Kamis, 03 November 2011

[ExcelVBA] Re: Assigning value to a cell


summit is mis-spelled
>>From: BarryN <brnaugle@yahoo.com>
>>To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
>>Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2011, 14:44
>>Subject: [ExcelVBA] Re: Assigning value to a cell
>>no protection....
>>if i run it in a sub procedure it works fine, but i'm running it as a function procedure.
>>This works:
>>Public Sub sumit2()
>>Dim d1 As Date
>>Dim d2 As Date
>>Dim cat As String
>>Dim sumitanswer As Double
>>Dim criteria2 As Range
>>Dim rngN03 As Range
>>d1 = "1 / 1 / 2011"
>>d2 = "6 / 30 / 2011"
>>cat = "Mortgage"
>>Set rngN03 = Range("rngn03")
>>Set criteria2 = Sheets("Adjustments").Range(Cells(1,3), Cells(3,12))
>>Sheets("Adjustments").Cells(2, 3) = ">=" & d1
>>Sheets("Adjustments").Cells(3, 3) = "<=" & d2
>>Sheets("Adjustments").Cells(2, 8) = cat
>>sumitanswer = WorksheetFunction.DSum(rngN03, "Amt", criteria2)
>>End Sub
>>This does not:
>>Public Function sumit(Dat1 As Date, dat2 As Date, cat As String) As Double
>>Dim criteria As Range
>>Dim rngN03 As Range
>>Set rngN03 = Range("rngn03")
>>Set criteria = Sheets("Adjustments").Range(Cells(1, 3), Cells(3, 12))
>>Sheets("Adjustments").Cells(3, 2) = ">=" & Dat1
>>Sheets("Adjustments").Cells(3, 3) = "<=" & dat2
>>Sheets("Adjustments").Cells(2, 8) = cat
>>summit = WorksheetFunction.DSum(rngN03, "Amt", criteria)
>>End Function
>>--- In ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com, Derek Turner <g4swy@...> wrote:
>>> Protection ?
>>> >________________________________
>>> >From: "david.smart@..." <david.smart@...>
>>> >To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
>>> >Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2011, 2:04
>>> >Subject: RE: [ExcelVBA] Re: Assigning value to a cell
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 
>>> >Can you post more of the code. Certainly, this code works fine for me:
>>> >
>>> >Option Explicit
>>> >
>>> >Sub x()
>>> >Dim D1 As Date
>>> >D1 = Now()
>>> >Sheets("Adjustments").Cells(3, 2) = ">=" & D1
>>> >End Sub
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Regards, Dave S
>>> >
>>> >________________________________
>>> >
>>> >From: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com] On
>>> >Behalf Of BarryN
>>> >Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2011 11:49
>>> >To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
>>> >Subject: [ExcelVBA] Re: Assigning value to a cell
>>> >
>>> >Thanks Dave - but this is in a function procedure where D1 and D2 are
>>> >inputs defined as Date. I've tried adding "Range", "Value" etc without
>>> >success and suspect there is something in the references or elsewhere
>>> >messing this up.
>>> >
>>> >Barry
>>> >
>>> >--- In ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com <mailto:ExcelVBA%40yahoogroups.com> ,
>>> ><david.smart@> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Firstly ... why it disappears rather than throwing an error ... I'm
>>> >> assuming that this line of code is in an event handler, e.g. a change
>>> >> event. When Excel encounters a problem in an event handler, it
>>> >> terminates the event without further notification.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> > Sheets("Adjustments").cells(3,2)=">=" & D1
>>> >>
>>> >> This requires that you have a sheet called Adjustments and a variable
>>> >> called D1. I suspect you actually want to refer to the cell D1, which
>>> >> will require a Range("D1"), possibly also with a sheet qualifier.
>>> >>
>>> >> Also, please use .Value or .Formula as appropriate, so that Excel
>>> >knows
>>> >> where to put/get the information, so
>>> >>
>>> >> > Sheets("Adjustments").cells(3,2).Value = ">=" & Range("D1").Value
>>> >>
>>> >> Also, if D1 has a date in it, then you probably want to convert it to
>>> >a
>>> >> date string before you append it to the >=. Otherwise you'll just get
>>> >> the numeric value of the date, I suspect.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Regards, Dave S
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ________________________________
>>> >>
>>> >> From: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com <mailto:ExcelVBA%40yahoogroups.com>
>>> >[mailto:ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com <mailto:ExcelVBA%40yahoogroups.com> ]
>>> >On
>>> >> Behalf Of BarryN
>>> >> Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2011 01:16
>>> >> To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com <mailto:ExcelVBA%40yahoogroups.com>
>>> >> Subject: [ExcelVBA] Assigning value to a cell
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> I've done this dozens of times but when I step through a function to
>>> >> this line of code:
>>> >>
>>> >> Sheets("Adjustments").cells(3,2)=">=" & D1
>>> >>
>>> >> where D1 is a date, the yellow line disappears and the function stops.
>>> >>
>>> >> Obvious solution but I can't see it - thanks!
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ----------
>>> >>
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