write "isn't".
You may have an old version of the add-in. It was written in January of
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Roger Diaz <rogerdiazb@gmail.com> wrote:
> Randy:
> I would like to try it, but it is in the add-in
> Roger.
You may have an old version of the add-in. It was written in January of
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Roger Diaz <rogerdiazb@gmail.
> Randy:
> I would like to try it, but it is in the add-in
> Roger.
Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:19 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Roger Diaz" rogerdiazbernal
Sorry. You're right.
Could you include it in the current add-in?
Could you include it in the current add-in?
Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:25 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
It should be...it's been there since January of 2012. So whatever releases
were after that date should include it.
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Roger Diaz <rogerdiazb@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry. You're right.
> Could you include it in the current add-in?
> Roger
were after that date should include it.
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Roger Diaz <rogerdiazb@gmail.
> Sorry. You're right.
> Could you include it in the current add-in?
> Roger
Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:31 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"V. Shankar" tarakayan
Is there any change in the functions? My spreadsheet that has been working great almost over one year, now stopped
I get #value in all the cells with the formula {(=RCHGetYahooQuotes(G5:G21,"L1")}
I get #value in all the cells with the formula {(=RCHGetYahooQuote
Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:55 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
I just cut and pasted your formula into my worksheet and it worked fine.
Did you have something other than ticker symbols in cells G5:G21?
Do you get the same result after running the smfForceRecalculation macro?
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:48 AM, V. Shankar <tarakayan@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Is there any change in the functions? My spreadsheet that has been
> working great almost over one year, now stopped
> I get #value in all the cells with the formula
> {(=RCHGetYahooQuotes(G5:G21,"L1")}
Did you have something other than ticker symbols in cells G5:G21?
Do you get the same result after running the smfForceRecalculati
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:48 AM, V. Shankar <tarakayan@yahoo.
> Is there any change in the functions? My spreadsheet that has been
> working great almost over one year, now stopped
> I get #value in all the cells with the formula
> {(=RCHGetYahooQuote
Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:42 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Hi everybody.
I need some hints from smarter developers than me...:-). I Wanted to retrieve 2 fields from zacks:
Current year - Up last 30 days
Current year - Down last 30 days
I Wrote the code in an excel worksheet for a symbol:
=RCHGetTableCell("http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/ADBE/detailed-estimates";3;"Agreement - Estimate Revisions";"Up Last 30 Days")
=RCHGetTableCell("http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/ADBE/detailed-estimates";3;"Agreement - Estimate Revisions";"Down Last 30 Days")
Than i opened the file "smf-eleements-6.txt" that contains zacks ref number and I assigned at one of this function a free number (13892)
13892;Zacks;Up Last 30 Days -- Current Year;=RCHGetTableCell("http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/~~~~~/detailed-estimates",3,"Agreement - Estimate Revisions","Up Last 30 Days")
I replaced the Symbol with tildas for a universal use.
I suppose that something else shorts.... :-), because when i write
where A1 contains a given symbol, I always obtain "errror".
Where I'm doing mistakes???
many thanks to everybody! Great work! Great Group!
I need some hints from smarter developers than me...:-). I Wanted to retrieve 2 fields from zacks:
Current year - Up last 30 days
Current year - Down last 30 days
I Wrote the code in an excel worksheet for a symbol:
Than i opened the file "smf-eleements
I replaced the Symbol with tildas for a universal use.
I suppose that something else shorts.... :-), because when i write
where A1 contains a given symbol, I always obtain "errror"
Where I'm doing mistakes???
many thanks to everybody! Great work! Great Group!
Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:01 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Hmmm. I just copied and pasted your new element definition and it works
fine here. I don't think it has to do with the comma and semi-colon
differences in our normal spreadsheet usage. Especially since other
elements work. Or do they? Do other elements with formulas in the
definition work for you?
Also...from a message on the same topic the other day:
You should put your custom elements in smf-element-20.txt. The add-in loads
definitions from smf-element-0.txt, then smf-element-1.txt, then
smf-element-2.txt, ..., and lastly smf-element-20.txt.
So, then, your custom elements would override any from previous files.
You wouldn't want to put your definitions in an existing file, because then
when the add-in is updated (or if that file needs to be updated
separately), your custom definitions would go away.
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 5:54 AM, <fdrulovic@yahoo.it> wrote:
> I need some hints from smarter developers than me...:-). I Wanted to
> retrieve 2 fields from zacks:
> Current year - Up last 30 days
> and
> Current year - Down last 30 days
> I Wrote the code in an excel worksheet for a symbol:
> =RCHGetTableCell("http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/ADBE/detailed-estimates";3;"Agreement
> - Estimate Revisions";"Up Last 30 Days")
> and
> =RCHGetTableCell("http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/ADBE/detailed-estimates";3;"Agreement
> - Estimate Revisions";"Down Last 30 Days")
> Than i opened the file "smf-eleements-6.txt" that contains zacks ref
> number and I assigned at one of this function a free number (13892)
> 13892;Zacks;Up Last 30 Days -- Current Year;=RCHGetTableCell("
> http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/~~~~~/detailed-estimates",3,"Agreement -
> Estimate Revisions","Up Last 30 Days")
> I replaced the Symbol with tildas for a universal use.
> I suppose that something else shorts.... :-), because when i write
> =RCHGetElementNumber(A1;13892)
> where A1 contains a given symbol, I always obtain "errror".
> Where I'm doing mistakes???
> many thanks to everybody! Great work! Great Group!
fine here. I don't think it has to do with the comma and semi-colon
differences in our normal spreadsheet usage. Especially since other
elements work. Or do they? Do other elements with formulas in the
definition work for you?
Also...from a message on the same topic the other day:
You should put your custom elements in smf-element-
definitions from smf-element-
So, then, your custom elements would override any from previous files.
You wouldn't want to put your definitions in an existing file, because then
when the add-in is updated (or if that file needs to be updated
separately), your custom definitions would go away.
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 5:54 AM, <fdrulovic@yahoo.
> I need some hints from smarter developers than me...:-). I Wanted to
> retrieve 2 fields from zacks:
> Current year - Up last 30 days
> and
> Current year - Down last 30 days
> I Wrote the code in an excel worksheet for a symbol:
> =RCHGetTableCell(
> - Estimate Revisions"
> and
> =RCHGetTableCell(
> - Estimate Revisions"
> Than i opened the file "smf-eleements
> number and I assigned at one of this function a free number (13892)
> 13892;Zacks;
> http://www.zacks.
> Estimate Revisions"
> I replaced the Symbol with tildas for a universal use.
> I suppose that something else shorts.... :-), because when i write
> =RCHGetElementNumbe
> where A1 contains a given symbol, I always obtain "errror"
> Where I'm doing mistakes???
> many thanks to everybody! Great work! Great Group!
Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:49 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 8:56 PM, <joel.andrews@lpl.com> wrote:
> I have two questions...and as always thanks for your help.
> 1.) I use the following formula to obtain the total assets of a stock,
> say "msft" that is located in cell c4.
> =RCHGetTableCell("http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s="&C4,1,"Total Assets")
> What do I need to change in the formula to obtain an indented piece of
> information on the balance sheet, say Inventory which is a sub category of
> Current Assets?
Ummm? Just change to "Inventory":
> 2.) What change to the formula do I need to make to obtain the annual
> balance sheet instead of quarterly? I know I need to add an &annual but I
> can't figure out where to include it in the formula.
Just concatenate it as a third string in the series:
> I have two questions...
> 1.) I use the following formula to obtain the total assets of a stock,
> say "msft" that is located in cell c4.
> =RCHGetTableCell(
> What do I need to change in the formula to obtain an indented piece of
> information on the balance sheet, say Inventory which is a sub category of
> Current Assets?
Ummm? Just change to "Inventory&quo
> 2.) What change to the formula do I need to make to obtain the annual
> balance sheet instead of quarterly? I know I need to add an &annual but I
> can't figure out where to include it in the formula.
Just concatenate it as a third string in the series:
Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:40 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
Hello I am new to this amazing forum .
Could you please help me with Dividends download?
I want to download in a sheet all the available(or within a range of dates ) dividends and the ex-dividend dates ...
Which formula should I use for that ?
Could you please help me with Dividends download?
I want to download in a sheet all the available(or within a range of dates ) dividends and the ex-dividend dates ...
Which formula should I use for that ?
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